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Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face.

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posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:10 AM
Please post 'on topic' namely, "Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face."

[edit on 5-3-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:25 AM

If there was such a thing as Lucifer that would be true---Lucifer---Satan---the devil do not exist

I lost my quote here, So your quote if I need Jesus or whatever. Let me clarify, I am not a religious nut ok ? It doesn't hurt to have faith.

Sleeper as LonghairCowboy said you keep changing the 'rules' of these ET's.

See now you have twisted it again and there is no God or Jesus now. Earlier today, you had aknowledged, God, ET's and the beast as one being. You only say things to satisfy questions to those who you try to win over to your side.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by violet]

[edit on 5-3-2006 by violet]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
The soul is energy not the kind we are familiar with on this planet but energy nonetheless---the only difference is that some souls have more of it than others

Disagree. The soul is light. It's not of the physical realm. It is above or outside the physical realm. The energy body and physical body are used by the soul to interact with this realm. But hey, neither of us can prove it either way so no big deal. Just balancing out the information so others have more to go on.

You can call our collective energy god if you wish

but god is not one person or entity but a collection of billions of souls

I'm not calling God collective energy. God is all there is. It's an infinite mind that creates infinite things for infinite enjoyment and infinite expansion. Even the computer we're on is God.

Therefore, I agree with your second statement to an extent. But I would expand it out to include everything. Now, wrapping our mind around this would give us the following conclusion.

There is no God.

They are fearless

it’s we humans that fear for a living

Disagree with the first statement and agree with the second. They fear they will be found out and their food source will evolve beyond their ability to control us. Then they'll have to hunt up another food source. It would be like if our cows started evolving enough to revolt against us.

You peeked behind the curtain didn’t you?

There's a curtain? I never seen no curtain.

I used the pixie dust analogy to describe exotic energy that makes ET ships fly----for lack of a better word

Gotcha. Just a suggestion but maybe "zero-point energy" or "gravity waves" will work better next time. That pixie dust threw me off as I think it did others too.

ET verses humans at war is impossible because they are a more enlighten version of us---and they really like us----- if that were not the case we all would be worm food----all six plus billion of us----and they wouldn’t even suffer one single casualty

At this physical level that humans occupy you are very correct. We wouldn't stand a doughnut's chance in a police station.

However, I'm speaking of the energy level. Our souls (which are above the energy level) are still more connected to the source than theirs because of their chosen path. When our souls interact with the physical body the energy body expands. The stronger the connection we have with the source through our soul, the stronger the energy body. Therefore, if we had the information, we could maintain and grow our energy bodies without need for enslaving other races. This is a huge advantage. So, not only would they lose one of their sources of energy (negative human emotions) but they would also have to contend with billions of energy bodies that can become more powerful than them.

I'm wondering here and I'm not sure you have specified. Many of your statements are true when talking about ALL ETs. The ETs that are interfering with humans are negative beings, so statements referring to them can not include positive descriptions (unless they are using good acts/words to trick others [ie the Bible] but that's pushing the definition). I guess what I'm asking is please specify if you are talking about a particular ET race, All races, or a particular side (positive - negative). When you don't specify then all your statements could be true. However, this isn't keeping your reader in mind. All may be One and so forth, but we are still in the physical realm and we still have the illusion of separation. It becomes necessary to properly separate and catalog 'who's who' so that an individual can be better prepared to make decisions for themselves.

From what you wrote it seems you are talking about the Grays and a couple other negative polarity races that are on this particular mission. Those are the ones that are interfering with humans and have been for hundreds of thousands of years.

The positive polarity races do not interfere in this way. They will only be there to help by offering information and support to our subconscious (energy body) or unconscious (soul - light body). Only very rarely will the positive guys do anything with humans on the purely physical level. Natural progression is to be maintained.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria

Originally posted by intrepid
Sorry guys, I can't shut this down, I won't pull Mod powers in a thread that I'm involved in. That's just wrong.

TGA, I will let you know.

First off, Intrepid is a great Moderator, as are all the mods at ATS. They are individuals donating their time. (BTW, that really is Intrepid in his avatar, claws, beard an' all. You expect him to be a lamb all the time?)

Seriously tho', there is a desire at ATS to ensure that hoaxers are not allowed to lie. Post honestly is part of the ATS credo/agreement, and that rule has to be enforced.

