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Glen Beck should be required viewing.

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by wtfhuh

Don't expose the internet. The stability of the internet is not secure at this time, please advise.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno
I hate communists and socialists and the parasite classes they appeal too.

So what you're saying here is you hate the working man? True socialism (not what you think it is due to Hitler's approach) is about equality. The working man has been beaten down by fatcats when we should revere the people who keeps our lives running so nicely such as the janitors, miners, crab fisherme...whoever

Instead...let's support the people who trashed out economy and then turn around and give them a fat bonus for doing so

Sorry but this socialist knows what real socialism is and clearly you don't because people get stuck on Hitler the second they hear this. I hear alot of people crying "Well Kyo, the rich fat cats work very hard to earn their keep." Fair enough...they worked hard or sometimes stabbed enough backs to get where they are but are you telling me these pencil pushers work any harder the Joe Dirt who works at a radio station cleaning toilets? These people work crap jobs to make our lives better and we collectively spit in their faces when it comes to economics. They wade through rivers of piss and blood, they clean our houses, they take care of our kids, they teach our schools. How do we thank them? Charging them a ton in interest fees and giving them crap wages to match their crap jobs.

::The preceeding message was brought to you by a real socialist...not a Hitlertarian::

PS...Glen Beck is a load of crap. One poster said that he lies less than the rest. Well that makes it ok huh?

Exagerrated Example: Jeffrey Dahmer killed between 10-20 people. Richard Trenton Chase killed only 6...clearly Chase is better


[edit on 29-1-2010 by KyoZero]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

The actual illusion is the negative media itself.

You should only be required to listen to yourself.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:06 AM
Hey SHEEPLE. This site is for Truth seekers. Obama's ratings and Becks are heading in the opposite direction. Why? Because people, outside of this site, want the truth!
Here is a SAMPLE, a small sample of Obama's lies SO FAR!

. At the beginning of his campaign for the presidency, Barack Obama said his parents were inspired by the 1965 Civil Rights March in Selma, Alabama to come together. The result of it was little Barack Hussein Obama. Obama was born in 1961.

2. Also during the early stages of his campaign, Obama was addressing civil rights activists in Selma, Ala., and he traced his “very existence” to the generosity of the Kennedy family, which he said paid for his Kenyan father to travel to America on a student scholarship where he met his Kansan mother.
The fact of the matter is that the Kennedy family provided the funding for a second airlift in 1960. They were only approached for contributions after the first one, in 1959 which included Obama's father, had already taken place.

3. Obama maintained during the campaign that his administration would have complete transparency, it has been anything but. He said that america would get 5 days to review a bill that landed on his desk before he signed it. Of the first eleven bills President Obama has signed, only six have been posted on None have been posted for a full five days after presentment from Congress. Obama did say that there would be exceptions in the case of emergencies or threats to public health and safety, the Porkulus the Stimulus Bill was not treated as emergency legislation by Congress or the President. Congress waited three days after they passed it to give it to the President, and he enjoyed a weekend visit to Chicago before signing the bill four days after it passed.

4. One word, Global Warming.

5. Obama claims that illegals will not be covered by his healthcare bill. However, Obama and the Dems plan to give amnesty to all here illegally and then they will be covered. Update: The Democrat Party shoots down requiring proof of residency status to get healthcare: Joe Wilson was exactly right.

6. On ABC Obama claimed that the penalty the heathcare reform bill imposes for not having insurance is not a tax, yet the bill itself calls it a tax:

(a) TAX IMPOSED. In the case of any individual who does not meet the requirements of subsection (d) at any time during the taxable year, there is hereby imposed a tax equal to 2.5 percent…

7. We will cut the deficit in half (six days after signing the Porkulus bill). See #8 below.

8. Any Health Care Reform will be deficit neutral. Huge lie, most economists not on Obama's staff will tell you this cannot be done and keep any of Obama's other claims about the bill. The Congressional Budget Office has shown that the bill proposed by the Democrat Party would add 220 Billion to the deficit.

