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Suicide...For a Reason?

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posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 08:58 PM
god dammit people, why are we doin this. Why are we even thinking about suicide.. why? I've lived thru all 28 years of my life and i never even had the thought of commiting suicide. Yes i admit there were hard times in my life and i'm sure that other people have gone thru much much worse conditions but life is life. Some say it sucks some say its great to be living. Even if it is some kind of puppet thing or matrix theory, i don't care! as long as i can get on with it and talk to my friends, neighbors, family members and make myself proud. But if you want to take your life that bad.. well then do what you want, no one can stop you from want you really want, but think about this before you even do some silly thing like slitting your wrists, or hanging yourself. Yea, it'll scar you for life, but it's better than killing yourself and making others sad and curious.

There are even people who actually show others not to commit suicide, yes its true to all you suicidal beings out there, its something like, it shows you why you should NOT commit suicide eventhough the name of the site sounds more like some kind of suicide manual. The pictures are very graphic too. Anyways as i was saying, we are humans, not perfect, but everyone's got different beliefs. Live the way you want and for the last time, don't get any ideas bout committing suicide it just sickens people like me.

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 05:27 AM
I cannot put it exactly into words, but I feel I have some understanding of what lilblam has been talking about. Here's my interpretation:

I used the idea of someone sat on their computer in a room seeing only the walls of the room they are in. I believe this is what we see all the time in this world. When we die, I believe we see the world for what it really is, connecting with our spiritual side might open our eyes a little.

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 06:56 AM
Speaking from someone who actually attempted suicide twice:

1: Starvation
2: Plastic bag

I want to tell you I am glad to be alive, and so glad with myself, and everyone that helped me realise, what a huge mistake I was going to commit. However, I would like to give you some insight into why many commit suicide, because this was my reasoning:

1. At the point of death there is total and complete cessation. You cease to exist. You are free of all memories, pain and guilt. It does not matter if friends, family and society think or feel, because you won't be around to see or hear any of it.

2. Life is a cosmic joke. No one really matters, or has any greater purpose, it does not matter if I live or die, for in the end I am going to die anyway,

3. What does it matter, if I die today, or tomorrow. What does it matter if I accomplish anything? I will still cease to exist at some point. Better, I choose my own time of death.

And you know what, for anyone who believes in what I have outlined, backwards thinking with respect to me, should go ahead and end their life if they are inclined too. Because it is logical, based on your beliefs, all that is stopping you is your lack of courage. Get a gun, put it in your mouth, and shoot your brains out..

But what if this happens?

What if you were wrong. There was no cessation of your being. Those who nutters were right, you are a soul and you are still conscious, have every memory, every problem, every pain still intact, and have to see the reaction of everyone you knew, your friends, family, rivals, mourn, ridicule and condemn you. And you could not do a single thing about it. All there is, is you, on your own, in the middle of nothing - nor living, nor dead. All you are left with is a reel of your life that plays again and again for you and torments you.

What would you do then?

Where would you go?

How long could this go on?

You ended your life for a days, months, years, or decades of pain, to only to experience pain for an eternity in the hell of your mind. Who lost, in the end? You. You lost in life, and you lost in death, and then you would be a true loser in every sense of the word.

So suicide did not end your pain, it only made it worse.

So, before you pull the tigger, just ponder over that, and if you think such a thing will not happen, then you might as well pull the trigger, and find out.

[edit on 4-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Cutwolf
Lilbalm, have you ever considered that this "truth" - this "reality" you've "discovered" is the result of an overactive and over-paranoid mind? You come across as intelligent, and, as someone who has an "above average IQ," I know intelligent minds think up some crazy things. Maybe this "truth" and "reality" you've discovered is simply you creating something and wanting to have your own private thing you believe in. Maybe this fruitless 24/7 search for some ground breaking, life changing "truth" led you to metaphorically multiply something by 0 and get something other than 0 - no matter what you do, its always going to be 0. Maybe, just maybe, you became sick of no results from your search, so you manipulated it so in some nonsensical way it became something other than "0."

