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CNN Jan 7th 2013: ALEX JONES on Piers Morgan Tonight

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

It may seem that way.

But seriously people watching tv are not in a logical rational mode(bush got elected twice,2 illegal wars, and lied about WMD nothing happened) they are in a entertainment trance.

Alex is trying to appeal to sheeple that are still in a red team vs blue team tribal entertainment false reality.
AJ has a better approach in reaching the unawakened(shock,contradiction,emotion) than Piers does.

Piers might have more real effect if people wasn't drugged with thimerasol,hormone,msg,phenylaline,aluminum and hexafluorosilicic acid and MTV/BET.

Piers played it great in making alex look like a bully and a loudmouth. In the UK people will get defensive and think americans are like alex and piers is the humble "victim". Piers should have attacked alex more and tried to discredit him more by poking at things that make alex look anti-gay,racist,angry,sexist,etc. That is the standard liberal attack regimen for conservatives.

But alex wanted to seem strong("USA is the most powerful nation on earth" subconscious theme is used) and make Piers look weak(not the most powerful) and dictate how his show is ran and who can talk when.

I told you. This was not an interview it was a propaganda loudspeaker.
edit on 8-1-2013 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

That is quite irrelevant CNN is the only one who are the less watched news channel and the worst did you even see the ratings that i had posted?

So now the discussion is being focused on CNN quality? That's why I said it's irrelevant. CNN is a much larger - in scale - media source than anything AJ has worked with. And a much more serious and respected source.

Anything more than that is turning this into a irrelevant and unrelated discussion. This isn't about CNN.

Regrading infowars, there are few things that Alex did in the past that were good such as bringing the topics of the Bohemian grove, the elitist meetings etc. Overall those were just fine.

And many of those were actually pioneered by other people, from which AJ picked material and made his own spin. To be honest, I trust more in ATS than in AJ and any of his work.

Which begs the question, if his material isn't exclusive to him, why do people praise him as the new messiah of truth?...

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by biggilo

Gangs with international ties and drug cartels seem to disagree with you on ease of obtaining weapons.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:28 PM
I hear all of this talk about reasonable compromises, and critical thinking, and how the whole of society, has to address it's problems, and I completely agree!


You can not cure an infection by removing or restricting the flow of the patient's blood. You must, instead fight the infection at it's source! But what if the infection has spread throughout the body? Then, you must introduce an agent, or reinforce an existing one, that will proliferate the body, to fight it.

But what many would choose to do, is remove the conduit through which the body can heal itself. Which, in turn, allows the infection to run rampant. Ultimately, killing the host!

How is this reasonable? How could a compromise, that would result in the complete loss or at best, a major disruption, of the body, be seen as a viable solution in ridding the body of it's disease?

If you want to rid the world of crime, you must rid the world of the criminal! Period! Attempting to restrict those, that would aid and assist you in ridding society, of it's disease, would only move you in the wrong direction. Which in turn, would allow the disease to flourish, and secure a bigger, more firm stronghold, on the body that you wish to return to health.

Absolutely counter-productive, in my opinion.

I don't want criminals to have guns. But, even more so, I don't want criminals! It's the criminal that is criminal.

Let me say that again. It's the criminal, that is criminal. Fight the criminal, to rid yourself of it's disease. Don't put a band-aid on a potentially mortal wound...

edit on 1/8/2013 by GoOfYFoOt because: I did...

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:34 PM
Please allow Alex to continue to speak on this issue. He is assuring that some sort of reasonable restrictions on Hi Cap firearms will indeed be instituted. His buddy, J Ventura and he will make sure that everyone really thinks a lot of gun owners are whack-a-doodle and that will help seal the deal in more ways that gun opponents can ever dream. I just hope he won't go too far - I want to keep my "normal" weapons.

I protect my property, which are animals and my source of income - with firearms. I can reload with multiple clips as needed if I spaz out and can't hit a predator with more than four or five rounds, even when I am wiping the crunchies from my eyes at 0330 hrs and trying to get a sight picture on what the dogs are wailing at. (Is that a sentence ending in a preposistion?)

You are just compensating for your shortcomings elsewhere if you need a High Capacity weapon to defend yourself. You are less than a man (or woman) if you use the 2nd amendment to buff up your ego when it is clearly built for a militia and the fear of a government that sends military into houses such as England did in the 1700's.

Buy a Porsche or get a boob job instead.

edit on 8-1-2013 by opthetan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by GarrusVasNormandy
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

That is quite irrelevant CNN is the only one who are the less watched news channel and the worst did you even see the ratings that i had posted?

So now the discussion is being focused on CNN quality? That's why I said it's irrelevant. CNN is a much larger - in scale - media source than anything AJ has worked with. And a much more serious and respected source.

Anything more than that is turning this into a irrelevant and unrelated discussion. This isn't about CNN.

Regrading infowars, there are few things that Alex did in the past that were good such as bringing the topics of the Bohemian grove, the elitist meetings etc. Overall those were just fine.