9. Ethical Cabinet, Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, and Tim Geithner, Tax Cheats. Bill Richardson, grand jury probe into state Contracts. Not to even mention Czars and advisors who are not in the cabinet but are radicals and shady businessmen.

10. When the Bill Ayers story broke, Obama claimed that it was just some guy who lived "down the street". Turns out Obama's campaign began in Ayer's house, and convincing evidence has come forward claiming that Ayers co-wrote if not wrote outright, Obama's book; Dreams from my Father.

For more w/ Video proof, go here:

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:10 AM
Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Rielly, etc., etc...pick your leader. They are all useful in providing some truth. But beware, they all are capable of misinfo (lies), as well. Better you think for yourself. They all are media hounds promoting their own agenda. I have been disappointed many times with everyone of these self-proclaimed "leaders". It is best to gather information from a broad group of sources, then determine in your own mind what your position is, always leaving it open to change as additional facts become evident. A true patriot needs no guru to tell him what to think!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:13 AM
Glenn Beck....Beck...hmmm

Ohhh you mean that guy who used to be on CNN using the same tactics to preach the opposite agenda

then got fired

and now whores himself out to the other perspective?

Journalistic prostitution is an oxymoron, but it fits this moron like a glove

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:27 AM
I'm sure this has been mentioned already, but I've got to hand it to Glenn Beck on the bang up job he did in his "documentary".

I was all like "Holy Crap" when I found out Hitler was actually furthering the progressive agenda when he started WWII!

And did you guys know that Stalin and Mao were also mass murderers? My world view has been turned upside down.

I now realize that Ronald Reagan was the greatest leader/philosopher of the 20th century.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by genius/idoit
I don't care what any of you FOX news haters say.This guy is teaching Americans what the hell is going on with this Government.He is educating the masses.
I have watched PMSNBC for the last 2 weeks or so (as much as I can stomach)and all they do is lie and personally attack FOX and Limbaugh.
They never explain anything or justify a point of view.

If you don't care what we think, why are you posting this for us to read & respond? If you only want to hear from other people who like Beck then I suggest you post this on his website or fan club. That way, you narrow the odds of running into opposition to your feelings about Beck...I'm I making sense here? I mean what you just basically said in my mind is FU, if you don't like Glen Beck. I used to do the same thing when people gave me a hard time about UFOs and Ghosts, I'd scream at them that I wasn't talking to them, and there for their opinion is somehow magically disqualified. If only selective reasoning had caught on in the main stream culture...Then you and I would be like, I dunno, the coolest people on Earth right now...

Get a grip, dude. I'm glad Glen Beck is educating you on Government workings, at least your using your free time constructively and all, with your nightly lessons from a TV Professor with an emotional streak. I'm sorry but if you really want to know what your government is actually doing try CSPAN or something not on major network TV. Oh, and MSNBC is crazy talk too, so don't think for a minute while Glen Beck is sucking your brains out that Keith Olberman or Rachel Maddows are sharing mine...I get my news from actual independent news agencies around the world and make my owe assessment of what is provided, thanks for your time...try downloading Mozilla and then using the Lasted News Feeds from around the World...or just keeping believing everything you see and hear coming from your TV...Baaah, Baaah!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

I think he show is worth watching from time to time, but at the same time he's a total nutcase. Granted I've seen bigger nuts on ATS. I think he does hold some responsibility for the current uproar, and wish him the best. He's a hell of alot better then that stale peicce of toast Hannity, and atleast he doesn't have that 90s newspaper show feeling of Reilly.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:05 AM
It's pretty easy to see who watches Beck and who doesn't.I suspect that most of the people that dislike him only see him in 2-minute Media Matters clips.

Beck is entertaining, often makes fun of himself, and more than likely gets a lot more right than he gets wrong.He also has the numbers to back up that he is viewed a lot more than all the opinion shows on MSNBC.

MSNBC opinion shows spend a lot of time trying to point out the right as stupid, wrong, racist,etc.Thank god for FOX that at least has an eye on what are government is up to.People seem to be a lot more concerned about watching the government than about who is watching the watchers.