You present yourself in a calm, intelligent, "I don't care if you believe me" manner, yet I think you do care. If you did not care, you would not dangle this "carrot" in front of our noses. Its like the ATS readers are cats and you're holding what appears to be the fish in front of their noses. You nudge the cats around on a wild goose (or fish, in this case) chase and eventually, after fruitless searching for this fish, they realize there are no fish and the fish you were holding was just a plush toy.

Maybe ATS is your way to get that attention you seem to be lacking underneath your "I dont care" attitude (as evidenced by your last post:

I feel like that absolutely with anyone now, and I no longer have any "friends" as people understand the term. I have more or less people I occasionally "associate" with out of necessity at work etc, but my mindset has been so drastically altered that I find small talk and typical chit chat or whatever people do when they just "hang out" absolutely ludicrous and senseless.

What really hangs like a rock over my head is the absolute ignorance of people, how "truth" doesn't interest them at all. They only care about fun, movies, parties, sex, dating, videogames, reality shows, the latest computers, sports (big one...)... etc. Imagine me coming up to ANYONE and trying to explain that all of this has been purposefully created to distract them and keep them busy. Don't forget, the act of constantly being kept busy is the number one thing that allows the intense state of suggestability that permeates all levels of our society. It keeps people blind, ignorant, and without even a desire anymore for truth. If someone questions something, there will always come along a Preacher (not just religious, just anyone) who will set them straight. All these are only a small portion of the variety of ways that 3rd density humans on this planet are controlled.

To me this says it all. I am no psychologist, but I'm willing to bet that you aren't very social in real life and may not have the best luck making friends or getting along with people. You feel like just another face in the crowd and someone that no one gives a second glance to, so ATS is your way to get noticed - your way to get attention.

I'm really sorry to go off and rant like this, but as a message board visitor for the past 6 or 7 years, this is a classic case of "Attention whore" syndrome - much the same as John Titor.

Anyway, this is my way of denying ignorance. Denying the ignorance of believing someone who makes it seem like we are all ignorant and he is the king of ignorance denying.

i love this post and couldnt put it better myself ///by cutwolf. I believe Lilbalm is just delusionist because the believes that much in himself or he just wants to be looked upto.

i mean, i probably would have believed in Lilbalm but i found some inconsistancies in his posts. and hes always braging how! ohh look i know the secrets of the universe and you dont, and how can he be so sure that one in every century find out about or die? i feel that hes saying... *ohh yes thats right, all of mankind, i have defied the impossible* you should all worship me*. arrrrrrrggg it annoys me cause theres just so much # that was said that annoyed me but i cbf re-reading upto page 7 where *above quote* was posted.

and yes, we are all going to die apparently in 5 years.... HAHAHA, i will requote this in 5 years and 1 day? ok everything and then i will laugh some more and sip on some wine.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:51 AM
It's a very interesting subject. But 50% of the people who commit suicide seem to leave a reason behind. But I guess we'll just never know.


posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 11:14 AM
let me take a shot of this. All of what we are right now is nothing more then an illusion, what are minds trying to comprehend and formulate. But everything we see is false, because its either conditioned to look that way from our own societies, external forces beyond our false reality, and also our minds trying to comprehend our surroundings. its similar to how clouds can "look" like an object. And because there is no time, we are on the same existance of our past, present, and future. We all died, right now, and are just waiting for our brains to catch up with our death.

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar
let me take a shot of this. All of what we are right now is nothing more then an illusion, what are minds trying to comprehend and formulate.

And our minds are only limited by the assumptions they carry about their reality. When assumptions change, so does perception of reality. And to change your own assumptions, we need knowledge. But to get knowledge, one needs to seek knowledge - and the devil is as always in the details. Many people who claim to seek knowledge are not really seeking knowledge as much as they seek to verify their own assumptions, or try to prove what they simply WANT to be true. They may start with an open-enough mind and then get "obsessed" over a certain concept/idea, and then are unwilling to keep moving, to "unattach" from those newly found concepts, in order to keep an open mind - which is essential if one is interested in objective reality as it truly is.