Why are you worried? Sleeper says he doesn't care who believes, as you said. He can handle all the pressure, I'm sure. If not, he'll discredit his own "secret knowledge of ET". I mean, if someone knew ET was real and got taken on a spaceship, do you think they'd be weak enough to let a few dunbunkers upset them?

Personally I think the recent religious statements by sleeper throw his story into a strange light. He seems to be promoting Christ or Abrahamic worship while he simultaneously saying that rebirth is actually the truth. Why would ET mess with our heads? Sleeper did not answer that question well enough for my taste. There are cracks in his story, IMO. (I still like it tho')

But please don't be another newbie to ATS thinking they've sussed the place out and know everything. Dial your "self" down a bit and take a bigger look at this place before drawing massive conclusions about how it is moderated or run. Guys like sleeper are using bandwidth which is paid for by the ATS top dogs. Do you think they'll not defend the board's policy of "post honestly"? No, it's important to them that information presented as truth on ATS is true. As hard as that goal is, I see mods working on it every day here.

[edit on 4-3-2006 by smallpeeps]

SmallPeeps - I appreciate your comments and certainly welcome them. I admire loyalty, espirit de corp, and a sense - even obligation - to defend those you know and respect. Well done.
It was not my intent, conceived in my purpose, nor my desire to insult the mod nor accomplish anything other than point out the devastating mistake he was making; in retrospect, my tone (figurative) was coarse and harsh, but my words don't belie otherwise. Additionally, he was frustrated with one concern, I with another; we have both "dialed down" and are now exchanging flowers and candy.

Your 2nd para - I have no misconceptions there (rules of ATS). Hoaxers "are" liars. First, "prove" them liars. "Deny Ignorance" is a great motto, but what does engaging in the same ignorance you hope to deny do for your motto? Has anyone yet "proven" Sleeper a liar? I don't care how much you "feel" it, suspect it, or just by-God know deep inside your gut he's scamming us all, Sleeper set the rules (beninning of thread), ATS didn't balk at them, Mods didn't, we didn''s driving some mad with the perplexity, and some of us are utterly baffled, love a good mystery, and having fun! Liar? Hoaxer? Threads still here! We should ask better questions, be more creative in our debunking efforts - you pick. The whole thing's a whacky enigma!

Many I'm sure, think I'm defending Sleeper, I'm not. If you, me, or anyone else outs him I'd turn on Sleeper like "Bigwig on General Woundwort" (credit: "Watership Down" - Richard Adams). Until then, what a challenge, huh?

Lastly - "Newbie". Be careful with this term/adjective. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't mean this as subtle disrespect or an insult. I am far from being new to what's important here at ATS. And, I've yet to draw any conclusions.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:38 AM
Since I don't ask many questions and you don't answer very many serious questions!

I want you to answer how long a field trip around the Solar System takes , since you claim to have been physically on these trips ?

" Please post 'on topic' namely, "Are extraterrestrials real? As real as the nose on your face." = sanctum

Unfortunately ,sanctum no one has ever been able to collaborate any of sleepers claims , even after 69 pages of nothing except extraordinary claims!

( BTW sleeper , I already "know" you have " Frequent Flier Miles "
, I expect a real answer as in Minutes and Hours. )

[edit on 5-3-2006 by lost_shaman]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by violet

See now you have twisted it again and there is no God or Jesus now. Earlier today, you had aknowledged, God, ET's and the beast as one being. You only say things to satisfy questions to those who you try to win over to your side.

For those who need God and the Beast----the biblical version, I tell them to read their own bible----specifically the book of Job----that book explains very well the divisions of labor concerning God and Satan

Because I refer people to that book doesn’t mean I advocate Christianity-----nor do I disparage it or some other religions----ET created them all so believing in them is fine for those who need to

Some people call it twisting words-----I call it lack of reading skills

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
Since I don't ask many questions and you don't answer very many serious questions!

I often answer sarcastic questions with sarcasm

I want you to answer how long a field trip around the Solar System takes , since you claim to have been physically on these trips ?

( BTW sleeper , I already "know" you have " Frequent Flier Miles "
, I expect a real answer as in Minutes and Hours. )

I have stated in this thread that watches don’t work on ET ships so giving you an exact time would contradict a previous post of mine----are you trying to trip me up?

