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Have you ever heard a voice in your head?

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posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:01 PM
I'm curious.

How many among you have heard a voice in your head?

Loud and clear, as if someone spoke to your face, but no one was there.

Or rather, as if stereo binaural headphones played someone else's voice within your head.

I have.


It was a man's voice who spoke with authority.

It seemed familiar.

It spoke but a few words, and I had no doubt it was one to trust fully.

Even though listening to it assured my death, I gave in willingly, even comforted by its sound.

I lost consciousness nearly instantly.

Somehow, I came to, well and alive.

I live today when I should be dead.

My perception is forever changed.

It took me years to adapt to my new reality.

Everything is connected... I can see it and hear it.

Infinity is contained within a finite unit.

Destiny is unchangeable, yet ever changing as we define the pre-destined.

Irony and duality work together within the parameters of our universe.

Call me mad as you wish, I speak the truth.

What have I to gain from such lies!?


Have you hear a voice?

Not a thought or influence, but a voice.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

And what did the voice say to you?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

And what did the voice say to you?

As I was screaming and struggling not to drown, it said "take a deep breath" almost in an impatient tone.

As if I should know better that all would be fine.

I was instantly comforted, knowing even if I died, I'd be ok.

I understand its difficult to believe, but it is so.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan
I've read that if you hear a man's voice in your head your a schizophrenic. I have heard a women's voice in my head once, it asked if I had seen it. I don't know what I was supposed to see, so not sure what the significance behind it was. Hope your ok.


posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

And what did the voice say to you?

As I was screaming and struggling not to drown, it said "take a deep breath" almost in an impatient tone.

As if I should know better that all would be fine.

I was instantly comforted, knowing even if I died, I'd be ok.

I understand its difficult to believe, but it is so.

Was this the voice of God?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I assume you mean a disembodied voice, or it echoed in your head? Being underwater I guess it was in your head and not ears?

That had to be wild and unnerving.
I’m not sure I can imagine how hearing someone else voice in my head might be like.

Edit: Thinking more about it I have had my name said as I was falling asleep making me sit up and say “huh, what is it?”
Also my brother fell asleep driving with a friend and they both woke up when someone said their names. At first they thought it was each other, but they both were asleep.
edit on 23-5-2024 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Yes. I have heard such a voice, a command, in my head.
It happened during a UFO abduction experience in 1964 as I was driving on a gravel road in my neighborhood a quarter mile from my home.

I spotted the light in the sky as I rounded a slight curve and instantly recognized it as a UFO, too bright for any astronomical object of an apparent small size.

Instantly, already a life-long UFO believer, I was filled with a strong feeling of terror. In my head I found a clear message. It said, "Just keep driving. Everything will be alright once you cross the railroad track ahead." That track was about 100 feet ahead. The next thing I remember was crossing the track with the feeling of terror having disappeared. I drove the three or four minutes to my house and remember I was also instructed to not look at the direction of the place where the UFO was in the sky. I remember feeling the need to back out of my car rather than facing forward as one usually does exiting a vehicle.

By my parent's kitchen wall clock, I was over two-hours late from what should have been my arrival time based on my departure time from my origin position.

I made one attempt over twenty years later to be hypnotized to recover the period of missing time. I could not remember what happened and later decided I didn't need to know. However, in the many years since, I've done deep meditations and have been allowed to know many things about our visitors and ourselves, some of which I've reported here over the years.

My son and his GF were taken in a bedside abduction in 1991. Both insist that they had horrible experiences not unlike the anal examinations of the so-called "medical examinations" some experiencers have reported.

The depth to which the ETs work with us and know us through and through as individuals and as a mass is vastly misunderstood by everyone.

It was twenty-two years after my event before I told another person about it.

edit on 23-5-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:54 PM
I was not under water, but above still.

The water was pulling me under.

The voice did not echo.

I cannot make claims as to whom the voice belonged.

As I heard the voice, I opened my arms and closed my eyes and expected to drown.

I instantly lost consciousness before going under.

I awoke on the dock nearby, standing upright, fell to one knee from weakness.

I was surrounded by a plethora of paramedics and policemen.

At this point, I had a form of amnesia... It took me some time to remember even my name.

I was told they fished me out the river and brought me back, but some details simply don't add up.

The whole thing is still a bit of a mystery to me I admit...

Though 4 years later, I am now of a stable mind.

I did not intend to share so much of my experience in this thread.

I only sought to hear of others experience in hearing voices.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: CosmicFocus
I have had an experience with a black triangle, but no voices in my head from it.


posted on May, 23 2024 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan
Sorry my experience with the woman's voice in my head was boring and I don't have more to say about it. It happened the one time and never again.

Peace brother hope your well.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan
I live today when I should be dead.

No. No no no. Not on my shift. PERKELE!

This is the only reason i made an account here. To reply, and express that I refuse your death from this current realm of the hungry ghosts.

Look at the most likely responses, look at the feedback you will get. I have seen your posts, regarding the recent past. And i love them all. They resonate. What do they say? Spoiler alert:

-Do you think you need some mental health help?
-Your views differ from mine, and for that reason, i hate you, and i let it shine through my online post.
-You are not like the rest of us. Therefore, you do not fit in, and we cast you out, and render you as irrelevant.

Look. You see. I mean your eyes are open, on so many levels. You see. Blind people HATE people who see. You see. So do i.

