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Obama to make fishing illegal ANYWHERE!

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posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 09:57 PM
does anyone realize that whoever posted this never even said "will" and your efforts to discredit it by lying and saying the word "will" was even mentioned are ridiculous and childish. btw if obama is only working against the people and for wall st what makes you think hes going to take measures to increase our food supply? lol

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:06 PM

Where are the jobs? Priorities Mr. Obama. Priorities.

What good is a job when there is no food to buy? I would have thought, eating a priority. I would have thought working to to keep available food affordable , a priority.
Your nations problems are enormous, how much can one man do at once?
Armchair presidents (and prime ministers in my case) are a dime a dozen.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by wbjunk
reply to post by wayaboveitall


DETROIT | Detroit, the very symbol of American industrial might for most of the 20th century, is drawing up a radical renewal plan that calls for turning large swaths of this now-blighted, rusted-out city back into the fields and farmland that existed before the automobile.

does that help.?

Manage, conserve but use!!!

Sounds like a great Idea. Who will be the first to complain when a new tax/levy is announced to pay for it?

[edit on 9-3-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:13 PM
So, now America HAS to import Chinese seafood?
omgosh, I'll never eat it again, if that's the case!

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:14 PM
This is a terrible thread, and should be removed by the moderators immediately. I mean, c'mon.

"I'm THE PRESIDENT, and you can't fish!" Are you freakin serious?

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by sm0k3tw0
does anyone realize that whoever posted this never even said "will" and your efforts to discredit it by lying and saying the word "will" was even mentioned are ridiculous and childish. btw if obama is only working against the people and for wall st what makes you think hes going to take measures to increase our food supply? lol

I don't think they meant that to be a literal quote. When they say "will" they mean he is going to. And the headline clearly states that he is going to.

posted on Mar, 9 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
But nowhere have I seen a statement by Obama stating he wants to ban trophy hunting and fishing.

I've hunted and fished my whole life. For part of it I was poor enough that it was absolutely necessary for food.

You and I part on this one however. Trophy Hunting is wrong. I too was raised with a rifle in my hand. One of the earliest lessons I was taught is that if your not going to eat it, don't shoot it.

Teach these poor people you speak of to hunt and then they won't need you.

The amount of nonsense and damage I've seen done by Trophy Hunters would fill a large book. They take game they don't even want and leave depleted herds for those who rely on the meat they hunt.

I stopped hunting when I reached the income level that I no longer needed the meat. That leaves more game for those who do need it. Hunts are limited and Trophy Hunters reduce the amount of game those who should be hunting take. Trophy Hunters take the strongest breeding stock for its beauty. Subsistence Hunters take the best meat and are good stewards.

I've come across so many abandoned carcasses left by Trophy Hunters, because they did not want to use their tag until they shoot the big one, that it makes me sick just thinking about it. I've literally tripped over a headless carcass that was abandoned because the hunter only wanted the trophy.

There is even a auction in the Denver area that rich folks go to and buy world class trophy heads to put up and claim they hunted them. They pay tens of thousands of dollars for a good Elk Head that makes the record books. There is a group of creeps in Montana I ran into who poach the animals for the auction and then stick tags on the biggest ones once the season starts. They bragged to me about it. They were all White Supremacists too, but that's another story.

If you personally do not eat the meat, put your gun away or use it to target shoot, which is what I do now. Now I hunt with a camera. I only carry Bear protection because of where I live and the nature of where I take photo's.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:05 AM
Sorry people but I was just the messenger. I encourage people to read the article,look up what the WWF and NOAA say on this issue and make an opinion for themselves. Just because I believe this is an attack on freedom on choice doesn't not mean you need to attack me for my ideas or opinions because I am just here to bring this to your attention.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:22 AM
I almost drew a line in the sand and put up a fuss when I had to buy a salt water fishing license.

That line will be drawn when or if our government stops sport fishing.

I have fished all life and eat what I catch. Going fishing is probably one of the things that helps keep fairly sane.

I really believe the government could not work into their budget enough game wardens to catch all us rednecks on the Georgia waters. Then all the hillbillies north of me and the other fisherman in every state would have to be dealt with also.

I just don't see it happening. I've been fishing since the dark ages and never met a game warden that could not be intimidated by the pistol on my hip and every body else with me would most normally have a side gun also.

Yep, my line is drawn....I'm going to fight this law if it comes to passage.

Don't mess with my fishing.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 12:29 AM

never met a game warden that could not be intimidated by the pistol on my hip

The real reason most civilians carry guns.

Sometimes honesty slips out unbidden.
when will people evolve beyond violence?

[edit on 10-3-2010 by wayaboveitall]

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:00 AM
I don't know of any commercial fishing done on inland waterways but I admit I'm not aware of all aspects of fishing.

My solution, if there ever comes a time for one, is to eat the evidence.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by hawaiinguy12

This is one of things that's good not to be an Americano

Fishing Banned, but Guns...Yeah go for it, how many you want, how about a Machine Gun for Deer hunting.
Perhaps .500 S&W magnum to go shooy'n pidgeons.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Let me guess FIshing poles will be made illegal as well as fishing contraband.

That is disturbing. Hes giving away all of our secrets! How will we get away from our wives if we cant fish!

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:31 AM
I think this has a lot more to do with commercial fishing then fishing with a rod-and-line......

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by slayer420
I think this has a lot more to do with commercial fishing then fishing with a rod-and-line......

Sadly, these moronic beings refuse to see that and rather believe Obama's going for their fishing rods!

A paranoid world they live in.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 01:49 AM


posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 02:08 AM
Agenda 21 , The Earth is not to be touched by humans...

Only surten areas will be used as farmland, the rest is to go back to nature..

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 03:03 AM
i think that this is apsolutly rediculous! this is just another skeem to kill people because the world is over populated fishing is a hobby for most people and who doesnt enjoy a bit of fresh fish you never know what sort of crap the government is putting into that stupid prossesed food to make people get fat and die this is rediculous!!!

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by IandEye

you sound more worries about the bluefin tuna than humanity.......but I won't say that's ridiculous .......

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Yeah, interesting spin.

Humans will go extinct unless we continue to fish.

I know where I live, Kalbarri has been all but fished out thanks to big companies like the Kailis bros who dont give a damn about feasible and sustainable fishing.

And Kal used to be the Fishing spot of WA.

Yay big industry raping the resources, and leaving us nout. And then selling us back those resources..

This is one of those weeks I hate people so much...... roll on next week, maybe I'll feel better.

posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by TwoPhish

You said it half nekkid sister..

We should and MUST deplete everything on this planet NOW, because if WE don't, those stupid and pesky next generations will!!

Down with the future I say!!!!!! It'll happen without us anyway.

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