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Should we be seeing these Snowstorms if Global Warming was Real?

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posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:45 AM
I think it has something to do with changing the ocean currents, just moving the weather patterns over a bit, so areas not use to getting snow are now getting snow...

Here in canada we're used to seeing snow all the time, so far this year there has been one snow fall and thats was 2 cm... as opposed to say 5 years ago where snow was already 5 or 6 feet, preventing my backyard gate from opening...

Its just change thats all, and if its getting warmer over here thats even better cuz I'd love an extended summer

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:20 AM
I am now in Ukraine on the Black Sea. They just had the worst blizzard since 1975.

I will repeat what I have said so many times:

Manmade global warming is a total HOAX to make a few people a lot of money. Man POLLUTES the environment but does not affect the weather.
CO2 is good, plants grow much better with more of it. Many greenhouses pump CO2 in to increase plant growth.

The Sun and Volcanoes control the climate on Earth. PERIOD. Anyone who says otherwise is just full of it.

The Sun is currently taking a nap from sunspots and is expected to stay that way for a LONG time.

Sunspots are magnetic storms that help protect the Earth from radiation from space. Levels of radiation reaching earth are now 20-30% higher than two years ago due to lack of the Suns protective magnetic shield. Radiation interacts with water vapor in the atmosphere to form clouds which reflect sunlight back into space thus cooling the Earth.

If the level of Sunspots stay as they have been since early 2008 I make
this Prediction: January, February and March 2010 are going to be BRUTALLY cold. Summer 2010 will be much cooler than normal and some areas may not have a summer. Last summer in the New England states there was no summer and many crops failed. The growing season in 2010 will see many crop failures over larger areas.

Except for the fact this is going to make a bigger fool out of Al Gore and his pack of nitwit "warmists"... I hope I am wrong..because IF my prediction is correct millions of people could die from starvation in the next few years.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by melatonin

Firstly, it's winter in the NH!


It is AUTUMN. Winter in the NH does not occur until DECEMBER 21st.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:30 AM
Would we be seeing large snowstorms, yes yes yes,
This whole thing is called Global Climate Destabilization, With local warming we would get higher rainfall in some locations. In other locations, rainfall would dramatically drop. Have you be paying attention to Australia for the last few years????. The glaciers are melting. We have Not had that happen to us EVER! except right now. As water warms up, it expands,
we are losing some islands in the Pacific, We would go into an ice age, when the gulf stream fails, this could and would happen by flooding the North Atlantic with fresh water, like the water coming from Russia, and their outstanding melting that is happening there. If that gulf stream fails, it would take 1000 years to restart, It happened already from the last ice age.
So what is your real problem guys? you like to buy a car that only gets 12 to 19 mpg..
Yeah I really love that too... Or would you like to use cars that get 44 mpg, like Volkswagens, Audi, and Mercedes TDI clean diesels??? or maybe you would like to continue to pay high prices for electricity,, where we have other technologies that are just outstanding, like wind turbines, or tide turbines, that are soo cool, because they sit in the river and outflow and inflow of tides costs us NOTHING!!!! but generates a lot of electricity..It is now time to stop looking at the whole problem as a conspiricy and look at it as a great possible change of very dirty to very clean and we would lose nothing...

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by bigern

Very well said. Oh and we need to stop cutting down the rain forest, plants take in co2 and give out o2,need we say more.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by jastermole

This whole thing is called Global Climate Destabilization

The WEATHER has ALWAYS changed. The far left now calls that fact Global Climate Destabilization.
The problem isn't that it occurs, but what CAUSES it. As you stated, during the last Ice Age, it took time to restart the oceanic processes to a favorable state.

Nobody argues that green technology is a positive move, and it SHOULD be embraced. In addition, no one argues that we need to cut pollution down. We should.

