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Wayne Madsen : White House in Crisis

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posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:16 PM
It seems the White House is in a disarray lately, The recent sudden departures of the White House chief of staff , along with the national security adviser points to a president who is feared to have become
overwhelmed with paranoia , depression, and schizophrenia.

Top level administration officials are considering the first- ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendmant..
The removal of the president from office.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:20 PM
Maybe he is actually trying to make changes to the whole mess not considering the protection of those who are steering this country to it's ruin.

Causing many rats to jump ship.

Or maybe not......

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:45 PM
interesting that madison claims Rahm Emanual's departure was 'involuntary'.

thats the first ive heard his desire to run for mayor of chicago was not his choice.

i wonder on what he bases such an idea.

Oh, I see: he supports his assertions with anonymous sources. how reliable.

In the case of President Obama, the senior firings are not happening during a single nght but the recent involuntary sudden departures of the White House chief of staff and national security adviser, along with what WMR can confirm from multiple sources is a president who is suffering from Nixonian levels of paranoia, depression, and schizophrenia, has some top-level administration officials considering the first-ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment — the involuntary removal of the president from office. The White House meltdown has the Washington political circuit buzzing under the surface.

Rahm Emanuel’s firing came after he and Mrs. Obama had a major argument, and the First Lady told Emanuel he had to go “for a reason.” Mrs. Obama reportedly flatly told Emanuel he was “no longer welcome at the White House.” The “Emanuel-running-for-Chicago-mayor” story was mere window dressing to cover up the meltdown in the White House leadership. The top-level White House resignations, just before a critical mid-term election, are unprecedented even by Watergate standards. The October 1973 White House instability was one year before the 1974 mid-terms, an election that still saw the Republicans suffer tremendous losses in the Congress.

is he sourcing his entire article with the anonymous blogging of a person claiming to be an insider?

that seems... sparse.
edit on 16-10-2010 by justadood because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:51 PM
My opinion; but I believe this upcoming G20 meeting in Oct, 21-23 in South Korea
Will end up devaluating the dollar by 50 % in order to stave off what is believed to be an imenent
collapse of the world's economic system.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

aint ever going to happen.....................never never never never never never never going to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

obama isnt going anywhere and if he does it will be done by the ballot.................and thats a big if............

no matter how much i want and many others in this country it just simply isnt going to chalking this one up to wishful thinking and someone trying to vent.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 09:56 PM
The truth of the matter regarding Obama is he just isn't doing his job! Maybe he suffers from depression, some paranoia - to stretch it into schizophrenia is going to far - if he suffered with this condition he wouldn't be able to appear in public. I very well know the White House has multiple problems but I certainly read this report with a grain of salt. Thanks for posting all the same - interesting read.

posted on Oct, 16 2010 @ 11:05 PM
Look at what the man has portrayed as his personality. He has a tendency, just watch his body language and his eyes during a speech, to believe he is above those he is speaking to and interacting with. He has that "regal aire" about himself. What he says is what will be, final call...he is "da man". His only different from those he addresses is that his job is the most important in the US. If what these "interviews" are saying is true, we know how gossip in the office goes rampant, the Amerikan people do have to deal with it, and so we will.

Nothing is private when one reaches the top...nothing. It will always be found out, so it's better to be up front about it, not hide it...but being a Leo, the Prez will not do's below him...along with humility, and admitting he has made mistakes.

Several European countries have had a meltdown in their heads of state, why should Amerika be any different?


posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:25 AM
Wayne Madsen tends to be spot on with Beltway insider material. This story has legs.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 12:41 AM
Wayne Madsen is not just a journalist.He is a retired Naval Intelligence officer and also worked for 3 letter agencies.He is actually a Democrat leaning individual.

Of course his sources are anonymous,they would like to keep their jobs.

I am sure eventually people in the know are going to start telling the truth about this guy and his wife.

But I still believe he may not make through the next two years.

I think stress will take him out.

Or Michelle smothers him in his drugged induced sleep ,so she can play the young widow the rest of her life.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 06:45 AM

I knew things in the administration were bad .... but holy hell.

Madsen has an established set of informants he uses - he's got connections. A number of them are probably not all that willing to chatter about what is going on in the white house.... especially if it is this bad. Because this is bad - as in - completely dysfunctional and not just a political nightmare, but a national security threat as well - this guy is supposed to be the Commander in Chief and the dude to wear the piss-cutter when someone starts urinating on our lawn. He's supposed to quell the storm of confusion amongst commands and part the bureaucratic waters.

I had questions about the man's integrity when he was running for election. I never dreamed it would be this.... bad. I'm a pretty die-hard conservative that may as well be the anti-Obama.... and even I have difficulty accepting (and don't want to believe) it is this bad. Forget removing him because I disagree with him... removing him is an act of mercy. The guy literally seems to expect the heathen public to show up on his doorstep with torches and pitchforks.

