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An Epiphany About The Powers That Be (TPTB)

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posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: TheChuckster
You post and say that the Antichrist will help the peasants etc.
However, What if the peasants are too stupid and selfish to listen to him?
What will happen then?

If the antichrist was to land alongside his alien buddies and ...

1) hand out free energy worldwide to all peasants.
2) create a new one world currency after every current world currency implodes.
3) give every person 1 million new world currency credits, like 1 million USD.
4) hand out cheap alien technology purchasable with the new world currency.
5) allow jobless people to enroll and populate other worlds.

Seeing that almost every peasant is poor now, who would turn down an offer like that ?

Then with the poor populating other planets the elite get earth for themselves.

If all water is contaminated via chem-trails and all future water has to be processed and bottled, what if the water can only be purchased with the Mark of the Beast ?
Everyone that accepts the Mark will have plenty of money to buy the water.

Everyone else like true Christians, selfish and stupid people will die of dehydration in 3 days.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: TheChuckster
- Maybe they are the only ones that will make us all finally put aside the singularity egotism and work together for a united purpose?

Perhaps the whole unity thing is what is absurd!

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: TheChuckster

TPTB have always been. They have always been the wealth upper class of society that have always had total access to education, knowledge, land, power and wealth. Look for example at the Theodosians of the late Western Roman Empire. And they succeeded in escaping the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and managed to escape with all their wealth and continued to wield power in Constantinople.

Today for example the heirs of the Habsburgs, Empress Maria Therese, control vast sums of wealth. Fiat, the fashion industry in Milan for example. They and the Gotha-Saxe-Coburg heirs control the European banking systems. Even the Bourbon's and the Romanovs weild considerable influence, power and wealth.

In the words of the wise is what it is.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 10:37 AM
In my opinion, TPTB are mainly about progress as well as keeping a group of humans no different than us 'elite.' I feel this group always wants to have all the knowledge most importantly, followed by all the money and thus all the power.

This has always been the case and said group has changed but then again has always been the same.

Technology is the newest problem they are facing. Technology available to the masses. Nowadays just about anybody can learn anything from the internet in minutes. They can also gain great wealth and their own power via the same digital means.

Because of this, you are seeing what we see now. Propoganda is being pushed like never before through all forms of media. The food most people rely on is processed crap and in many cases downright poison. Much of social media simply exists to dumb people down and get nobody to focus on anything important. No real issues. Etc etc.

All of this stuff is to combat modern technology. We could all become smart and united enough to finally end tptb's games in no time with little more than the internet. Due to this, the distractions are being upped tenfold lately.

Problem is technology cannot be stopped. Its growth its exponential actually. It can be attempted hidden away which happens all the time but leaks will always slip out. That is why i feel we are headed to a culmination point. The common man will either end tptb's facade in the next century and we will approach a damn near utopian society OR they will realize they will freak out about losing control and revert us back to the stone age.

Hopefully they realize they could let the first thing happen and remain wealthy power tripping SOB's eitherway because that is what it all boils down to. Just my opinion. Probably didnt even make much sense.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 12:25 PM
I don't know who to blame at times...

Sure we might have wolves of different packs vying for their own territory or gains, and yet, they hide like Rats in marble palaces, comfortable with Tigers that are their bodyguards, plotting and scheming against other Rats who want the whole piece of Cheese.

And then you got the waves people who are no smarter then sheep, knowing nothing behind a fence that beside a hill, not knowing that the grass might be greener...Where they bicker about opposing views that life might be better...or worse outside the fence. And yet, how quickly those waves of harmless sheep can turn into raging, rabid wolves themselves, turning on each other like voracious rats that they despise.

Sure the people might be helpless sheep, but they don't need bodyguards, or armies to hide behind the constructs.
edit on 1-8-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: TheChuckster

- Maybe they are the only ones that will make us all finally put aside the singularity egotism and work together for a united purpose?

Or, I could be completely insane and my theory is nothing but ramblings of a man locked inside a mental institution

"work together" ...."united purpose", sounds a bit like a globalist agenda to me.

I think that the blame must rest with TPTB. Elected to represent us but so quick to forget it. Instead persecuting us by enforcing laws and rules that we do not welcome. To suggest that they know best is to accept the idea of a Nanny State. Nanny knows best.

I think that evil lurks where there is too much concensus. In modern times people's viewpoint are not theirs anymore ; they are borowed views from social media. In a world (today's world) where people are scared to be themselves; where herd mentality prevails (growing from social media), you no longer have diversity of ideas and ideals. Diversity is the prerequisite of freedom.

TPTB has been engaged is killing diversity. For example, by having the same rate of Value Added Tax (sales tax for you americans) across Europe, it becomes difficult for a citizen to point a finger and say "look, that country has a very small rate of sale tax and yet it is doing well". Similarly , by colluding with each other, governments are agreeing to set more or less same income tax rates everywhere. Again, making it impossible for someone to say : "hang on, that country has zero tax rate for the majority of the population ( Some of you will know these countries). Yet is had a good educational system and free healthcare". Every nation that does not join in or is not trapped in the tentacles of the World Bank/IMF is labelled Rogue nation and scheduled for destruction.