Show up here. Everything i have, is yours.

Stay healthy, stay safe

Best regards: Finspiracy (the hated one)

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:49 PM
I heard my recently deceased boss laugh in my head.

I was in a restroom at a urinal.

He didn’t have the courage to enter the light and face judgement.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
I heard my recently deceased boss laugh in my head.

I was in a restroom at a urinal.

He didn’t have the courage to enter the light and face judgement.

Oh God... How did that make you feel? On an emotional level?

I can interpret that you had balls. But... not scared? Confused? even at first?

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: UltimateLoser

originally posted by: whyamIhere
I heard my recently deceased boss laugh in my head.

I was in a restroom at a urinal.

He didn’t have the courage to enter the light and face judgement.

Oh God... How did that make you feel? On an emotional level?

I can interpret that you had balls. But... not scared? Confused? even at first?

He was a large man with a very distinct deep laugh.

Honestly, it wasn’t scary.

It was just shocking.

I was more concerned how it was in my head.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Yes. All the time. Never goes away.

Never truly audible. Never actually something heard, but like a really loud internal dialog I don't fully control, but can queue up with the conscious. Like I have a peanut gallery of vain and evil KKΓ girls and their sworn unpopular heart of gold adversaries fighting it out. If it was a painting, it would be that Frida Khalo one, only with a debutante and a nerd-girl.

It's a lot like channeling your unconscious self. What comes out, sometime was willingly supressed within. An unconscious projection of all with a type of triggered sentience.

In other circles it goes full on Angel's and Demons. I went more Jungian with it, but others end up thinking they're communing with an Archangel. It runs the gammet of the metaphysical, and all can be projected.

"The Voices" can also be compared to or called a Tulpa, demon, daemon, jinn, genie, and every other thing "out between two worlds".

My demons are all me, though
edit on 24-5-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

Allllllrighty then...

Ummmh... I want to let you know, that i might know a thing or two about this stuff. If you ever feel the need to talk about these things, i am honored to be at your service. I have endless amounts of time. Until one day, my time runs out. Permanently.

Location: Dystopia
Mood: as a painting

At this point i have no other alternatives left, but to ask, are you me?

Just to let you know i am here. And i know. Not gonna be slimeball stuff, i am demisexual, don't worry.


posted on May, 24 2024 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: UltimateLoser

Okay, Avatar/Profile explained then...

Dystopia = California, The USA, Western World etc etc.
Senseless Practitioner = what a scentless apprentice turns into... it's an ironic inside joke that no one needs to fully understand.

Maybe Nirvana fans catch it.

As a painting =

The avatar/background is entirely through a Salvador Dali Filter. It was hardest to keep the AI from putting mustaches on all the images. All are Dali AI painting of other artwork. And the avatar, and all the ones in the lavender turtleneck, are images from a repeating seed image.

And I can't get rid of them, the voices. Drugs are nothing. Not even antipsychotics.

I think it was either lysergic acid, rave drugs, or occult things that turned me into what I am. And it's about 19 years in being fully integrated in my psyche, going back 25, that's worth adding.

And if you were to base all witches everywhere off American Horror Story Coven, I can totally do a few of the seven wonders.

Can't do any of the kinesthetic ones, though I'm sure the secret to it all is so obvious it gets missed altogether. The spoon bending goat staring things.
edit on 24-5-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

This post is why i just joined ATS moments ago. "Yes," I have had this happen. Before anyone "guesses" my diagnosis, so far, there has not been one. I have had my share of weirdness, I'm not going to lie. Otherwise, I live a pretty normal life, working full time, caring for my remaining elderly parent afterwards, and raising a kid alone.

Back to the "voice in my head," I haven't heard it in awhile. The first time, I thought it was actually someone outside my bathroom window although something was "off" about its origin. The voice asked "what are you doing?! I should have told him, lol, but instead I said nothing, finished my business and walked out the door thinking wtf?

The second time I heard it, it actually saved my ass. I had come home for lunch from work and ended up falling asleep on the couch. Out of nowhere, I heard the same voice shout "wake up!" Groggy yet freaked out a bit, I remained composed and promptly got back to work just in time.

After hearing the voice the second time, I realized it was in my head too, the first time I heard it. The voice was a man who sounded somewhat loud and irritated or annoyed. The tone gave me the impression he was probably an asshole who might take pleasure in #ing with people.

These two incidents happened within 6 months of one another and it's been probably 3 years ago. Some may think that what follows is the cause of my experiences. Honestly, idk. Years ago, a man killed himself in this place I'm renting. Regardless, hearing the man was unsettling and I'm glad it has seemingly "came and went."

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I've seen translucent peeps that talk in your head without moving their see-through lips.

But you need to stay up for about a week and a half tuned to the moon.

Personally, i dont recommend the experience as you tend to lose part of your soul in the process.

posted on May, 24 2024 @ 03:25 AM
Only once, not so long ago.

I was seated where I am now. Mid morning. Quiet day. Live in the bush. Home by myself. Except for dogs and cats. (Missus at work).

I heard plainly 2 men talking out aloud then laughing. The dogs with me in the room heard them too.

When I say plainly, it was like they were just outside the back door. Out I went with the 3 dogs. Around and around the house. Cleared land for at least 80 metres. No neighbours that close. 100 acres. Dogs sniffing. Nothing.

Only time I've heard voices aloud.

Kind regards,


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