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Craig McInley gets his amputation and accolades

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posted on May, 24 2024 @ 11:10 PM
This is weird, we have a sitting British Tory MP who got the jab, which caused some weird plastic effects to his arms and feet in fact they looked like they turned to black plastic and were amputated.He speaks from his hospital bed and then recieves a standing ovation when he resumes his seat in Parliament, so it looks like a few MP's did not get the memo. When Anthony Brigen was sacked from the British Tory party, he was warned by his mentor to stop rocking the boat, as he was putting himself in danger by going up against the wealthiest people on the planet.The mentor told him that their was no point in worrying about it as he would be dead from cancer in a few years.
So something big is obviously happening in the Tory ranks as Sunak has called for an election on the 4th of July. Which will cause a stop of questioning as they get ready for the election. Which comes at a time when he has warned the population to stock up on essential items. The reason for this seems to be the growing war with Russia, at a time when record deaths and sickness and unemployment etc is hitting the UK..Looking at the general situation one would think that the Government are the fith collum getting the country ready for defeat,or such a decline as be no threat worth worrying about to anyone let alone Russia. Has a Coup already taken place in the Western world and the leading parties are just passing legislation for a collapse allready agreed on. In fact the whole thing is looking like a Monty Python sketch.

This one is from Andrew Brigen feed, on the real reason Astra zenika was withdrawn , it was after their own study on the long term effects.I am sure these results are the same for all the other Mrna vaccines, which mean some bad stuff is coming down for a significnt number of people who took it.Not all but enough to cause severe disruption. Everyone who had anything to do with it would by now looking at self preservation.
edit on pm520245America/Chicago531403124 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: annonentity

The Man's name is "Mackinlay" not McInley and he developed "sepsis" down to kidney and liver failure which is blood poisoning.

Sepsis affects more than 245,000 people every year in the UK where there are more than 48,000 deaths due to illnesses related to the infection.

This is what you do, you pick a horrible story that you obviously know nothing about, hence cannot even get the person's name correct.

And then you start spreading unsubstantiated doom porn all over the place.
edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: annonentity

The Man's name is "Mackinlay" not McInley and he developed "sepsis" down to kidney and liver failure which is blood poisoning.

Sepsis affects more than 245,000 people every year in the UK where there are more than 48,000 deaths due to illnesses related to the infection.

This is what you do, you pick a horrible story that you obviously know nothing about, hence cannot even get the person's name correct.

You have oversimplified sepsis and no, 245k people don't get quadruple amputations due to sepsis (for what they suspect was caused by an ubiquitous pathogen if you read the article) at this man's age. This sepsis was caused by the body being unable to fight off infection, which leads to the systemic condition. It's most common in people with compromised immune systems due to age or disease. The 48k deaths are mostly nearing their statistical end of life and quadruple amputations have been historically rare... before 2021 at least. Maybe it's more common now, but if that's your argument feel free to look it up. It doesn't really help you though, if amputations due to sepsis have increased enough to be considered common since 2021.

Several of us that have experience in this field and aren't on pharmaceutical payrolls have warned that the vaccines have weakened/impaired immune systems and that there will be increases in acute cases of endemic diseases in populations previously at virtually no risk of complications. This has been visible in data, but of course the news programs and government officials all getting money from pharmaceutical companies won't be telling you this. Just like they lied to you about blood clots, cardiac damage, mRNA persisting in the body, spike proteins being produced for far more than a few days, nanolipids targeting organ tissue after leaving the injection site, oncological promoters, plasmid DNA, and at least a dozen other things.

It is absolutely a valid question if his multiple COVID vaccines played a role in his highly irregular inability to fight off a common infection. It isn't common or normal, the vaccines have been shown to impair immune function, and there are alarming increases in many maladies that started right after COVID vaccines were rolled out... and no amount of burying your head in the sand will change that.

Population health data isn't bodies in the street, it's statistically significant changes in large numbers over time. It's not worth explaining to the intellectually lazy, but there's plenty of evidence in the numbers even as they try to manipulate or restrict that data that shows it.

Plenty of evidence is out there if you're willing to consume source information rather than let paid-for news and government shills spoon feed you your beliefs.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: ksihkahe

You have oversimplified sepsis and no, 245k people don't get quadruple amputations due to sepsis

Canny put words in my mouth I'm afraid, i did not suggest 245k people get quadruple amputations down to sepsis.

I said.

Sepsis affects more than 245,000 people every year in the UK where there are more than 48,000 deaths due to illnesses related to the infection.

Try again.

Several of us that have experience in this field and aren't on pharmaceutical payrolls have warned that the vaccines have weakened/impaired immune systems and that there will be increases in acute cases of endemic diseases in populations previously at virtually no risk of complications.

