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Humans are naturally plant-eaters

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posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 03:59 PM
We ,as human species ,are ,and will be,designed to ingest protein derived from meat,among other sources.
As simple as that.Few of us will deny,others will embrace meat.What is the problem ??

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
reply to post by nerbot

Meat is meat, it varies in nutrients but not nearly as much as vegetables do.

PS; when is the last time you had a cockle or mullet?

Oh really?

Consider the amino acids, and iron, consider the mineral content of the bones (bone broth), collagen, co q-10 of the heart, synthesized vitamin a and d in the liver, omega 3, vitamin k2 in milk and butter synthesized from cows eating grass and on and on. I'll take my k2 from butter rather than stinky fermented soy beans, thanks.

edit on 22-1-2011 by kalamatas because: typo

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
Linking me to primitive people eating raw meat, or someone eating it on a survival television show (It's just that; survival) certainly isn't helping your argument. lol.

Being primitive is being as closer to nature as it gets, unlike a spoiled westerner.

Primitive cultures consumed other humans as well, should we assume that is reason to believe that humans were meant to be cannibals? According to your logic; yes.

Evidence? In particular for the Eskimos, you seem to have something against them.

Because humans have done something before, doesn't mean it is right. In fact, you have only strengthened my argument as eating raw meat is a dying practice.

Define "right." My definition of eating "right" is eating according to the way nature has intended for us after millions of years.

You have obviously made up your mind and refuse to change it in the face of facts, evidence, and basic logic.
I'll continue eating my fresh garden veggies, beautiful homegrown fruit, and healthy free eggs from chickens at the (cowless, pigless) farm while you can continue to eat your disease ridden lump of animal tissue.

Buddy you're the one who's refusing to look at the massive amount of evidence we're giving. I find it funny how you talk about logic but you go on making fallacies. "disease ridden lump of animal tissue" is not the meat we're talking about.

Don't come crying to me when you have heart disease, in fact, I won't be donating my organs as it was your decision to kill your own.

Natural selection at its finest says I.

We've already posted evidence debunking the myths surrounding meat. Be a good boy now.
edit on 22-1-2011 by PoorFool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:07 PM
ZOMAR- I've heard that, for example: that people cannot stay healthy, by just being on a steady diet of meat, unless they use vitamins.Therefore, with no vitamins availble in the Alaskan Bush, they have to eat the hair off the animal's hide in order to stay healthy.
Man, is the number one carnivore on our planet.

Luxus- In order for man to run long distances, he was forced to evolve into standing upright, on two legs; and was forced to lose most of his body hair in order to sweat so he could cool down while chasing critters for long distances.
Carnivore's, like lions and tigers can run only for short distances, because they they have to much body hair on there hides, thereby reducing there ability to sweat; in order for them to cool down rapidly.
In order for mankind too have a high intelligence, with a resulting high cranial capacity, prehistoric man besides eating fruits and vegetables; needed a steady diet of meat.
I believe, modern man, still needs a diet of chemical free: fruits, meats and vegetables; in order to increase his cranial capacity thru evolution.


edit on 22-1-2011 by Erno86 because: added a few words

edit on 22-1-2011 by Erno86 because: ditto

edit on 22-1-2011 by Erno86 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
You think its coincidence that the animals that live off of seeds, nuts, and fruits (elephants, macaws, etc) happen to have the longest lifespans? Usually 50 years +, while not uncommon to reach 100+
Blackbears have a lifespan of around 40 years. "Coincidentally" 90% of the diet of Black Bears are plants.

Carnivores typically have a lifespan of under 20 years on average, of course it all depends on the species.

Primitive man who had to eat raw meat lived a miserable 30 years or less.

However, I'm done showing you the obvious. Careful not to fall off the side of Earth.

sigh...carnivores by nature utilize their bodies much more intensely than gathers who's food doesn't involve a viscous chase, wrestle, and slaughter followed by consumption. A lot more energy is spent by carnivores to get their food, its a more physically demanding type of food to get. Sometimes involving injury to the predator as consequences from such physical exertion/situations. You think maybe because macaws and elephants life-styles are so incredibly mundane and low energy they get to live so long? It might have nothing to do with what their eating and everything to do with their lifestyles from attaining the foods they eat.

Human again are different we don't have to chase our food down in physical exertion (anymore) so the caloric consumption needed to balance is less, this is where meat gets a bad rap, because people don't see or refuse to see the difference in how the food is attained.

When we eat meat like we just ran across the plains chasing an antelope with a spear but have simply sat and ordered from a menu....yea the calories might not balance out and you might see some physical problems. (again a social thing like I stated in earlier posts). This is why in the modern world exercise is needed, so you can justify hammering down a 16oz new york strip later in the day. If you don't do exercise those calories are not justified and you will see it manifest in the "heart disease" and high cholesterol you love to blanket all meat with causing.

I refuse to believe you have enough knowledge/research in not only nutrition but human HISTORY to make any of the claims you have made in this thread. This is why vegans and vegetarians get such a bad rep, its a consistent approach to the "meat problem" that they chose to take and for those of us who know better its paints a very "ignorant" view from those movements.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:08 PM
We ,as human species ,are ,and will be,designed to ingest protein derived from meat,among other sources.
As simple as that.Few of us will deny,others will embrace meat.What is the problem ??

