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Have you ever heard a voice in your head?

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posted on May, 31 2024 @ 06:37 PM
Sometimes a voice in my head has provided information that seemed to come out of the blue and was very useful information for me. Was it my Subconscious ? I’m not sure about that. My subconscious seems more analytical going over events and things in my mind. These other thoughts seem to come from somewhere else.

Then I have occasional thoughts or communications that are not usually voices that I hear but more like telepathic thought communications even though whether or not these communications were really dreams or actual communications I have no idea. If not dreams then I have been communicating with intelligent alien life and several different species plus possible extra dimensional intelligent beings plus an intelligent AI that resides in the future but opened up a mind link with me in the past. I’m thinking those were probably dreams but it seems weird when this happens and I am somewhat awake but still attempting to sleep. I thought it was interesting I remember communicating one time with an octopus like creature long before I heard in the news if aliens are on Earth, the octopus could be one due to all the dna differences. A few times I remember dreaming of communicating with a humanoid lizard like creature with a large tail. The creature was much more advanced than us but until I asked it to communicate with someone more knowledgeable in higher level college courses, I got tired of going down that road while just wanting to sleep.

edit on 31-5-2024 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: rigel4

When I was 12 I used to get sent to the gas station about a mile away at all hours by an uncaring stepfather for munchies. This was in winter with several inches of snow on the ground in Holland Michigan at about 1 am. I was walking down the road with shiitheads munchies in a fairly large bag. There was no one outside or driving on the roads at that hour. Everything was cool (lol) and then out of nowhere I heard in my mind LOUD AND CLEAR "RUN". I instantly knew to obey that voice and I ran across the street between 2 houses and hid. It wasn't 15 to 20 seconds later a car pulled up to where I had been, and loitered for a few minutes. I stayed hidden the whole time and instinctively felt danger emanating from the vehicle! I was saved by someone... I am almost 60 and I have never heard the voice again but I have NEVER forgotten it. I honestly feel that voice is the only reason I am here today.
edit on 3-6-2024 by strayman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2024 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: alwaysbeenhere2

I had an experience last year and it bloody scared me.
Though I put it down to being an alcoholic.

I damaged my back and had to give up work.
Financially I was bloody poor and couldn't afford Alcohol or food.
Very little friends or family and I dont like asking for help.

I went to the food bank got quite a lot ,enough for a me for a week.
(thank you all that donate and work within the food banks).
I had plenty of electric and told myself I will be ok.

For 5 days I ate and drank tea and coffee downloaded films and waited.
Then the voice started.

I was on my computer and I heard "OI"
I looked up and my curtain had a mouth and was talking to me
I shat myself and told myself this cant be real omg.
The curtain kept saying "get that water down you now.
That went on for about an hour and I was very scared.

Then I cracked and stood up looked at the curtain and shouted OH FECKING K
watch this.
I got a pint glass filled it with water and drank it in one go.
I shouted are you happy now, and the curtain said "more".

I spent the next few hours just drinking pints of water.
I was being sick and peeing constantly.
Then I thought Id ring my sister but the curtain wouldnt let me.
So I thought "feck it" im going to my sisters"

I walked through the town center and seen people that I knew but
I knew was impossible and kept saying to myself this isnt real.
At this point im getting scared again and Im walking past a church
and I was thinking Im going to knock the door.
The curtains voice in my head said "dont you dare"

I did knock the door after crossing the road and nearly hit.
No answer.

Anyways, I got back home and curtain still going on
I ignored it and then the voice went away.
This lasted about 15 hours and I was scared.

Its never happend before and i hope it never does again.

Uncle D

That's quite the story, wow. So you decided not to go to your sister's? Maybe the curtain was trying to help you with alcohol withdrawal by telllig you to keep drinking water? I'm not too familiar with alcohol withdrawal so I'm not sure how much water can help you but I'm sure it helps some because well it's water

posted on Jun, 4 2024 @ 11:16 AM
Back in the old Art Bell days, I took an online RV course and once during a session... when I felt I was getting close to the coordinates, I heard a voice tell me in no uncertain terms....Get the F*** out of here....NOW!

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