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50,000 year old paintings of 'Aliens'

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posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by Sozen94
Wow, that's amazing.

I still don't believe how people can be so skeptical when it comes to aliens.


So some really old cave paintings by some people hopped up on desert shrooms and peyote, constitutes as proof of aliens? Wow, scientific method goes out the window there.

I want something a little more concrete like, a ship, a spaceport, ray guns, some technology millions of years more advanced. Do you think aliens actually travelled across the galaxy or universe just to ditch their tech and live like paupers? This stuff would be lying all over the place because technology breaks down
and we're just not finding it. We're not finding it because it doesn't exist.

So some very recent fiction writings (the bible) by some power hungry control freaks constitutes as proof of a god? Wow, scientific method just got raped.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by TheLegend

Originally posted by TheLegend
To the unbelievers, I would like to see your rationalizations for what follows. How can so many ancient sources all depict what eyewitnesses in modern times describe as space ships and aliens...and why is there a 1561 newspaper describing a UFO battle over Germany? If it was fantasy, then did those thousands of people suffer from a mass hallucination, simultaneously?

No, there was something in the sky that day. Before airplanes or weather balloons existed.

Figurine from Kieve, Ukraine, 4,000 BC.

6,000 BC

5,500 BC, Utah.

10,000 BC, Italy.

Native American Petroglyph, 1,500 years old. There is a story about this one. The Native Americans claim they were taught spirituality by these "star people" who crash landed. They lived among the Indians for a time before other star people came to take them.

Prehistoric India.

Sahara Desert, 6,000 BC.

UFO battle over Nuremburg, Germany, 1561. Please read the eyewitness accounts and interpretations in the link. It pretty much seals the deal.

At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld "A very frightful spectacle." The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly "began to fight one another." After about an hour of battle, the objects seemed too catch fire and fell to Earth, where they turned too steam. The witnesses took this display as a divine warning. This report is unique in the annals of Ufology, in that it has never been repeated. There is no record of such "objects" in either local or German national folklore. The surviving Town records from the period, give no indication of any unrest either civil or external. Given the uniqueness of the incident, it appears that something supernatural or paranormal took place.

I too would like to see someone address all of this, point by point.

Everyone is afraid to try. They know that when there's just 1 piece of evidence they can make up some generalization and mark it off as appearing coincidental, but when confronted with multiple cases + even a centuries old newspaper's not so easily dismissed.

When so many "coincidences" start adding up you may need to rethink something.
edit on 29-7-2012 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by HumanCondition

As wonderful and storied as these petroglyphs are, I'm certain they bear more value as cultural heritage then they do as 'photographic' evidence of extraterrestrials.

Not all myths necessarily have any real basis in reality.
Art, in all its categories, regardless the medium, modern, classical, and ancient all, in some ways could classified as myth, where there's plenty of art that has absolutely zero basis in reality but sprung into illustration, or being as a product of our ever wonderful human imaginations.

As a child, before I ever heard anything about religion, gods, fairies, or any sort of thing, I distinctly recall making up my very own stories about people living in the clouds, living on the moon, living underground; all sorts of people of different shapes and sizes. All this, simply from the imagination of a child before any exposure to religion.

People make up all sorts of things, and in our ancestry, tens of thousands of years ago, making up stories was similar to the top 40 music charts of today. The most popular stories stuck and got retold, over and over, becoming tradition, and eventually becoming belief as fact when in all senses, the stories were just that.

If you speak to an Aboriginal Elder they would swear that the dreaming stories are actually true events and histories, And what they are willing to reveal to the 'white man' is only a tiny fraction of their lore.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 04:36 AM
I would really love there to be "aliens" and I also believe we are not alone, but until they show themselves without any doubt of reality then I just sit back and enjoy the speculation waitng patienly

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by pacifier2012
5000 years from now, someone will discover video of some horror movies showing werewolves and zombies.

This will be conclusive proof to those living in 7012 that werewolves and zombies actually existed on the earth in 2012.

And if no gets this... there is no hope for humanity sanity.

You forgot some key points needed for this comparison.
1) There has to be a historical gap with many records being destroyed, lost, or misinterpreted along the way. Otherwise they would know exactly what the people in 2012 meant.
2) Werewolves and zombies have to be eating people in 7012 while having millions of eyewitness accounts (the equivalent of aliens today supposedly abducting people and having their ships + themselves seen by eyewitnesses). Then when the man in 7012 looks back on a film from 2012 and sees the werewolf...maybe he'll see it has similarities with his modern eyewitness accounts + stories.

