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Anders Behring Breivik, the Norway killer

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Aeons

I was referring to how he is being portrayed here in the UK, and quoting what has been stated on the BBC News website so please don't get into a huff over my post.

I am simply stating an observation and asking a question based on that however if you can't see that then I am sorry, I will use crayons next time to be a bit more clearer haha.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:57 PM
He is a mass murderer. Literally.

In the UK, he has been called a terrorist too.

Here is 1300 instances of him being refered to as one just in the Guardian. 987l2-5.2l7l0&

BBC has 12,300 instances, another 856 in the Daily Mail. I'm sure I could find more.

For comparison from the BBC, 97 instances refering to mass murder.

The problem that all these media are having is that they've spent 10 years *not* calling people who commit these acts terrorists to make them more loveable. Now they are in a hard spot. They have someone that has commited it, they can't call him an insurgent because now the problem with using that word to describe an act of political terror is blatantly clear.

Their own journalistic ethics guides suggest against using the word terrorist for other cultures. Norway is another culture.

The quandry they are in due to their manipulative framing of political violence suddenly comes home to roost and now they are stuck. Apologists get mired in their own waste. But they don't let that dissonance stop them. They are still totally willing to say that the Somils who bombed the Education Ministry when it had line ups of youth looking for scholarships and killing 80 of them are "insurgents" the same week that Behring Breivik murdered 77 people and he gets called a "terrorist."
edit on 2011/11/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Since Norway abolished capital punishment in 1979, I am curious if they will make an exception in this case. It will be interesting to see how this evil man will be "punished"

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 02:41 PM
The most he can get is 21 years. They have an extension in the law for terrorism, but bureaucracy made it so that it was enacted 2 years ago but hasn't been put into place and so Anders Behring Breivik won't be able to be charged under it.

They can apply for an extension after 21 years at intervals due to him being a danger to the public.

Norway's model is completely rehabilitation based.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 02:42 PM
A documentary i found about the shootings on Utøya.
You can turn on the subtitles in youtube because it is presented in Greek or something, im not sure.
There is some interesting footage and interviews.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 02:45 PM
I can give you these in English. These interviews are from "The Killer's Mind"

The only thing I suggest being careful with is this goes out of its way to promote the "Lone Wolf" concept. Does a good job of really pounding home the horror.

edit on 2011/11/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:29 PM

“He has a completely different understanding of reality,” repeated Breivik’s defense lawyer, Geir Lippestad, who earlier claimed his client was “insane” but since has regretted that remark. “It’s his impression that both executions and torture are common things to use.”

That's because his world view is larger than most people's.

50,000 meter view, drill down to details, back up to 50,000 meter view. Look back in time, look at present, look at potential futures.

The head of the survivors’ support group didn’t agree, and most of the group’s members stayed away out of sheer disgust. One survivor, 20-year-old Bjørn Ihler, who was wounded by Breivik, however, had traveled over from college in Liverpool to attend the hearing. Ihler even wants to have a debate with Breivik, and doesn’t want to call him “a monster” as others have.

“Calling him a monster dehumanizes him and excuses, in a way, what he has done,” Ihler told Afternposten. “I look forward, actually, to meet a real person … and hear him say what he’s written. I want to meet him in an open debate as soon as possible.”


I might have the same reaction. Unless the people injured were my children. Then I'd want to beat him bloody.

Which reminds me of another point about those motivated by the Body Politic.

Having a society that promotes good stable relationships and people having the capacity to meet and stay together and have children is a moderating and cultural bonding process that has been deconstructed in Norway. Intentionally removing a process that naturally bonds cultural conservative protectors to their culture in a way that moderates them is bound to have some very bad consequences that you are only beginning to see.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:47 PM
Terrorists are all those who do not see the truth, and lie about the facts which are pretty clear at this time, regarding this subject.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:55 PM

Breivik told Rachlew and Hatlo that it was difficult for him to shoot the first four victims. But then the music he was listening to on headphones, "Lux Aeterna" from "Lord of the Rings," gave him a boost and made him feel euphoric. And then there were the drugs, the amphetamines. He said that he had switched "to autopilot," as he called it. But most of all, he was driven by his conviction.

