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Anders Behring Breivik, the Norway killer

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:29 PM
Notice diffrent bullets? It's a conspiracy. It's all beeing covered up. The reports are all lies. What we are seeing on tv is staged. The victims are hypnotized. But sometimes the truth break through the mind control.
I saw on tv how one of these utöya-victims was taken of the set when he said he saw a second shooter -"their was deffinitly a second shooter", he said, and was imideatly taken of the set.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Norwegian anti-immigration militant Anders Behring Breivik

Since I stated attacking the previous terminology, they've been slowing moving to calling Anders Behring Breivik a militant.

I think that they find this more acceptable than calling him an insurgent.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt and silvery tie, a tense Breivik sat with his eyes mostly downcast and occasionally bit his lip in a packed hearing to extend his custody before trial.

But after the hearing, a 20-year-old survivor of the island shooting said Breivik looked nervous and small, a far cry from the last time he saw the killer wearing a police uniform and carrying a semi-automatic rifle.

You'll notice that in the news articles that are more redacted are more likely to have more descriptions that aren't supported as well if there is more information.

This is a framing technique, to control and inject meaning.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:30 PM
edit on 2011/11/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
After 3.5 months of digging bullets out of 136 people/corpses don't you think that someone might have noticed some bullets that didn't come from the same two weapons?

They did!!
I then heard a girl come in the main living room, probably no older than 15-16 years old... I saw she was holding out her right arm. It was bleeding. .. I then noticed the wounds. Two small round wounds, not usually eye-catching, but I recognized those wounds: Shotgun pellets. He had fired from a distance, and the long range caused only a minor amount of the pellets to reach, two of which got stuck in her arm.

Of course that is just from one witness. What do the other 500 people say? Why haven't the witness statements been released? Why haven't the coroner's reports been released? But we know why, don't we? They would tell the truth!!!


posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 10:52 PM
They don't release them because they are part of the case. Not that he can be *more* guilty, so release isn't likely to be a problem though it might be argued that it is a breach of the defenses case somehow.

Since they are already courting some things that could allow this case to be appealed I'm sure they don't want to keep adding technicalities to the pile. It also has the possibility of continuing up from appeals, to the Supremes. While I haven't looked carefully in anyway, it might have the possibility of going international. Now as a political strategy, that would be very interesting.

I would suspect that the "shotgun pellets" are some form of shrapnel.

(sigh) Poor people. Awful.

Who knows, maybe they'll release something later about it. While a shot gun is good for annihilating things, if you have 500-1000 people around you it isn't exactly the most practical weapon. Reloading alone would make it pretty impractical.
edit on 2011/11/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
They don't release them because they are part of the case.

Well we know the dead were shot to death. How would it effect the case to tell us how many and what type of wounds to the victims, both dead and alive? But let's not be fooled. No contrary info will ever be released, before, during, or after the trial.

Originally posted by Aeons
I would suspect that the "shotgun pellets" are some form of shrapnel.

I would suspect that the "shotgun pellets" are some form of shotgun pellets.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Someone thinks it was shotgun pellets. That doesn't mean they are. It means the person has two wounds.

None of the casings they've accounted for seem to be from a shotgun.

And again, a shotgun is pretty impractical in this scenario. What reason would he have for bringing along a large impractical weapon?

He gives you a complete account of what his plan is in 2083. I see no mention of his intent to use a shotgun.

I agree. He can't be more guilty of having murdered these people.

However, the defense has a right to make a case. Release to the public impacts his case. He has a right to a defense. Release at this stage may court some technicality for later appeal.
edit on 2011/11/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:35 AM

This is a warning.

In a blog post on Thursday morning the man presented with full name and image. He says clearly that he has not expressed support for Breivik, but says he has blogged about him.

"I describe how Breivik may have thought, and how he went to war against the multi-culture, but I say that I myself am against violence," he writes on the blog.

The man, who is trained in indologi according to his own blog, has worked in an internship at Härnösand municipality. On blogs, he describes himself as a radical conservative. He comes with a number of xenophobic statements, and his motivation seems to be a strong form of anti-Islamism. As Breivik consider himself to be a conservative Christian.