However, some facts. Wind power is great, where it can be used. The downside is that wind power generated electricity cannot be stored, and in many cases, the windy places are far from civilization, so putting the transmission lines down is a very slow and costly affair. Same goes for tide generation. Again, no one argues that these are great sources, where they can be efficiently placed, and that should be done.
Furthermore, increased MPG of vehicles is something that we should strive for. Convince the soccer moms and dads of that with their SUV's.
Putting in place regulations that CANNOT be MET with today's technology, and taxing those that can't MEET the regulations is INSANE though.

Are the goals of Cap and Trade admirable? Yes, can we meet those goals now? NO! So why make believe that we can?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

Not much really do but to lol that OP there.

Did any of your sources post temperature over time? a single one?

Way to completely bias a subject. I vote for you for way above top secret.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:59 AM
Here are the facts:

1. The sun dictates the temperatures on Earth, not us.
2. As far as I know there are no SUV's on Mars and that planet's temperatures fluctuates as well.
3. Al Gore's "theories" are backed by junk science and he is simply a millionaire trying to become a billionaire.
4. Anyone that believes GW is an immediate threat is an idiot.


posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Is it possible that the people in HAARP are just having fun with our weather? Up and down, hot and cold. There was a week in July when we were at 104 and 106 the whole week. There were clouds in the sky, how can you even have clouds when it is that hot, that had those little grill marks across them that you see in HAARP pictures. Somebody up there, and I don't mean God, is having a laugh at our weather fights

[edit on 20-12-2009 by m khan]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:02 AM
Even Inconvenient Truth never argued that global warming will end all snow.

It states that weather will become more intense-pointing to Katrina and things like that. It could imply even more intense snowstorms, and in different parts of the country which would not normally receive such weather.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:03 AM
if global warming is real then youd expect these snow storms. global warming -> air currents heat up on average -> thus air currents get redirected since warm air rises above cold air -> so previous really cold currents over places like antarctica get redirected to places like the US and the UK... and warmer currents get potentially redirected to places like antarctica and melt #

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:11 AM
Global warming is an unknown. the globe warms and cools and there are several models that indicate we are in a warming trend.

Our bigger problem is pollution, but government doesn't want to deal with that because that means legislating costs onto industry and god forbid commerce should be affected by responsibility! lol

There is a delicate balance between maintaining our social constructs and solving our problems. Right now, self interest is a severe demotivator in the grand scheme of things.

egos are too large, too much obfuscation is happening and yes it's true, we really should be looking to find a way to create change in our behaviours without causing a severe impact on our way of life.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed
Hi all,

I would like to pose a question to all those members who are familiar with the whole Global Warming, Climate change scenario.

If we really are in the grip of either Man Made/Natural Global Warming, then why is it that we are getting random, large SnowStorms across different countries?

Apparently, YOU aren't that familiar with it. Global Warming is alleging long term and global climate trends. It does not mean that winter is canceled. What you should have asked initially is if anyone is familiar with Fox News' definition of global warming, which does state that the season of winter no longer takes place.

If you are going to get yourself involved in a discussion, why don't you spend three minutes researching major terminology so you don't look stupid? If you want to "debunk" global warming, look up what the phrase "global warming" actually means.

The concern about global warming isn't fewer snowstorms - it has to do with a few degree increases in temperature that are sufficient to raise sea levels and wipe out coral reefs. Why should you care about all the coral reef's dying? If they die, everything that lives inside them dies. If everything that lives inside them dies, everything that eats those things dies too, etc. People eat fish - a lot of people rely on fish as their primary source of nutrition. That is ONE example.

The vast majority of the human population lives on the coast. A modest increase in sea level would put these regions underwater. New Orleans is already far below sea level and requires 24/7 pumping to keep the city dry. If you don't care about massive population shifts in response to global flooding, then don't worry about a 5 degree increase in temperature. It's not like anyone died during hurricane Katrina right?

[edit on 20-12-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by grantbeed
reply to post by munkey66

I agree about the whole manmade thing, but these are some of the worst snowstorms in 20 years. surely in the grip of global warming you would not be getting record breaking snowfalls.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by grantbeed]

I live in Texas where we had one of the hottest summers on record. I believe it was the third warmest with the top two being in the last decade. We were breaking record highs multiple times a week all summer.

