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A Loving God who throws folks in hell because they didn't want to be controlled by him?

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by subjectzero
reply to post by Unity_99

What is home?

Do you remember. Place of wonderful Love and Equality and Schooling. There are also many existences in higher realms in the universe that are etuopias. But home is with Love and Family. And here, its like walking in quicksand with lead boots on, and people hurt, are stressed and so isolated from each other. There, if anyone could ever be in pain or suffer, or ill, everyone around would instantly be the help they need. And we are connected, and communicate with thought, a sense of belonging like no other place and being Loved, Loving and understanding.

In August of 2009 energies were coming in, that is what someone wrote later. All I know is that for over a week or more, I had very bad headaches, and had to lie down alot. I would see someone on a video and recognize them, or read something someone wrote and know them and knew if they were off their target, their purpose in coming, and even my own family. Window on soul memories opened.

And it was like this, more of me was within me, as if I was a cup of tea, and more and more drops of me flooded in. But I felt so lonely, so disconnected from my Beloved Family and from everyone. It was horrible here, and the isolation was horrible. So instantly I reached up and plugged into everyone. And for a brief moment, was in so much joy, felt so much happiness at being home with them.

And realized I missed this more than anything in the world/universe/existence.
edit on 9-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
reply to post by Unity_99

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by subjectzero

The school can take shorter for some, and some go through a very painful long road.

These are great thoughts, but I don't think I agree with Earth being a "school" for souls. Life on Earth is just happening, just like the flower growing from the darkness of the dirt into the light of the sun. No learning required, just happening, but flower can believe it is learning or "doing" something if it wishes.

It's not just happening. We're on the other side of the mirror. We entered the never ending story. A popular DVD coming to a place near you. Not everyone enters, some insist on growing in Love only. Its against what they believe entirely, but we do what our Soul/Love calls us to do, and also there is Teamwork, we are not just renegades.

This isn't the Real World/Universe, but the shadow one.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Who you want to be is who god wants you to be, who they want you to be is not who god wants you to be. Obey god by taking command of your own life, disobey god by obeying anyone other than yourself. Place none other before god, place none other as king over you.

In hell, where we are now, we're all forced to obey one another. In heaven we are each individually our own rulers, each individual sovereign entities, self governing people. The only laws you absolutely must obey are the laws created by god, the laws of physics, you cannot disobey these laws it is simply impossible. Laws not created by god, but instead created by us do not actually exist and are subject to fallibility. Obey the laws of man and you subject yourself to the ignorance of man, only god is all knowing and his laws are perfect. Man learns, but knows little and as such any laws he creates are based upon very minute knowledge where god's laws are based upon infinite knowledge.

God loves us because he gives us the freedom to be who we want to be, currently it is man, not god, who denies us the freedom to be ourselves. God loves you for who you choose to be and will not stand in your way of being that which you choose. The laws of god allow you to be anything, the laws of man deny your right to be anything you want. God in his infinite intelligence gave us freedom, man in his ignorance took it away.


Do not war with each other, do not try to reign control over one another, but only yourself. Love the person, not the person you want them to be. Accept who they choose to be. Tolerate their mistakes for if you do not then why should they tolerate yours?

Edit: Peace, love, acceptance, tolerance are not laws, they are guidelines and you certainly do not have to follow them, but it's simply not a good idea to forgo such wisdom. Look around you, we have certainly strayed outside of those guidelines and what has it gotten us?

P.S. I had a game system when I was growing up, it was called the Atari Jaguar and their slogan was "Do the math."
edit on 9-11-2012 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

God created you, he created you exactly how he wanted to create you. It's not a good idea to let them tell you who you are or who you should be, they have no idea what they're talking about.

They're not you

edit on 9-11-2012 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000


posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by arpgme

Wow what an almost minimal thread ? You know OP, the more text you provide in your opener the more meat on the bone for discussion ? Insuring a healthy thread.

So you're fine sitting there in judgement of far more superior being than yourself. God, your Creator, the one and only being responsible for you even being conscious ? You seem to lack both the courage and the wisdom of you own convictions.

And further more !

Congratulations, the best you can do, to imagine a relationship with the ultimate existence, mankind could ever know ? Is on the level of two high school sweethearts.

It's people like you who make sure God won't be seen on this planet by anyone. Until the time of his choosing.

edit on 9-11-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Klassified
Here's the deal. God created all that exists. In that creation, he only created two ultimate places for humans to go after their death. Eternal life, or Eternal damnation and separation from God.

So... you either live and do as God tells you, or you suffer the consequences. He created it, he owns it, and he runs it. Comply or die.

That's the Christian view in a nutshell, with all the niceties left out that make it more palatable.

Actually God only created one place for people and that is in His presence. Hell was created for the devil and his angels. The bible says that God desires that none perish but all would come into His saving grace. God does not send anyone to hell but rather one choses to go to hell or come under Gods saving grace.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Originally posted by Unity_99
...we do what our Soul/Love calls us to do, and also there is Teamwork, we are not just renegades.

This isn't the Real World/Universe, but the shadow one.

Life is unfolding, and we are apart of this continuous unfolding of life.
It is what it is.

