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Anders Behring Breivik, the Norway killer

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

I'm sure during that time between 2007 and 2010, he just didn't play any other games at all. Just dropped them cold.

Though since WOW is where he seems to have met or played extensively with his more radicalizing influence, I guess that is worth some exploration. Though it still wouldn't be the GAME that radicalized him, but the PEOPLE he gamed with.

It could well be that something happened at the end of his WOW and game Guild period, like i said before, there can be quite some anger and frustration going on in the hardcore game world.
The game and Guild forums provide fine examples for this.
Many times before i have seen angry break up from the game or guild posts on there where where it shows people can realy get cought up in this virtual world and everything surrounding it.

Some situation like that could be the reason for Anders Behring Breivik to break away from the scene he had been a very active participant in.
Forum postings from around the end of his WOW period could tell us a whole lot.

This could explain the change of scene and the meeting of different people with different interests than before.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

Well, since he was planning on doing it before he joined, I fail to see how hard feelings would mean anything in his plans.

If there are posts that would be cool. I still wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that in taking on doing everything himself, and meticulously planning it, that he wouldn't make sure that his band of brothers wasn't left with some protection to disassociate themselves from him.

The sort of friend who would throw themselves on a grenade for you.

Includes a video documenting some of his route between the government quarter to Utoya.

- The jobs were not immediately canceled. This was long before it happened on Utøya, and we were told to wait. So our patrols continued with their mission, but were told to be on the lookout for the car.

At the same time running Breivik through their police without any of the patrols will notice it.

Weird people the Norwegians. I thought my country was the soul of the Bureaucrat. Norway seriously has us beat. Even their panic has a bureaucratic flavour.
edit on 2011/11/10 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:05 PM

900 unused shots. It said several sources told VG. During the massacre returned Breivik several times to the white house information center on Utøya. There was a suitcase filled with ammunition.

900 more shots. And he returned to his ammunition store multiple times.

Well, looks like I was right to be skeptical of the media recreation of his movement around the Island.

The luggage. The god damn luggage. I don't get it. One person breaking it open. One person throwing it into the ocean. Maybe later I'll find out that he killed everyone who saw the luggage. Maybe only the youngest were knew it was there.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:44 AM
Some history stats from WOW on conservatism, Anders Behring Breivik his last known WOW useer name.

85 Nevermore Dec 12, 10
84 Nevermore Dec 10, 10
83 Unguilded Dec 09, 10
80 Unguilded Sep 10, 10
80 Goosfraba Feb 20, 09

First Seen Feb 20, 09
Last Seen Jan 28, 11

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:42 AM
This is what seems to be andersnordic his saying goodby thread on the WOW forums.

Memoirs of a hardcore gamer on Silvermoon.

This will be my first and last emo post

I'm leaving WoW to go hardcore AoC. Ive been a dedicated WoW gamer now for more than 2 years (First Virtue, Unit, Nevermore) and have played nonstop in this period.

As an illustration to why I'm leaving: The frog

If you boil water in a bowl and put a frog in it, it will jump out immediately. However, if you have a bowl of cold water and slowly boil the frog it will stay there and die. The relevance you ask?

Ill leave when Nihilum leaves arguement

There will not be a hardcore riot. Nihilum, SK gaming and the rest of the top 300 hardcore guilds will not simply say, ”Heck, screw this, were gonna re roll War or AoC”. It wont happen. We are being boiled slowly (Game being slowly changed in a more casual direction) and the only result of this will be individual players leaving, one after the other. Eventually there will be a lot fewer hardcore guilds but that is simply because the guilds cant recruit as many top lvl candidates as before. There wont be a mass exodus lead by Nihilum, SK gaming etc (This is good news for Blizzard at least).

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Aeons

"There is no evidence that it was used other weapons than rifle and pistol during the massacre."

See, this is why discussing this case is so frustrating. When the police and media collude to rearrange the facts as they wish, can we ever get to the truth? The fact is is that the official version repeatedly mentioned a shotgun in the first months after the massacre. And you have survivors with shotgun wounds. But hey, why does any of that matter when they decide the shotgun is an inconvenience, so it has to go from the official accounts?

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 02:39 PM

The "shotgun" is the rifle. Put onto single shot mode.