I am wondering now if you were sent by TPTB to promote globalism and passivity.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 07:52 PM

originally posted by: crowdedskies

originally posted by: TheChuckster

- Maybe they are the only ones that will make us all finally put aside the singularity egotism and work together for a united purpose?

Or, I could be completely insane and my theory is nothing but ramblings of a man locked inside a mental institution

"work together" ...."united purpose", sounds a bit like a globalist agenda to me.

I think that the blame must rest with TPTB. Elected to represent us but so quick to forget it. Instead persecuting us by enforcing laws and rules that we do not welcome. To suggest that they know best is to accept the idea of a Nanny State. Nanny knows best.

I think that evil lurks where there is too much concensus. In modern times people's viewpoint are not theirs anymore ; they are borowed views from social media. In a world (today's world) where people are scared to be themselves; where herd mentality prevails (growing from social media), you no longer have diversity of ideas and ideals. Diversity is the prerequisite of freedom.

TPTB has been engaged is killing diversity. For example, by having the same rate of Value Added Tax (sales tax for you americans) across Europe, it becomes difficult for a citizen to point a finger and say "look, that country has a very small rate of sale tax and yet it is doing well". Similarly , by colluding with each other, governments are agreeing to set more or less same income tax rates everywhere. Again, making it impossible for someone to say : "hang on, that country has zero tax rate for the majority of the population ( Some of you will know these countries). Yet is had a good educational system and free healthcare". Every nation that does not join in or is not trapped in the tentacles of the World Bank/IMF is labelled Rogue nation and scheduled for destruction.

I am wondering now if you were sent by TPTB to promote globalism and passivity.


Or, Maybe I'm the head of the TPTB and will allow one of the TPTB families to sit at my right hand?

Who knows right?
or I could just be an an insane man writing from an insane asylum?

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: TheChuckster

So are you still Hitler reincarnated?
Did someone really sell their soul to you? If so, what sort of price did you give them?


Can you name these TPTB?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 01:26 AM

originally posted by: Noinden
a reply to: TheChuckster

So are you still Hitler reincarnated?
Did someone really sell their soul to you? If so, what sort of price did you give them?


Can you name these TPTB?

Naw, the Hitler thing as I did say later on was indeed just a dream and the above statement about the TPTB was obviously a joke. People need a bit more humor in their life

Also the soul selling price yes indeed it did happen and in return they got the whole "Women lusting for them" deal. Which I do find a bit silly to trade a soul for such a small price

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: TheChuckster

I dont think you are too far off. Something we fail to realise as adults is that as children growing up we tend to behave more and more in opposition to our parents before finally becoming them ourselves.
Just look at what we enjoy as grown adults. What kind of imagery triggers us, what kind of games. All if it can be referenced back to earli childhood.
Life is a circle in every possible way... a cyclus.

But that also implies that to get disorder and dispair which make people more controlable, you first need to have the opposite and make people love it.
Its something that almost runs by itself, but we can influence it to throw the timing a bit to suit our needs in terms or econony and power. Obviously this is nore true for those on the top of society than those at the bottom.

This cycle is also why there will always be extremely poor people in the world.... to balance out the super rich.
The thing is with that quote you put up.... it only fits the upper part of society, will never do good for the bottom.

At this point there is only one option to flatten out and draw the extremes closer together: war and the death of the elite... all of them.

See thats the one thing I do think they understand. They will only ever remain super rich and powerful as long as there is a bottom to feed off.
You can never remove the bottom...

But what happens when you chop the top off? More for everyone else.... closer to equilibrium.

So they walk a fine edge. Evil deeds can never be so evil that it does not do just a little bit og good for everyone.

I hope they # up....
edit on 2/8/16 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: TheChuckster

Now, you are one bright young gentleman... And you are on to something.

I woul vote to you in the heartbeat!

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: alomaha
a reply to: TheChuckster

Now, you are one bright young gentleman... And you are on to something.

I woul vote to you in the heartbeat!

Who knows maybe one day they'll come to me and offer me to run?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: TheChuckster

How exactly did you give them the "women lusting after them" bit then? I ask as someone not uneducated in the occult

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Noinden
a reply to: TheChuckster

How exactly did you give them the "women lusting after them" bit then? I ask as someone not uneducated in the occult

Just pictured him surrounded by women during the transfer of the soul? That's about it.

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: TheChuckster

originally posted by: alomaha
a reply to: TheChuckster

Now, you are one bright young gentleman... And you are on to something.

I woul vote to you in the heartbeat!

Who knows maybe one day they'll come to me and offer me to run?

I could imagine your surprise if they did.
Maybe in another world. The one based on completely different set of values. But what if that world is much closer than we think?

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: TheChuckster

Forgive me for doubting
my inner skeptic is raising two fingers to this.

posted on Aug, 4 2016 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: TheChuckster


Or, Maybe I'm the head of the TPTB and will allow one of the TPTB families to sit at my right hand?

Who knows right?
or I could just be an an insane man writing from an insane asylum?

You do seem (in the OP) to be on a mission to promote One World, One currency , One ideal, etc. I would rather see you in your second vocation of buying souls. At least that way, the world is not doomed, only a few stupid soouls.

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