And many of those were actually pioneered by other people, from which AJ picked material and made his own spin. To be honest, I trust more in ATS than in AJ and any of his work.

Which begs the question, if his material isn't exclusive to him, why do people praise him as the new messiah of truth?...

CNN respected? Lol, by whom?

Give me a break, i can show footage of cnn faking news articles! Indeed, Piers Morgan was fired as a journo for publishing fake news stories? Respect CNN? Not on your nelly dude!

What you saw last night was CNN unable to push its agenda because Alex went on the attack as he should have. You saw real TV last night, you saw one man not willing to take any c**p from MSM.

Respected, lol, thats funny as hell.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by GoOfYFoOt
Let me say that again. It's the criminal, that is criminal. Fight the criminal, to rid yourself of it's disease. Don't put a band-aid on you mortal wound...

Agreed. Akin to putting a bandaid on a broken leg.

when the real problem is the 'mindset' that apparently enables, induces or allows these folks to commit the heinous and horrid crimes that they do, But, and in the end it's far easier for John Q. Public to 'relate to' something 'tangible' like a cold, hard steel gun than it is to ever define 'the mind' to the same point in someone's eyes.

People can relate to the tangible, real and 'weapon-like' natureof a gun they can hold, see and feel. Not so with someone's mind. (?)

but don't tell the gun control folks that, lest they be eyeing up our 'lucky charms' next

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by TheMindWar

What you saw last night was CNN unable to push its agenda because Alex went on the attack as he should have.
What Everyone saw (except you) was Alex doing the Job for the Gun Control Crowd.

Any Living room that had at least 2 People, had one of them Turn to the Other and Say:

"It Scares me that , That Man has Guns"

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by buster2010

Morgan is facing charges in the UK. Because of this he should be deported immediately.

Because you and Alex Jones say so? Let Justice issues be handled by Justice.

And quite honestly, I haven't yet figured out what anyone has to do with something like that. That's Piers problem, not Alex Jones's...

Big deal Glenn Beck had his own show on FOX.

Key-words being "on FOX".

I would have to question if you have ever seen a real journalist.

Yes, a lot of them. Even personally.

However, most of them actually do serious work and don't shout as much as AJ. Maybe that's why you never heard of them?

Just about anyone can have their own show if they kiss the right butt.

Or yell the loudest.

Comparing gun-homicide rates between a country that has the right to bare arms with a nation that doesn't have that right is truly ignorant.

No, it isn't. It's in the source of the debate. Not because UK is an example to follow, but because you can only assert a reality when you compare it to others.

In order to find the true problem with the gun control in the US, you have to raise questions. Why, where, who. And then you need to compare your data with countries or states who have different policies than yours.

Piers Morgan opened a brilliant door that Alex Jones could have used for the reasons you stated. Yet, his low character, plain stupidity and lack of manners, prevent him from explaining himself properly or even carrying out a debate without looking like a jackass.

Piers was doing an interview, it falls on the person who is being interviewed to give good answers, even to stupid questions.

Besides, I understand that a lot of people in here don't understand what TV hosts and journalists do - as a job - but you have to consider that a journalist/host has to represent an audience, and has to make questions that address different points of view of a subject, even if said journalist/host doesn't agree or already knows the answer.

It's about information and transmitting it.

Alex refuted them easily

Actually, he didn't. He waved white papers - you can't read them at a distance - while shouting about FBI and rights and constitution. He possibly had data, or ideas, that could refute it. I'm not saying he doesn't. But all his efforts were lost because he doesn't have a skill that any kid in high-school should have: communication skills.

you could tell that by how Morgan kept trying to change the subject when Alex was showing how the UK has more violent crime than America.

Actually, Piers was trying to get Alex to talk about ONE subject at a time - or at least finish a complete sentence -, instead of drifting sideways between unrelated subjects. The subject of the interview was gun control/crime, and yet, Alex Jones went as far as to mention 9/11 and pharmaceutical drugs. In 13 minutes. That must be a record...

Any man that doesn't have the courage to face the charges against him like Morgan is a coward and deserves no respect from anyone.

Have you ever heard of Julian Assange?

People use jurisdiction limits and differences in national laws all the time. Piers Morgan isn't the worst, isn't the first, and quite certainly, won't be the last one to do it.

In your eyes what has he done to deserve any respect?

Piers Morgan is neutral to me. He is just a tv host with a - quite often - program that is boring and lacks content or continuity. If he is respected or not, is irrelevant.

Looking by yours - and AJ's - response, he must be the Anti-Christ or something...

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I am more thinking of your run of the mill criminal, street dealer kind of guy. Over here those sort of criminals find it quite hard to get access to firearms. Because of this the weapons get passed around etc and generally aren't going to be well maintained.

International cartels and gangs will always have access to weaponry but those sort of criminals have the weapons to use against each other and law enforcement more so than me and you.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

CNN respected? Lol, by whom?

By a lot of businessmen, for instance.

Being respected is not a synonym for "quality" when you talk about TV channels/programs/celebrities.