You can see him miming its use in the Utoya interview, and he's holding when he's at the water's edge aiming at the people in the water when being filmed by the heliocopter.

Pistol - Glock 17:

Rifle - Mini Ruger 14:

Look at the Mini Ruger, and the additions that Breivik has done on it in his photos. If you aren't familiar with shotguns and rifles (I'm not), and he's not using the semi-auto, then it might easily be mistaken for a shotgun by the unfamiliar.

However, I've used the Glock before. His recreation demonstration on Utoya demonstrates pretty decent form. Takes "shooting the vermin" seriously.
edit on 2011/11/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

edit on 2011/11/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by jaamaan

Thank you.

And after reading that, I feel even more certain this about how he left Halo too.

He kinda has a point about (outside the political), this is how they kill games. This happened in Shadowbane too. I think it is intentional though, to increase commercial sales by limiting the hardcore people so as not to make it unavailable to newer or less involved players, or to move people to another "new" game for the sales. Or because they become unable to properly support the previous game. Whatever. That's the price of play as it is at the moment.

Now, would he be pissed off enough at something about these games so as to highlight *one* specific one out of the myriad of ones he played for special retribution? Maybe. Since I'm pretty certain he has "insane" knowledge of some of the others but didn't choose to bring any attention to them.

Originally posted by jaamaan
Some history stats from WOW on conservatism, Anders Behring Breivik his last known WOW useer name.

85 Nevermore Dec 12, 10
84 Nevermore Dec 10, 10
83 Unguilded Dec 09, 10
80 Unguilded Sep 10, 10
80 Goosfraba Feb 20, 09

First Seen Feb 20, 09
Last Seen Jan 28, 11

I've seen these and quite a few other ones of his - I just don't see them as relevant. (shrug)

Like I said before - I do really want to know why a level 80 Avatar shot up noob island.

Supremes said he can came to court in person.
edit on 2011/11/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 10:20 PM

People who gamed with him talking about how he was a control freak, or how they liked him but he was depressed.

A Romanian journalist he played with in 2006-2007.

What did you think of him as a person?
was meticulous almost to obsession. Calculated, cold and evasive in dealing with others, never aggressive. Discuss with him all aspects of the game, tactics, organization. He had good ideas but lacked the courage to implement them, fails to present its point of view, but being a good strategist, he became my advisor.
He gave signs of violence ever in the game?
Never! He was a calm, even annoying.

He was already operating as a person who was going to become the man he is today. Hence the evasiveness.

And if I'm right, the frog jumping between ponds did on occasion drop hints about things. That no one followed them up or reached out to him on it must have seemed like fate. Heartbreaking even. Almost nobody hears the language he was asking for help in.

I'm sure you'll start seeing more people who knew him or claim to come out of the shadows soon. The World's a small place. I live the better part of ten thousand kms away or so away, and his sister lives a couple of thousand or so away from me....but his sister and I have a common acquaintance. Digital World makes everyone a neighbour. Six degrees of mass murder.

Oh, and I'll point out that the photobucket picture the Jamaan linked up is dimensions for the barrel of Anders's Mini Ruger 14. In case it isn't obvious. It'd be interesting to know who he was discussing this with though.

Wouldn't you be interested to know who he was talking to about the dimensions of his Ruger? Maybe with someone in Denmark or London?

Breivik will NOK act calm and composed. He is not stressed by the situation, but it is clear that when he comes to incarceration and see all the fuss, then NOK affect him, said Lippestad.

His main concern is looking reasonable. Apparently he's appeared calm for years. Why be stressed when he considers himself a dead man?

Everything he's done has just fallen into place. Why would he be concerned. He must feel like the Hand of God. Everything around him falls into place. Nothing touches him.

Discussion of the upcoming arrangements for audience, journalists and victims who wish to appear.

Dagbladet back to using the doctored Breivik/Hitler photo. Similar story to the above link.

He was on an extended trip alone as 15-year-old Copenhagen. He was stopped on the train, and there was contact with police and child welfare. It was not concluded and the matter was not taken further, says lawyer Geir Lippe City, Breivik's lawyer, told Dagbladet.

Just up and went to visit Denmark when he was 15. don't interesting....

