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My expiriences from 10 and up

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posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Ah, "white light" is what you and ShadowNinja mean. Not energy. I must apologize, I have been mistaken this entire time. I thought you meant the bio-electrical energy (sometimes called radiation) present in all human beings, which also underlines the visible light spectrum and the invisible light spectrum. The same energy pattern which creates dark matter, black holes, radio waves, microwaves and other similar things. That was my mistake.


What you are referring to, is the Body-of-Light, or the Perfect-Body. A spiritual concept discovered in ancient Egypt, cultivated in India, spread to China and Japan via Buddhism, mastered by the orient and shipped to Europe with the travelling Gurus.

Then, through the use of theosophy and spiritual magicians (like myself) it was mastered into a form called the Astral Body which was extensively studied by a group known as the Golden Dawn.

After the disbanding of this group a team by the name of Muldoon and Carrington (an astral projector and a paranormal investigator) proceeded to study this phenomenon mapping out all possibilities over and extensive life-long trial and error study of it. They even measured how much you weigh when travelling this way.

I understand now the difference. I was mistaken in what you and ShadowNinja were referring to. Every being does have their own, individual, distinct Astral Body (body of light). However, not every species is the same. No two dolphins possess the same type, no two humans, etc. It is through use of this energy that I discovered the Calyx. I know what you are referring to now.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

My dear boy, use your gifts. Ask your hosts. If you truly wonder about what your future holds, have them find the Maevean. They will tell you all concerning me.

For now though, I must return to God's Grove to sleep upon my tree. The Yggdrasil calls.

I bid all on this thread good nite and alech hai

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Ok dude you are sure odd now this makes much sense. Ok when I said your name I had a big vibe of a familiar energy also you have blue or gray eyes which was odd. That is what I saw when I said your name. Who in gods name are you and how in hell do you know me or feel familiar to me. Are you connected to the Elohim royal family by any chance.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:27 AM
Blimey you guys have written a lot since I went to bed
Pff I leave you kids alone for five minutes

Originally posted by ShadowNinja

Secondly if you were Psi would you not have scanned me by now ?? and felt my aura and energy.
[edit on 20-2-2010 by ShadowNinja]

Why do you assume this? Do you scan everyone that claims to be Psi or every poster for that matter?

Ah I see Wandering Scribe beat me to it with regards to energy. "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms."


posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by phoenix_zephyr

Oh god hahaha thank you reminded me of an old event.

Energy can be created yes but god that was a general event of creating something not meant to be created lol hahaha

Leave us for 5 minutes and we already burned down the house but worked together to rebuilt

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:06 AM
Well, as long as you rebuild it in a nice orderly fashion

I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you on the energy front, first law of thermodynamics and all that


P.S. You didn't answer my question

Edit: Spelling
Edit: Need more coffee -.-
[edit on 20-2-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

[edit on 20-2-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

[edit on 20-2-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by phoenix_zephyr

nope only with their permission if something is wrong. Without permission it is against the cosmic law.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by ShadowNinja
reply to post by phoenix_zephyr

nope only with their permission if something is wrong. Without permission it is against the cosmic law.

As it should be. I think it wise to not make assumptions about people, by saying "Because an aware being would feel my energy easy as pie so this is why I am also a bit alarmed." you assume they would do so or have tried without permission.

Admittedly Wandering Scribe has said since then he has tried, but that was after your comment, which to me seems a bit like "If you were special, you would know I am too, so if you can't sense it then you must be less special than me." Or something. I'm not attacking you, just saying how it seems to come across from my point of view. Maybe I'm too cynical in my old age


Edit: Spelling -.-
[edit on 20-2-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

[edit on 20-2-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 05:52 AM
Sounds like the labyrinth of belief has spun and expanded it's web
Wrapping and covering the eyes in silvery threads

Brush away the dream waking sleep from your eyes my friend
For there are many ways in which the self will blind itself

Yes you are awakening ...though take heed
Let not your need to believe in something
Put back to sleep your one seeing eye

Just because it is not real in this reality ..( with out substance )
Does not necessarily.. say
That it is much more real ......out of this reality

All our beliefs stretch into all dimensions

It is so difficult to "see" that it is "all not true" ..when you are in it

"Remember you are still playing with the illusion"

What is true for us today is not necessarily true for us tomorrow

"Learn" take what you need from this experience and move along

For there is so much more to be seen and explore

Stay on your path and let your heart be your guide

Thank you for the wonderful reflection.... a very interesting read

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by xsheep

Me and several people I know are planing to open a school for people aware of their abilities and help those that are getting there as well.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

I dont understand all the different energies, I've read articles about science matters, and I've read about light bodies, though not sure I believe most of new age stuff.

The energy that I mean is our individual selfs, is US, our eternal being. And its with us, that we communicate telepathically, though I'm not sure about the divisions between brain and mind. I just reach into the energy auric field and try to go within, to feel from their perspective, to be one with them. Though that heart chakra one surprised me as well, the heart is a part of it.

Have always felt auras and tried some energy work, would like to learn reiki.

