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Will ATS be Swamped with Nonsense Throughout 2012?

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posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:18 AM
Hi all,

with the window of time getting shorter in the lead up to December 2012, I wonder if ATS will actually be a very frustrating place to be throughout 2012?

I mean, can you imagine if there were a significant Earthquake like the 8.8 in Chile, or an Earthquake swarm like the recent one in Yellowstone.

I hope people can take a step back and not get Blinkered in their thinking.

The 2012 Forum could very well have the potential to be full of absolute nonsense for well over a whole year!!

I know some may think it's all nonsense anyway, but can you imagine if every Major Quake, or Breaking News event were to be linked to the end of Times in 2012??

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

Mate it's gonna get messy.

Think GFL, Swine flu, G20 summit, 9/11 and the current earthquake flap combined, then multiply it by a factor of a thousand.

I have already decided I will be far far away from ATS in the days leading up to December 21st 2012.

The only thing will be a certainty is that ATS will be overloaded with rubbish and BS. First it will be all the believers of 2012 flooding the forums with every little thing that they believe is linked to 2012.

Then once the day passes by, the forum will be filled with "I told you so" threads and "oh but the date is actually...threads"

I will be thinking of the ATS mods and admin and the extremely difficult time they will have in the lead up to all this.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:34 AM
ATS is already swamped with nonsense, and its only 2010. I can most definitely see it getting worse as worse as 2012 approaches.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:40 AM
With the next presidential elections in 2012, yes ATS will be filled with a ton of nonsense threads

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:48 AM
What is it currently swamped with?

Just kidding, kind of.

Oh my, i can see 2012 down the road, people googleing it and getting this site. HooHa.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

I'm with you Chadwickus. I'm going to stay off line and pretend that humanity isn't as stupid as what it will appear on this forum.

It's going to be a Tsunami of BS! I think some kind of bio-hazard suit is in order because we're going to be up to our necks in it. That can't be sanitary right?


posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:11 AM
regardless of what you or i think, ATS is going to make a stack of advertising dollars
out of it!

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:17 AM
And what if all you skeptics are wrong?

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

I am not a skeptic!
hence the "regardless..."
but it will be taken advantage of for dollars, that's for sure.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:49 AM
You're definitly gonna get some crazy people start to pop up
, but i think theres enough people on ATS that know what they're on about that it shouldn't get that bad

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

You know what, I've seen people make predictions pretty much every week if not more here on ATS, none of them coming true for the most part, but you all have to admit that the recent activity going on with the earth as a whole is seemingly depressing all around. Not just natural disasters but also with politics and economy.

Now I'm not saying 2012 will be the end of times/days or the end of civilization as we know it, however what I am implying is that that may end up happening before 2012 comes to ever see light (if it even does).

I'd like to hope that all the worlds problems can be settled peacefully but we all know that is not going to happen - war will happen, is happening, and will just get worse.

So to answer your question in the OP, I think yes in 2012 there will be many of threads trying to, or actually, linking said subjects to the whole 2012 conspiracy. But like I said, people could be linking it all to the build up of 2012 right now because really things are starting to play out the way people of the past/present have predicted.

Even science (including NASA) have backed up the claims about solar flares getting worse in 2012 - AND not to mention that there is a huge hole (10x bigger than any other was known) in our earths atmosphere which is huge, and by the time 2012 comes who knows how much bigger it will be.

Check out these pictures, they explain it simple and easy.

First, this should explain a bit about how our earth is protected

This is a picture of the hole in the earths ozone currently

So as you can see, I sure can understand why people may be scared/paranoid. I'm not at that point, what I am right now though is curious and intrigued.

*edit to add more information:

First, check this website out "" it will explain a lot and has good information on the site.

Here is an image from the site that I wanted to include (check the site for great explanations with lots of pictures to help you understand)

[edit on 28-2-2010 by highlyoriginal]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

I think you've misinterpreted the solar flare thing.

2012 was going to be the year that the sun would be at it's maximum, a eleven year cycle from it's minimum.

The maximum has now been put back to 2013 due to the prolonged minimum the sun has been experiencing.

So that's all that has been confirmed by the likes of NASA, but it is still no certainty and may change again.

Having said that, a major CME could erupt at any time, 2012, tomorrow or 2100.

Also your images are showing the ozone layer, which absorbs ultraviolet light.

A solar storm contains a whole lot more than just ultraviolet light.
I believe you are looking for the magnetosphere.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:19 AM
I am going to recommend that people get an industrial strength snowblower to get through all the total bs that is going to pile on here in 2012.

I think I will be hanging out in BTS for most of that year.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

Will ATS be Swamped with Nonsense Throughout 2012?