A caterpillar does not need to "learn" to grow, to become a butterfly, it is a natural unfolding (process)...

reply to post by randyvs

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by arpgme

It's people like you who make sure God won't be seen on this planet by anyone. Until the time of his choosing.

It is people like "me"...
We are who we are...
Life is unfolding as it does...
If any God will be seen, then it is just another experience, if not, then that too is just another experience.

reply to post by guitarplayer

Originally posted by guitarplayer
Actually God only created one place for people and that is in His presence. Hell was created for the devil and his angels. The bible says that God desires that none perish but all would come into His saving grace. God does not send anyone to hell but rather one choses to go to hell or come under Gods saving grace.

Many people are responding in such a way, and I already made a response multiple times...
edit on 9-11-2012 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by guitarplayer

I choose not to go to hell, and I choose not to "come under God's grace."

By your beliefs, I will end up in hell, and eventually the lake of fire. The bible does indeed say that it was created for the Devil and his ilk. But God is omniscient. Therefore, he knew full well before he created it, he would throw those who "rebelled" against him there as well. Nowhere in the bible does it say anyone chooses to go there. However, it says several times they will be "cast" or thrown there.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:37 PM
How do you know you're not in Hell right now? You're cut of from God, in a world with misery, evil, pain and suffering with some joy and happiness sprinkled over it...just a thought.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by RustyNailer

Originally posted by RustyNailer
How do you know you're not in Hell right now? You're cut of from God, in a world with misery, evil, pain and suffering with some joy and happiness sprinkled over it...just a thought.

Happiness can be here all the time depending on how you define the term.

Suffering exist when we don't allow life to happen - because life is flowing and if we resist it, we'll just get beat up along the sides of the river.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 01:51 AM
Creation loves you unconditionally .... and wants to see you happy because in you being happy the universe and everything connected within in is happy/happier - a collective consciousness idea perhaps - heaven and hell are states of mind .. hell is what is created through being controlled by things that ultimately dont make us happy and send nus into a degree of unbalance, (heaven or that direction at least) is a state of happiness without having to rely on these things .. the concepts in the bible seem in many instances to be misinterpretations of this in order to control humanity .... power corrupts ! we all know in our heart what is right and what is wrong.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 02:14 AM
there is no such thing as hell, it is a bunch of bull added as one of the many manipulations of the catholic church.

The original hebrew is sooooo so different from modern bible translations it is sad.

Transliteration exposes religion as a sham against God and man..... the biggest lie of all.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by subjectzero
reply to post by LittleByLittle

I hear that expression "duality" a lot. Could you expand on that?

The idea that you are separate from everything around you and not part of a whole ONE thing. There is a idea that some mystics arrive at where Everything that exists is one single whole and everything is connected. The funny thing is that science is from my point of view with quantum physics proving the same thing.

So people who are caught up in duality create views that one thing is right and the other opposing view is wrong. Like the abortion question. There is one group who say abortion is evil and another that say abortion/choice is good. The middle road between in this duality is that we do not know. It can be good for the spirit to not have to go thru that life and it can be bad to go thru that life.

In a duality everything is either black and white. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna have in their own way described nonduality (where they are one with everything) and their are people who even describe an altered state of being as the ONENESS.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by RustyNailer
How do you know you're not in Hell right now? You're cut of from God, in a world with misery, evil, pain and suffering with some joy and happiness sprinkled over it...just a thought.

Most people are disconnected from god by conditioning and religious dogma. They do not know what the word grace really means because they have not experianced it. You know it when it happens.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by arpgme
How can you love someone if you can't even accept them for who they are, but instead want to change them? If that is the case you do not love THEM, you love who you WANT them to be.

If this is the case, how could a God claim to be love itself? That would be a lie, since the only love is when people are fulfilling HIS desire to be as HE wants them to be.

I'll bite:

Using that same logic - if God's love was so grand, how can there be ghosts on earth? God's love would draw every soul to His heaven. If God's love was so grand, how can we hurt each other like we do...

IMO - Gods purpose was to separate the wheat from the chaff. You have to embody God's will and put aside your human will. You will be tested and must chose the path set before you by God. Once you say FU God, I'm going to do what I want, is when you have messed up.

It is that arrogant-attitude that creates conflict on a mega-scale. God wants us all to do right and not wrong. If you read the Old Testament, we are all F'd as we are not the chosen people. If you read the New Testament, you have a chance. *It also explains how those who make it a big deal about their doings, will be looked down upon is the eyes of God.

Those who disbelieve and sin have a better chance in the kingdom of heaven if they chose to believe. Read the New American Standard Bible if you can't stand the thou this and thee that. *

And no, you don't have to go to church every 'Sunday'. It never states that in the New Testament. Actually, the Agnostics kept other scriptures of Jesus. Their beliefs would make a current Christian turn-over in his/her grave. Agnostics were against the church for most part...they did all their preaching in a person's house. Jesus never said 'You must attend Church every Sunday." He even beat the F out of some people for using the Church (Temple) for making money by selling their goods. Going to church wasn't important in the first books of the New Testament.

