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Jesse Ventura: We Can Send $1 Billion to Ukraine, But We Can’t Pay for Veterans’ Benefits?

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posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:12 PM
Lost a lot of respect for this guy after he requested the wife of Chris Kyle replace him in his lawsuit, after he was murdered.

On topic, I'm sick of this government aiding countries who couldn't care less about us.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:25 PM

$1 Billion of our tax money into Ukraine?

I have to wonder, where did the money go? And to whom? That's the number one question in my mind. Or was this a pay-out for all the gold they stole? Can never be sure.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:36 PM
Obama know the democrats will not be in power long.

He is setting it up so that the GOP will get hammered by having to pay off the money the democrats are failing to pay out

The democrats will then blame the GOP for then massive taxpayer payout.

I am the executor of an estate and have been working for over 2 years just trying to cash in $700 dollars on saving bonds and and get $13,000
in money owed by the VA to the veterans estate.

Every time we fill the paperwork we are told its the wrong forms and we fill out new forms they send us only to be told a few months later when we check on the hold up that the forms are out of date an we need to fill out new forms.
We know that they are feeding us BS just to delay paying the money.

We believe that this is being done to 100,000s of people around the country and the government owes millions maybe billions that they are holding back with paperwork BS.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:50 PM


... to make it even more simple they are co-signing on a loan for Ukraine.

Yeah well how about they cosign a loan to fix the infrastructure in this country first? DUH!

They are for about 302 billion dollars. Again though that is money will be spending unlike with the case of Ukraine where we are not actually paying any money. I am sure you already knew all of this though.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by ANNED

People need to wake up and smell the coffee. Republicans blocked the legislation to increase veterans benefits, and you can bet they will back this additional Billion in corporate welfare, Ed aid to Ukraine.

Both parties are in on this.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 03:07 PM
This is what I thought when I heard about the aid package.

What they call aid is really corporate welfare, dispensed to the corporations so they can bribe local officials and stir up trouble.

We need to spend money on defending our own borders, and fixing roads and bridges, build usable and affordable transportation systems.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 03:07 PM


posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I'm with you.

We should let the Ukrainians and Russians duke it out who cares who gets killed..

Yeah I'll say that again..

WHO CARES WHO GETS KILLED - Not I.. It's none of anyone's business. Thats not cruel, I didn't start their war and it's not my job an an American to police it. Let then kill each other - it doesn't matter that one may be oppressing the other one.

We, Our Military Never goes in for humanitarian reasons - NEVER, it's only made to look that way in the news for the masses of sheep. We go in under the GUISE of Humanitarian reasons so we can Establish a lasting foothold where ever we did not have one before - We ARE the Trojan Horse. That is the ONLY reason we would go to the Ukraine.

So your going to tell our young impressionable boys who stupidly enlist ( cus they are not old enough yet to understand what the hell is going on and are still brainwashed that fighting for this country is some romantic ideal they should follow) that they have to go fight these Russians and yet on coming home there will be nothing left for them? WAIT.. and yet people are STILL enlisting after all this time..( this has been going on for years) gee, our boys are stupid and the American Military Propaganda machine is in high gear.

It would be different if this was the same country Jessie fought for but IT's NOT. Today's boys fight for the whims of a dictatorship that have nothing to do with American Sovereignty. They young impressionable boys are getting Screwed both ways - best thing you can do is Don't let your kid enlist !

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:16 PM


$1 Billion of our tax money into Ukraine?

I have to wonder, where did the money go? And to whom? That's the number one question in my mind. Or was this a pay-out for all the gold they stole? Can never be sure.

The billion dollars is not money, it is loan guarantees. Basicly what it comes down to is making it easy for Ukraine to go to banks and take up to a billion dollars in loans. The US guarantees a part of that will be repayed by the US if Ukraine fails to do so. That makes getting a loan by Ukraine faster and with lower interest. So the US not sending a billion dollars do it will not be going to anyone.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:19 PM
Why hasn't JV ever made this kind of statement about all the billions sent to Israel?

Sorry, but there's something fishy about his politics.

ETA: And what MrSpad said too.
edit on 3/19/2014 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Either way, it just goes to show how incredibly backwards the monetary system really is. Why not make this loan out to their own (US) people. Loan,'s all the same and it isn't real. Just another man made idea. The money, better yet the money as debt idea, is just one which is meant to keep servitude and slavery in check.

Cash or loan, the US wants Ukraine by the "balls" so it can erect some missiles (pun intended).

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:39 PM
Agreed. Veterans benefits are the last areas we need to see cut. That foreign aid ends up in corrupt hands more often than not. We have a responsibility to our own before we do to other nations. If one obligation can't be met, then we should shed the foreign aid first.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:46 PM
Has the American tax payers actually paid it? Did it come from them?