But then, who can claim how something "truly" is, if it is all a matter of perception and awareness of the observer? One can be objective, sure, but certain objective things are only true within the context of a certain reality. For example, the planet Earth exists only within the context of our reality now. In another possibility, the planet was destroyed by a meteor or never existed to begin with. So the "truth" that our planet exists is only true within the context of our reality, and our awareness. And this is where the "illusion" comes in. Illusion is reality, and vice versa. It is "reality" simply because it (reality itself) exists, but all other details depend on the observer. Some perceive a huge physical universe, as humans do. Others, who may not be so physically restrained, perceive much more, and see the physical universe as variable and simply a thought-form that appears "physical" on request.

Everything is real, and yet, is not. Physicality is real. Time is real. But "real" only from a very specific perception, that perceives it in such a way. Once you gain enough knowledge and grow in awareness to move beyond the need for "linearity", then time, and the physical universe, take on a whole other "form", and may be something else entirely.

Kind of like, fish may not even be aware that something outside their "watery universe" exists, that another reality exists outside "water". In fact, it is possible that they simply cannot conceive of this reality at all, because their minds are programmed to only "understand" a water environment. With that respect, we are programmed to only "understand" linear time and rigid physicality, and are unable to conceive of a reality where both do not exist, or are completely variable and selective. But our inability to conceive something is only limited by our awareness, which is only limited by our knowledge. Gaining knowledge grows awareness, which allows us to perceive things in a greater and greater scope, and with each new "level" of awareness, we have a more accurate depiction of reality as it is. Eventually, we approach a "singularity" which allows for quantum leaps in awareness, that "shifts" our entire reality to something that we currently simply cannot fathom or conceive.

In a sense, it's like going from a plant awareness to an animal awareness, or an animal awareness to a human awareness, etc. But it is knowledge of our current reality and ourselves that allows us to increase our awareness, not "wishful thinking" or "praying really really hard", or "waiting for a savior" or waiting for everyone to suddenly "ascend" because God wills it or something, etc.

But everything we see is false, because its either conditioned to look that way from our own societies, external forces beyond our false reality, and also our minds trying to comprehend our surroundings. its similar to how clouds can "look" like an object. And because there is no time, we are on the same existance of our past, present, and future. We all died, right now, and are just waiting for our brains to catch up with our death.

Well we didn't die right now, but what we perceive as our future "death" is actually simultaneous with our birth, simultaneous with everything really - the beginning is the end and vice versa. Whenever we perceive anything as "past" or "future", it's just that - our perception. But in the scope of infinity, there is no "future" or "past", all is just now. It's not all "happening right now", because the word "happening" implies a sequence of events, implies time. Reality simply exists now, but we perceive certain things as "happening" in a certain way. Nothing just "happens" - happens is subjective. Existance is objective. I hope that makes sense

Like on a movie tape, the ending of the movie didn't HAPPEN while you're still watching the movie, but you know it exists simultaneously. It only "happens" when you choose to observe it in such a way. Or you can rewind the movie from the end to the beginning, in which case, the ending will appear to happen first. Or you can lay out the entire tape in front of your eyes (let's pretend it's a very short tape lol) and you can just look at all the frames at the same time, in which case, you'll just see them existing, not "happening".

The difference is, reality is unlimited and "open" to all possibilties - as opposed to a pre-recorded movie which is always the same no matter how many times you play it. This is because of free will. However, it doesn't mean reality is a coin toss - meaning, some events are much more probable than others, and the accuracy of our predictions depend on our awareness of reality as it is objectively. For example, if one is not aware that there exists a secret world government that controls all others, or is unaware that the entire world economy is a ruse, a completely controlled system that allows the "powers that be" to do with it as they please, when they deem necessary - if one is not aware of such things, then trying to predict certain future outcomes might be folly.

For example, if one knows that the US election is completely fixed, and someone else does not and thinks it's an "open, democratic process", then certainly the former person would be able to give a much more accurate "prediction" for the outcome of the election, if he knows who "they" plan to install in the White House.

Basically, the more accurate your knowledge of reality, the more accurately you can perceive what is happening, why it's happening, and what are the likely outcomes - which allows you to prepare yourself and protect yourself appropriately. Those who saw Nazi Germany coming BEFORE it arrived, got the hell out of the country in time. Those who laughed at them and ignored all the signs, and pretended that such an idea is "absurd", likely wound up dead, or in a lot of "doo-doo". And so it is for all things isn't it!