Oh yeah, it's the "elitist" attitude that a lot of people are getting tired of.Liberals,progressives,elites i suspect are going to become a lot less popular in the future.IMO

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Fear mongering is not quality journalism, and perpetuating it is not what the american consumer should be about.

Glen Beck is nothing but the mouthpiece of fear.

You are right, it is not quality journalism.

That is why he has said numerous times that he is not a journalist.

He says over and over again that the only thing he has to do with the news is giving his opinion on it. He doesn't report it, break it or write about it.

I don't like him either, but atleast I understand the reason I don't care for him.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:30 AM
Beck is who Beck is. He has never claimed to be a journalist. He has flat out said that multiple times. He is a messenger/commentator who has effectively gotten people to open their eyes to see what is actually lurking behind the curtain. The man is not spreading lies. He is sharing the facts for those people who are willing to accept rather than deny them.

In Obama' SOTU address and during his campaign, he mentioned that there would be no room for lobbyists in his office and yet he employs at least 30 former lobbyists directly in his administration. This is just one minute detail that Beck has discussed on his show.

The Obama double talk is mind bending and Beck seeks to clarify it and illuminate it for all to see. From there you are free to make your own decisions or research the facts in greater detail.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:39 AM
I dont understand how a lot of people miss that the left and the liberals judge the government just as much if not more than the right. Howard zinn (sadly departed), noam chomsky, william blum, all leftist authors are extremely critical of how corrupt our leaders have been, and how the media, led by the government, constantly lies about their motives. They show constantly how the wealthy elite, which control our government, regularly rule or fight against the best interest of our majority. They dont believe in just giving control of our medicine, our social services etc to the current regime. They are in favor of completely CHANGING the government, putting in effective checks and balances, and THEN having a truly regulated government work for the people.

Just because Beck and others have more viewers than others does not mean they are right. It actually more shows how uneducated most americans are...and other countries in fact make fun of us for it. This is how we have lots of people supporting such people as mccain, palin, obama....they are completely uneducated as to these peoples history, and refuse to even research their voting policies before voting on them. Most americans have no clue about what really goes on in government, and they support others who are equally ignorant, or who intentionally take advantage of the publics fears and ignorance.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:44 AM
As someone who doesn't watch tv although I have seen several of Beck's clips on youtube and here, I have a question.

Was he anything like he is now when he was on CNN? If not how much has he changed?

I guess that's 2 questions.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Fear mongering is not quality journalism,

I'm only going to enter this to make one statement. Glenn Beck is not a Journalist, never worked as one, never claimed to be one and only does opinion shows on both the radio and news.

It is sad how many do not know the difference between the news and an opinion show. Even sadder many actual Journalists now present opinion as news.

As to Beck, he is what he is. He is popular because he correctly identified some very bad people, doing some very bad things. He is a bit much for me, but I've never caught him in a lie.

To avoid becoming a victim of brainwashing myself, I watch all sides of all issues. The debate over which programs to watch is a trap just like the Political Parties are. Convince you there is only one right answer, only one correct point of view and they control you completely and they do appear to control a large part of the population with that method.

Editorializing is still a form of journalism.


As for seeing all sides of issues, I agree. But perpetuating the drivel that passes as journalism these days does nothing but perpetuates the problem.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Berserker01

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
Fear mongering is not quality journalism, and perpetuating it is not what the american consumer should be about.

Glen Beck is nothing but the mouthpiece of fear.

You are right, it is not quality journalism.

That is why he has said numerous times that he is not a journalist.

He says over and over again that the only thing he has to do with the news is giving his opinion on it. He doesn't report it, break it or write about it.

I don't like him either, but atleast I understand the reason I don't care for him.

Again, editorializing is absolutely a form of journalism. Whatever package you wrap it in, however he tries to defend it, doesnt change the fact.

He DOES report news, with his own slant. He DOES write about the news, with his own slant. He IS a (pathetic excuse for) a journalist.

Apparently you dont understand things quite as well as you would try and lead me to believe...

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

He doesn't write the news. He writes commentaries.

He doesnt report the news. He gives commentaries.