Get it? Trip me up------

The trip lasts a few hours, with plenty of time for sightseeing----to one or two of the Saturnian’s moons

Considering that Saturn is one light hour from the sun and it would take nearly two years to get there one way with theoretical conventional craft-----craft that humans don’t even have on the drawing board yet----and will not until sometime in the next century

ETs travel pretty dang fast-----nearly faster than the speed of light while in the solar system-----but theoretical physics can't explain that kind of speed when concerning physical objects----everything seems to break down

I was covered in a substance that fit me tightly like a wet suit

But they say that time flies when you are having fun----maybe it took longer and I was having so much fun that it only seemed like a few hours.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 11:44 AM

I wonder if modern science can keep me alive till it happens!?!?

Did the aliens play to any truth in bible tails?? Where the different alien "Gods" listening to the prayers of different religions, and as one group of aliens passed on the work to the next they start up a new page in history.

Im rambling.... I havent stopped thinking about aliens since I started reading this....

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by TrubadoursGrayAria
Lastly - "Newbie". Be careful with this term/adjective. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't mean this as subtle disrespect or an insult. I am far from being new to what's important here at ATS. And, I've yet to draw any conclusions.

No offense. I enjoy your posts. One of the hard things about forums like this is determining what a person's motives are. There are at least FIVE people on ATS (or more?) who claim to be direct ET experiencers, and all their stories are quite different from what I can read (others can correct me on this if wrong).

So as a result, each of these alien experiencers, who also have clues about the afterlife, the bigger picture, etc, are vyying for our attention. Of these, I find Sleeper to be the most poetic in his responses. There's another guy here, gl2, who posts rarely, but his posts are full of good information --All different from Sleeper's, I might add.

Now why doesn't somebody get all these alien experiencers into the same thread and let them argue about what ET is, or is not? I guess they'd probably avoid each other (although siriuslyone has posted in this thread, and she's an experiencer also).

Anyway, I didn't mean to discourage your excellent comments. It's quite fun to read them as you have a unique flow-of-thought type of writing which I enjoy very much. I'm not the only one who bristles when the Mods get criticized. Glad you understood my motives. Now back to the show.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 01:32 PM

from: Siblin
You mentioned this user in the Sleeper thread, and I was rather curious about his experiences. However, the search troublesome. Do you know where any of his threads/posts may be?

Hey Siblin, I figured I could respond to your U2U here. You said the search was being problematic. I wsn't sure if it was on ATS's side or if it was the form which is the problem. The search part of ATS will be improved in the future, I am certain of that.

To find gl2's posts, I entered the word "space", in the first field, then I changed the settings as you can see in this childlike image (which is the best I can do on a Sunday morning):

And I got a bunch of links. Here are a few where gl2 goes-off.
EDIT: This one's my personal favorite: Bush Partied w. Bin Laden?

...I really enjoy this user's posts but don't see him much. He's really anti-Bush and well-informed on conspiracy subjects. I don't see much of this from Sleeper. Sleeper's political posts seem almost like a different person from when he starts talking about aliens.

Also, gl2 (who claims he experiences ET through astral projection) really goes into great detail and his posts are data-rich. It's the opposite end of the spectrum from Sleeper, really, whose posts are too short. The wee-jee board schtick gets old after a while, for me. I still enjoy the content tho'.

gl2 says only some aliens are good, but the bad ones are in power. Sleeper says they're all good. Sleeper would probably say that gl2 is misinformed. Watching these types of members discuss who knows ET better could be entertaining, but it's funny how they usually avoid each other.

Well, hope that helps.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 01:43 PM
Thank you very much!
I'm sure these will be very interesting to read.

And thank you for explaining how to use the search, that was confusing me.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by NotClever

Originally posted by sleeper
Satan is an ET with a job

Originally posted by sleeper
Lucifer---Satan---the devil do not exist

Oops. Need to refer to them notes ever now an again sleeper!


How could I forget!! I love Brownsville Station's "Martian Boogie".

cryin' out loud!!!

