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Why Is This Not On American News?

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posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Carseller4

i think you are demonstrating ignorance witht that comment

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
People upset that their socialist utopia is an utter failure?

What's to report?

That they might actually have to work 40 hours a week?
Retire at (gasp) 62 years of age?
Give up a couple of their umpteen weeks of paid vacation?
That they might have to pay a little more for their education?

Really? What's to report?

This is exactly why the euros are rioting, and exactly why the mainstream media in the US isn't reporting it.

Socialism, the "new world order", and all the people that have supported them are abject failures.

The Obama admin. and the progressive/liberal left here in the US do not want the American people to know what happens at the end of a socialist death spiral.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by thedoctorswife
you say no- excuse for violence...are you kidding or what??...The people who run this world are the most violent and depraved we have ever seen...It is people like you who will hold back those who are ready to MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN...How could anyone ever be more violent than the us war speak like a child and you think like one....

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
reply to post by thedoctorswife

What is a college to do if there are rising costs, or less government funding, they have got to raise fees. The only way this protest works is if enough students actually drop out of college, and the college realizes that it needs to lower fees to get the students back. If the students actually want to get their education, it would not hurt them one bit to actually get a job (or 2nd job) to help cover the extra cost.

In the UK a student can expect to earn minimum wage (£5.40 or so per hour). They certainly won't get much more.

They can only work part time, and they usually work in the summer (a whole 8 weeks). Part time means you can not, by law, work more than 15 hours in a week.

I think you'll agree the amount they can earn working is absolutely nothing compared to the £9000 per year they will be incurring in debts.

They could work a second job, and make it 30 hours in a week, but then when are they supposed to study?
edit on 26-11-2010 by mirageofdeceit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:51 AM
I dont know where you are but I live in the States and this was on the news. I saw it yesterday and this morning...It's on here in America and also not everything overseas makes it to every news channel over here.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I searched google and could'nt find. But i realy want to know how the american media dealt with the case. I live in US, but i try to avoid tv. If you had some link I will appreciate.

edit on 26-11-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by RUSSO
reply to post by Rosha

Yes..they ARE way over priviliged compared to several hundred thousand million people alive today....most who will also die without ever knwoing any one of those things.

You are put things out of contest. They live in UK, so you have to think like one of then, not about the rest of world. Poor people exist in every corner of the world, and its just sad, but we have to figth to a better income distribution to solve this. You seems to be angry because some people have more than others. Are you comunist?

edit on 25-11-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

No I think my context is just fine.
Also, there is no such a thing as 'thinking like them' there is no 'them' to collectively think like.

As much as the propoganda of politics would like me to think differently, these people are each individals who think and feel individally, independantly, uniquely and differently on even the exact same issues. I wont contribute to dishonoring that inherrent right of their humanity by corralling them like pigs....even if you, unthinking, choose to.

And no I am not a communist. I'm a human being, not a unit of political currency or a social comodity and I am angry only at those who appear to be placing their wants above their own needs as much as the needs of others....placing violence above true debate....and I am ticked at them for what I view as actions that are undermining the true value of the right of protest.

And of those that do demand more for less and less, I am p*ssed they are appearing to do so with absolutely no regard for or acceptance of the resposibilities of everyday citizenship - like not destroying property...aka the responsibilities that necessarily acompany the rights they expect others uphold.

If they were demanding classrooms..and not busting up cop cars, I'd be for a hot second.but they're not. They want you Mr Taxpayer to fund 4 years of a degree most will never use to any full advantage. They want everything to be 'free'..with no thought to those that fund the bucket the money is being drawn from...not just the UK taxpayer but the entire system of people world over who 'fund' this by dying quietly, going without daily or sweating it out, so that those that refuse to grow up and live simply, can continue on this insanity.

Many of these protestors, by their actions, are wanting the unimpeeded right to intimidate and harrass and close down streets harming the very taxpayers they plan to rob blind, many simply want to be purge their frustrations of having to grow up and face reality that if you WANT IT you WORK for it like everyone else.

It's the expectation of these protestors that is flawed here....and while there is nothing new in children demanding more than they have earned, its up to mature society to simply say - no. and hold the boundarys in place until these kids or people acting out as kids, do grow up.