But that man's attitude is contrary to everything the university stands for was also part of the reason, according to Berglund...

Your opinions are contrary to the thought acceptable in your institution. You may have them, but you may not speak about them, share them, and even if it is on your own time this is unacceptable.

If you work for (under) a public institution, a political party, or a news journal, your opinions are OWNED.

That's right, people join political parties to not have an opinion. People become journalists to learn how to not report facts unless they are convenient. Activists that get press tow the party line, OR they are hand-picked to drive people away from a line of thought that isn't prefered. The tyranny of the bland is enforced at every level.

This is a reminder of that fact. It is also a form of threat.

Watch for this stories spread. It will give you a good idea of the area of interest for their known concerns.

This is injected after the ramp-up set up yesterday to promote this:

This piece may spread, and I've seen a couple of versions of it now. In combination with the story at the top, if you watch these two pieces you will get a very clear idea of the spread of their known concerns. Consider this one a warning too.

Danish right-wing extremists eye 'race war': police
(AFP) – 2 hours ago

COPENHAGEN — Right-wing extremists in Denmark are getting ready for a "race war" and are conducting weapons training in preparation, the country's PET intelligence agency said Thursday.

A small minority of Denmark's far-right group members "are involved in registering political adversaries and are trying among other things to acquire skills in weapons use and martial arts," PET said in a report on political extremism.

If the intent isn't a "race war," but something else you'll need to directly challenge this to control it.

You'll notice that they've put out the German group first who have been killing Turks, and calling them right wing as well when they are left-wing Nazi. This is priming. If you want to counteract priming, you must have a concise statement that is easy to inject and promote.

This is a piece about how the "right wing" is on the wane. I'll point out that most of the specific ideologies that the various agencies are worried about are not necessarily right wing, even though they keep saying it over and over. The specific ideologies they are most concerned about have been categorized over the last decade as being right wing when they are instead populist, and populist groups have in general been Liberal-Center since the 1700s.

This is a form of moving the target to make it less desirable to the general public.

The comments section on this piece is the most interesting.

Here is something from Mencken on Journalism. This trend is even more set now.

The media and governments rely on a logical fallacy of argumentum ad nauseam, and argumentum verbosium.

However, due to the nature of the beast they are pretty lazy even if there are way more mindless bots.
edit on 2011/11/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Aeons

Norwegian anti-immigration militant Anders Behring Breivik

Since I stated attacking the previous terminology, they've been slowing moving to calling Anders Behring Breivik a militant.

I think that they find this more acceptable than calling him an insurgent.

I'll note here that the intent on my attack was to move them into calling terrorists terrorists or war criminals. They would so much prefer not to call people like Al-Shabaab and the like terrorists, that they would rather start calling Behring Breivik a militant. They are very dedicated to their campaign of beautifying Islamists, or at least creating a bubble of reasonable doubt around them.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Sorgmodig
* very interesting

Interesting link with information.

So there are several witnesses who state that there could have been more shooters.
I do not know enough details to have a good formed opinion on it but it could be true anyway.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

You'll notice that in the news articles that are more redacted are more likely to have more descriptions that aren't supported as well if there is more information.

This is a framing technique, to control and inject meaning.

If i read the transcripts that you posted of this hearing than i get the impression that Anders Behring Breivik did not act like he felt small.
But i can imagine he looked a whole lot less strong now that on the day of his actions, totaly pumped up in drugs and (self)mindcontrol, with gun in hand and in uniform.
Specialy after months of the treatment he gets in prison.

These methods they use in his prison may seem soft and in effective but i think they are just designed to get even the strongest man down in the long run.
It is not just for information gathering, like Anders Behring Breivik seems to think when suggesting better methods.
It will just squeeze the life force out of you like a Chinese re-education camp lets say.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Norweigan proison is a joke, in fact, all scandinavian prisons are.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by jaamaan

Originally posted by Aeons

You'll notice that in the news articles that are more redacted are more likely to have more descriptions that aren't supported as well if there is more information.