The question is, when is something KNOWLEDGE and when is it an assumption? And that's for each of us to determine for ourselves, about everything we think we "know". Many people on this website claim that there is a "NWO" or there are plans to create it in our near future. Others claim it's all bull#. However, does it really matter who claims what? I mean, does it change objective reality as it is? It's either true or it's not! And until we do our own research, and seek to personally find the truth, we'll never really "know" until it may possibly be too late. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers! And the "truth" is indeed out there, waiting to be found by those who seek it!

The truth, of course, is that a billion falsehoods told a billion
times by a billion people are still false.
- Travis Walton, Fire in the Sky

[edit on 5-12-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 06:12 PM
lilblam is nothing more than a paraphrasing, walking advertisement for The Cassiopaean Experiment/Sign of the Times. He has linked their website on his early posts. While not telling you what this "truth" is that he holds out as bait, a simple click on "find posts" and traversing to his first few will enlighten you.

He believes "G-d does not exist...aliens control the planet"

But then why would he link the Cassiopaean site where they believe that...

"We are you in the Future." "We transmit 'through' the opening that is presented in the locator that you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses aligned from Cassiopaea, which are due to a pulsar from a neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density."

This is where he get's alot of his logic.

All this talk of densities...sound familiar? Take a look at some of the articles on their site that discuss 3rd and 4th densities. It's as if you've stumbled into lilblam's home!

[edit on 5-12-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by antipigopolist
While not telling you what this "truth" is that he holds out as bait, a simple click on "find posts" and traversing to his first few will enlighten you.

He believes "G-d does not exist...aliens control the planet

"G-d does not exist" thing is only true under a specific definition of what "G-d" is. Probably more accurate to say, the "nature of G-d" as presented by religions is what doesn't exist.

And I don't hold anything out as bait, all you have to do is ask. I don't hide anything, but I will not simply give you a "dissertation" on everything I've learned either. It will be useless if you don't know if it's true or not. You can read a million novels with all sorts of "beliefs" and "ideas" and "opinions" in them, if you're looking for inspiration and ideas. But other than offer even more questions for you to possibly contemplate, you gain very little objective knowledge without effort on your part to research/analyze/critically think, and basically just seek to know.

Also, some things you could ONLY understand by putting in much effort first. Certain things, even if I tell you, would make no sense, or mean very little - as you know, certain things you simply don't "get" until you "get" many preliminary things, etc. For example, Einstein could not arrive at his theories without knowledge of physics/math etc. And it would be very very difficult (if not impossible) to explain his theories, in detail, and how they "work", to someone not properly acquainted with the fields of knowledge that one needs to have to "get" it. And so it is for all things.

Or rather, he could explain it, but the other person simply won't "get" it - and the explanation will raise only more questions. So once again, I'm not hiding anything, but some things I simply cannot say, they can ONLY be understood through personal effort to seek truth. You arrive at them systematically, as you learn other things.

The next time a 5 yr old asks you "Can you tell me how a car works", maybe you can spend a few hours explaining to him the details, which will only perplex and confuse him, because he doesn't understand many things that are required to understand about nature and the way certain things "work" in nature, before he can understand how a car, its engine, and all its "systems" truly work (many "grown-ups" also don't understand many of those things, but that's beside the point!). Or, you can just say "you press gas pedal and car moves" and let him figure out the rest as he grows older and learns more.

And so, it would be easy for me to just say "aliens control the planet" - but the devil, as always, is in the details. That is akin to saying "Car works like this: You press pedal and car moves!".

But then why would he link the Cassiopaean site where they believe that...

"We are you in the Future." "We transmit 'through' the opening that is presented in the locator that you represent as Cassiopaea, due to the strong radio pulses aligned from Cassiopaea, which are due to a pulsar from a neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density."

No, they don't believe that. That is simply information that they received from a source, but whether it is true or not, and whether that source is what it says it is, is under question.

This is where he get's alot of his logic.