[edit on 4-3-2006 by NotClever]

Oh cool... I'm glad to see we're still letting this bored man run on with the "minor" inconsistencies and continue his story... I'm just wondering how many of those he's allowed? I can point out at least 10 to 15... and already have pointed out most of them...
look I am turning into a fire breathing dragon! Bad bad bad... this is bad... don't understand why it's still up... and he continues to gain a following for his little cult who ignores all inconsistencies as long as he gives them the answers that they want to hear.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 02:49 PM
At last another little bit of meat to chew on(the invisible steak isn't very filling).
If anyone is interested in tackling this statement

The trip lasts a few hours, with plenty of time for sightseeing----to one or two of the Saturnian’s moons
Considering that Saturn is one light hour from the sun and it would take nearly two years to get there one way with theoretical conventional craft-----craft that humans don’t even have
by sleeper.
Btw we do have craft that can make it to Saturn(see below in bold).
Here are the tools you'll need.
Keep in mind that a light year is not a unit of time(therefore neither would a light hour or light minute or light second). It's a measure of distance ie Light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles a second or 700 million miles an hour.

Now start with the distance to Saturn. AU stands for astronomical unit the prodominent measuring stick used by astronomers for interplanetary measurements.
Official (November 20 1996) Distance : 8.9 AU.(149.6 Mil Km. Unit = 1 AU)
Here's a site with the appropriate mathematics to solve yourself.

Earth-Saturn distance = 1 AU * (Sin 52)/(Sin5.5) = 8.2 AU.

Now on to light year measurements.

The distance light travels in one year: about 9.461 × 1015 metres (9.461 petametres), or about 5.879 × 1012 (nearly six trillion) miles. More specifically, a light year is defined as the distance that a photon would travel, in free space and infinitely distant from any gravitational or magnetic fields, in one Julian year (365.25 days of 86,400 seconds each). Since the speed of light in a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 m/s (670,616,629 mph) by the definition of metre, one light year is exactly equal to 9,460,730,472,580,800 m (5,878,625,373,184 mi).

And from the same site

A light year is also equal to about 63,241.077 astronomical units (AU).
A light minute is equal to 17,987,547,480 m. Since light travels 299,792,458 m in one second, a light second is 299,792,458 m in length.
It takes 8.3 minutes for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth (a distance of 1.58 × 10-5 light years).
The most distant space probe, Voyager 1, was 13 light hours (only 1.5 × 10-3 light years) away from Earth in September 2004. It took Voyager(40,000 mph,3yrs to Saturn) 27 years to cover that distance.

Here's a basic table of light speeds-

1 light-second = 300000 km = 186000 mi.
1 light-minute = 18 millionen km = 11 million mi.
1 light-hour = 1.1 billion km = 670 million mi.
1 light-day = 25 billion km = 16 billion mi.
1 light-year = 9.5 trillion km = 6 trillion mi.

You'll note that it takes approximately 2.1 year to travel 1 light hour.
Whip out those calculators.
Now that my eyesight has gone fuzzy(as well as the old grey matter) I leave it to you fine folk.

[edit on 3/5/06 by longhaircowboy]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:14 PM
I checked out all the travel times and light years too, and the places he has gone in the time he claimed it took, is impossible, no matter how advanced thier capablities are. He'd still be there.

But you know his answer will be : ET has the technology to do this with the Pixie Dust.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:30 PM
Arm of Geddon, not only do I like your username, but your posts are interesting too. While I may not completely 'get' what your saying, at least you provide some content and 'reasonable-ness' that I can ruminate on.

Your definiton of God is a pretty good one too. Althought its my opinion that even attempting to describe God is pointless. Just as pointless as attaching terms such as 'he,she, or it' to God.

Moses probably got the best answer, direct from the source as it were, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'

'nuff theology.

do you have any idea why watches won't work on "ET's" craft? And is it all watches...mechanical wind-up, quartz, self-winding? Is it just terrestrial time-keeping devices? If you're invited for another joyride around the solar system, would you leave your watch behind please? That way you could at least note the elapsed time.

I know, asking sleeper questions is pointless. I challenge sleeper to engage in a dialogue in an attempt to support his thesis statement: "Are Aliens Real? As real as the nose on your face."

Others have noted, 'sleeper said clearly in the beginning of this thread...I don't care if you believe me'. So, what's the point? What's the point of answering any question?
We're not discussing some nutter sitting on a park bench muttering to himself...sleeper opens a browser, logs into ATS, and enters text that he knows is accessible by literally millions of people. He makes an effort to post his bloviating.

I'm here bloviating for the entertainment factor. Secondary is the chance that one reader will say..."Ya' know what? This dude's spoutin' a load of hooey". Correction....Not one reader, all of the readers, 'cause of course, some of you already know this, sorry.