But oh...the parties that we will have will make it all so very worthwhile. I'm already seeing invitations for end-of-the-world BBQ's. Whether the world ends, or we ascend, or even it's all just the Y2K bug version 2, I'm planning on enjoying it to the fullest.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:22 AM
As long as people follow the rules for posting, nothing should be considered nonsense.

Specifically regarding Doomsday. I don't think 2012 will be the end, but as the date draws near it will be scary. Note how 2012 coincides loosely with a solar max.

People have seemed panicky since the Haiti quake. It is interesting to follow what governments may do at this point. The carbon tax idea has fallen apart like a two dollar watch.

I am waiting for some scientist to suggest a solar deflector for the earth.

Expect an active hurricane season in the US this year. Active, but not a record. Ocean temps. haven't risen enough yet even with the recent solar activity.

Anyway where is the evacuation fleet? Will someone, somewhere spark up a SOS beacon. Is that the mother of all mother ships idling off Saturn, or just an illusion.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 05:29 AM
I expect it to be a 'swamping' of anything and everything. As the acceleration of change outpaces our inherent cognitive capabilities to cope with that change, we'll undergo societal shock unlike anything we've ever experienced as a species. It's happening now, though critical mass I suspect will be reached sometime over the next two or three years.

Accompanying this perceived acceleration of change is also the perception that time is accelerating. All generations have experienced this to some extent. Our grandparents told us it passes faster and faster. Our parents told us …and now the next generation is experiencing it, however these are extraordinary times. The change we experience now from year to year, week to week is like nothing ever experienced before in all of human history. The pace of technology is speeding up, if fact computer processing capabilities double every 18 months according to Moore’s Law. When one form of computing is exhausted, another rises to the occasion. If this progresses unimpeded, some think a scenario known as technological singularity will occur, which might be great if we can only get through the next few years.

PC capacity is only one factor of acceleration we’re having to simultaneously adapt to just to survive in today’s world. Climate change is accelerating. Developments regarding genetics and the ability to alter what makes us human are accelerating. The amount of information made available to us is increasing, as is our appetite for that information. New social connections via networking technology is speeding up mass communication and likewise reducing the separation between individuals, groups and entire countries.

Given this growing relationship as a global community, we now have to worry even more about political decisions made in other countries, even the smaller and less developed nations. Fears of war, disease, terrorism, economic collapse, catastrophes, destruction on a global scale…these are all on the rise given how more and more is becoming connected. Whereas people used to have to only worry about war once in a lifetime (if that), we’re being made aware of tens if not hundreds of cases of upheaval every year. The change we experience each day now is equal to the change experienced over years in the past, and this comparison is becoming more and more exaggerated as time passes. Now, our days are divided up so finely in processing one bit of information to the next, each day contains a year’s worth of data.

The result is not a prolonging of day to day experience, where a day feels like a year. It’s just the opposite. Moments now carry with them epochs whizzing by, and we feel it as a chaotic acceleration of time.

One of the best (and earliest) examples of this being discussed is in the book Future Shock (pdf) written by Alvin Toffler in 1970. In it, he links a new type of stress (‘future shock’ - which he refers to as a psychological state) caused by the rate of change in developed societies. One side-effect of future shock is the impression that time itself is speeding up.

In a quote from the book, Toffler writes:

“Future shock is a time phenomenon, a product of the greatly accelerated rate of change in society. It arises from the superimposition of a new culture on an old one. It is culture shock in one's own society. But its impact is far worse. For most Peace Corps men, in fact most travellers, have the comforting knowledge that the culture they left behind will be there to return to. The victim of future shock does not.”

If this is indeed a psychological state induced by the increasing pace of the world around us, then I too suffer from this affliction. The above was however written in 1970, and this was a very new idea then - that technological progress could affect people so strangely, and adversely. Things were just getting strange in the 70's with revolutions in computing and communication. Today’s society is worlds beyond that discussed, or possibly even imagined, when the book was written.

What's becoming clear to many is that we approach a time where nothing can be predicted (or even imagined) beyond it. The perceived chaos of day to day living will make it too difficult to predict what will happen in one hour, let alone in months, days, or weeks. Humans have arrived at this point in there evolution and advancement because of a special built-in ability to cope with and adapt to change in order to secure the survival and propagation of the species. There is a limit however to what we are mentally and physically able to coherently cope with – this is the breakpoint I see fast approaching.

In my honest opinion, in the very near future we as a society will reach overload - the point where we just won't be able to take it anymore (much like a worst-case future shock). We will become so connected, so aware, so in tune, so worried and pulled in multiple directions that the primal portions of our brains will either snap or shut down completely. This is already happening now however the process will take quite awhile to reach the point where society breaks down. If the process were graphed, it would be a bell curve, with the pinnacle I expect to be around the end of 2012.

