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Are we all tired of the lies from political parties?

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posted on May, 26 2024 @ 07:04 AM
I saw someone talking about how if you don't like Biden still vote for him because not voting or voting for Trump is somehow bad for minorities, gays, whatever. Fringe groups will be badly affected if Trump wins.

I have to ask what do these people think Trump is going to do? I mean I need something tangible to go off of. Will there be quarantine camps for gays and blacks? Will there be mass executions of trans if Trump gets back in? Inquiring minds want to know what exactly these people think will happen.

In the 90s we had Bill Clinton. He wasn't great but he seemed to have kind of a charisma about him. Likeable, it seemed.

Clinton gave us dont ask dont tell and the defense of marriage act. Was he even a Democrat? Sounds like he was a far right wing extremist to me. Questions abound.

I am disappointed because let's look at this. How much more accepting can we be of the gays? I'm not anti gay. But they're everywhere. Tv shows made specifically about them. They have an entire cable channel for them with just gay shows on. Even shows that feature relationships like 90 day fiance have gay and trans people on them now.

The thing is guys, I really don't want to hear it. We all know im colored. Yes. We are all colored. Some lighter than others. I'm a dark color hehe.

Even back in the late 90s early 2000s we had the show will and grace. Which featured gay characters and was wildly popular.

Things were changing for acceptance of gays and trans for several decades in fact.

If you're an alternative sexual lifestyle though, nobody will know unless you make it known. Walking down the street or being in a store. No one will know you're gay. Other minorities don't have it so easy. Hehe. Can't wash off the skin color if you know what I mean.

So I am not saying I have ever been discriminated against because of my skin tone. I hear people doing that on television and they all seem to be people who are of one political persuasion.

And then I think gee I have never heard anyone in real life imply that I am too stupid or poor to get a driver's license or know what a computer is. And I wonder why that is. Maybe it is because normal people aren't actually that racist. Maybe its because it is a narrative and an agenda being pushed by the Tel-LIE-vision.

Can anyone explain what exactly people think will happen to the gays if Trump gets back in.

It is actually clown time when we are looking at this scenario.

They try and say Biden is forgiving student loans yet hes using the PSLF program that was already existing and signed into law way back in 2007 by George W. Bush.

They try and say Trump is anti gay and trans but Clinton gave us dont ask dont tell and the defense of marriage act.

Make it make sense.

It seems patronizing to me that TPTB really think people buy up all these lies they push. But people really do eat it up and thats why we are seeing now this far far far left push. So progressive they're actually going backwards now. All for dislike of the other guy.

Big problem in America is the focus on feelings. The truth hurts sometimes thats just the way it is. If we say a biological male can't get pregnant it hurts somebody's feelings so we can't say it. All other issues are the same way. It is all about keeping everyone from being sad or mad. Even if it is factual stuff. Can't say it because we can't offend anyone.

The focus on feelings is making America a pansy state and will backfire I keep saying look at what China is doing. They're not raising pansies over there. This is a disadvantage for us because men that we should be able to rely on to be men. Like John Wayne men. Are now being turned so effeminate most probably wouldn't even change a tire or change their own oil. That's icky hehe.

I am just one woman but I know a lot of other women who are in the dating scene who are just turned off completely by these men. It started with metrosexual. Ok a guy who likes to look good. I can get on board with that. Now it has turned to not homosexual outright but more of feminine. Men are getting more feminine and it is an absolute turn off to all the women I know.
edit on 26-5-2024 by Shoshanna because: can't spell

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 07:14 AM
Bill was a part of the uniparty. I think it was Daddy Bush that formed that back in November of 1963 while forgetting he was indeed in Dallas that day. He claimed that he couldn't remember where he was that day, but lied about it. The Time/Life photo's of him there during the chaos and his actions since say otherwise.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 07:30 AM
Don't blame gay men if straight men aren't "straight" enough for you and your female friends.

You need to have a hard long talk with those straight men. Gay men are just fine. They get plenty.

a reply to: Shoshanna

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 08:06 AM
When looking into the history of where the two party democratic system came from, it has some improvements over the single authority of the King. Being able to debate issues put more minds and reason into the political decisions of the day.

As for what it has become these days, politics can be a schizophrenic job with many competing interests and views to consider when engaged in political issues. To keep it simple, treat your neighbors as you want to be treated.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Disgusted123

I think you missed the entire point of the OP.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

We’ve had 4 years of Trump. He improved the economics of almost all classes… before he stupidly shut down the economy.

He did not go after lgb+ etc alphabet.

You are getting the men feminists indoctrinated to believe you wanted in the younger generation.

Most men won’t engage with western women as they are a literal minefield now. And will eventually screw you over.

I said screw it no more western women and am 7 almost 8 years happily married to gorgeous Asian woman with traditional values and very happy.

Feel sorry for both the men and women.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

Well Democrats have always been successful with keeping groups of People columnized and making "differences" highlighted. All while emphasizing their definitions of "equality". 😬

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 01:17 PM
The absolute truth is our next POTUS is going to end up being either Trump or Kamal Harris. Anybody who thinks Ol' Joe can last four more years lives in an alternate reality.

Vote wisely.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna

I have to ask what do these people think Trump is going to do? I mean I need something tangible to go off of. Will there be quarantine camps for gays and blacks? Will there be mass executions of trans if Trump gets back in? Inquiring minds want to know what exactly these people think will happen.

Yes. Yes he will! Just like he did during his first term!
He wants to win again so he can exterminate them once and for all.

posted on May, 26 2024 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I said screw it no more western women and am 7 almost 8 years happily married to gorgeous Asian woman with traditional values and very happy.

Totally agree, my GF is back in the Philippines now. I’m trying to get things wrapped up here so I can finish retirement in PH. …but yeah,I wouldn’t trade her for anything. The older traditional values are a complete change than to here which I love.

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