Operated most of his childhood/teens on his own, with inconsistent parental care and supervision is my guess. That you stay mostly out of trouble and don't cause too many problems can mean that you are easier to slip through cracks as there are people with more pressing problems who are less capable of handling them.

Easy prey for those with noses for easy prey. Easy prey for radicalizing influences.

I've lost track of the news piece discussing the time of the arrest being adjusted forward in time by 7 minutes or so minutes. That at the originally stated time of arrest, there was three shots at the school house. He threw the rifle away before approaching the police.

Five formal requests from the police to the military for assistance. All after Anders was arrested it looks like.

More articles have started using the descriptor "monster" for him over the last week. Fewer are using "terrorist" and more are using "mass murderer." Too late guys. I tried to warn at the beginning that you wanted to go the mass-murder route....but no, you had to take the terrorist one. Can't call someone a terrorist and then ignore the politics. It is central to the crime. He knows that, how come you didn't?
edit on 2011/11/11 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Aeons

He's also doing some sort of calming meditation thing - I'd be interested to know what he's thinking about then. Mission success? God? Is he reviewing his success?

Making him find the only calming method for gaming his internal wetware in going back to the last moment he felt okay and having him go over and over it exclusively is pattern setting. With no other outlet. He had other mechanisms to control himself before, and now he has almost none - except this one, exercise, and apparently hair pulling (not the first time he's done this by his other pictures). This is very very bad for driving him further into down into himself. Bad for his soul. Bad for his mind, but very bad for his soul.

He's got plans up to during the trial. Clearly he's very determined. If someone else won't kill him and they don't break him out of this ever restricting circle, he'll kill himself. Meaningfully.
edit on 2011/10/31 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

The subconscious finally put together what it is he is thinking about when he does that.

Music. He's thinking about music.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
The subconscious finally put together what it is he is thinking about when he does that.

Music. He's thinking about music.

I found a youtube channel that seems to be created by Anders Behring Breivik.
This one got only one song in it but i think it is a clear example of his taste in music.
I found a whole playlist with many more tracks but i cannot seem to find it anymore.


Here is an other youtube clip with Anders Behring Breivik having a party.
A foto of this situation was posted allready i think.


posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:20 PM
Some more still images of Anders Behring Breivik leaving the bomb scene in Oslo, captured on CCTV.
I think there are some more pictures in the video than where posted before in this thread.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Here is a video with pictures of all the 77 victims of Anders Behring Breivik his killing spree.
Just to keep in perspective what was done here.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 06:24 PM

77. Re: [A] Numen are recruiting for Algalon / H. 03/07/2009
Q u o t e:
Why have you stopped ;o

Because I'm writing a book about Conservatism, more specifically regarding the Islamisation of Europe. Have been working on the book full time the last two years, and its time to release and publish it

Was no emo post this time though as Blizzard has solved most of the issues

[ Post edited by Conservatism ]

Conservatism - Mage 80 (Andersnordic)

Server rank: 29 - Achievement points

I do have some of the videos he commented on. The comments have been wiped for the most part. I have copies of them but I don't see any reason to clutter up my media box with them here. I'll summarize.

Subscribed to a channel with this song but I can't find the exact video so it might not have been this exact one just the song - listened on the day of the massacre. Channel is gone now. Understandable, the guy used his real name.

The comment he made here is gone gone. No getting it back. Don't know if he ever played with NordicWow
But there was one there at some point.

Talked about how it was a great show.

Talked about how he was glad she converted to Christianity.

Asked if she converted to Islam to marry some guy.

Got marked as spam before I could see it.

Wished people a Merry Christmas.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:46 AM

He says that he did not need to suppress the fear and that it was not appropriate to listen to music, said Ground.

In the interview he spoke about what he has tended to listen to and how he has used music as inspiration or to sit in a certain mood, says Jordet.

That's right, I'm a #ing magician.

I didn't think I saw earbuds in, but the pictures are damn far away.

He already had the fire in him. Why be afraid? Doors open before him, and he just walks through them.