Some people will take this opportunity to 'flip out' and remove themselves and/or others from the collective (which is happening more and more). Some may refuse to play the games anymore called 'society' and 'culture,' and they may revert (or re-evolve) back to simpler living. And some may look within themselves, see that what's wrong with society has also been what's wrong with them, and opt to change, thus helping create an entirely new society...and entirely new future.

With this change will come a new perception of time, new societal values, new goals for progress, new standards of education, a completely new collective consciousness, and renewed hope for being the humans we were meant to be – less hurried and more aware. It will be initially like society hitting a massive brick wall; this acceleration will stop quite quickly, and we will snap out of this stupor we’ve all been living in. Suddenly we’ll have the time we’ve been missing.

One by-product of this mass inability to cope with this accelerating mess we've collectively created is to claim 'the sky is falling.' It could very well be, given there are so many factors contributing to this period in history, however seeing the end around every corner is a natural side effect of modern life.

I'm personally torn between two realities - the logical and the seemingly insane. People are behaving abnormally, weather seems to fluctuate into anomalous extremes more often, the Sun is behaving uncharacteristically, and all this is accompanied by stories from various native peoples correlating these 'signs' with tumultuous times of change. TPTB seem hell-bent on roping us all into a globally governed society, and there seems to be a very palpable underlying thread to reality that 'not is all well and good on planet Earth.'

To deny the above would be just as insane and totally believing it. Therefore it is important that we do not collectively submit to future shock over these next few years, and that we keep an open mind to those warning the end is nigh. I've said it before and I'll say it again, these are extraordinary times for humanity. This is make or break territory, and we owe it to future generations to get our sh_t together, to stop bickering, to act logically and coherently without refusing information that could very well be our salvation as a species.

So yes, there will be a 'BS tsunami,' but that unsavoury portion of the wave will be quite miniscule compared to everything else that will be thrown our way more and more. We will have to adapt or admit defeat, as has been the case throughout our evolutionary history.

[edit on 28/2/10 by Evasius]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:37 PM
I think that is a more accurate prediction and may be the exact result of 2012.

I get pretty tired of hearing the "truth" regurgitated out of someone's esophagus every five to eight minutes... but the scientific evidence is overwhelming.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by Crapsghetti]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Every source of communication is going to be filled with nonsense in 2012. The MSM is going to fear-monger about it; History Channel's going to double their number of specials about it; the entire internet's going to get waves of madness. It's going to be confusing and annoying EVERYWHERE. Even if some people are right and something's going to happen, there are enough alternative possibilities that there's going to be a lot of nonsense and BS EVERYWHERE. ATS just actively invites the people who will theorize.

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Evasius

Nice reply Evasius.

It does definatley feel like time is speeding up. So many people are saying so.

As most replies to this thread state, the BS meter will be off the scale on here, but like you say, maybe that's just going to be a tiny piece of what's to come over the next while.

We are living in exciting times and I am excited to see myself what happens both before and after 2012.(although I try to sit on the fence with most ideas of 2012) Technology is certainly a big factor, and especially the Internet. In my opinion, the internet itself seems to be like a whopping big Amplifier of information that's pointing itself at everyone.

We are all subjected to masses of information on every subject imaginable day in day out.

The effects of "programming" are well documented throughout the years by Television. How can the Internet compare to this? It a monster.

I remember the Y2k, and think now how tame this was in comparison to whats around the corner. Lots of people will lose their minds in the coming years through sheer overload of thought and information.


PS - cheers for the PDF! Will have a good look when i get the chance.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by grantbeed]

[edit on 28-2-2010 by grantbeed]

posted on Feb, 28 2010 @ 09:37 PM
This site is swamped with nonsense already and the cycle will simply continue. The closer we get to 2012 the more nonsense you will read, but pay attention as I can tell you right now, the rules of ATS are going to change the closer we get to 2012. There will be a call by those in charge to be more tolerant, respectful, etc. The reason for this is is simple, because as we approach 2012, more and more people will hit this site. Basically, the people who post the nonsense will be preferred customers, but it get's better. You will see complete and utter madness when 2012 is no more and we enter 2013. When this happens, the skeptics, doubters, debunkers will openly mock the doomsdayers, the doomsdayers will respond, and ATS will once again change the rules. Only this time, it will slightly cater to the skeptics, etc as they will be the preferred customers. But still, the doomsdayers will find excuses, etc and we'll all repeat the insanity until the next big thing comes along, and when it does, we'll repeat the process again.

[edit on 28-2-2010 by EMPIRE]

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