Also, in the remote sensing, insight, the timelines I've seen, and telepathy, and the mental projection form of obe's that I do, which is more like remote viewing yet you are there in real time, can be hugged and interact but without leaving your body as others talk about. I don't know why you would need to leave anyway, because everything is interconnected. This is a grid or a field, it feels like reaching into a flow of energy a wave, but its a field.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 01:00 PM

So are you understanding? I wasnt going to go on for a while, was just getting ready to start packing up for our move. I suddenly need to pass a message on, that you were told that which you shared for a reason. Right now, without the meditation and the discipline and commitment to pushing past your limits, you are playing around with things that may have come to you for a reason, (ie. experimenting with your friend) and you're defending it with a dash of ego online, but what you need to do is meditate. And keep this process going, also, nature.

Connect to the birds, they are mysterious, the trees, the sunlight is very necessary. Sun gaze and let it code you. Deepen your experiences. Its as if you've only touched into the meditation.

Also if you do share an experience, don't worry about others comments. Of course many won't believe and also some question you through the details, possibly to see if you're just fooling around and how grounded you are.

I personally don't understand the things you and your friends are coming up with as experiments, but I do understand the need to meditate and go much further on your abilities, the real ones, that are needed.

Plus there is no need to get into any ego clashes. Anyway, glad you got told off recently.
Redirect your priorities. Its not about being the best, developing the strongest abilities, its about pushing limits on self and finding your purpose and growth factor.

Listen to the message you got. Find the time to follow this through in stages.

Love and light.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Hmm..... I am still a learner and probably dropping out of school would be the best option.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 10:43 PM
Love it, read it, learned it.

In the past I was not really used to people knowing me, or me knowing me really. I could never feel ready before. I'm going to try to talk directly again, because I can only hold it for so long.

I allways thought I felt nothing. I rejected love, and hugs. I felt like a good person, becuase I liked to share and give, but I had very very dark tendacies. ETs raised me through telephathic communications automaticaly. It happend so often I just didn't realise it anymore.

Eventually they told me be prepared and then let me go. Then the loud silence came, and I was being told people were not ready for me or such. And don't run, or that I will not run or such, and that the time was right.

Ok so its hard to say. When I was able to see myself. Like under some confusing and arbitarary means. Just my desire and other people and from god. It felt like lightning hands touched me and pulled me up and out of something. I felt like I was me again for the first time, its overwhelming. I can't beleive it, im so lucky. The love. It feels like my soul is finally being allowed to enter my body, and its so much. How can this be. I let go of everything that I can, the best that I can. Water fills up and starts bursting out. I saw myself it looked like pure white, like a body. All I know is that I feel like im bubbling and bursting out and I can't hold on anymore. It feels so good. I feel like god is my father, I feel him standing with me, because its possible becuase I stand with him. Thats who I am, thats who all of us are.

I don't know the abilities that I have, I only know what I am. Nothing can, nothing can, I can't express to you what I feel. I wish I could so much. But I can't. All I know is I love all of you so much, and negativity seems to make this go faster, and hurt more. Feels like my heart is exploding.

I don't think im here for the average reasons others are here. Whatever I've chosen is probably not something most would choose to do. I feel like I really don't know the half of what im doing here, and it could be why its taken me so long to gleam any truth from that or myself. It feels like im not suppose to know, but the ETs know. I must be on the front lines, on uncharted lands. thats my guess, and I know theres much more.

I feel god is here now with us. When I ask these questions I hear only one or two things right now. "look", "now", and "he's here"

When I asked what I do, I hear, "prove", and "I will show" I think god is going to show if I prove, thats my understanding.

Thank you.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

But what is it that I must do I am still a bit confused and when he says "Prove and I will show". I think he means when the future happens and things become clearer to the world. Maybe who knows?? I could be wrong and I see there is not a big difference yet so confusing.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 10:59 PM
I guess hard work it is pressure is on and meditation and practice is a must. Jedi warrior I must become and chose you must for your destiny is uncertain. God I love Yoda and his words of wisdom.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:01 PM
I have nothing for wandering scribe.

I saw a very large condor perched with its wings spread in a folding half circle.

Many are protected within me. I had to let that go because I was being selfish, the crow then spoke to me and began to dance in the sky. Sometimes the crows fight and it makes me feel like im a child being protected.

I feel like people from the other side are allowing me to be myself(free).
But its kind of a process. A slow one at times, yet its fast enough because the rewards have been so grand and worth it forever and beyond.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:04 PM
Its best to follow your heart and listen to what messages come to you, sometimes images and may not be words and mostly never thoughts.

Thats what happens to me, its like silence. So its not hard to listen, infact theres nothing eles you could do. Thoughts just get in the way, as do others and any whom would commit something is wrong or right, either way, there is only your way. You do your best and if others do not respect then they are not feeling or being namaste. (: GL!!!!!

Remember it doesn't have to be hard work, sometimes smart is better. Its simple when you only have yourself to listen to and others who feel right to you, that may change.

You still FEEL like you need to showcase, this is false. Be true and everything eles will fall into place. Nothing needs to be said. gl

[edit on 20-2-2010 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

but why can you not force me for I am ready or is it not the time for it yet.
For patience is a must and I seek that which is with in me ready to be awakened. For there shall be a moment and a choice will be made to pursue or to stand. It is a moment we are so different me and you.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by ShadowNinja]

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 11:08 PM
The only difference between us is you see the differences, while I see what's similar. Notice how this can change, (you)

Its a small jump, a frame of perception, that you failed to see because of what you see around you.

[edit on 20-2-2010 by DarkCyrus]

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