One more thing;

Originally posted by sleeper
But they say that time flies when you are having fun----maybe it took longer and I was having so much fun that it only seemed like a few hours.

I added the bold emphasis.
sleeper answers a question and then promptly invalidates the entire answer. Sheesh.


[edit on 5-3-2006 by NotClever]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:53 PM
While it may be true that earthly timepieces wouldn't operate on the ET craft, they would of necessity need some type of time measurement. It is an accepted fact throughout the scientific community that interstellar travel would be literally impossible without some type of navigation device. And that in turn would require some sort of time measurements.
Oh and just in case anyone needs to know, 1 AU is the distance from the sun to earth. Forgot to put that in there.

Yes violet even at the speed of light a quick trip to Saturn wouldn't be like a jog to the local deli. And why is it that ET physics would be different than here. The Laws of Physics apply equally no matter where in the universe you happen to be. An apple still would've hit Newton on the head on the planet Frenabulax.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by NotClever
Arm of Geddon, not only do I like your username, but your posts are interesting too.

I'm the good Arm. I'm a bit worried about the other Arm of Geddon though. Seems it may be causing some ruckus.

While I may not completely 'get' what your saying, at least you provide some content and 'reasonable-ness' that I can ruminate on.

I'll expand on anything you don't get. Heck, I can even provide some reasonable-ness to Sleeper's posts but I was hoping he would do that himself.

Your definiton of God is a pretty good one too. Althought its my opinion that even attempting to describe God is pointless. Just as pointless as attaching terms such as 'he,she, or it' to God.

Agreed. It does sometimes come up though. I just came up with a shorter version that works even better for my crazy mixed up mind....

God is the infinite mind expressing itself infinitely.


Back on topic. How 'bout some reasonable-ness to flying around the solar system at break neck speeds. Basically, the crafts operate interdimensionally. They can easily operate outside our space/time. In that "dimension" the laws of physics are expanded not dealt a death blow. By being in the expanded version of our space/time they can travel long distances in our realm in a short amount of time. The best analogy would be sub-space travel. That's not an accurate concept just the best we got at the moment.

By utilizing strong EM fields they can expand the strong and weak nuclear forces in the atoms while still maintaining the integrity of the object (spacecraft). Well, as long as it's done right. If it's not done right then they become quantum soup. EM is the door to the other realm. See the Philidelphia experiment. The EM generators expanded the atoms within the EM field. The expansion caused the objects (ship and crew) to phase-out of our realm and reside in the other realm until the EM generators were shut down. Then the atoms went back to their original structure. Unfortunately for the crew, they weren't exactly prepared to be ripped out the dimension and thrown back in.

Gotta go get some beer.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:23 PM

Slick moves you are making..Great, keep the guise going, I am loving it..

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:33 PM
AoG while I certainly follow your 'reasonableness' I note you use the word time. This seems to point to the use by ET of some sort of measurement and I find it highly unlikely they would use terms like light hour or such since it's not in common use here on earth as a measurement for distances.
If they were going to put it in terms we mere mortals could understand wouldn't it be more useful to use a term in use commonly?
Even a highly educated and intelligent person such as myself doesn't go floundering around describing interplanetary distance in terms that my next door neighbor wouldn't have a clue about.
I bet half the people viewing this thread didn't even realize light hour was an actual word. It's not something you hear often but it caught my attention right away. Why? Because it's not a common term.
people would be more comfortable with km or miles.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by longhaircowboy
AoG while I certainly follow your 'reasonableness' I note you use the word time. This seems to point to the use by ET of some sort of measurement and I find it highly unlikely they would use terms like light hour or such since it's not in common use here on earth as a measurement for distances.
If they were going to put it in terms we mere mortals could understand wouldn't it be more useful to use a term in use commonly?
Even a highly educated and intelligent person such as myself doesn't go floundering around describing interplanetary distance in terms that my next door neighbor wouldn't have a clue about.
I bet half the people viewing this thread didn't even realize light hour was an actual word. It's not something you hear often but it caught my attention right away. Why? Because it's not a common term.
people would be more comfortable with km or miles.

I don't think the ETs used the term. I think it was just used by Sleeper. But you'll have to ask him if they used that specific term.

I don't think they would use such a term either. They have no use for our arbitrary measurements. They are mostly operating in an expanded version of our realm. Time, as we know it, would have no meaning there.

Now, I'm just trying to figure out how many light nano-seconds it took me to go get beer.

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