Several of the survivors of Utøya will also be in place in the Oslo City Court, and the terror accused 32-year-old, according to his defense excited to meet them face to face. - Aim said he is excited about how it will be to meet relatives and injured. This is a completely new situation for him. He also says that he is aware that it can come shouts from the audience and that some may try to attack him. He is prepared for all scenarios, says Jordet. According to him, does not Breivik bothered to have killed 77 people. - He has not said anything about, says the lawyer.

He can't explain it away, attempts to do so might seem crazy. I don't know if he realizes that, but it is likely he does. So the aim isn't to explain it to make it palatable. He does not seem bothered because he's compartmentalized and he's on his next part of his plan.

Discussion of his online postings, related to politics. Missed in this that he's read (if not posted much) on history forums about the Crusades, the history of the Caucus, etc, European Identity, and in doing so has interacted with people who are closer to being what he is than the neck-tatoo'ed guys. The well educated. Enthusiasts, professors, doctorates.

While everyone looks at skinheads, never occurs to people that your "radicalizing" influences are far more refined.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Coincidentally, let us also look that this week there are three Muslims in Norway on trial for conspiracy to terrorism in the same court. Very little attention to this, but they are putting up a trio of violent neo-Nazis in Germany who targeted Turks it looks like. Balance. Isn't it GREAT?

How awesome.

Oslo District Court’s second case of the week involves three men indicted for terrorism conspiracy, 40-year-old Uighur (China) Mikael Davud, Iraqi-Kurd Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak, 38, David Jakobsen, a 33-year-old and Uzbek.

This is their SECOND arrest for terrorism.

Particularly harsh criticism came from Attorney Yvonne Mette Larsen, who represents several victims' families. "Breivik getting exactly the attention he has long coveted," she told the Norwegian news agency NTB

He doesn't crave the attention for himself so much as for his message. It isn't really the same thing.

Can't ignore the politics - you charged him with a political crime. The politics are central to the case. Too late.

Incarceration meeting starts at 11:00 am CET.

Haven't yet located a live feed.

In person presentation isn't his strong suit. Should be interesting. Mild mannered. One of the reasons given by the Supremes to see him in court is to allow them to evaluate his health.

The ban on publication may be reconsidered after the incarceration meeting. With hundreds of people in attendance I can't imagine that they will have control on what people talk about afterwards, so without something going horribly wrong I have to imagine that the ban will be removed.
edit on 2011/11/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

edit on 2011/11/13 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 11:08 AM
Well now that the incarceration meeting is over, I'll mind dump.

Did you know that there is another account on Youtube, of a guy handle Jorsalfar, from Norway, who is 33 and body builds, and apparently like fighting and has some hard feelings towards Muslims? How interesting.

The people he used to game with live in Denmark, and started calling their guild Crusaders sometime this year? One of them is interested in European Cultural Identity? And that the guy that is an expert on it in Denmark also has an affinity for the Japanese culture? And a deep interest in the Crusades, and paramilitary religious organizations of the past? I suspect he also games. So interesting.

How did he get the connections to go to Liberia and Belarus? It isn't like these paramilitary groups have an open door policy. A recluse who just happens to have a touch for getting himself into insular paramilitary groups? Either, he isn't as reclusive as they are suggesting .... or someone he knows lubricated the process for him. Or both.

Just like it is so interesting that an ex-Norwegian military specialist got in trouble a number of years ago for his postings about Sigurd the Crusader getting it right. Interestingly, his online handle was also a form of "Crusader."

Men with neck tatoos....or men that he admired? I'll point out that in his compendium he quite intentionally set it up to naturally make the skinheads unlikely to be drawn to him.

He didn't put this on his channel, he just listened to it the day of July 22. Who do you think he's talking to? Norway? Europe? Or the people who said they were with him, but were not? People unwilling to follow through with their big talk.

He was also interrupted when he introduced himself as justituarius the Knights Templar...

And he keeps a note in front of himself to keep himself focused.

This article has been edited already. It says the same thing without saying it the same way.

He said that the isolation that he's in is irrational form of torture, and that he could recommend a technique from Saudi Arabia for information retrieval.

He's less complaining about the isolation than complaining about how what they are doing doesn't make any sense.

I'll note here that I said that he would prefer to be tortured than to continue to question him in this manner. I'll also note that I suggested that he's occupying himself with evaluating their methods. That's what he does.

