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War is coming in months not years Chicago

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posted on May, 22 2024 @ 09:57 PM
About 700,000 Blacks in Chicago and the mayor says they are importing 700,000 illegals and they all have government money ($9000) in their pockets.... Probably 45 to 50 million illegals now in America which is twice as many as is usually reported.

Interesting comments coming out of Chicago about a soon to come war... Define war ? It may start in Chicago but there are other cities just waiting for a spark to start all the mayhem that may be coming.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Sounds fun! Idiots will find out this crap hole State isn't just Chicago. However, Chicago is the ills of what plagues us.

Let's see how it turns out. I can almost guarantee nothing comes of this.

(post by BernnieJGato removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 10:25 PM
gives the black gangs a reason for a truce and join forces.. common enemy

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 10:37 PM
The Chicago blacks are unhappy with the democrats and the Muslims near Detroit aren't happy with them either. There are black Muslims, maybe the Muslims and blacks will join together against the immigrants and the politicians that are helping them. I have a feeling there are a whole lot of white folks interested in helping out the blacks and Muslims too. Once they get the ball rolling, they will find a lot of backing as this progresses.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 11:08 PM
Lovely...that's all it's going to take to end the 2A and America as we know it. No wonder Democrats are so confident; not stinkin' lame plandemic needed for the grand finale.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: HatesFreshAir
gives the black gangs a reason for a truce and join forces.. common enemy

May lower the murder rate. Right now the shootings are so common, the parents calmly talk to the local news media about how their little boy/girl was shot for no good reason last night.

BTW...the Chicago police are pathetic at solving the murders. Only a 38% arrest rate for murders that occur in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Better than 65% in non-Black/Hispanic areas.

posted on May, 22 2024 @ 11:21 PM
Just nuke it from orbit.

Chicago problem solved.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 01:22 AM
Laughable. The whole of the media spouts that it’s oppressed minorities against the oppressive colonizers. They have a common enemy and it matters not.

You’re trying to apply real rational where there isn’t any. The average black youth in America scores abysmally academically with those with gang affiliation much worse.

Just like when the BLM movement happened the only people they will hurt is themselves. Because that’s all their capable of.

a reply to: HatesFreshAir

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 01:31 AM
Islam has a history of exploiting the least educated, like most religions. They are extremely successful with black Americans.

The Nation of Islam for example is an offshoot of the regular Islam. That’s based in America.

It’s predominantly black in denomination and they literally believe all the ufos are piloted by a race of black extraterrestrials and they will one day wipe out all the other races. Very peaceful like regular Islam

The best part is they refer to UFO’s as baby planes that come from the mother plane.

Oh and white peoples use magic to constantly deceive the other races and enslave them with their words. This process it’s called….get ready for it….here it comes…..


Sounds crazy eh? Well thousands of Americans believe.

a reply to: TheMichiganSwampBuck

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 01:55 AM
It's like I was telling my sister just yesterday. It's too bad the military couldn't be transporting some of our nuclear armaments right over Chicago and one "accidentally" just falls off on top of them. I live in Southern Illinois and she pointed out, that at that moment, the wind was blowing toward the north. I said, "even better!"

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

I think I'll move to Patagonia.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: HatesFreshAir
gives the black gangs a reason for a truce and join forces.. common enemy

May lower the murder rate. Right now the shootings are so common, the parents calmly talk to the local news media about how their little boy/girl was shot for no good reason last night.

BTW...the Chicago police are pathetic at solving the murders. Only a 38% arrest rate for murders that occur in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Better than 65% in non-Black/Hispanic areas.

Is the police force mainly black in Chicago?
That means they are not necessarily just lazy but also more inclined to arrest white folks and let the others off.

If the police are white, they are probably scared arresting non whites for many gang/violence/corruption reasons.

Corruption's gonna corrupt.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: Athetos
Laughable. The whole of the media spouts that it’s oppressed minorities against the oppressive colonizers. They have a common enemy and it matters not.

You’re trying to apply real rational where there isn’t any. The average black youth in America scores abysmally academically with those with gang affiliation much worse.

