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Glen Beck should be required viewing.

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posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Glenn recently implied in one of his ridiculous statements that 9/11 Truthers want to kill President Obama and said the Secret Service better watch out.
He does provide some valuable information but mostly it's this kind of garbage that prevents me from taking this guy seriously.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

I don't know that I trust Glenn Beck I think he is a fake. Remember Fox news is also corporate owned. I trust Alex Jones far above Beck, and above any major media. I think Beck is actually trying to copy Jones is some of the things he does. I know Alex Jones doesn't trust him, and wants to do a show episode exposing him as a fraud.
Is it not true Beck is crying for more taxes and hate 9/11 truth? Watch that he isn't just playing us all for fools.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:30 AM
Glenn Beck is good for Americans. He exposes the communists who would rather not be hampered by the Constitution. Communists and other social parasites do not like being exposed.

I would imagine many here on ATS are social parasites and communists and having their idiotic ideas of collectivism, command economies, and gulags exposed as the human meat grinders that they really are is embarrassing. They would rather have everyone believe in them and their ways, their ideas, their killing fields.

I hate communists and socialists and the parasite classes they appeal too.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
I think the government should take over TV and force everyone to watch the BBC, I mean PBS.

Then they should charge a ridiculously high TV tax for the privilege of watching State sanctioned television and they should enforce the tax by using electronic sensing equipment put inside vans that will drive around your neighborhood and detect how many TVs are in your home.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by mnemeth1]

I'd rather have the BBC than Fox News any day. The BBC is paid for by the public and maintains a more Fair and Balanced stance than any American Network.

If all you American only ever watched BBc channels and listen to BBC Radio Stations, you probably wouldn't be seen as such a stupid nation.

[edit on 29-1-2010 by woodwardjnr]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:34 AM
Hahah! Comedy on ATS. Nice. Fox News - Funny Stuff. ROFLMAO!

For a chaser, you gotta recommend anything Palin. Hahaha

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by mike_trivisonno

Yeah, you pegged us right there.

Watch out for the re-education camps!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:42 AM
I wasn't sure what I would find here, but it appears most people are of a like-mind as me when it comes to this unprofessional, rather poor actor. He struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and thinks he has achieved something remarkable.

That Glen Beck should be "required viewing", is in and of itself a statement that gives one pause, as to who would believe his rehearsed ravings.

His motivations are very transparent. He's pure game; in it for the ratings. He will say anything, propagandize anything, for his own self-aggrandizement. Annoying, annoying little man.

His propensity towards hysteria is more than mildly annoying. I predict he will eventually go the way of the dinos.....or Lou Dobbs.

[edit on 1/29/2010 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by JustTheFacts

1/22/09 Glenn Beck lies about Obama’s swearing in by saying, “I checked. We have never had a president sworn into office without a Bible.” The problem here is in 1901 Teddy Roosevelt did not use a bible, Lyndon Johnson used a Catholic missal aboard Air Force One after Kennedy’s assassination, and John Quincy Adams used a constitutional law book instead of the bible. In fact, reading up on the history of the Presidential oath reveals Beck a liar. First clip is Beck’s rant and the second link is on the history of the oath. Wikipedia - Oath of the Office

Glenn Beck is not an investigative reporter, but a commentator who does not check facts at all. The problem with this is that people like yourselves do not question his ignorance, because you're not aware of your own.

Also, JustTheFacts, your signature: "Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your soul; The other for your freedom."

Glenn Beck is a mormon. Mormons do not believe in the salvation of Christ. If you do, why would you invest your trust and support in a man who does not?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by SpectreDC
Haha, you're implying all major news anchors aren't just spokesmen for a system created to cause a false left-right paradigm in our nation.

BINGO...the "news" media is bought and paid for by corporate/government interest! They know people will identify with these shills and believe anything they hear these guys say. Most people will not research what they say.

- False left/right paradigm

[edit on 29-1-2010 by custom2006]

[edit on 29-1-2010 by custom2006]

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by genius/idoit

For "Glenn" to be required viewing our government would have to change to something more like a communist or marxist government. So if that were to happen I have a question: Since in these type of governments your given a job you don't choose one what job would Glenn Beck actually have? I'm going with elephant poop cleaner at the Zoo just about all he's qualified to do.... toss # around.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:26 AM
DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE!  He is a fraud….and worse than a total liar!  He gives half-truths to deflect the peoples anger and their actions away from the real perpetrators of our subjugation.