Ideas, inspiration, and data yes. But then its upto me to make "knowledge" out of all of them, by trying to figure out which are true and which are not, etc - through my own efforts. That website has a very high signal to noise ratio, and so, it is very helpful in my search. And as a result, I recommend it to others as a starting point as well.

[edit on 5-12-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:29 PM
lilblam...this is a quote directly from you on 12-9-2003 as per your "research".

"God (as separate from us) doesn't exist, Aliens are real and in total control on this planet"

Your "TRUTH"....oh how soon the attention seekers forget.

And as for the rest of your spiel..."Master of the Obvious"

It's nice that you are trying to broaden your knowledge but please, "Stop and smell the roses". Life is what you make it and from the sounds of it, yours is turning borderline psychopathic. 5 years from now, I'll still be on St. John with my toes in the sand sipping ice cold champagne and giggling to myself about the guy that had a "5 year goal".

Turn off the computer and go to a bar (or party, if underage) and socialize.. Get out...the air will do you good!

[edit on 5-12-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:10 AM
He, lilblam, might not know the "truth" but some of the things he said are among the most intelligent post i read on this forum. i recognize intelligent people if i meet them(it does not happen to often).

Respect to you liblam, i am honored to have met you.

i dont think you have the capability to understand his points, advising him to go to a bar and socialize shows me that. maybe you should read the whole thread before giving "good tips". he allready talked about socializing.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:35 AM

"God (as separate from us) doesn't exist

He does not say he does not believe in God. He says he does not believe in a God that is seperate from us. Yeah, I agree with him. There is no separation between us and God. How do I know? I am God. You heard it here first. God is talking to you right now.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:35 AM
Just a thought here. If it isn't the right move, how do you say you're sorry? How do you learn from the mistake?

Suicide is selfish. There are a lot of people in this world who need your help. To forcefully remove yourself from it is to take away from everyone else the chance and possibility to become better people. I was in a severe state of depression B.C. for about a year. At the time I thought I was no good for anybody, however there was a slight thread of thinking it would tear my parents up after all they had to go through. In retrospect, having put some distance between that time and now, there are a lot of lives I would have damaged if I took my life on one of those days. Live, screw-up occasionally, learn, and move-on. In that growth comes strength needed to overcome hardship. Your strength in doing so will become a big asset in helping others do the same. We are brothers and sisters, needing to be there for each other for a better life.

[edit on 6-12-2004 by saint4God]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by saint4God
There are a lot of people in this world who need your help.

Yes, and that is true. We may not know it, we may not feel it, but there are many who we are helping by simply being here. We are actually helping people by talking to them, sharing an opinion, or just by being in the right place at the right time. Everyone one of us is truly unique. We all have our own experiences, abilities and wisdom, that believe it or not, will help many.

There are people in this world that wish us well, care for us, admire us. No matter, how low you think of yourself, there is always someone who thinks of higher of you, there is always someone who thinks the world of you.

You are very valuable to the world, and you can't even begin to know how many people you have touched.

[edit on 6-12-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 08:23 AM
wow this is definitily the one of most interesting threads i have read on ATS and has certinally got me thinking...

I'd have to say if i had five years left i wouldnt be sitting behind a computer, I'd be out there in the parts of the world of "our" world that have yet to be corrupted, such as Antarctica seeing an Adult Polar bear play with its offspring or Africa watching wildebeest (fully grown) crowd around anothers baby to protect it from a predator. If this is an Allusion it's a bloody good one, And if this is all "Fake" does it really truly matter if your, 'we', everyone is going to forget it all in 5 years anyway?

There is definitly somthing wrong with some parts of this world, but will we ever know why? probablly not.

In the end, does it even matter? not for me Live 'life' for today not for tomorrow.

Im sure i have some stolen quotes up there /\ but I am still very young and do not know how to write properly yet. :-)

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by lilblam

Now, if you discovered how, teleportation is very much possible. If you could understand this reality, your brain has absolutely no limits to how many "rules" of this reality can be broken. But first, you must learn how to break them. You can instantly teleport yourself to a distant star system, anywhere. Also, you can instantly teleport yourself to ANY time, "future" or "past", if you knew how.