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
Thank you for the thread. you are correct we are not made to eat meat. However we have removed ourselfs so far from nature that we have fofgotten who we are. Hence many of the mordern day problems...


you can consume meat within nature without problems...the modern day problems are NOT THE MEAT,

Its how we chose to consume it and lather it in growth hormones and steroids.
Its how we consume it without appropriate sanitary conditions (ecoli, salmonella).
Its how we chose to eat it for every meal and sit on our asses watching TV for the rest of the day.
Its how we don't balance out and justify the consumption of what is in MEAT, protein, calories, essential fats and amino acids.
Its about choosing the fattiest portion of meat for every meal and smothering it in high fructose laden sauces insurmountable amounts of sodium and other over the top "goodies".
Its about fast food restaurants and cooking methods.

ITS NOT ABOUT THE MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:21 PM
A balanced diet is best.
Humans are naturally omnivores I believe, look at people who have to live in extreme places like the Inuits, how are they supposed to be vegetarians when there are very few vegetables that will grow in them conditions.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:27 PM
What go happening,if you :
instantly seize killing all beef ?
Instantly seize killing all pork ?
Instantly seize killing all poultry ?
If you care to answer, please count in:
all fecies,times 4
all food,times 4
all food,times 4(this is actually higher by factor of 4)
all food ,times 4(this is actually higher by factor of 4)
This negative,since you do want to ingest other
Following calc is applicable on minor communities to individuals
You get the picture
edit on 22-1-2011 by FlatBeAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by PoorFool

spinach is arguably the best source of Iron.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by renegadeloser
reply to post by PoorFool

spinach is arguably the best source of Iron.

100g of ground beef: 2.9g (about the size of a patty)

100g of spinach: 0.8g (about 4 cups of raw spinach)


ps. spinach contains a chemical called oxalate that prevents certain minerals from being absorbed. Pesky pesky plants!
edit on 22-1-2011 by PoorFool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by nerbot

Originally posted by The_Zomar
reply to post by nerbot

Meat is meat, it varies in nutrients but not nearly as much as vegetables do.

PS; when is the last time you had a cockle or mullet?

I have a jar of cockles in my fridge thankyou very much....mmmm, yummy. And I had mullet with green beans, potatoes and a white wine sauce just before xmas.

Because you don't know what something is doesn't mean it doesn't exist.....sheesh!

Wiki - Cockle
Wiki - Mullet

Who said I didn't know what they were? I merely asked you the last time you had them.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by The_Zomar

Sorry for the confusion. Your choice of those particular items seemed down to the fact that their names may have been Americanised.

Most people in the world would probably eat a "mullet" but an American would wear one on his or her head. Joe Dirt 'n all that.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Keep on issue :
Sometimes I wonder why we slaughter other living creatures and eat their flesh, im thinking of stopping eating meat completely... sometimes when eating a tasty burger it hits me that im eating a corpse

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by FlatBeAT
Keep on issue :
Sometimes I wonder why we slaughter other living creatures and eat their flesh, im thinking of stopping eating meat completely... sometimes when eating a tasty burger it hits me that im eating a corpse

This is a personal choice and nothing is wrong with it.

Somewhere along the line though someone made claims "Humans are naturally plant-eaters" this is highly debatable.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by MortlitantiFMMJ
look at people who have to live in extreme places like the Inuits, how are they supposed to be vegetarians when there are very few vegetables that will grow in them conditions.

Simple, they are living unnaturally where humans weren't meant to live. If humans were meant to live in those conditions they would have developed thick fur coats.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:48 PM
In the end all this debate is very senseless because the fact is one, if our body can process something, we can eat it, if we can't process it, we can't eat it.

We may have some similarities with herbivores, but we can process and get nutrients, proteins from meat, so is very obvious we can eat it, and there is nor reason to not do it.

Even with that similarities with herbivores, we can't digest cellulose, so it doesn't make sense for me to start eating grass or foliage only because we have somethings in common.

So this bs about us being true herbivorans or carnivorans is senseless, we are neither.

What we are is partially frugivore, partially carnivore, partially granivore, partially molluscivore, partially piscivore, partially avivore, and we can even be partially vermivore or insectivore.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:49 PM
I posted this a while ago :

We ,as human species ,are ,and will be,designed to ingest protein derived from meat,among other sources.
As simple as that.Few of us will deny,others will embrace meat.What is the problem ??

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by FlatBeAT
Keep on issue :
Sometimes I wonder why we slaughter other living creatures and eat their flesh, im thinking of stopping eating meat completely... sometimes when eating a tasty burger it hits me that im eating a corpse

If you choose to give it a try be sure to have a "bumper" week as I call it, and ease off of the meat. The next week eat a 100% vegetarian diet. It's amazingly (and surprisingly) easy.

If you sometimes "sin" and eat frozen foods; check out this old thread by me:

Don't forget many restaurants have a vegetarian option. Chili's, Dennys, Applebees, to name a few. Vegi-burgers that even meat lovers switch to when they finally give it a try!

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by FlatBeAT
I posted this a while ago :

We ,as human species ,are ,and will be,designed to ingest protein derived from meat,among other sources.
As simple as that.Few of us will deny,others will embrace meat.What is the problem ??

Science says otherwise.

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