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State of emergency declared in Missouri preceding Verdict

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posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Grovit

I did the same thing. I'm in Florida now. I was able bodied but not everyone was. It seems our father's gave us a strong work ethic but what about the single woman who couldn't keep her legs closed? You know, the one with 6 kids who are trying to eat by selling drugs to the suburban whites. It was easier for us to leave. It's not that way for many. Children grow up only knowing how to hustle in the street to make ends meet. I don't have all the answers. I'd like to see what happens when work is mostly done by robotics and there are not enough jobs to keep even the willing working. It's getting that way now. I pity the young. Life isn't worth living if your government is paying for it. You have no self esteem and no drive. I have seen good people go by the wayside in my life because most of us are only 2 paychecks away from pain. There is more to everything than what is perceived by what everyone thinks is right and wrong. The system is broke.

I guess the elites better feed the masses or be eaten by them huh?

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: sirlancelot
I find the quote "stay the course" odd. What course might that be?!?!

Their train is running right on schedule and TPTB want us to protest.

The elite have staged and engineered every revolution all throughout history.

Because of all the propaganda, AKA 'history', most are totally blind to this reality.

"Princeton historian James Billington (Fire in the Minds of Men) traces how all the revolutions were started by this occult elite.

"...the infiltration and take over (via revolutions) of all western governments with the USA as its "prize". Thru the centuries, the Illuminati has financed and promoted every revolution including The French and American Revolution." LINK

"Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people."

Speeches at B'nai B'rith in 1936

College textbooks present war and revolution as accidental results of conflicting forces. This is nonsense, says Dr. Sutton. They are created and financed by Wall Street to create a new world order. But you won't read this in history books.

edit on 17-11-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Grovit

I have to ask can not or will not leave?

I moved to the USA in 2004 (my wife is from the US but we met in my Native New Zealand). I got a job in the first month I was there (sadly it was Milwaukee, but hey a job is a job is a job). I lived in the US for 8 years before the economy killed my industry (or more accurately the insistence on outsourcing to China did). I had to move back to New Zealand because as a green card holder one gets no protection. Anyhow my industry (fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals) is populated mostly by immigrants.

What I found is most US born individuals of a certain economic level, don't think beyond their "town" or "city", and that is the problem.

When the Y2K doom craze was going I remember reading Time article over people "prepping" for the "end of civilization as we knew it". I was reading out of interest because I was on a response team incase something happened, however unlikely it was. Anyway, the problem was that these people were mostly worried about "thugs from the next town over, coming and taking all they had". THAT there is the problem. The US at a certain level is very myopic. It can not see beyond the "next town over". Going "overseas" quite often really was crossing the border into Mexico or Canada, no seas involved.

Now this is in no way me saying all folks are like this. But a lot are. My accent was a barrier in Wisconsin. I am a white guy. I don't dress too strangely either. But my southern New Zealand accent (and its more British than anything to be fair) freaked them out. "What I can't understand you?" was common and my all time favorite greating from a GeekSquad minion "Yer not from around here". Not a question, a statement.

So how does this tie into the thread? I guess its that as advanced as the US seems to think its self, its not at a fundamental level. It is a collection of "little nations" (States) who just happen to make up a bloody large one.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA

what about the single woman who couldn't keep her legs closed?
You know, the one with 6 kids who are trying to eat by selling drugs to the suburban whites. It was easier for us to leave. It's not that way for many.
I'd like to see what happens when work is mostly done by robotics and there are not enough jobs to keep even the willing working.

i dont have all the answers either....
never said it was easy....could be the hardest thing in the world...
gotta do what you gotta do....

robotics and automation have made a lot of jobs obsolete....there are still loads of jobs in the manufacturing industry to be had...
lots of skilled trades and entry level stuff.
driving to toledo from detroit for an entry level job is better than staying in detroit and having no job...

its not like they are in east germany with a big ass wall around them....they can leave....
how, i dont know.....

how did the irish come over 130 years ago? they managed to get here from across the world...
you think that was easy?

im not saying people in those situation like you mentioned in detroit are in great shape..theyre not...but damn man.
people in general need to get it together and stop blaming everything and every one for their problems....

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: Noinden

I moved to the USA in 2004 (my wife is from the US but we met in my Native New Zealand). I got a job in the first month I was there (sadly it was Milwaukee, but hey a job is a job is a job). I lived in the US for 8 years before the economy killed my industry

so you were able to travel around the world and get a job straight managed to plug away for 8 years....job market dried up and what did you do? you split and went back...

you did what you had to do.

i guess the people in detroit have some invisible barrier or can get from new zealand to milwaukee but these people cant get out of detroit????
the big 3 left the area so thats it i is over....lets just sit around and bitch about it till we die....

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Grovit

I agree that people should not play the blame game and do what the situation calls for. I guess I need to sharpen up on my boxing lessons because the knock out game sure hurts if you're not prepared to get sucker punched. I refuse to go out like a South African Farmer. Just kidding that was sarcasm. It really doesn't matter because our country cannot sustain it forever. Then reality hits. It'll get way worse. If you're waiting for everyone to do the right thing, you'll be waiting forever or at least until the bottom falls out. Then you'll have other problems to deal with.