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by lilblam]

Lilblam are u saying that u can TELEPORT to any time or place in our "Reality".

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Titan007
I'd have to say if i had five years left i wouldnt be sitting behind a computer, I'd be out there in the parts of the world of "our" world that have yet to be corrupted, such as Antarctica seeing an Adult Polar bear play with its offspring or Africa watching wildebeest (fully grown) crowd around anothers baby to protect it from a predator. If this is an Allusion it's a bloody good one, And if this is all "Fake" does it really truly matter if your, 'we', everyone is going to forget it all in 5 years anyway?

...Live 'life' for today not for tomorrow.

Well said, thanks for including this post.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by feyd rautha
i dont think you have the capability to understand his points...

I've read all the posts and as far as my capacity to comprehend, suffice it to say I am well educated. The posts of lilblam however, use a different form of education. Poorly executed social engineering on the weakminded to propagate a belief only known to him and to pull others into his psychosis. You're missing so many contradictions and classic hoaxing techniques in his posts it's almost laughable:

He will bait you:

Although, in 5 years the truth will not be told. It will "happen". I won't say what. Just wait! Or search and see if you can find out. Either way, the clock is ticking. This is like Atlantis basically, we are at the end and most people don't know it.

then pass himself off as a "chosen one":

The truth is SO well hidden on this world and all the other ones, that only single people in entire centuries find out. When they do, they usually die. If they don't, they are driven insane and put in mental hospitals and so forth. The system is MUCH wiser and older than anyone can imagine. It is not made by humans, nor Gods, nor Aliens. Think outside the box!

and finally "borrow" a few insights from a website and tag it with:

Paraphrase: "You have to find out for yourself, my "truth" cannot be told", "I don't care if you believe me"

all the while avoiding offering the smallest amount of this "truth" but rather giving "hints:

Here's some hints, but these only scratch the surface.

Time does not exist. Time (yes, time) is an illusion. There is no past/present/future. I know this for FACT and understand it completely including logically why and so forth. Like I said, this cannot be told...

One example of lilblam's contradictions:

Which is it? This:

Think of all the unknowns and not understood phenomena in this world. Ghosts. UFOs. Aliens. Bigfoot. This is all part of the system of control.

or this?

Aliens are real and in total control on this planet

He steers clear of debate and/or offering info for fear of exposure. If this last quote doesn't clue you in then give me a call....I have a flux inversion magneto pulse generator to go along with my slightly used Dual Transwave Tube� (6th dimensional graviton wave transporter)...for a price.

I would suggest to you to take his advice of learning and research but not for the reasons given in the young man's posts.

This is classic hoaxing.

What I find most deplorable is that an intelligent person would post this trickery of doom and gloom in a thread dealing with suicide. The more fragile minds here may not see the "truth" and take you at face value. So how about shedding some light on a few of the more "scary" topics you have offered to really bring it home for em.

"All you have to do is ask." - lilblam

I offer a simple conversation which can start off very basic for the benefit of the layman and then, upon your response, follow with much more indepth and scientifically precise queries (with easy to understand examples) if required. Truth is not known unless the defining mechanisms of this truth are understood. Otherwise it is just theory or proof of a theory, so it should be easy for you to answer the simplest of questions knowing said "truth". I'll try to avoid the theoretical and scientific unless you postulate in that realm:

In what we measure as time, how long is this "cycle" that will come to pass in 5 years?

How did these aliens, that control the planet, come to be here on Earth and how did they take control of the planet?

How does the science of ST or LQG relate to your "truth"?

4 questions: 3 simple and one abit more complex. You said all one had to do was ask. We shall see. Given the truth that you have barely reached adulthood, Occam's Razor seems very sharp. This is not to imply that their are no young and very gifted individuals but merely that the environ in which you reside is telling as are your posts. I'm not holding my breath so don't worry.

[edit on 6-12-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 03:37 PM
[edit on 6-12-2004 by antipigopolist]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 03:43 PM
I am not incline to agree about them being strong for being able to kill yourself.

Death is pretty much the easy way out of things. Wouldn't living through whatever was hard, or shocking, or whatever ... using it to better themself as people have been the stronger thing?


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