Or was it a deal brokered by the US from elsewhere ?

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:24 PM
This is what I thought when I heard about the aid package.

What they call aid is really corporate welfare, dispensed to the corporations so they can bribe local officials and stir up trouble.

We need to spend money on defending our own borders, and fixing roads and bridges, build usable and affordable transportation systems.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican


posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 08:13 PM


The US is providing a billion collar loan guarantee, to make it even more simple they are co-signing on a loan for Ukraine.

That typo "collar" you did on purpose didn't you?

Using finances to gain a strangle hold....... that's Human history for ya

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I am a vet myself, but, that gotcha quote you can fill in with just about any benefit for Americans or people here at home that are hurting, and also that quote is timeless, giving money to other countries and people and not taking care of home or veterans has been a problem for a very long time, so lets hear what he is saying but unfortunately this is nothing unique for the U.S. government and how it gives away money to already corrupt or suspect governments and it is never accounted for, you look at all of the money thrown to Haiti (pre earthquake) and Iraq that we will never know how it was spent.

People get more upset about welfare than they do about how the government literally throws away billions every year that we will never see a dime of it come back.

edit on 19-3-2014 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:07 PM
The traitors who occupy our Goverment, not all of them, are driving us into debt while ignoring the men and women who have put their lives on the line for our country.

This is an absolute disgrace, and is unacceptable. We need to throw these enemies within out of office yesterday.

This is complete madness, complete and utter madness. How can we allow such an injustice to continue?

Never before do we need good men and women to now step up and help us make the necessary political changes that we so desperately need now more than ever. ~$heopleNation

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 12:35 AM

International "money" is given or loaned to countries by the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air. None of that money comes from your children's mouth's directly, it comes from them via the devaluation of the dollar itself.

If the Fed requires either monetary or military action to further its agenda, then it PRINTS the necessary money out of thin air - as is its right. The Fed then gets the interest required on the debt - again the FED gets the interest collected from debts, loans, assets seized and not the US itself.

The money used for paying for benefits etc. is a complex web of printing money, loaning money and borrowing money - your federal tax payment does NOT cover any services at all, as it goes directly to the Fed to pay back the money you personally borrowed...

People really do need to realise that our taxes do NOT go to things like hospitals, schools, major highways [infrastructure]. Those things are payed for by the Government taking out a loan, at interest. Our taxes then go firstly to paying off the interest, then the rest of the loan. As soon as they take out a loan, the tax payer instantly loses because it has interest added, rather than just straight from the taxes.
But when Government after Government, from either side, has taken out loan after loan, then it is impossible for the tax payer to be able to cover all that interest and debt, and then the heavies that lent out the money come calling. It is amazing how many "wars" have started over this very thing. The tax payer can't pay off it's Governments debts, and then the economic hit men come in. If that doesn't have the desired effect, they send in the Black Op's to stir up "trouble". And if that doesn't have the desired effect, then it's send in the "peacekeepers" to settle the "trouble".

I can't be 100% sure, but I was of the belief that the US has never been in front financially since signing over to the Federal Reserve ?
That's almost 100 years of a system that has never worked in the US taxpayer, or citizens favour. And after all those years under that system, it has left the US approx. 15 trillion in debt. And I wonder how much tax payer money has been spent on interest alone over these years ?
The interest alone on 15 trillion would be more than enough to give Ukraine and every other country 1 billion and still have plenty of change, and it wouldn't even be a talking point. But you can be sure that this 1 billion donation was from another loan, with interest. Which means, the US taxpayer is paying back 1 billion dollars, plus interest, on top of paying off an approx.15 trillion debt, with interest.

People please, your taxes do NOT go towards "infrastructure", you taxes go to paying off loans and interest. And with irresponsible lending from Governments, it creates an endless cycle of debt, with interest, that the tax payer always ends up picking up the bill for. If they don't and they rebel, then in come the troops to keep the "peace".

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I would like to see the Vets being taking care of more than how it is being done now. I think for those awake turn from serving just because of this madness. My good friend left the service right after the hold on 3 months pay. Served two terms then gave them the finger. He wanted to go back, but didn't see any benefits in return. Mostly death and destruction before he would gain a higher pay and authority.

Why is he not running for POTUS in 2016, do you think he would be as corrupt as the Bush and Obama Administration?

Would he clean house, or conform to the shadow govt.

My guess is that a guy like Ron Paul, or Ventura would be assassined imedeately and replaced. Because of the good they might actually do.

Arnold would have a better chance.

I like following Jesse Ventura, loved his shows, hope there's truth to his words.

Great thread, thanks. S&F

edit on 20-3-2014 by AK907ICECOLD because: (no reason given)

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