Just like when the BLM movement happened the only people they will hurt is themselves. Because that’s all their capable of.

a reply to: HatesFreshAir

Sometimes an academic education isn’t the type needed.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:47 AM
Nothing is going to happen, there will be no war. Maybe turf wars between the gangs, but The People will do what they've always done...get caught in the middle and duck when the bullets fly.

They vote Democrat and then bitch, whine and moan about the way the city is run, with too much of this, not enough that and then in the next election...they vote Democrat again.

By the end of this decade, Chicago will look like Detroit.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Outside of the "Miracle Mile" most of Chicago is a toilet today.

It's such a shame. Sitting on the shores of Lake Michigan it can be a really beautiful city.

I visited there a lot in the late 80's - early 90's and always loved the time I spent there.

Well, except in January. Damn does that city get *cold*!

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 07:00 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Priorities of a "transparent" demoncrat regime, never included Americans best interests.

How much more do corrupt career PARASITE politicans have to do, before people wake the F up and stop drinking the koolaid...seems delusional to trust Gov or politicans these days.

Idiocracy any one?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Lovely...that's all it's going to take to end the 2A and America as we know it. No wonder Democrats are so confident; not stinkin' lame plandemic needed for the grand finale.

In Illinois the 2A ended January 1st of this year. JB paid off a couple judges and got it pushed through last year. US Supreme court has been avoiding it. Other states are trying to make the same moves. 13/illinois-finalizes-rules-assault-weapon-registration-new-lawsuit-seeks-strike-law

"Owning or carrying an unregistered qualifying gun, accessory or high-capacity ammunition is a misdemeanor that carries a punishment of a fine up to $2,500 or a year in jail on the first offense; subsequent violations would be considered felonies."

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: TheMichiganSwampBuck
The Chicago blacks are unhappy with the democrats and the Muslims near Detroit aren't happy with them either. There are black Muslims, maybe the Muslims and blacks will join together against the immigrants and the politicians that are helping them. I have a feeling there are a whole lot of white folks interested in helping out the blacks and Muslims too. Once they get the ball rolling, they will find a lot of backing as this progresses.

Who are they going to war against? They fought Trump for four years calling him a racist and xenophobic, cheering his failures to secure the border, created sanctuary cities for illegals, and now they want a war? I just want to give them a big cup of STFU since they made their bed and now, they need to sleep in it. Boo the F Hoo, what do they think would happen...oh NOooo illegals are now actually living in our cities, and we need to support them more than our own poor.

I think I'll just pop some popcorn and watch the show.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 08:41 AM
The problem is the Republican party both federally and locally are so feckless they aren't taking advantage of the discontent in the black community. The Republicans should be actively holding rallies, meet & greets, and townhalls in these areas to woo these voters. Simply sitting back and smugly saying "I told you so" doesn't help the Republican party. This is a prime opportunity to convert these voters over to the right.

As a Chicago resident for the past 25 years, this city has a PR problem. I believe it is probably the best large urban city in the country. It is absolutely beautiful and amenities that no other city in the country can compete with imho. Best of all, it is accessible with a reasonable cost of living. Public transit only exceeded by NYC. Two top 10 Universities. Multiple mega museums. A 25 mile long lake front path and park. Beautiful architecture. Dozens of walkable neighborhoods. Diverse corporate industry. Chicago is also probably the cleanest of the major cities.

If it weren't for the entrenched Democrat politics, this city would be a force to reckon with.

When I hear people lament about Chicago crime, I know they don't know squat about this city. Almost all the violent crime is concentrated on the far south and west sides of the city. Chicago is a massive city. These are areas that no tourist or even normal person would ever venture. The far southside is a good ten miles from the heart of the city and so is the west side.

The reality is that unless you are a black male between say between 15 - 25 years old, that lives on the south and west sides, and actively engaged in gang banging / street culture. You have basically ZERO chance of being involved in a shooting or violent crime. Whilst Chicago has the most murders in raw numbers 600-700 year, the reality is that on a per capita basis, Chicago doesn't barely cracks the top 10. The violence is out of control given the gang culture here but it isn't nearly as bad as people are led to believe.

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