And what is that exactly since you brought up your ""experience""?

It is absolutely a valid question if his multiple COVID vaccines played a role in his highly irregular inability to fight off a common infection.

Considering about 70% of the UK is vaccinated I'm apt to ponder more people would have sepsis for a start if indeed it's down to the mRNA vaccine.

Population health data isn't bodies in the street, it's statistically significant changes in large numbers over time. It's not worth explaining to the intellectually lazy, but there's plenty of evidence in the numbers even as they try to manipulate or restrict the data that shows it.

Talking about bodies on the streets 40% of us here in the UK were supposed to be dead long ago down to VAIDS nonsense according to a few doom porn merchants and anti-vax lunatics that frequent these here parts, so there is that, the op included.

Still here I'm afraid.


Plenty of evidence is out there if you're willing to consume source information rather than let paid-for news and government shills spoon feed you your beliefs.

So present it then after all the onus is on you to provide evidence to support the claim you make.

Else they are simply unsubstantiated nonsense.

Ile wait.

edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:25 PM
My daughter works as a hospital administrator, one of the biggest concerns within hospitals is actually sepsis and dead that can occur when people get it in the hospitals, as is a very common cause for law sues sepsis is a bad word within hospital staff.

And not sepsis does not hit you in all four limps like that unless is a serious lack of care or negligence.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: marg6043

And not sepsis does not hit you in all four limps like that unless is a serious lack of care or negligence.

And is that you trained medical opinion marg6043?

Because my sister in law is a nurse and her new husband a doctor in AnE.

And they are suggesting where sepsis is concerned each case needs to be evaluated on its own merits, considering the medical history, circumstances of the infection, and well as the care provided.

Sepsis hit that poor Man just like that, as is evidenced by his current condition and lack of appendages.

Not everything is a conspiracy or every tragedy a vaccine-related government op.
edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Must have been the jab, eh?


posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Canny put words in my mouth I'm afraid

Nor can you put any in mine. I never claimed 40% of the population would be dead of VAIDS or any of the other bs that you're all fond of running to for your straw men.

I said it's a completely valid question to ask if his repeated vaccination with something known to impair immune function played a role in his illness.

But to reiterate...

It's not worth explaining to the intellectually lazy, but there's plenty of evidence in the numbers even as they try to manipulate or restrict that data that shows it.

I would do a thread, but the vaccine aficionados don't post in them... for reasons.

Your comment that there should be more cases since most of the population is vaccinated isn't rational or logical if it's a rare complication. According to what you were told by the sources you continue to consume, the high vaccination rate of your country should have greatly reduced the incidence and mortality from COVID... yet we're 5 shots or more in and vigorous vaccine promotion continues.

...where sepsis is concerned each case needs to be evaluated on its own merits, considering the medical history, circumstances of the infection, and well as the care provided.

Sepsis hit that poor Man just like that, as is evidenced by his current condition and lack of appendages.

I said that COVID vaccine status should be considered... is that not part of what you just parroted from your family sources?

Vaccination status with a gene therapy platform that has a history of gross failures and serious side effects is part of medical history. This would be easy to correlate to various side effects and risks of complications at the population level if the public health agencies were allowing researchers full access to data.

As I already told you, the sepsis was due to an underlying infection his immune system system was unable to fight off. That doesn't just hit out of the blue. That's just some boomer colloquialism for people that can't be bothered to mind the scientific details.

So is there a list of things that you believe should be left out when evaluating cases based on their own merit or should I just assume it's anything that is attached to a highly profitable pharmaceutical platforms?

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Well taking into consideration that my daughter main job now is about limiting the cases of sepsis with training to doctors and nurses, I pretty much stand by what I say.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: ksihkahe

Nor can you put any in mine. I never claimed 40% of the population would be dead of VAIDS or any of the other bs that you're all fond of running to for your straw men.

I said it's a completely valid question to ask if his repeated vaccination with something known to impair immune function played a role in his illness.

I did mean the Op of the thread annonentity who also believes people who are vaccinated heads glow under UV light they are magnetic and also Bluetooth enabled, so there is that.

I would do a thread, but the vaccine aficionados don't post in them... for reasons.

Should have, would have, could have.

Your comment that there should be more cases since most of the population is vaccinated isn't rational or logical if it's a rare complication. According to what you were told by the sources you continue to consume, the high vaccination rate of your country should have greatly reduced the incidence and mortality from COVID... yet we're 5 shots or more in and vigorous vaccine promotion continues.

Your comment i where you suggested i said 245k people get quadruple amputations due to sepsis ticks that box i think you may find.