Apparently, young Damocles cannot handle sitting in the throne, so just get him out of there before he starts having seizures or something.

John O. Brennan, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for Homeland Security and Counter-terrorism, is also under pressure to resign. Brennan, after retiring as interim chief of the National Counter-terrorism Center at the CIA in 2005, became CEO of The Analysis Corporation. Brennan’s firm’s employees were among those cited in rifling through Obama’s State Department passport files in January 2008. It was never ascertained what information was gleaned from Obama’s files and possibly those of his mother, grandfather, and grandmother. However, WMR has learned that Obama’s past is curently of interest to individuals linked closely to the CIA.

The CIA is slacking off - they should have had that information back when he was running for the Senate.

Of course, the politicians decapitated the CIA the moment the USSR collapsed. The CIA's mission pretty much dictates it keep an eye on our nation's elected officials (and potential elected officials). This obviously put them at odds with politicians back in the era before I was born - but were a necessary element to defend against the Soviets. The moment the Soviet threat was perceived to be gone - Congress all but killed the CIA (because it had dirt on just about all of them).

Then we wonder why the Democrats have gone ape# the past twenty years and anyone can walk into our country and fly a plane into a building or blow up their underwear.

Of course - prior to that, those groups were largely focused on the Russians.

The White House staffer told “Ulsterman” that he was uncomfortable talking about the marital situation between the president and the First Lady, but WMR has previously reported on Obama’s bi-sexuality, his activities with gay members of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ and an uptown Chicago bath house, in addition to his current controversial relationship with his personal trainer, Reggie Love, and a past short relationship with Larry Sinclair.

You have got to be kidding me....

Not that this is unexpected, given the territory.... you would seriously think Presidents would have learned that - regardless of what their kink is - they can close it up for four years.... or eight, if they think the presidency is that awesome.....

I'm not sure on that one, though.... it doesn't really seem to be Obama.... of course, nothing really seems to be Obama.... so, that's a hard call.

Reading on further... this is insane.... You couldn't write a movie (whether a drama, comedy or reality series) this good....

WMR has learned from a reliable intelligence source that the CIA has secretly contracted with a retired top CIA official who was a principal actor in the Iran-contra scandal, to uncover any information that could be damaging to Obama from his past. On the table are any documents and information on Obama’s place of birth, his paternal parentage, and his past employment activities. By contracting outside the CIA’s normal channels, the agency is seeking ”plausible deniability” should documents or information damaging to Obama be uncovered and subsequently leaked to the media.

You mean he -wasn't- born in America? Again - where were you guys three years ago when this clown started campaigning? You are supposed to have this stuff covered already.

It's also hardly news - the Hawaii birth certificate didn't require the birth to be witnessed, and the Obama family was bouncing back and forth between Hawaii and Kenya or something like that. Hasn't exploded on the mainstream because it's kind of a moot point and lost to Obamania - but whatever - It's a technicality by many standards.

Either way... this is just incredible.... and he wants to run again!? Seriously - someone needs to beat some sense into him. At the very least - the pressures of the position are getting to him to an unacceptable degree - anyone who has basic compassion for the man as a human being should politely tell him he's insane if he thinks that is going to make him feel better. Even he should see he's not the person for the job. Learn the lesson, go home, get up the next day and figure something else out. Buy a couple acres somewhere and take up gardening/farming/landscaping... I find many people get a sense of satisfaction out of that - almost a "universal 'yay me!' strategy."

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by erumisato
Wayne Madsen tends to be spot on with Beltway insider material. This story has legs.

Oh come now I expect more from someone with Spider as his avatar! This story is bad journalism straight up, nothing is cited, nothing is proven it is all wild accusation. On top of this the story is coming from a highly discredited "journalist" the same person who claims that Mossad controls CNN and gave us the utterly false Kenyan birth certificate for President Obama.

Sorry but I'll be more inclined to listen to the Bob Woodwards of the world and leave this guy to the refuse pile of journalistic history along with Hearst and the rest of the yellows.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

maybe they're leaving because they know of something else that is going to happen.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

In all fairness - you don't cite sources for this kind of thing. It's kind of like telling your local paper about the back-room dealings of your boss and some questionable things going on in your work place. If it were me doing the whistle-blowing, there would be a dead journalist the day after my name got in the papers for blowing that whistle.

Additionally - while the man has his personal views - his journalism has always been rather honed in. Remember - the people he talks to have opinions, too - and a lot of the feed he gets is scuttlebut (such as his report indicating some WHO officials believed H1N1 was a US derived viral experiment due to the strange mix of swine, avian, and human strains - the data was accurate, though the interpretation of what it meant was his sources').