Comparing werewolves and zombies (fictional creations) with aliens is pretty nonsensical anyway. Unless you believe aliens are fictional...when you yourself are an "alien" to Mars or any other planet.
edit on 29-7-2012 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by HumanCondition
Disclaimer: I apologise greatly if any offense is taken to this by any Aboriginal peoples.

The Wandjina or Wondjina are a common figure seen in Australian Aboriginal cave paintings.


as i look at the three images...

has anyone yet suggeted that they represent two female figures on either side of the center male figure ?

i use the symbolic & strategically placed geometric emblems as the defining items...
circles on the womens uniforms and a triangle with parallel lines on the center figures uniform

perhaps the triangles below the headpieces are actually "communicators" like they have in the StarTrek series
and thus the lack of a 'mouth'

Also. the 3 top figures are eiher kneeling (why)
or the rubbery lower legs are trying to represent the idea of the images being aquatic, or mer-men/ mer-maids
edit on 29-7-2012 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Sozen94
Yep it amazes me how there are so many ignorant people, I think it's fear based and they'd rather not know my husband is one of them I have a hard time discussing anything out of this world he doesn't want to know or even discuss it calls me mad, so he'll be happy on the 21st December when i hold his hand and explain to him what is going to happen, now don't ask me what is going to happen as I don't exactly know, but it will happen and I hope I don't die due to killing us off to depopulate before this day arrives, these are very exciting times ahead and yes very scary too!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by Sozen94
Wow, that's amazing.

I still don't believe how people can be so skeptical when it comes to aliens.


Compare the paintings to all the other ones aboriginies made, and you'll see they all look weird. Unless they didn't have time to paint anything but aliens, I don't see what's not normal about them.

Also, all societies have fairy tales. Fairy tales doesn't make the bible stories real, nor does it make aborigine stories contain real aliens.

Your take on this would hold water, had it not been for the fact that literally every culture has some tale of beings descending from the heavens and intermingling with man.

How do you explain the accounts from all these separate cultures, yet they all seem to have very common similiarities??

Shear coincidence?

edit on 29-7-2012 by AlonzoTyper because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by TheLegend

Where did you find these pictures? Are there any more? They're quite stunning.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by autowrench

Originally posted by Sozen94
Wow, that's amazing.

I still don't believe how people can be so skeptical when it comes to aliens.

I can't either, but as you know many are. I know because I have seen, touched, and communicated with, but even before that had a strong feeling that Earth was but a small part of a large community.

Me too (in altered state). My jury is out on whether aliens exist in our 3D sense of reality, but IME extra-dimensional entities are everywhere and greatly outnumber us.

The more I've been in the 'aluna worlds' (if that's not just my delusion), the less I see 3D as being the touchstone of reality. I realise this probably marks me as one of those crazy/drugged-out ATS members, but heh, until you've had my experiences go easy on the knee jerk judgements

I once poked a grey in the heart area with my finger - ewww, felt really weird. It reacted in a rather surprising way, which I'm going to keep to myself for now.

Anyone else been in 'physical' contact?

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by ceranko
Terrance Mckenna also saw Gray type aliens during his Ayuascha trips to south America. I think this is what the aborigionals see during their dreamtime hallucinations.

Weird looking entities are par for the course in strong/visionary altered state (especially with Aya).
IME, Some of them are clearly personal projections, some are a bit harder to label.
Some will interact, others won't (or I haven't worked out how to interact with some)
Communication is ALWAYS telepathic, IME - so the de-emphasis on the mouth makes sense.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Raivan31

If you speak to an Aboriginal Elder they would swear that the dreaming stories are actually true events and histories, And what they are willing to reveal to the 'white man' is only a tiny fraction of their lore.

If you speak to any priest of any religious faith, they too will tell you what they believe and hold faith in is absolutely 100% real truth.
As far as secrets that aren't revealed or general knowledge to the public, I'm sure you're familiar with the vaults of books, histories, and other articles housed in the Vatican.
Other faiths also have their bits of "secret" lore available to select orders of magnitude in whatever hierarchy they subscribe to.

Word of mouth, and oaths of solemn truth are just stories; all of them biased in favor of whatever cultural faith someone identifies with.