But hey, I have learned along time ago that trying to get someone to stop hating someone or something for false reasons is a useless endevor.

I put the truth in front of you, it is up to you to do with it what you will.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by arcnaver
reply to post by metamagic

I do not think you are watching the same Glenn Beck. He backs up his material religiously with more evidence then needed for a courtroom conviction and you still choose not to believe. Well, that is your choice, but going after him with personal attacks will only make you look like a fool. It does nothing to disprove him, it only bolsters his claims because that is the best you can come up with. He presents evidence, you dont like it and cant disprove it, so you attack his character.

He is not a journalist. He is the first one to tell you this, he is a commentator. Disprove him. Go ahead. Im still waiting.

Yeah he has lots of evidence, the only problem is that a lot of it is either wrong or just made up. Check out the politifact link I provided earlier that notes his lack of honesty.

You sound sort of like many of the cult followers I have talked to "..and you still chose not to believe." The man is a proven liar so why would I believe him?

And how do I look like a fool by expressing my opinion of the man? When you put yourself on display to a national audience and perform for them, you have better be prepared to expect criticism.

Get it clear, I'm not trying to disprove him, that has been done over and over and over by many others, I'm expressing my personal opinion of his behaviour and actions on national television. If you disagree with me about the man, so be it. It is not a matter of proof.

As for not being able to disprove his evidence, just take a look at the mountain of Beck debunking that has been done, for example The Lies of Glenn Beck right here on ATS. But then my experience with true believers of all types, I suspect that you will not even look at any contrary position to yours and continue to claim that he has never been disproved.

I'm not going to change your mind about Beck since this is a matter of faith for you rather than one of reasoned judgement. He tells you what you want to hear and you will not give up that safety blanket without a fight.

I find it all very sad. I'm so sorry.


posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Berserker01
reply to post by captaintyinknots

He doesn't write the news. He writes commentaries.

He doesnt report the news. He gives commentaries.

But hey, I have learned along time ago that trying to get someone to stop hating someone or something for false reasons is a useless endevor.

I put the truth in front of you, it is up to you to do with it what you will.

1) I dont hate anyone. not one single person. Please do not assume you know me.
2)Main Entry: jour·nal·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈjər-nə-ˌli-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1828

1 a : the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media b : the public press c : an academic study concerned with the collection and editing of news or the management of a news medium
2 a : writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation c : writing designed to appeal to current popular taste or public interest

3)Editorials, for the last time, are a form of journalism. Deny it all you want-all you are doing is buying into his deflection.

4)Nothing false about have issues with a fear-mongerer.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Yes, I see that beneficence practised all the time by the motley collection of the earth's flotsam and jetsam loosely organized under the New Left and its minions.

Let's talk about -- not endorse -- statistically significant differential IQ means observed between races and sub-races.

Let's talk about -- not endorse -- the efficacy of bludgeoning into hamburger the Left wing idiots that resort to name calling and other propaganda techniques right out of Saul Alinsky (and I read him before he was fashionable. Again.)

Let's talk about -- not endorse -- the idea that public education in the US (and the West generally) have followed Dewey's schemes to create the perfect factory workers: schooled enough to do their little menial jobs, but ignorant enough to go along with the official program of "tolerance" and "do your own thing" to minimize in-fighting among the assembled, imported peasants brought here as de facto slave labor in the absense of Negro slavery.

And then we'll see how impartial you dullards are, and how ardently attached you are to the principles of objective analysis, judging a man's character by his actions, and your acceptance of the principles of academic freedom and freedom of inquiry.

Oh bother. I already know what you will do. I can predict it with 100% certainty.

Joe of the Mountain
Ivy Leaguer, Mensan, Big Buck Maker, descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers -- and a whole lot smarter than any room of dull-brained progressive Marxist hacks and their slave class/"Global Majorities" supporters

Originally posted by Someone336

The sad thing here is that Carpenter's story, like the extremist blog post that appears to be her only source (which I'll discuss later), doesn't recognize the distinction between talking about something and endorsing something.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by joeofthemountain]

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