I want to stop it before it mushrooms into the worse thing that ever happened to this country. I guess we'll see if we are made of sterner stuff. I don't see me living like that because I'm already past my prime and have been past it for quite some time. I'll try to stay out of the chaos and work on living off the grid as I have. Detroit was great at one time. The pinnacle of the industrial age. Oh how it's fallen. I'm Irish by the way.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: LOSTinAMERICA

I agree that people should not play the blame game and do what the situation calls for.
. I don't see me living like that because I'm already past my prime and have been past it for quite some time. I'll try to stay out of the chaos and work on living off the grid as I have. Detroit was great at one time. The pinnacle of the industrial age. Oh how it's fallen. I'm Irish by the way.

i know there are people out there in terrible just seems like a lot of the time they dont want to do anything about it except for complain...

im past my prime too. ive got years of work left in me but i have had a hard couple of years....

i just keep my head down and grind it out..its what i have always done and it has served me well....i have always done what needed to be done though.....i dont just sit around and bitch.

im made in america with irish parts myself

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:35 PM
sad part is its not racist its statistics

tho i only have the last race riot really to go from

if last time i shot myself in the foot should i expect different

this is a big race issue

do i think its good no there should be no race divided line

but as a white guy if a shtf in this case ill be looking at the rioters with fear

why the past has shown me i should

even if im on there side im fairly shure im the enemy

am i no but tell me where the part where i explain where all in the same boat

far from raceist but i can see when my life is endange from a raceist

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:37 PM
The plot continues to thicken.

As Progressives Today reported, Anarchist leader Lisa Fithian held several training sessions this month for Ferguson activists.

At least 600 “activists” have already been trained. Fithian was a key organizer of the violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle, Washington. She is a self-described “anti-capitalist revolutionary.”

On Saturday one of her trainers told the attendees that they were going to target white areas.

“Personally, I think we DON'T need to be on West Florissant. I wanna advocate that we go on South Florissant because the people on South Florissant don’t look like me. The people on West Florissant look like me and they're with it. So… I really don't have anything to protest on West Florissant. So if I'm in the area I'm going to Ferguson Police Department.”

And this time, they are making plans to focus on White areas — and are threatening to target police officers, and even their families.

+2 more 
posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:40 PM
Where is Obama and Holder to speak out against this clear, race-based plans of Ferguson activists? Can you imagine what would be their response if White neo-Nazis were caught on tape planning to target Black families?

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:00 PM
Found this I dont know if anyone else has seen it yet!

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: KonigKaos I believe this will turn out to be a crazy time as it looks like it will be a fight. I could be wrong but i dont think so.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: KonigKaos
Found this I dont know if anyone else has seen it yet!

Big Damage on the horizon.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: RunForTheHills

SO progressive. Yikes! She's going to start evolving into a super human any second.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 09:42 AM
I think the decision will come out tomorrow (Wednesday). Chaos, or protests if you would rather call them that, are planned for every major city in the country after the announcement. There has been a run on guns and more applications for CCW's than ever before.

I can't tell you how glad I am that I no longer live close to the big cities.

If chaos DOES break out how much do you want to bet that Obama will choose that time to push though an executive order on immigration? If we are going to hell might as well go in a hand basket.

Hoping everyone stays safe. It's going to get pretty sketchy out there.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: murch

and that other law enforcement agencies shall assist the Unified Command

that shredded rug again is the transparency karma gave us...unnamed law enforcement agencies?
like dhs agencies?

algebra, it's what's for dinner.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:41 AM
Well, if the FBI has an inkling of what will be coming down the pipe, it's likely true.

FBI says violence "will be likely" in grand jury decision

“The announcement of the grand jury’s decision … will likely be exploited by some individuals to justify threats and attacks against law enforcement and critical infrastructure,” the FBI says in an intelligence bulletin issued in recent days. “This also poses a threat to those civilians engaged in lawful or otherwise constitutionally protected activities.”

Good old blurred lines. God only knows who the provocateurs are and what they intend to do. Though I have a feeling they are likely on govt payroll.

I believe the "Black Bloc" will likely be involved, probably the Black Panthers as well... Or people who claim to be members of such organizations....

edit on thppmTue, 18 Nov 2014 12:17:03 -0600k1411America/Chicago1817 by Sparkymedic because: typo

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 11:56 AM
Ferguson could have been the start off something really special, but it has been played perfectly by authorities and too many of the protesters are allowing their strings to be pulled by our cultural story.

It's really a shame that so many would take the easiest course of action, where one just reciprocates whatever is done to them under a polar opposite banner.

Some creativity and long term thinking are required for any event like this to affect change. The only ones who seem aware of this are those pulling the strings.

We are in trouble when those yelling "Wake up!" are in as deep of a slumber as everyone else.

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 12:36 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

a reply to: KonigKaos

I checked your link and it said where there will be a gathering for Philadelphia. It is listed for one of the city municipal buildings on JFK Blvd. So I would expect that if people show up, downtown Philly will be jammed. That's right near the Town Hall (William Penn on top) and the rotary where all the roads come together.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 11/18/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 01:28 PM

Wilson may indeed be completely innocent, but it doesn’t matter now. Ferguson is no longer about a single shooting. It is no longer about black and white racial issues. It is about John Crawford, Kelly Thomas, Eric Garner, and every other unarmed kid killed by cops that weren’t held accountable. It is about civil forfeiture, it is about falsified evidence, it is about mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent crimes, it is about MRAPs at schools, it is about the government waging war against its own citizens.

This has turned into a racial war regardless of the verdict. I would like to give credit to the ones that deserve it the most, with that said Thanks, Obama and Holder.
edit on 18-11-2014 by RunForTheHills because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2014 by RunForTheHills because: none

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