Why else would there be sects where dancing around with poisonous snakes, mutilating one's body with skewers, taking hallucination invoking concoctions, starvation (fasting), vows of poverty or other restrictions like celibacy, rigid dictates enforced by draconian laws, genital mutilation, scarification, and other dictations of faithful tenement are held to?
If these things weren't 100% true and justifiably divinely ordained practices according to whichever or whatever superstition of faith a person belongs to, then, why are these practices so prevalent and pervasive across an entire planet of diversified sundry cultures?

Each system of mythology will believe it's own name brand version of how they think the universe works is the correct and 100% true version of how things are.
Anything otherwise would equate to saying "I live and believe in a lie, but, it's part of my culture and traditional to boot, so, poop on your religion if it's more right because at least we admit our belief is a lie". Can you see anyone doing that?

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

Agreed.This is the popular opinion that taught us in school.
Everything that scared or amazed the ancients they were named it "god".The gods had the human form and something extra or different,to show their superiority over the local population.Sometimes the form of the gods showed his/her abilities and the "job" they had to do.
There is always the counter argument of genetic engineering for the existence of such creatures,but i bet you don't want to hear about it.

Allow me to present a contradiction that i have asked many times,without taken an answer that could satisfy my curiosity.The answers have some holes that, at least for my way of thinking, they create more questions.

The mainstream history teaches us that the ancients were smart enough to develop mathematics(that most of the formulas we use even today), astronomy, advanced architecture,physics and other sciences.
On the other hand the same history presents the same ancients as stupid enough to deify the moon,the plants and the animals and make them look like a bunch of superstitious morans.

I have been presented with the answer about the part of the human psychology and the need to believe in a god/higher power.
I know that education was a priviledge of the upper classes,but not every myth and god was created by farmers and poor people.
I know that when the gods were created the sciences haven't been developed.
And i know that religions were created to control the masses.

But still.People with higher education still created "fairy tales" about gods and monsters(Hesiod-Theogony).People of higher education created epics and spoke of pieces of technology that gods created(Homer) or similarities to weapons of mass destruction(Mahabharata) or the first ever piece of science fictiion literature that talks about a space war(Lucien- a true story).Did they do it just to have fun with the poor,uneducated people and their superstitions?Did they do it to give a moral lesson?Were they just bored?Or there is something more?

It's questions like that that make me wish i have a time machine and travel back and witness everything first hand(and perhaps ask a few questions here and there

Again i'm not saying that some aliens came and did all that,i just can't dismiss everything as a work of fiction or overacting imagination.I have great respect for the ancients and i fully recognise their abilities.

I'm not afraid to say that i don't know.Perhaps i'm wrong trying to find other explanations than the obvious one.Because as far as i know this might be the correct.But until i'm 100% sure,i will continue to question everything.Because i finished my studies in the university,doesn't mean that i stopped being a student.I live to learn.

And a joke:
A Greek and an Egyptian archeologist are chatting about their latest discoveries.
The Egyptian full of pride announces:We did some excavations under the pyramids and the Sphynx and we found wires under them.I'm happy to announce that the ancient Egyptians had telephones.
The Greek looks at him in a dismisive look and replies:We did an excavation under the Parthenon and we found nothing.
The Egyptian puzzled asks:What does this means?
And the Greek answers:The ancient greeks had mobile phones.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:49 AM
I got a pretty keen interest in the Wandjina. As a kid I had an aboriginal babysitter who used to tell me dreamtime stories and my favourites were always those about the Wandjina. This sparked in me a lifetime interest. I studied (and have a degree in) Anthropology at uni and have looked into many of the stories surrounding them. Unfortunately however many are not well documented. I now work in the mining industry in the Pilbara/Kimberly area as a geologist where the Wandjina tales originate form and have on a few occasions had a chance to meet with some of the traditional landowners and discuss some of their dreamtime stories regarding them.

The Wandjina were a Dreamtime creator spirit which according to legend came from the stars and created much of the landscape and cultural heritage for the Aborigines of north-western Australia. They were honoured annually by either repainting their images or dampening the already painted images in order to bring forth the monsoonal rains, however when they were displeased they actually brought violent thunderstorms and flooding. Indeed when it did rain their images within cave shelters were meant to become far more vivid or glow; however many anthropologists simply put this down to the fact that the ochre used to paint their images absorbed the water which then enhanced the colours.