Trying to reconcile their aims with their methods. Just like he's been trying to reconcile the world around him. See the problem, evaluate all the factors. See the opportunities. Attempt to reconcile - in this case, he's trying to do it on the behalf of his captors.

Trying to reconcile an unreconcilable somewhat irrational set of factors, and come out with some solutions.

On top of it, this suggests that he WANTS to tell you something. But you haven't figured out how to get it out of him yet. He is telling you a way of doing so. Not that I'm recommending the method, just pointing out what is obvious.

His media restrictions are at least partially lifted. He should be able to read the news and watch TV.
edit on 2011/11/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Breivik stared somberly toward the prosecution for most of the 25-minute hearing. He pleaded not guilty to the terror charges but only after being cut off by justice Torkjel Nesheim as he launched into one of several diatribes during the court proceedings.

“I am a military commander in the Norwegian military resistance movement… and a Knight Templar,” Breivik replied, when asked his plea. “[The court has] a mandate from those that support multiculturalism.”

I want to know what was in that "..." part.

“Regarding the competence (of the court), I object to it because you received your mandate from organizations that support hate ideology (and) because it supports multiculturalism,” he added.

“He is arrogant, self-assured, and without any form for apologies and lives in his own bubble,” says Heggertveit.

If I'm right, he's going to give you his penance. Apology implied.

Here we are.


- Yes, thank you for it. When you emerge, Anders Behring Breivik. Can you get up. We have your personal data from the past, so we are not here now. I assume you are familiar with the case, what charges apply. You have been in previous incarceration meetings. You have previously acknowledged the facts relating to the charge applies. Bomb blast in government building, and shooting at the Labour Youth League summer camp on Utøya. You have not admitted guilt earlier. What is the situation today, Behring Breivik? Is it still the same?


- When the parties meet, it is normal that both parties are allowed to present themselves. I have so far not been allowed to do so. I'll do it now. I am a military commander of the Norwegian resistance movement and a knight, Chief Justice of the Knights Templar and Knights Templar Norway Europe. And when it comes to your impartiality, I have objections to it. For you have received your mandate from the organizations that support multiculturalism in Norway. Multiculturalism is an anti-Norwegian hate ideology, which is designed to deconstruct the Norwegian ethnic group. And deconstruct Norwegian ethnic group, it is the same as ethnic cleansing.


- Yes, Breivik, I think I'm doing. For this purpose. What I asked questions to you about was whether you acknowledge guilt or not. When you answer yes or no to it.


- I recognize the actions, but not guilt.


- Mmmm. It's okay. Then we note that for the right book, you do not. It is as you probably know, that you have no obligation to explain to you here today. Do you want to explain to you about matters that are relevant to the case, for this incarceration meeting?


- Yes, I want it.


- Yes. Then you will be allowed to do so. What is important now is that you try to concentrate on explaining things that are relevant to this incarceration meeting. It shall be dealt with today, as you know, through the police's request, is that the police have requested you still imprisoned for twelve weeks. In addition, they have requested letters, visits and media ban for twelve weeks. The court is particularly interested in hearing anything about, is how you set up for this, and what the conditions are in prison.


- So, I will not accept detention.


- You crave your released?


- So I am a military ... (Interupted by the judge):


- I asked a question, Breivik. You want to be released?


- ... and I will not accept detention.


- You will not accept detention, you crave your released? Yes. Do you want to explain something more about custody stay, and the conditions in prison?


- I do not really have as many additional comments to what I have already formulated. What I said earlier, was that if you first use a torture method, it is better to use one that is aimed at gathering information. And ... I see it as a very irrational form of torture, then.


- So it sitting in detention?


- I would recommend, Saudi Arabia, they have a very good method that they use against Al Qaeda, which combines it with information gathering. Beyond that, I have no comment.


- You do not have any other comments. It's okay. Then the opportunity to ask questions to you, Behring Breivik. And then will I first hear the prosecution if they want to ask some questions?


- No questions, thank you.


- Are there any questions from the defense?


- Yes, one question. You've been alone a long time, Breivik. Can you say something about how you see it sitting alone?


- I have no problems with it. There were some problems in the beginning, with a view to adapt from a very active lifestyle, to a very passive. But for the moment it goes, it goes okay.


