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Why Is This Not On American News?

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posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 04:33 AM
Edjumacation smedjumacation if these students were a little smarter they would see that education or even higer education is not the problem, it's that the system is not big enough or the market's are not big enough for you to waste all the money's and effort on a education. I't seems that the elite are trying to make sure and as to keep there status of being the elite, only reachable to them and there offspring's, higher education is becoming more and more a hierarchy of control, were the ones with money keep the status que, as the status que, to favor them. While anybody who educated themselves on a little history will see that the enforcement of a status que, usually lead's to stagnation by way of tyrany which is required to keep the status que running, in the long run it just leads to stagnation and degeneration.

Dont get me wrong education is good and all, and everybody should do it to the degree that they have an affinity for, but if you have to pay massive dept for it, then hellzz no it ain't worth it or even smart, especially in a pyramid system structure, save the money you would spend on all that, and instead of paying it back for more then half of your life, use it for something useful, like starting your own business or whatever. The higher education thing is more and more becoming a business of profit by way of scarcity and controling the market's of giving out education diplomas or whatever is used now a days, were they even try to tell you that you need some higher degree to even do mundane jobs, which will soon be outsourced anyways.
...... And even though there are highly specialised jobs out there that would require all that fancy education, it's still not all that specialisation that make's it profitable, more like only need a few people required to make it work, it's much more supply and demand. So everybody is trying to drive up there product or work, and if your product is making sure that the scarcity of your demand is always in the top need, well then make sure that nobody know's what exactly you do, but that it is crucial or even that civilisation will fall without it, basically fix the game to always favor you and yours, ah the dream of all humanity, to be on top. A paper pushers tyrany I quess were heading to, it's funny I got to admit, but I'f you had a million $ to spend on the most fanciest of schools, then why would you need school in the first place?... if you like learning so much go to the library or even on the internet, I guess there is big money in big fancy higer education, quick somebody invest in it, it's a money maker, people seem to throw lots of money to these institutions, I quess the people that own them must be rich from there investment.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 04:56 AM
i guess overlooking a vital organ in the body is as good as receiving the news you have a brain tumor that can be operated on to ensure your own safety.

it should be in the news because if the british are that irresponsible to not proclaim this is an issue then they need to undergo operation to be removed; especially if they do not know their place in the body.

but, this is in the news! maybe it is not being reported the way it needs to and cancers are becoming ulcers.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 06:26 AM
No it's more people pissed of because they finally realissed the Gov. is taking away their freedom.
Why is it always socialisms fault according to you Yanks?
Most of you don't even know what socialism is, not real socialism atleast. You think that what your government tells you about socialism is socialism, but it is not.
Plus the money that is taken from them doesn't go to education, that's also the problem.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by SarK0Y
reply to post by wcitizen

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth.

to say say the least, bankers have been only cloak to real Players
banker thinks with terms of money, it's too primitive to be real Player in the Game for Power + they're too illuminated for public eyes

edit on 26-11-2010 by SarK0Y because: (no reason given)

You may be right. Perhaps they are the second layer down on the pyramid.


posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by RUSSO

I saw this on Fox News on Wed. So, it is being reported. They need to give those cops guns. That crap wouldn't happen in the US. I understand people are pissed about tuition being raised 3 times of what it is now and I understand the right to protest, but most of this holligans are just looking for a reason to destroy things and cause problems.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by smurfy
Actually the student protest was covered at length on BBC 24.

Yes it was, with the most biased attitude I think I have ever seen from the BBC.

Their wimp reporters didn't go into the crowd until the last couple of hours. At times, the reporter on the ground was reporting one thing while the helicopter footage was proving him to be completely wrong!

In both instances (the previous protest at Millbank and this recent one) the studio were directly baiting student callers into an argument about violence. The speakers who represented the students directly from the march on the BBC were repeatedly badgered in these conversations into talking about violence and their opinions of it.

One of the Talking Heads even argued with the student rep on the line, literally yelling at him saying "you support the anarchy!"

It actually forced me to complain directly to the BBC. Something I have never done.

And in contrast, SKY News presented a more balanced approach, actually asking the right questions and having decent conversations with the students. While they were mostly just as pathetic on the ground with the placement of their "reporters", at least they were not goading callers into supporting their personal and biased beliefs.

I have never trusted the BBC to be unbiased. It is not an independent news source and hasn't been for a VERY long time (if ever). People need to step away from this idea of gathering their information from one or two sources and move to gathering a correct picture from all sources possible.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by smurfy
Actually the student protest was covered at length on BBC 24.

Yes it was, with the most biased attitude I think I have ever seen from the BBC.

Their wimp reporters didn't go into the crowd until the last couple of hours. At times, the reporter on the ground was reporting one thing while the helicopter footage was proving him to be completely wrong!

In both instances (the previous protest at Millbank and this recent one) the studio were directly baiting student callers into an argument about violence. The speakers who represented the students directly from the march on the BBC were repeatedly badgered in these conversations into talking about violence and their opinions of it.

One of the Talking Heads even argued with the student rep on the line, literally yelling at him saying "you support the anarchy!"

It actually forced me to complain directly to the BBC. Something I have never done.

And in contrast, SKY News presented a more balanced approach, actually asking the right questions and having decent conversations with the students. While they were mostly just as pathetic on the ground with the placement of their "reporters", at least they were not goading callers into supporting their personal and biased beliefs.

I have never trusted the BBC to be unbiased. It is not an independent news source and hasn't been for a VERY long time (if ever). People need to step away from this idea of gathering their information from one or two sources and move to gathering a correct picture from all sources possible.

I agree, the talking heads were conspicuous in the way they talked to the students, but one girl student..I think she was actually at another rally, held her position impeccably and answered everything in perfection and with proper reasoning. She was being talked to from her protest site through a Sat link by a reporter in the 24 studio. However I do think that there is some polarization between factions in BBC news 24. At least they did not do a cut from the helicopter when it was quite obvious that a policeman was kicking the lights out of someone who was down and on the ground, that was good visual video and no comment was needed, and at least, when I was watching, the tiny fire made out of mostly a few traffic cones was not exaggerated, unlike some papers the next day, at least one paper had a picture taken at almost ground level to make it look huge
that photographer can be seen taking the picture in the BBC coverage.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

Peoples dont' care because they got their snouts to far up their rears.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by RUSSO
reply to post by mblahnikluver

I searched google and could'nt find. But i realy want to know how the american media dealt with the case. I live in US, but i try to avoid tv. If you had some link I will appreciate.

edit on 26-11-2010 by RUSSO because: (no reason given)

I didnt see it online it was on HLN.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:40 PM
Didn't you know~

americans do not actually get 'news'.
they just get fed bs, meaningless stories that play no part whatsoever in anything good or real in the world.
But most of them happily except (and enjoy) it. .

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