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What would Aliens Even Come here for?

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Aliens wouldn't come here because aliens don't exist.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Crytogod

So, your reasoning is that instead, there is no other intelligent life in the entire cosmos, on all the billions and billions of planets, around all the billions of billions of stars, in the billions of billions of galaxies?

Sure, that's logical.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Why wouldn't they come here .
Lets assume that the urge to explore the heavens is somehow hardwired into DNA , some ET civilization is using their super Hi-Tech look at the Galaxy machine and they spot this blue gem showing all its glory against the blackness of space , surely if you had the capability to go check it out you would .

As a bonus we are here , with all our craziness and cultural differences , they could spend a millennium studying us and still not have a clue

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Hi new here guys,
I've always wanted to share this somewhere and hopefully the open minded people I find here will be gentle (please) and not bust on me too bad..
As silly as this may sound, I've always had this theory (feeling??) that the aliens aren't really "aliens" per say at all..they may not appear very familiar, but should actually, because they are "US".
They are really the future evolved version of our own human race coming back in time to try and UNDO the foolish and disastrous mistakes the past generations have done to the environment of the earth and the biological adaptive changes the human body made to survive in a world of depleted resources.
Doesn't it seem plausible that if mankind had the power to time travel right now in 2011 that going back to undo a multitude of wrongs would be the most obvious and preferred use of this power?
To add fuel to the fire..I know some will roll their eyes when I admit to being yet another person who has had contact,abduction experiences (or whatever you like to refer to it) also.
As far back as I can remember I've experienced the same stuff as others have said:
missing time,
"faceless people" with (fuzz covered corkscrew )implemented machines doing operations into my belly button,
crop circles on farm field by my rural home,
eerie enraged cricket voice shrieking phone call right when I was having a conversation with a friend about getting back on contraception pills again, hanging up the phone with the feeling of foreboding censure.
Gynecologist turning pale and looking shocked and disturbed by my answer of "none" to her friendly question of "how many children do you have?",
strange scooped out flesh markings on leg and arm with no known injury as the cause,
being shown a cataclysmic world event like explosion that left me shaken to the core with terrible sadness.
Strangely all of the above happenings did NOT give me the feeling of beings with evil intent-more of a here to help us (THE CHILDREN OF EARTH ) kind of thing.
All of my experiences coupled with the millions of reports of others has led me to form my own belief that if ANYONE was visiting earth with the intent to harm or take over, they would have done long before now,and surely long before we became so technologically unstable.
We ARE a dangerous, self destructive race, yet still in our own deluded infancy we continue to make life altering decisions based on greed for more and more power.
If left UNCHECKED, we WILL affect the entire universe
I think the Matrix movie concept of our guided existence is closer to the truth than we know.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:13 PM
If there are ETs arriving I do NOT believe they are coming for

a) physical resources --- as everybody said, elemental commodities are available anywhere in any solar system
b) curiosity --- they would learn much, much more by talking with people about their lives openly but obviously they don't.

Possible reasons
c) biological resources --- it can be far cheaper to let biology do its thing than expensively synthesize very complex chemicals, and the diverse ecology of Earth
d) escape --- they are hiding from other ET enemies/law enforcement/criminals, but need some resources to survive.
e) religion --- they could have religious doctrines and ideology of unknown nature which demand these bizarre interactions
f) politics --- they could be checking that none of their ET rivals have started to exploit us or our planet more overtly in violation of some treaty (Cold War scenario).

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:15 PM

What would Aliens Even Come here for?

Well there are several very very plausible answers,


MacHuman anyone?

why not, we eat animals from our own planet, sometimes species, never mind another planet.

For me though it's answered with an question!

Have you ever been to a zoo, wildlife park or nature reserve?

Know any bird watchers or butterfly collectors?

Why on earth not?

Why are humans pouring concrete into wild ants nests and then taking moulds of their homes....

Why oh why would that be of use to most humans......

The answer is the sign of intelligence and why people go to zoo's and probably why "they" come here....

Inquisitiveness is the marker of higher functioning intelligence as opposed to reactive, base ones.

Probably though my universal charm and sex god status has brought them to benefit as the female of the human species

Kind Regards,


posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:19 PM
They are coming to harvest human consciousness and life force! Darn telepathic psychic vampires from Saturn!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Strangely all of the above happenings did NOT give me the feeling of beings with evil intent-more of a here to help us (THE CHILDREN OF EARTH ) kind of thing.