This is a framing technique, to control and inject meaning.

If i read the transcripts that you posted of this hearing than i get the impression that Anders Behring Breivik did not act like he felt small.
But i can imagine he looked a whole lot less strong now that on the day of his actions, totaly pumped up in drugs and (self)mindcontrol, with gun in hand and in uniform.
Specialy after months of the treatment he gets in prison.

These methods they use in his prison may seem soft and in effective but i think they are just designed to get even the strongest man down in the long run.
It is not just for information gathering, like Anders Behring Breivik seems to think when suggesting better methods.
It will just squeeze the life force out of you like a Chinese re-education camp lets say.

Mild mannered appears to have been his basic nature to begin with.

If you're views cannot stand when presented with a different set of facts, then it is time to re-evaluate them.

Having to look what you did from other view points is an essential trait of a truly free mind.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:38 PM
I would also like to say that if state security is in danger than any proof or witness can become classified.
So a scenario like with this case of Anders Behring Breivik,one can never be fully sure of the public story.
I have seen several examples here in the Netherlands with two clear examples that got a lot of public attention.
The murder of Pim Fortuyn and the Murder on Theo van Gogh.

In both cases national security agencies where involved and possibly foreign agencies to.
Once these agencies get involved some information than seems to get obscured and connections dont get any media attention after been found out.
Also both cases where very connected to the whole "anti Islam" subject.

Proof of other bullets, shooters and government agency connections can be obscured and completely removed.
I am not trying to say it has been done in this case, but just saying it could have.

The most clear indications in the direction of a conspiracy for me is the fact that this bomb drill in Oslo was at almost the same time as the bomb attack of Anders Behring Breivi.
In a peaceful country like Norway, like they say in the press, what are the odds of having a bomb drill in Oslo, and what would be the odds of a bomb attack in Oslo.
The two combined must be nearing the impossible.
Has this been explained in the press ?

And the fact he was wearing these police clothes in Oslo for the bomb attack that look very similar the the clothes the bomb squad was wearing during the drill.

It could very well that he did everything on his own but personally i am not sure .

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:54 PM
As far as I know, there was no bomb drill. I heard it was an anti terrorist training unit that trained entering high story buildings...

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

I'm sure that the authorities will hold back anything that has security implications. The defense seems to be having a hard time getting some information out of them and I'd bet that this is because of "security" reasons.

The couple of news releases on the bomb squad (terror unit?) / bombing have suggested that he told them it was a coincidence.

Do you think he's capable of lying with a straight face? I think he might be.

If that's a coincidence and an example of the sort of kismet this guy's been running into... well no wonder he thinks he can do anything he wants.

Oh, and you know how I was saying keep your eyes open for more "symbology?" Now you have trial starting over Easter week, being 33 then, and his incarceration meeting for a personal appearance being turned over by the Supremes on Armistice Day. Still all likely more coincidental than him accidentally fitting in with the bomb squad on July 22.

edit on 2011/11/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Sorgmodig
As far as I know, there was no bomb drill. I heard it was an anti terrorist training unit that trained entering high story buildings...

I am not sure what went on that day.
But the images i have seen confirm what you are saying.

What strikes me is that Anders Behring Breivik seems to be wearing the same distinct clothing as the terror squad in the images of the CCTV of him leaving the bomb scene.
This could explain why no one was alarmed by some one walking around in those clothes, something you do not see every day.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:18 PM

This has video of Anders Behring Breivik at his incarceration meeting on November 14, 2011.

Anders was not supposed to be filmed or photographed. So this video is in contravention of the court publication ban.

Okay, took a break and I'm back with assessment.

Add this:

He said afterwards that he was nervous before he went into the door of the hall, but he afterwards thought it was well and good.

- How?

- It's a little hard to know what he means. It hangs together with what he thought would happen, and he had an idea that he would be in danger there. It went well, but it's hard to say if that is what he refers to, or otherwise, said Lippestad.

All of his assessments, including to the Judge about isolation are not assessments about himself. They are measurements against how well he thinks his plan is going, or to further his plan.