If the earth is cooling or unchanging, should we be seeing such extreme hot weather during the summer months?

In Queensland, Australia they have been having a heatwave during December which has been wiping out crops. Should they be having a heatwave if global warming is false?

The problem with choosing localized weather to prove or disprove global warming is that there will always be localized extremes. Which is why scientists focus on the global average temperature.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by melatonin

Firstly, it's winter in the NH!


It is AUTUMN. Winter in the NH does not occur until DECEMBER 21st.

ProfEmeritus....Did you REALLY just go there to prove your point?? The guy posted on the 20th, and you had to correct him saying "uhhh nooo....that happens on the 21st"...good for you pointing out he was off by 24 hours...geeez

Must be feeling good now, huh? You showed him!

[edit on 20-12-2009 by PeterGriffin]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:26 AM
They have it all wrong! It's global freezing.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:42 AM
while globale warming is bull poo at its very best people need to realize that we still need to get our act straight and still clean up after us.

and that includes not only garbage and factory wastes but faulty politicians who pray on our tax for personal gain and institutes thats been proven to do pointless research by our tax money for personal benefits.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by grantbeed

You are confusing weather with climate. Having a snowstorm in Reno is not at all inconsistent with a global warming of the world's oceans.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:53 AM
First of all, I haven't read the whole thread, so sorry if what I am going to say was already said.

In Portugal, at the moment, we are having one of coldest December days I remember, but we had this kind of temperatures last year in November, so although unusual it's not a unique situation.

Also, this summer was one of the warmest ever recorded, but we never had temperatures above 40º C where I live (it's common for that to happen every year). What we did had was a long succession of warm (but not extremely warm) days, so the average temperature was higher.

I read once, some years ago (before global warming was a fashionable theme for a discussion) about a study done by a Portuguese scientist, and his conclusions were that we were going to notice mostly was a more extreme weather: longer warm summers, colder winters, less rainy days but stronger rains (it could even fall the same amount of rain, but in stronger, more destructive, events), so I think this cold weather (and don't forget that on the southern hemisphere is summer) can really be a result of global warming.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by munkey66

if you all notice the chem spraying planes flying around everywhere you would know that we -britian and austraila are the only ones spraying the global dimming stuff-----it works but is unsustainable --[we cant spray away our problems]--but they can fool the dummies out there who dont know enough---this spraying is causing decresed temp for sure-----follow alaskas weather and you will see how hot it is up there compared to a decade ago----they were warmer than wisconsin all summer----we had planes spraying here in wisconsin every hour or less---every day would start out sunny till noon and it would be hazed over with crisscross chem traiils from big planes----remember there are no big airports up here and certainly not to justify the plane traffic we get----then all of a sudden they stop for a week only to resume when the wind is right----------so ya gotta be brain dead not to put it all togather----they are spraying dimming alluminum particles high up mixed with other stuff-----OUR weather is #ed---if we cant find a solution to even one problem -like funding our schools---then how the hell do we expect to control the weather-----only the fools and the people who dont want to takeresponsibility for their own actions deny global warming---cowards who dont want to find the truth---they just want to believe what some denier tells them because they are lazy bastards who dont want to investigate the truth---this way of thinking is in every aspect of our country --uninteligent people who talk before they read----we ARE Fu*%^@----its an american's duty to stay on top of all thinggs by learning always--not to stop when ya leave pre-school-----all the truths and science is there to read---ya just have to read it cowards==1 there is global warming---2 we are running out of recources--3 we are overpopulated for the way we live--4 the planet is polluted way beyond safety--5 the planet is dying--6 they will get rid of a lot of people since it is a world emergency,and that is the only way to lower the heat---get ready fools for your children will not see the future---- and its all YOUR FAULT for not staying on top of stuff cause most are cowards and slaves--THE HELLBOUND TRAIN WILL ROLL ON --NOBODYS GOING TO GIVE A HECK

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