This is disturbing to me. If what you say was real, you've been experimented upon and forced to breed against your will. How many felonies is that?

And yet these happenings didn't give you a bad feeling? To me it sounds like that they've also manipulated your judgement and feelings for their benefit, and then threatened planetary obliteration. Hannibal Lecter is smiling.

All of my experiences coupled with the millions of reports of others has led me to form my own belief that if ANYONE was visiting earth with the intent to harm or take over, they would have done long before now,and surely long before we became so technologically unstable.

harm? if you think your ETs are real, you're a victim of uncaring biological criminals. If they're humans from the future, they have even less excuse, as the "we don't understand human psychology" doesn't fly.

We ARE a dangerous, self destructive race, yet still in our own deluded infancy we continue to make life altering decisions based on greed for more and more power.

Sure, but actually, human civilization on average has been getting quite a bit nicer over the last span of a few thousand years, believe it or not. And humans can do nice things too.

What nice things have ET done for us? For you?

edit on 27-9-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Seanwalsh

As above, so below. It is a dangerous assumption to think that an alien civlisation some million years older than us will be a friendly civillisation. It is more likely to assume that inhabbited planets with intelligent life can harbour whatever charcter we can find here on our own planet. And the ruling class on our 'civilized' planet at the moment is not of the friendly kind but rather of the greedy murdering kind.

Do you know the story of the scorpion and the frog...?

The scorpion ask the frog to give him a passage over the water because he can not swim. The frog hesitate and ask the scorpion to promise not to hurt him. The scorpion promises but when they reached the other side the scorpion did sting the frog. Disappointed the frog ask the scorpion why he did it and the scorpion answered.....because it is in my nature.

With other words.....You can never trust who you are dealing with until you know its nature....the same with alien visitors.

edit on 27/9/2011 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

Perhaps you are right and brainwashing has alter my perception of these visitations
Perhaps we ALL are being played like one big game of Interstellar Earth Poker.
Yes any alien contact could be viewed as frightening and a manipulative intrusion unless you have a bigger ray-gun than mine to stop it, you become a potential pawn in this game also.
Perhaps everyone has had visitations,some remember some don't.
Fear and denial can be crippling..
All I know is that I have NEVER had a very high opinion of human beings
Personally I think we are a waste of time for ANY alien to bother with
But then again with that thought of brainwashing again...HMMM..
Maybe just like your mother said ..I've been hanging out with the wrong crowd for too long.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Seanwalsh

I think they come here to read on ATS all the backward ideas we have about existence, physics and religion. Then they write SNL skits about us and make us a joke.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by IamAbeliever
reply to post by Seanwalsh

What would Aliens Even Come here for?

Wal-Mart's end of summer blowout? Oh wait, wrong kind of aliens. My bad. I thought we were referring to the illegal type.

Oh right cuz the ones that come from outer space have their green cards .

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Shurima
This isin't our planet. That basically sums it all up.

I have only one thing to say about that.
Finders keepers,
loosers weepers.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
They are coming here for our women ,particularly the larger american women ,why do you think the muslim women wear veils ,there ahead of the game ,they don't want those pesky aliens spotting them and beaming them up for probing ?

Jokes aside tho.
I've always though ,that earth to aliens would be a zoo ,or a tourist destination.

Now wouldnt they just be looking for the people wearing veils.Wouldnt these same veils become a dead giveaway? If you know they are women its a good guess they could figure that out too. Just look for the ones wearing veils.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:09 PM
I think the aliens would come here because our species is a classic case of satirical stand up comedy acts...

aka... we're a friggin' joke.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by jaden_x

Why would an advanced civilization need slaves? Sheesh even we have "bots" that sweep and wash our floors. Technology would preclude the need for any slaves.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by TheMaverick

Threads get flagged all the time. What do you think the front page is all about. This one just dosen't strike the readers I guess.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by jaden_x

If you were a highly advanced civilization that can do inter-stellar travel, you'd be able to build robots to do any work you needed; or even bio-engineer a work-class type of being that would be perfectly fit genetically to do that job.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by eywadevotee
They are coming to harvest human consciousness and life force! Darn telepathic psychic vampires from Saturn!

Now believe it or not i believe you have a point here..I'm a past abductee. and have seen 1 real alien. He was tall and quite large. They come for the mind. There mind is sorta kinda like ours but different. Its called a brain analysis. They learn from our brains by taking the information from our memory..Not so cool really..They really do exist..

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by CranialSponge

LOL..But you do have a point..Aliens are funny creatures and very skittish as well.

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