You don't have to be controlled by God - just have to hear His words. You probably see being controlled by God as doing what the Church tells you too... Those guys running the Churches are all about power and control. I wouldn't want to do what they say either. The first few books of the New Testament never dictated a schedule of how you should worship, it just states that you should.

Live an honest life. Be kind to others. Etc.

You are taking the whole God concept from what the Churches have currently forced down your throat. F them and their, "Give us money so we can help the poor." All the while they use a big portion of that money to line their pockets. If you want to help the poor - do so in your area. You don't have to give monies as some sort of status symbol. If all you can give is time at a local soup kitchen, then so be it. If you offer a person a ride to work/home while it is raining, so be it. It never states that your status in the Kingdom of Heaven is graded on how much you give or how much you preach or how much you go door-to-door.

Hope you do good with whatever choice you chose OP.
edit on 10-11-2012 by ChuckNasty because: Moved a sentence from one area to another - as marked with the *

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by arpgme

How would you feel if your computer just started acting on it's own? We already treat our 'property like trash despite serve us faithfully through think and thin. Heck, we sell em and replace em when the new toys show up. And yet we wonder why THE CREATOR would even think in such a manner. Seriously, quit acting like we made the universe.

Is it 'our house'? No, so it was never our rules in the to begin with. Even if you don't believe in God, nature will make us her peon when she sees fit.

I mean 'she's' been wrecking havoc before we even learned to manipulate 'her' elements. And in an instant, our life could be turned upside down as a result of a natural disaster. Yet we still act like we own her. Hmm.... such logic seems to be the fatal flaw to humanity it seems.

Guess not even the 'rational thinkers' can reason that much out.

And please, have the humility to respect what others if you expect respect in return. Because I'm at the edge of even considering giving you any respect for the lack of maturity with the way you brought the subject up.

edit on 10-11-2012 by GambitVII because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-11-2012 by GambitVII because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Sin cannot exist in his presence. Only the blood of Christ will cover your sins. If you are not saved, you go to hell. Why? Because you were created to exist forever. Everything, except hell was created for his children. If you aren't saved by Christ, then you support satan, evil, and reject Yahweh. So you go to the only place where you could possibly exist. Hell, the place you chose.

So if sin cannot exist in the presence of God. You go to the only place a sinful spirit could exist. Yet again, hell.

If Yahweh created you and everything else for that matter, he can make the rules any way he pleases. He created YOU. So you follow him or hit the highway jack, the highway to hell. Just don't be mad when you are in hell burning, having difficulty breathing, thirst, and have no hope. He begged you over and over to follow him so YOU can inherit your rightful place he originally created us for. Sin will not inherit his kingdom, and without the blood of Christ to cover your sins, your spirit is sinful and is not blameless and it cannot inherit its place beside God. It can only exist in hell.

Yahweh is screaming and begging you not to go hell through his church. He didnt create it for you, he created it for satan and his angels, sin. Jesus's hand is stretching out to you. All you have to do is take it, hope, and try. He knows Satan and his demon deceived us, so he is trying to bring you back to him, a second chance. Notice Satan didn't get one, but you and I did. You have to voluntarily submit to him, for his kingdom has not place for rebellion. You can't deny him and then just go to heaven, you refused his gift of salvation and, again, the sin you have committed pollutes your spirit. For believers, Jesus cleans our spirit and seals it. We have accepted his sacrifice and we are now blameless for all our sins for Jesus took our punishment on the cross. If you deny Jesus or refuse to submit, you are in rebellion against God, just like Satan and God will not have that in his kingdom or creation.

I know you may use the " why did God allow satan on Earth then ". The Bible calls this the Mystery of God. It will be revealed upon his return. We don't know why, but the reason will be unsealed soon.
edit on 10-11-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by arpgme

Wow what an almost minimal thread ? You know OP, the more text you provide in your opener the more meat on the bone for discussion ? Insuring a healthy thread.

So you're fine sitting there in judgement of far more superior being than yourself. God, your Creator, the one and only being responsible for you even being conscious ? You seem to lack both the courage and the wisdom of you own convictions.

And further more !

Congratulations, the best you can do, to imagine a relationship with the ultimate existence, mankind could ever know ? Is on the level of two high school sweethearts.

It's people like you who make sure God won't be seen on this planet by anyone. Until the time of his choosing.

edit on 9-11-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Actually, "god" manages that pretty good himself.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
there is no such thing as hell, it is a bunch of bull added as one of the many manipulations of the catholic church.

The original hebrew is sooooo so different from modern bible translations it is sad.

Transliteration exposes religion as a sham against God and man..... the biggest lie of all.

True, true but I am really starring you for your avatar.

Cool and but seriously I do agree with random translations there is a huge room for error or worse deliberate hijacking and manipulation. Something fairly amazing and rather unclear happened. That's all I know. People have passed from generation to generation these tales, very different but with many common threads.

Take from that what you will which is what we all try to do.

An all seeing God is not that far fetched to me. Right now we can spy on anyone and hear their conversations from remote locations. This might be an organism like connection, like the bees might know their queen. We all just make the best of what we know and think and believe altogether into a world view and a philosophy. For some people their religion is their philosophy - already written out for them.

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