Expecting the state to pay for everything is politically as much as morally wrong. It places everyone in danger. Expecting the state to pay for everything WOULD be communistic as it would permit the State to 'call in' the credit anytime they choose on any issue. Do you think any entity on the face of the planet would just offer that much cash freely with no long game plan, no qid pro qo obligation?

These protestors dont get that....that by asking 'the state' to fund their years of uni on one hand, they are actually demanding and empowering the State to be the closet communist tyrant they are or soon will be railing against on the other. They arent just the wild pigs * ( see below ) they are blind wild pigs hauling in and setting up the very fences that the State will gleefully be using to entrap them!

The irony is strange....left hand doesnt know what right hand is doing....

* the parable of how to catch a wild pig ( link)

Sadly most of society is already ensared in just this fashion...some of us knowingly so...though we have some route left for escape and history as much time is on our side for the most part, it is stopping the ensarement of others that precocupies our days....and its really hard to stop people ensaring themelves...harder than you think! That corn's real tasty....and the very young rarely listen....they think they already 'know'.

Everyone remotely educated in academia remembers the Czecho-Slovakia protests and justice movement that freed a people from intellectual and physical tyrranical slavery.

Few though, recall *how* Czecho-Slovakia came to be the tyrant state so many had to die in order to free.

edit on 26-11-2010 by Rosha because: context

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by lifeform11
reply to post by RUSSO

this was the student protest against cuts to education, it was shown all day on sky news live, in the u.k.
it was the usual reporting just focusing on all the negatives about the protesters from what i saw of it.
People need to use this as an example and should be doing this at our airports,God Bless them and keep them safe!!

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Unionoffreehumans
There was no need to be rude to me. I believe that violence has to be the last resort when all other measures have failed. By the way, you might think differently about violence if you ve been in an abusive relationship, and almost strangled by somebody bigger and stronger than you, so dont you dare say i think like a child because in not 'in love with violence'.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

Yeh, i know. This TSA thing is just idiotic. I hope that the government change his mind.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Finally, some Anarchy in the U.K!

Crazy, but ever since I saw the the Tax Poll riots on TV in the 90's - I get this damn song in my head every time I see huge street protests/riots from the U.K

The Tax Poll Protest 1990 which led to Mrs Thatcher's resignation and ended her Fascist regime.

Some testimonies about the police provocations which led to the riots!

Well, I hope that these great kids and other people who are now protesting everywhere gets the attention of their corrupt Bankster Governments, before things are turning even more ugly on the streets in our cities!

Preferably in a non violent way of course!

edit on 26-11-2010 by Chevalerous because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:20 AM
The media will not show this because it may wake people up or worse, motivate them to get off the couch..

To see that people in western countries are starting to become active against all thier government's maneuvers is the absolute last thing that anyone wants the American people to know about.

These aren't Hatians, or Africans, or Palestinians. This is not happening to a back-drop of mud huts or sandy deserts;

These are white people in western cities.

The majority of the American public can relate to these protesters/rioters instantly; they can see that these are people just like themselves who have had enough of situations just like what we are seeing all around us.

Barring a NWO-friendly sound byte or video clip, there is no chance this gets aired.

edit on 26-11-2010 by [davinci] because: Content

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by [davinci]

Today media is used as a propaganda tool. That's all what they do.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:20 AM
I think what a lot of you just dont grasp is that we were not put on this planet to work and pay taxes to fund wars and keep the rich in power.

The human race has been around for quite some time....before there was a government telling us what to do we managed to cope. Why should you be forced to work in a glass and metal cage for 40 hours a week??
Wasnt it the nazis who said " Work will set you free "

If there was no government there would be no war. There would be murder of course....but nothing on the scale of what modern warfare can do.

Its about time people stood up for their freedom and stop bowing down to corrupt governments ran by the elite bankers!!

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
People upset that their socialist utopia is an utter failure?

What's to report?

That they might actually have to work 40 hours a week?
Retire at (gasp) 62 years of age?
Give up a couple of their umpteen weeks of paid vacation?
That they might have to pay a little more for their education?

Really? What's to report?

I know you've had other responses, but allow me to say the following...