They were not nor were ever meant to represent humans (living or deceased) nor despite their appearance do they have anything to do with owls. They are ‘creator spirits’ which is somewhat analogous with ancient gods although Aborigines do not think of gods or God the same way most of western civilization does. The lines you see around their head are not a headdress but are meant to represent a kinda of ‘halo’ or light which emanated from their head. They are almost never depicted with mouths as they did not need them to communicate. The dashed lines you see on them when painted in full figure form (earlier paintings - 10,000+ years ago only ever depicted the head and/or head and shoulders) are meant to be symbolic of rain.

For most Aborigines the primary creator spirit is known as the Rainbow Serpent. Though the Aborigines of NW Australia do mention the Rainbow Serpentin some of their myths, the Wandjina are the primary creators and are also unique (in both form and function comparatively to other aboriginal spirits) to the Aborigines of the Kimberly and Pilbara regions.

As to whether or not they were ancient aliens, obviously no one will ever really know. But I personally think it’s as good an explanation of anything. In my experience every myth and legend contains a small aspect of the truth. Below are some links to two epic threads on both the rainbow serpent as a possible alien and another regarding ancient aliens within indigenous cultures around the world.

The Rainbow Serpents

Ancient Astronaut Theory - An ATS research project

This is actually a tattoo on my left ribcage (ouch!). Twisting round to try and get a semi-decent pic of it has made it look a little wonky even though it's not.

edit on 29/7/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:59 AM
Sorry if someone already brought this up:

My guess is the drawings came from an Aborigine(s) who thought, "Hey, we're all dark-skinned, wouldn't it be weird if there were people the same color as clouds?" Ancient religions, myth, storytelling was about explaining the world and entertaining. For the aborigines, maybe these drawing were their science fiction, maybe the characters came from beyond the sea or even from the stars.

People like to focus on how many sky gods are in ancient religions. Well, it makes sense. Gods would naturally dwell and come from places humans can't go. That's why they're gods. They'll live at the bottom of the ocean or the tops of the highest mountains or from the sky. The sky especially because we can climb mountains and swim, but we can't fly. And the sky is a more mysterious extreme than the sea. Rain comes from it and the sun lives there. Of course the ancients are going to be obsessed with the sky even without aliens coming out of it (seemingly) every thirty seconds.

It's possible the Aborigines made pictures of aliens. I think it's more likely they were just telling an interesting story given that they're a culture based heavily in story telling.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

you can carbondate the paintings especially the one that were painted with milk and berry juice mixed for cant carbon date some of the pictographs that were not painted and looked like carvings where they used other rocks to make the that on another archeology site not too long ago

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by MasonicFantom

put up some more links dude...some of these i havnt seen before!

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
They look like owls.

Spirits in the form of owls.

There are owls in the picture.

Yep, radiant owl masks and body-paint!

"Weaving spiders come not here"

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by AlonzoTyper

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch

Originally posted by Sozen94
Wow, that's amazing.

I still don't believe how people can be so skeptical when it comes to aliens.


Compare the paintings to all the other ones aboriginies made, and you'll see they all look weird. Unless they didn't have time to paint anything but aliens, I don't see what's not normal about them.

Also, all societies have fairy tales. Fairy tales doesn't make the bible stories real, nor does it make aborigine stories contain real aliens.

Your take on this would hold water, had it not been for the fact that literally every culture has some tale of beings descending from the heavens and intermingling with man.

How do you explain the accounts from all these separate cultures, yet they all seem to have very common similiarities??

Shear coincidence?

edit on 29-7-2012 by AlonzoTyper because: (no reason given)

"Beings descending from the heavens and intermingling with man" depends on how you translate it, if a man that doesnt believe in life outside the solar system, those stories could be spiritual, that one day the ancients found a way to speak to these beings. through meditation, or like someone else mentioned chemical compounds ('___', Mushrooms ect...) they have been here longer then us.

doesnt have to be a physical contact, but in my oppinion more like a spiritual contact maybe, thats why they have halos around the heads, well most of the drawins, and thats the aura of the contactee?

But i stand on my two feet and say those drawings ARE the natives 10 000 - 50 000 years ago, and even before that. and they DID have higher technology then us, if they did have the knowledge of how to communicate with the rest of the universe through spiritual mediums, then they must have had some sort of technology that to us would seem alien.

PS i believe in aliens, i mean we are one of em right, and i have seen UFO plenty of time, and a shape shifter once. But i also believe some of those UFO's are our ancient ancestors.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 09:25 AM
While I believe in the existence of life on other planets, I still think it is possible that these and other similar drawings can be artistic caricatures.

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