- No more questions.


- Then you can sit, Breivik. As we continue incarceration meeting on. And when is it that I ask the prosecutor to give a brief explanation of the petition. And especially I want something illuminated by the prosecutor destruction of evidence of hazard ratio, and the restrictions to the defendant.

At the end of the meeting, before the judge is about to retire, conducted a discussion about repeal of the general meeting between the prohibition of detention meeting. Then ask Breivik the word:


- Will I be allowed to make a comment before you adjourn?


- Now I only take minutes of the ban, Behring Breivik, so you can make a comment afterwards. Then cancel the court minutes of the ban entirely under the Courts Act 129, fourth paragraph. It is taken into the court records.

- Also the Behring Breivik get the word quite short. Then there must be something that is relevant to the case, Behring Breivik.


- I understand that the victim is present for the first time. Will I be allowed to speak to them?


- No, you will not now.


- Okay.


- When the court adjourned.

Ah. That's what a "diatribe" looks like. Okay.

Okay, now I will address the vanity concept I keep seeing.

I'm sure he is somewhat vain. The main point about his attention to his presenation and dress is not about vanity. Does a soldier put on their uniform to look vain? No. His clothing is a uniform. His presentation is a uniform.

Anders Behring Breivik does not want to be photographed or filmed.

Accused has adequate medical attention in prison and it is not stated anything about the specific problems related to his sentence.


edit on 2011/11/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I have a question....

Since when did a "Mass Murderer" become different to a "Terrorist" or does the T word only apply to people of non-white skin colour with middle eastern appearances (i.e. good fodder for news)?

The media is tip toeing not to label this guy as a terrorist when he has committed nothing but that. The events were carefully and methodically planned, isn't that what most terrorist do?

This guy takes so many innocent lives and then has the cheek to state that he is not guilty on terrorism related charges while you have someone like Babar Ahmad who has been held without charge for 7 years:

Babar Ahmad is a 37 year old British Muslim and the longest detained-without-charge British detainee held as part of the global ‘war on terror’.

After the aquittal of four police officers who allegedly assaulted and abused Babar Ahmad, the following was stated be a QC residing over the case:

Judge Geoffrey Rivlin QC, the Recorder of Westminster and Deputy High Court Judge said, 'I express the hope that his ordeal as a man in detention in this country for a number of years without trial is brought to an end as soon as possible...It is no concern of this court as to which, but it is a matter of concern and I would have thought should be a matter of concern to the public at large, quite apart from Mr Ahmad, that here is a man who has been in custody for literally years without knowing what his fate is to be.'

This is typical of the hypocrisy going on and the reason why so many people are losing faith in the justice system...This guy (Anders Behring Breivik) committed a horrendous crime and then showed zero remorse for it, there is clear evidence of his intent and actions yet he is going to be treated 'humanely'?

He needs to own up fully to what he did, have terrorism charges brought up against him so that the families can receive proper justice and his sick ideologies are crushed.

I would dread to think that some people are sympathetic to this guys sick agenda and ideologies?
edit on 14-11-2011 by old_god because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2011 by old_god because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by old_god

This guy has been called nothing but a terrorist.

The charge he is charged with is terrorism.

In Norway and in my own country, the media NEVER calls anyone who is isn't white a terrorist. They get called "insurgents" or "freedom fighters." Because my poor brain just can't be expected to understand the cultural imperatives of those from other cultures.

In the papers the entire section is labelled as "July 22 Terrorism."

In other words - I just blew your whole basis of your argument.

I know that the Islamic forums keep saying what you are, but it doesn't stand up to an actual look around at reality.

In Norway, there are THREE Muslims on going in for terrorism charges AGAIN this week. This is their second stint. They are being treated better than Behring Breivik, because they aren't in complete isolation. Though they didn't manage to actually commit their plan...again.

So there is your Apples-to-Apples.

If you'll read here, you'll see that he agrees with you. He evens has a torture method to recommend to them for use on him. So your concern about being treated humanely is that is how Norway does it, the terrorists of other types get it too, and your concern about being treated "humanely" is something that even the subject of your rant finds irrational. So maybe that means that you and he are sympathizing with each other.
edit on 2011/11/14 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

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