You are completely wrong and don't even seem to have the faintest grasp of what these kids are protesting about.

While fee's will be paid back after education, this single piece of legislation will deny many hundreds of thousands of young people a fair education to be able to compete in this country. University places will be kept for those who can afford it.

I had the opportunity to go to Uni a decade ago, and I turned it down because I didn't want to be in debt to anyone for the majority of my life. I find it unacceptable.

This government is hammering the final nails in the coffin and endeavoring to create a truly elitist-driven society where existing wealth and status are all that matters. Unless you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth you'll have absolutely no chance of ever getting anywhere.

As if opportunity were not elusive enough, now such opportunities will be limited to those who come from a wealthy background.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

It's worse than that.

Here in Canada companies are starting to require a degree or diploma to just answer the phone as a secretary. Although this is in part due to the number of people who have these qualifications, it means that as more time passes and fewer people can afford schooling these jobs will not be available to them.

Even the simplest entry level positions will be beyond the average persons reach...fewer good jobs and what ones there are most people won't qualify for means more poeple will have to work either longer hours or multiple jobs (and therefore longer hours) just to survive.

A serf society wouldn't bother me, provided it was spelt with a U instead of an E.

edit on 26-11-2010 by [davinci] because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
reply to post by thedoctorswife

What is a college to do if there are rising costs, or less government funding, they have got to raise fees. The only way this protest works is if enough students actually drop out of college, and the college realizes that it needs to lower fees to get the students back. If the students actually want to get their education, it would not hurt them one bit to actually get a job (or 2nd job) to help cover the extra cost.

And why are there such steeply rising costs? And why has the government funding been reduced? These are things that people are protesting about all over Europe.

Education is NOT the privilege of the wealthy.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by thedoctorswife
reply to post by Carseller4
What on earth are you talking about. These are students protesting against the rise in college fees. These kids are the future of the british economy yet higher education is becoming less accessible to the ordinary person, im a single mum, my daughter got excellent grades at A level, but even with the course fees as they are it will be a struggle for me to send her to university. There no excuse for violence, but there are strong feelings about this matter.

You're right - there is no excuse for violence - so let's stop all the wars, let's stop the financial violence which is being done to the whole population by the banksters. Right now there is the most heinous violence being done in one way or another to millions of people all over the world. Violence isn't just breaking windows, violence is stealing from the people, removing their freedoms, violence is putting toxic chemicals in their water and their food and spraying the skies with poisons. Violence is keeping 2/3 of the world in abject poverty to better control and exploit them, violence is lying and lying and lying to the people whose interests you are supposed to represent.

I am not a supporter of violence, but this violence against us has to be stopped. In any case, do you know for sure that agents provocateurs were not used? That's another form of violence frequently used against peaceful protesters these days.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by Carseller4
People upset that their socialist utopia is an utter failure?

What's to report?

That they might actually have to work 40 hours a week?
Retire at (gasp) 62 years of age?
Give up a couple of their umpteen weeks of paid vacation?
That they might have to pay a little more for their education?

Really? What's to report?

I know you've had other responses, but allow me to say the following...

You are completely wrong and don't even seem to have the faintest grasp of what these kids are protesting about.

While fee's will be paid back after education, this single piece of legislation will deny many hundreds of thousands of young people a fair education to be able to compete in this country. University places will be kept for those who can afford it.

I had the opportunity to go to Uni a decade ago, and I turned it down because I didn't want to be in debt to anyone for the majority of my life. I find it unacceptable.

This government is hammering the final nails in the coffin and endeavoring to create a truly elitist-driven society where existing wealth and status are all that matters. Unless you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth you'll have absolutely no chance of ever getting anywhere.

As if opportunity were not elusive enough, now such opportunities will be limited to those who come from a wealthy background.

Great post. Starred. Thanks.

edit on 26-11-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Carseller4

First of all I am not quite sure that a socialist utopia has been realized in the U.K.

Don't you find it odd that those countries enjoy those kind of benefits while their economies remain healthy (Relatively speaking). Real wages are still rising in some EU countries.

I think it is funny how we attack them for their success while we work our asses off in the hold of a burning ship (U.S.).

It is really just sad though.

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