Glenn Beck is on record as consistently mocking “9/11 Truthers” as crazy-conspiracy kooks. I would like to see that squishy little dough-boy try and mock 9/11 “conspiracies” face-to-face with people of real substance and intellectual honesty.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:32 AM
Glen Beck = Lewis Prothero from "V for Vendetta" anyone?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:34 AM
Beck is Trash. Alarmist fool. Journalism at it's worse.

PS: Spell check before you post your pathetic ideas

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

I really dont have a problem with Beck. As with anyone, if you believe all that someone says then you are just letting someone think for you. You have to go out and do the research on your own.
Beck does have good and bad qualities. Just like anyone else.

If you havent, then just watch the show today. See what you think. It cannot hurt a thing.
If you dont want to then dont.

Middle ground.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno

Glenn Beck is good for Americans. He exposes the communists who would rather not be hampered by the Constitution. Communists and other social parasites do not like being exposed.

I would imagine many here on ATS are social parasites and communists and having their idiotic ideas of collectivism, command economies, and gulags exposed as the human meat grinders that they really are is embarrassing. They would rather have everyone believe in them and their ways, their ideas, their killing fields.

I hate communists and socialists and the parasite classes they appeal too.

Exactly, because everybody knows that people who were not born into families which already had the American dream are not real people!

Your getting pretty close to the line of hating an entire group of Americans there. Oh yeah, you already used the word hate. It's alright, a lot people tend to think the governments level of involvement should start right where it benefits themselves. Once you have achieved a certain status, it no longer makes sense for the government to help anything below that line.

Your running off a good deal of propaganda there.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by metamagic

I do not think you are watching the same Glenn Beck. He backs up his material religiously with more evidence then needed for a courtroom conviction and you still choose not to believe. Well, that is your choice, but going after him with personal attacks will only make you look like a fool. It does nothing to disprove him, it only bolsters his claims because that is the best you can come up with. He presents evidence, you dont like it and cant disprove it, so you attack his character.

He is not a journalist. He is the first one to tell you this, he is a commentator. Disprove him. Go ahead. Im still waiting.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by ugmold

Hey, before you hurl insults and criticisms perhaps you should get your facts straight,no one said he was a journalist(even Beck).But thanks for your random insult and utterly useless post.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:45 AM
Maybe we should look at Glenn Beck from a mass-society standpoint:

The American people are furious; some show it, most don't. They're fed up with Washington, they're fed up with the failure of those that they voted into office, they're sick of being treated like children who have no important opinions, and most of all, they're sick of not being told the whole truth.

Glenn beck is also furious. About all kinds of things, some of which don't make much sense and some of which are legitimate points. As we can see, most at ATS do not respect his delivery or his factual "looseness". But the American people aren't looking for a cold fact machine: That's what the internet is for (if they bother to find the truth).

They simply want someone who can sympathize, and become an outlet for, their anger. It could be a monkey for all they care; they just want someone who is as angry as they are.

You catch my drift?

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by arcnaver

Disprove him? You mean disprove his character?

So, you accuse everyone here with ad hominem attacks etc, and that is your proving point for backing up Glenn Beck. Yet you then go ahead and challenge us all in a character assassination contest? Please... a logical fallacy there, don't you think?

The man is double-speak personified. He claims he is against communism and socialism, and that communists/socialists (or whatever he talks about) are undermining the country. Yet, he then turns around and fully supports corporatist fascism, which is the biggest foundation block to both communist and socialist societies.

When he's not failing at logic, he's putting creams under his eyes so he can pretend to cry in front of the camera, on whatever "emotional issue" he wants to press.

When he's got your attention from all the false sobbing, he tries to promote psychotic nationalism and statism. I don't think he's ever talked about anything else over the past however many years. It's always "illegal aliens" and "socialists" that are out to get us all. I'm sure the man would love to promote a triple-mile high wall around the entire United States. When he's done crying foul on "socialists and commies", he will go ahead and "consider allowing higher security and national identification", you know.. for the interests of "national security" against all those socialists, terrorists and aliens.

One of the biggest commie-fascist windbags I've ever seen, but the sad thing is.. he just reads from scripts and screens.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Stop watching TV you brainwashed nitwits.

We have this thing now called "the internet".

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