I have read that everyone says that he never had any notable reaction at all to anything.

Yesterday I read two mental health experts who assessed him for news journals. After seeing a snippet of what they saw and seeing their assessments, I'm going to suggest that the journals would be better off paying Madams to assess guys. You'd probably get better information.

He is intensely soul crushingly depressed. But it doesn't matter, because what Anders wants doesn't matter. It is nothing compared to what he's doing.
edit on 2011/11/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:48 AM

In Additionally, police found a sawn-off shotgun in the car Breivik drove from the government building to the developer on 22 July. - Nothing indicates that this weapon was in use 22 July, said the police officer.

First up. No mention if this weapon was also inscribed. Not being so would certainly back up that it was for contingency.

The Glock is engraved "Mjöllnir" with runic characters. Mjollnir (Mjølner) referred to in Norse mythology as "the painter and shatters into dust," and is more commonly known as Thor's hammer

The rifle is engraved "Gungnir", better known as Odin's spear. According to mythology is the spear through it all and hit what he aims at.

They are making much of this not being Crusader like.

He appropriates what works. He's pretty clear about that in 2083. Clearly the mythology of Aesir works for him in his internal World. Some game mythologies use it. One of the re-creationist groups he dealt with clearly has Norse underpinnings.

He was tapping the primal.

- He has not mentioned anything about the Norse in interviews or conversations with me. He has talked a lot about Sigurd the Crusader, but not referred to anything that comes to Old Norse, said Lippestad to Dagbladet.

You get nothing but the veneer.

Symbols and concepts from various religions have parallels. The Hammer of God and The Spear of Destiny. The Spear of Destiny has connections to the Roman Legions and the Band of Thebes.

I don't know how conversant he is in Teutonic mythology or even in the Bible. He might use Paul from Acts if he is to reconcile it.

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 08:45 AM

he Norwegian VG tabloid cited leaked police interrogations with Anders Behring Breivik for its story. It reported that Breivik's aim was to kill former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere or Eskil Pedersen, head of the Labor Party's youth wing.

VG said it had obtained "extensive insight" into the police interrogations with Breivik, but its executives declined to say how the paper obtained the information.

Police, however, released a statement calling it "unfortunate" that classified documents from the investigation had leaked to the media. It said the documents had been made available to police, defense lawyers and lawyers representing survivors and the families of victims.


An extensive "accidental" leak. That bodes well.

Breivik has faced police claimed that it would not have been necessary for him to go out on Utøya if high-rise building in the government building had collapsed. His lawyer, Geir Lippestad, answer the following questions about Breivik considered the explosion in government building Completed: - It was NOK outcome of the explosion, which meant that he decided to go to Utøya, said Lippestad.

I wonder what he would have done if it had been a complete dud.

The failure of the placement of the bomb might have been more in that it blew out into that tunnel underneath. If the tunnel is the entire front of the building, then the failure to take down the building may have been inevitable.

From the questioning, it looks as if he doesn't know that his bomb failed due to the tunnel.

Goes into details of other targets, and why he didn't pick them.

You can see that he castigates himself for his choices, and explains why they may not have worked. He's the Proof of Concept - his job is to make sure that there is a complete dump on what worked, what didn't and how to do it better next time.

Trying to manipulate the police. Terror expert Magnus Searches Torp at the Defence Academy in Sweden believes that the mass murderer on several occasions has shown that he has a grandiose self-image, and that much of what he explains in no way matches with reality. - Not everything he says is true. If he wants, he can explain that every building or person in Norway shall be a goal for him. He has an extraordinary imagination, and although he has constructed a fantasy world, he is intelligent NOK to try to manipulate the police in interrogations, said Searches Torp.

hat need for a certain desire to participate, even it is difficult to speculate on the motive of his for it.

Clearly he's been manipulating the interrogations.

Detailed descriptions of what he did wrong, and what other targets would work and why and what to look at to improve on it, are things he needs you to put into your analysis so that other people can look it over and improve on it. Or add it to 2083 for him.

His changing story is part of this tactic.

And it worked. Damn.
edit on 2011/11/18 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

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