He says that he did not need to suppress the fear and that it was not appropriate to listen to music, said Jourdet.

Just pointing out that the lawyer and the police are giving out different information.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Sorgmodig
Terrorists are all those who do not see the truth, and lie about the facts which are pretty clear at this time, regarding this subject.

Which subject is that?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

The picture of Anders holding the firearm is a photoshop. Look at the skin tone of his face in comparison to his neck and hands. Also, look at his neck. It just isn't right. His face also looks like it's just shopped behind the scope of the rifle. I can also tell from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

edit on 15-11-2011 by Astrodoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:29 PM
He tells you in 2083 that he applied make up, and used photoshop on the photos.

So yes, you are right. They are photoshopped.

Though why you think his head is in the wrong spot I can't imagine. I think you're just having problems with angles, and it is an odd angle. He's taking the pictures himself without help, and trying to make sure that his emblems are all showing and readable.
edit on 2011/11/15 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Look at the size of his head compared to his body.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 08:20 PM
Done. I have a copy of it.

It is photoshopped. Though in this case I think what you are seeing is just an effect of perspective. I'd suspect that he worked on his skin and jawline giving the right impression.

Would you like me to quote the part where he talks about this?
edit on 2011/11/15 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

Never mind here it is:

It is essential that enough resources are invested into marketing material in order to create a professional and appealing image of our struggle. It is essential that cell commanders and/or cell operatives budget at least a portion of their operational budget to photo sessions and remember to delete all other unfortunate photos from the past. This is to prevent the media/police from getting access to them and exploit them for their own propaganda. The police usually “leak” “retarded looking” photos to the press after raiding the cells apartment after an operation. By removing and deleting all “negative” photos, and by making available the professional, photo shopped photos prior to the operation; we make their job significantly harder.

His entire strategy that he used is laid out in full in 2083.

His continuing strategy is laid out in full.

He gives everyone everything they ever would need to know on what he's doing. In detail.

Psychological reasons, preparation, where to obtain materials, strategy. All neatly laid out in a microwaveable format.

Even all aspects of his current character are laid out. It is a complete character work-up. And he's maintained it meticulously for months.
edit on 2011/11/15 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:50 AM
It occurs to me that people might think I've been looking at or for The Justicar Commander Breivik here.

I've been looking for and at Anders Behring (Breivik). The two men aren't exactly the same person.

I wish that whatever happened to push Anders Behring (Breivik) into becoming the Justicar Commander had never happened.

That he so completely believes this is necessary is something I hope it turns out he's completely wrong about.

The media is depicting his document as "rambling" over and over. I can see why, it has enough information in it laid out neatly in an applicable way to be seriously concerning. Making sure concerning people don't get motivated to read it must be a pretty high priority. Because frankly, it fracking brilliant.

Not a mass of insanity. Neatly understandable presentation of guerilla warfare. With a veneer of the civilized defender all over it. I've read some other documents like this - Jihadi, Anarchist, etc. I'm not talking from a vacuum of knowledge. (For comparison, you could read "Steal This Book" if you are interested.)

There are issues. I would imagine anyone with 1500 pages of information where 800 or so of it is unique ranging in a massive number of inter-related topics in one's second language without the help of anyone to edit or proof read would have some issues. He wasn't trying for academic quality. He was going for cohesive ideological replacement, coupled with resistance manual.

He even explains why he co-opts the mantle of past military organizations. Every damn detail.

I don't agree with everything. I agree with more than I'd like to. His solutions are worked out in a vacuum, and despite that he manages to maintain some decorum. You know, until we get to the part where he might kill me.

I find his willingness to utterly commit to becoming a Proof of Concept horrifying. For what he's done to himself, and to all those people. Regardless he does prove a point utterly - the only people who are ideologically free are those who choose not be co-opted by the process, and that those who are removed from the possibility of being involved in the process don't just become uninterested.

He literally gains nothing from this. Anyone who thinks that Anders Behring is going to get the attention "he craves" is completely wrong. Because Anders Behring is not Justicar Commander Breivik. He's the far more interesting person that has subsumed himself to Justicar Commander Breivik. Tragically.