Give me a break, i can show footage of cnn faking news articles! Indeed, Piers Morgan was fired as a journo for publishing fake news stories? Respect CNN? Not on your nelly dude!

I'm not telling you to respect CNN. You are barking at the wrong tree.

I'm just stating facts. If CNN wasn't respected by anyone, it wouldn't exist...

What you saw last night was CNN unable to push its agenda because Alex went on the attack as he should have.


You think that was a illegal dog fight, or a debate?

Intelligent, eloquent and decent people talk and debate. What I saw last night was a moron shouting and pointing fingers, while also taking a huge dump on cultural respect.

You saw real TV last night

That's "real" to you?

you saw one man not willing to take any c**p from MSM.

...because he wants profit for himself and nobody calling his BS. Yep.

Respected, lol, thats funny as hell.


edit on 8-1-2013 by GarrusVasNormandy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:54 PM
I suggest that anyone who is a true and faithful American stands upon, beside and behind our Constitution; not only the words and meanings set forth therein but the inalienable principals it seeks to set as the standard for our nation and the American Way Of Life, a Life of Free Peoples.

I suggest that if you do not and would not support and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, you are not a true America and using that label or title for yourselves is a lie.

I suggest that if you are a True American as I have touched upon and you knew the truth, the whole truth about what has been done and is being done to and against our Republic, you would be as upset; as irritated; as inflamed and driven to ranting as Alex Jones; he speaks well enough for me but I in my turn will also do my part, although words fall short for now.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by opthetan

I agree with you fella, quite a few Americans will obviously need weapons for very legitimate purposes and a degree of self-defense but 4-5 rounds in a clip should be sufficient.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by biggilo

Do you know what a clip is?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

I agree..... What you said is TRUTH...

and I KNOW I am a TRUE American and sadly many are not. They are fooling them self into believing they are though.

I could care less how the "debate" went. In my eyes.... its not up for a damn debate. Period.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:02 PM
For someone who consistently speaks of government lies, cover up, incompetence and conspiracy ; Alex Jones sure does love citing government (fbi) statistics...

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Dispo

Well, given I have already said I have owned guns in the past, and have friends and relatives who currently do, what do you think?
Or, do you think that in a thread about guns I am talking about paper clips?
edit on 8-1-2013 by biggilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Dispo
reply to post by biggilo

Do you know what a clip is?

Oooh, Ooooh...I do! I do!...(raises hand with great anticipation)...

I own clips that hold my potato chip bags closed!
And some that hold papers together!
One that holds my tie in place!
And several that I use to quickly reload my SKS!
And, although the latter, does clip 10 rounds of 7.62x39 to it, when I insert it into my rifle if prohibits the bolt from closing, rendering the gun inoperable...

What do I win???

edit on 1/8/2013 by GoOfYFoOt because: .....iii

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by John_Rodger_Cornman
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

It may seem that way.

But seriously people watching tv are not in a logical rational mode(bush got elected twice,2 illegal wars, and lied about WMD nothing happened) they are in a entertainment trance.

Alex is trying to appeal to sheeple that are still in a red team vs blue team tribal entertainment false reality.
AJ has a better approach in reaching the unawakened(shock,contradiction,emotion) than Piers does.

Piers might have more real effect if people wasn't drugged with thimerasol,hormone,msg,phenylaline,aluminum and hexafluorosilicic acid and MTV/BET.

Piers played it great in making alex look like a bully and a loudmouth. In the UK people will get defensive and think americans are like alex and piers is the humble "victim". Piers should have attacked alex more and tried to discredit him more by poking at things that make alex look anti-gay,racist,angry,sexist,etc. That is the standard liberal attack regimen for conservatives.

But alex wanted to seem strong("USA is the most powerful nation on earth" subconscious theme is used) and make Piers look weak(not the most powerful) and dictate how his show is ran and who can talk when.

I told you. This was not an interview it was a propaganda loudspeaker.
edit on 8-1-2013 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)

You seriously think MTV has a huge voice? Really?

RE: The interview it had so much truth in it and it was done in the worst possible way.
I really wish it hadn't happened the way it did. Points true or not, Alex severely hurt any critical thought movement in this country severely with his little display. Makes me give a second thought to people claiming he is a shill.

This was it, he was on national TV with one of the dumbest people to ever host a news show, and he does this?


I just cannot get over it, at all. It's such a let down. I read this comment on another site and thought it pretty much summed up the feeling us "normal" people had after seeing it... save the massive amounts of money maybe

"I am pro-gun, anti-government, pro-privacy, pro-liberty, atheist, libertarian with a high six-figure income. I am embarrassed that, thanks to Alex, that nutjob’s television performance is what the rest of the world things of people like myself, who care about guns, less government, more privacy, and more liberty. Ugh. This did more damage for our position than a thousand Piers Morons could ever have."

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:19 PM
Piers Morgan should leave the country if he doesn't like the constitution. He is a reject from UK. Basically a mouthpiece for CNN and nothing more.

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