In my own reading up on the guy - he's not that bad. Sure - he's excitable and has some views I consider to be a little strange - but there's a difference in his approach from when he is reporting and when he is presenting his own personal views. He's not going to be unbiased by any means - but he's got the career to have the contacts to get the information he's claiming to. His previous reports have always been fairly accurate (if not a little kooky) - and he actually attempts to uncover the truth - or at the very least, give people an idea of what the scuttlebut is at the White House.

Scuttlebut can be exaggerated... but you'd be amazed what the E-3 underground can dig up (or, in this case, the various staff that survive multiple administrations and never appear on TV).

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Aim64C

I'll say that if I ever, ever submitted a story like this to my editors, I'd be given a box and a security escort to gather my things. All throughout the UK media people would shake their heads at the tale of the young lad who threw away a promising career because he went crazy and I'd never work in news again.

Look at the comparison between this story and say Watergate, yes there was Deep Throat but that's because the Post reporters had the kind of clout to be able to do that, and in the end he was a real person. Nothing in this story is backed, and the method was horrible in stating that. All of Madsen's journalistic merit has long since been used and he's nothing more than a hack right now. Again, look at Watergate, there were similar rumors springing up simultaneously with what was said by the Post. This is not at all the case here, there is no background noise to support these claims at all.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by L.HAMILTON
It seems the White House is in a disarray lately, The recent sudden departures of the White House chief of staff , along with the national security adviser points to a president who is feared to have become
overwhelmed with paranoia , depression, and schizophrenia.

Top level administration officials are considering the first- ever invocation of Section 4 of the 25th Amendmant..
The removal of the president from office.

Never expected this old song and dance during the 1st half of the 1st term. You guys are losing your ability to pace the crazy. It's like you just blow your load before even getting all the way in these days. If you're going to give us a f*cking, then at least let us get wet before you lose it. You're just making us feel embarrassed for you right now, and we hate when you do that.

ps ------- I noticed that the website's sponsors sell seeds, food preservation supplies and other survivalist gear. Some people are just that obvious in their laying out of the dots, and connecting them is uncomfortably easy. But go ahead and build your shelter. Yes, you will die someday, and there's a 100% chance that this will happen to you in your lifetime. Did you know that the sun will die someday too? It's true. Scares the sh*t out of my neighbor. He's afraid of the dark. Poor bastard.
edit on 10/18/2010 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by ProjectJimmy

and yet pointing it out makes one an 'obamabot'

they got nothin'.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.
Look at what the man has portrayed as his personality. He has a tendency, just watch his body language and his eyes during a speech, to believe he is above those he is speaking to and interacting with. He has that "regal aire" about himself. What he says is what will be, final call...he is "da man". His only different from those he addresses is that his job is the most important in the US. If what these "interviews" are saying is true, we know how gossip in the office goes rampant, the Amerikan people do have to deal with it, and so we will.

Gee, I wonder if he calls himself "The Decider" when he practices in the mirror before a speech?

You people are children.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy

Originally posted by erumisato
Wayne Madsen tends to be spot on with Beltway insider material. This story has legs.

Oh come now I expect more from someone with Spider as his avatar! This story is bad journalism straight up, nothing is cited, nothing is proven it is all wild accusation. On top of this the story is coming from a highly discredited "journalist" the same person who claims that Mossad controls CNN and gave us the utterly false Kenyan birth certificate for President Obama.

Sorry but I'll be more inclined to listen to the Bob Woodwards of the world and leave this guy to the refuse pile of journalistic history along with Hearst and the rest of the yellows.

Madsen is discredited by whom exactly? Perhaps his detractors are the very people he embarrasses?

CNN is a nest of CIA spooks and neocon zionists. All common knowledge and easily searchable. Hell, their main anchor started his career in Israel working for Rothschild owned Reuters, got to visit KGB headquarters, wrote the whitewashing book on the traitorous spy Jonathan Pollard, was a PR man for AIPAC--Blitzer is a made man.

Woodward and the Post are assets as well. Mockingbird tools.

I'll go with the word of Madsen for now--at least he admits to once being in the Business. His reports are often months ahead of mainstream stories. He isn't 100% right all of the time, but his record is pretty strong when it comes to intelligence issues and DC politics.

Spider J's most important work was written for "The Hole"--after TPTB forced him out. The Truth is still The Truth!!

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:16 PM
ten points sez no one here who thinks this guy's little anonnomously sourced nonsense will be around to admit to being totally wrong when it comes to pass.

this 'story' has no legs' it doesnt even have a reliable source.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 10:07 PM
I think the white house is in a big crisis now that the Federal Reserve has pumped another 600 billion
of fake money into our failing economy.

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