I said that COVID vaccine status should be considered... is that not part of what you just parroted from your family sources?

Do you mean medical professionals as opposed to the likes managerial hospital administrators per-chance?

Aye they tick that box.

Vaccination status with a gene therapy platform that has a history of gross failures and serious side effects is part of medical history. This would be easy to correlate to various side effects and risks of complications at the population level if the public health agencies were allowing researchers full access to data.

Serious side effects for less than 1% of the recipients your mean.

You do understand there is a chance things can go wrong with vaccination down to the simple fact that no two people are the same.

As I already told you, the sepsis was due to an underlying infection his immune system system was unable to fight off. That doesn't just hit out of the blue. That's just some boomer colloquialism for people that can't be bothered to mind the scientific details.

Still waiting for you to present your "experience in this field" that you brought up, where is that again?

You not telling me anything i dont already know or so it seems.

So is there a list of things that you believe should be left out when evaluating cases based on their own merit or should I just assume it's anything that is attached to a highly profitable pharmaceutical platforms?

Where is this fabled list?

Next to your imaginary experience in the field pray tell?

edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Your anecdotes aside, your daughter is a manager/addmistarator of sorts and not a medical health-trained professional.

Hence I'm apt to go with what they suggest and the factual information regarding the man's condition as opposed to speculation, conspiracy, and hyperbole, from afar.
edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:26 PM
BtW I got sepsis, after my reconstruction from breast cancer, back last june, actually I contracted covid 4 weeks after the surgery that surgery lasted 8 hours, one week and half after contracting covid, I got an infection in my right breast implant, was admitted to the hosptial inmediately, I was put on two antibiotic 24 hours around the clock, for 3 days.

Thankfully on the third day after my antibodies were tested and back to normal, I had surgery to remove the implant.

I did not lose any limps thank god, only the implant.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Actually for your information she is a trained health professional and license to practice. When she got promoted to administrator she kept her license.

How about that.

Are you going to tell me now I am lying again? you have your head to much under big pharma butt as an apologist.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Well, debates aside I'm glad you pulled through the cancer.

I lost my dad to lung cancer/brain tumor a few years back.

As to COVID I've had it 3 times, always a skoosh.

My partner however nearly died from the disease and that was before there were any vaccines.

It no joke for some.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Sorry I was mean in the last post,

Anyway I am still having reconstruction and endless appointments with oncologist, I am having another surgery on August.

But I am glad to be alive.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Practice hospital administrator not medicine unless she has the applicable degree.

I'm not telling you that you are lying, dont mean you're not conditioned and misguided.

Without big pharma millions of people who require pharmaceutical products would perish, major operations would be somewhat impossible, and your daughter would be out of a job.

Just something to consider.

Unfortunately they are a necessary evil in today's world.

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Ive got thick skin.

No harm no foul marg6043.

Again I'm glad you are ok and still with us.

And all the best with your surgery come August.

edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You only have to look around to see that something has gone terribly wrong with our society, and as far as people putting out Bluetooth type adresses due to the nanotech in the vaccines. I realise that it is almost a too sensitive subject to bring up . But the facts persist for anyone actually looking into it.The only response is that "They must be lying" all I can say is explain an alternative to the vast increase in these adresses???

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: annonentity

You only have to look around to see that something has gone terribly wrong with our society, and as far as people putting out Bluetooth type adresses due to the nanotech in the vaccines.

That goes without saying.

As to your Bluetooth MAC address, it has already been explained that the increase is down to the proliferation of Bluetooth devices, MAC address randomization protocols, and the expansion of Bluetooth applications across various sectors.

It's not my fault you dont understand the concept.

And can we have some proof as to these nano particles, please that bestow a person Bluetooth?

I realise that it is almost a too sensitive subject to bring up . But the facts persist for anyone actually looking into it.

If you make the claim the onus is on you to substantiate such via providing tangible evidence.

he only response is that "They must be lying" all I can say is explain an alternative to the vast increase in these adresses???

Already have now on numerous occasions the fact that you cannot comprehend or choose to ignore the answer is your own concern.

edit on 25-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2024 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: annonentity

There's this. How often does that happen? And how much more common is it now than it was, say, before 2021?

And when it happens now, what percentage of the people to whom it happens took the death jab?

We all know that incidents of cancer have shot up and heretofore virtually unknown "turbocancers" are a thing now.

All cause mortality is off the charts among young working age people and COnVID is not the cause.

Miscarriages have increased drastically.

(Click on the image or the link below for the news article.)


(Almost looks like the black goo got him.)

edit on 2024 5 25 by AwakeNotWoke because: image.

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