I might even say that Anders Behring (Breivik) is the first victim of Justicar Commander Breivik.

I think that Anders Behring Breivik is pretty freaking smart. That he may have been hothoused too much in one ideology without challenge. That he's been influenced by some people with cult-like charm. That he may have an underlying personality disorder or an organic brain anomaly. But that hasn't impacted all his abilities. I think that he probably has an excellent mind for strategy, and because of that I'm highly concerned that he is THIS concerned about what he sees. If it turns out that he isn't without empathy as a sociopath (and suspect he might not be) that makes it even worse.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 01:06 PM

After 110 hours of interrogation, the police have hardly seen a single emotion expressed by Breivik. For the police, he comes in the hour-long avørene just as untouched by the emotions of the hearing Monday.

He tells you quite specifically that he has more self-control over his emotions than anyone else he's ever met.
He wrote about it.

- He cheered and laughed
That Breivik can laugh, there is little doubt. More Utøya-survivors have previously told Dagbladet that the mass murderer both cheered and laughed while he executed the defenseless youngsters.

- When I turned, I saw him in a police uniform - he shot people in the head as he laughed, said a survivor.

- I did not see him but heard him. He shouted, cheered, and made more victory, says another.

This is a motivation technique.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:39 PM
That with all the laughing and humming, It's all fake really. Nobody would do that unless they where braindwashed or hypnotised (in this case by the jews), not even psychopaths.
I remember that norweigan said their where multiple terrorists on tv*
Probabley the WITNESSES was hypnotised aswell.
Of course the police was delayed on purpose

* very interesting

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:05 PM
These are people who are:

-afraid, and whose fight/flight instincts are activated causing them to misidentifying the other people around them as predators.

-misidentifying the unarmed service members on the island as predators.

-misidentifying the older members of the crowd with military training but are unarmed.

-misidentifying Anders Behring Breivik as being different people due to location and shadow differences. He has the sort of hair type that looks darker in darker lights, and lighter in direct sun. Add to this the effect of echoes of bullets firing. Further, his movement around the Island and back to his ammunition store would have given him the seeming appearance of being everywhere.

-misidentifying the few people in the crowd whose instincts are completely different than everyone else's in an emergency situation.

-any of the above, and add into this hyper-suggestibility of the herd in emergency situations. One person's misinterpretation becomes reality for many.

As to the boat: this could have been someone doing recognizance. This could have been a camper from the mainland coming to get people. This could even have been Behring Breivik finding a convenient way back to his ammunition store. A review of the boats at the launch does seem to have one boat that doesn't look like it came with Delta Force.

After 3.5 months of digging bullets out of 136 people/corpses don't you think that someone might have noticed some bullets that didn't come from the same two weapons?

Anders Behring Breivik has pursued an ongoing course of indoctrinating himself, and teaching himself how to use methods to enhance his concentration and to suppress fear and increase motivation.

Again, he wrote about this.

I would further suggest that he's organically come upon using techniques of labeling and reassignment to manage his neurobiological processes. The use of humming and music are examples of suppression, and considering the types of music he seems to like for this purpose, he may be using these as form of entrainment. The effect that you are thinking is some sort of hypnotic brainwashing is instead carefully managed neurobiological feedback.

None of which means that he isn't significantly depressed.

I'd deal with your jew comment, but I'm pretty sure I just threw about 12 balls too high already.
edit on 2011/11/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM
All you need to do Smorg is give a little detail that might support the conspiracies on that thread. Anything other than leveling the accusation.

I'm very annoyed at how they handled it. Bureaucratic nonsense isn't a conspiracy. It is bureaucracy being bureaucracy.

I have a conspiracy for you Smorg. The people trying to spread conspiracy on this are part of the conspiracy, in a somewhat lame attempt to create more attention. They see the game, but not the theory. They don't have the talent for it.
edit on 2011/11/16 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:16 PM

In addition to a new 12-week period in jail, with controlled letters and visits, the Court has also allowed the perpetrator access to media as early as 12 December, including the Internet at the discretion of prison staff.

Looks like the court allows him access to the Internet, but the prison does not.

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