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What in the World are They Spraying [Official Trailer]

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Hoax definition:

Created by the supposed truthers.

If that's your truth, good luck with it all

*Takes a deep breath*

Ah yes! fresh air!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Goethe

Cirrusform clouds have been known to exist for as long as contrails have been studied. The only people who think they don't are "chemtrailers".
The links provided by Phage have several examples of just that.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by One Moment

Oh my. I am face palming so much, I am starting to get a headache now.

Saying that Contrails are proof that Chemtrails exist, is like me pointing to the sun and saying its proof of Nibiru!! You are just misidentifying something and your ignorance wont allow people to correct your error.

There are no chemtrials!!!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by One Moment

"Science without faith is lame, faith without science is blind"

There is no reality - only perception; It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see... we don't see things as they are, we see them as we are... the greatest paradox of our physical senses is that your eyes actually show you what you believe, not what you see... believe clearly!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:08 AM
Either most people haven't seen this evil or are working for someone...I say that a lot but for those of you who have seen this and then look at the posts on this thread...I hope this isn't a "snip" but complete ignorance...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:09 AM
My problem with this and many other conspiracy theories is the sheer amount of co-ordination and secrecy it would take.

Almost all scientists to do with atmosphere would have to be in on it, which I highly doubt as being at university for a while, ive seen how much competition and disagreements there are within just my university, let alone in the whole community!
You'd need all the flight crews in on it too, obviously pilots and the people doing the tanks would know whats going on to some extent and would after seeing things like this or of their own initiative come forward presumably in large numbers.
Politicians of all sides of multiple countries would have to be keeping it secret (c'mon, do you really think that this wouldnt have been leaked by at least a few of them for political gain?). Politicians and bureaucrats can't even keep state secrets and the budget secret, let alone an international conspiracy which would require high levels of organisation!
Honestly if they are willing to go to that level of effort and organisation and secrecy it would astound me...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by One Moment

What you describe is impossible. Particles small enough to be in a contrail will take hours to fall to earth, probably longer because of wind and updrafts..
Unless you can suspend you belief of gravity and wind, what you have done is very illogical. Here's a simple experiment:
Put cornstarch in one hand and popcorn in the other. Throw them both up into the air. Which one hits the floor first? Both are 100% corn; the difference is the particle size. Small stuff remains suspended for very long periods of time. Catching something in a jar underneath a contrails?!!!! That is really too funny.
What is the mineral profile of the site of your "test? What industries are around? What agriculture? How did you exclude these sources of contamination? How did you link what you collected directly to an airplane? Do you disavow gravity and wind? Maybe updrafts? What equiptment was used to perform the tests? Where are the results? Who performed the tests? Who interpreted the results? Were "non-chemtrail" trails similarly tested? Was testing repeated with similar results? Were other people able to reproduce your sampling and results?
It's not a matter of me proving they don't exist, you have to prove they do. It's called critical thinking.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Pryde87
reply to post by One Moment

Oh my. I am face palming so much, I am starting to get a headache now.

Saying that Contrails are proof that Chemtrails exist, is like me pointing to the sun and saying its proof of Nibiru!! You are just misidentifying something and your ignorance wont allow people to correct your error.

There are no chemtrials!!!

Fine. Cool. Great. Then please, explain my photo then.

Yes, I am opened to re-thinking my position but I take offense when the word "hoax' is used.
If it's a 'hoax' then....we ARE seeing what we are SEEING! However, we're just MISUNDERSTANDING them then.

Just don't tell me these are ordinary contrails and natural clouds. I've been on planet Earth over 50 years.
Why has my sky changed over the last 10 years or so then? New plane vapors? New cloud formations?

So again, please don't call this a hoax and in the same sentence not allow us to have an opinion about what we are seeing.

You people are confusing.

It's either NOT there (and we're making all this up in our heads)


It IS there and we're just not understanding the mechanics/reasons for it


It is there and these planes/pilots are purposefully playing with our minds.

But once again, please explain this photo. Tell me what I am seeing. I promise to keep an open mind.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by stars15k

Again. Fine. Great! That's wonderful news. But please explain my photo.


posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by LurkerMan
wut about the patent?

Chemtrails: US Patent #5003186: Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding For Reduction Of Global Warming

There are at this time 63400 hits on a Google search "stupid patents". A patent does not proved existence of anything, or even if it works. It's a money matter, claiming ownership of an idea or product, should the product or idea ever been used. That is all it has ever been for. Just because there is a patent, doesn't means it's real.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by NWOWILLFALL

Yeah I see a trend with certain groups of posters too.

They have no argument so they just label anyone who disagrees with their beliefs as disinfo.

Real mature.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus
Especially you I'm certain...

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:31 AM
gonna be interesting to see what they will find and reveal.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by stars15k

So this whole entire Chemtrail compaign has been a total conspiracy to hoodwink and further divide the minions then, huh?

Fake patents.
Misinformed people.
Wrongful studies.
Impossible findings.
Lying weathman.
Longer lasting jet vapors.
Changing cloud coverings and
Fibbing pilots.

Wow....this makes 9-11 look like kids stuff!

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by stars15k
Only "chemtrailers" insist you can tell a contrail from a "chemtrail" by watching a video. You cannot tell chemical composition of something from a video, a picture or even "with your own eyes". They are also the only people who insist a "mere vapor trail" cannot persist. A "mere vapor trail" would be water vapor and the expected components of jet engine through a jet engine. A CLOUD is water vapor and the expected components of air pollution caused by industy, agricultural, and transportation, yet they can last for hours and drift for hundreds of miles before evaporating.

Testing is done that shows NOTHING but jet fuel through a jet engine. Not aluminium, barium, viruses, blood cells, heavy metals, pharmacueticals, or any of the compounds alternately suggested. It also shows that one gallon of jet fuel combusted produces 1 gallone of water vapor, but triggers 20,000 gallons of atmospheric water vapor to condense. That is incredibly dilute. There are not ANY credible reports of planes, airplanes, pilots, flight techs, chemical haulers, suppliers or producers, or any of the necessary support staff needed to keep such a plan in operation. Logisically, the theory is impossible.
Now consider how small a particle of anything suspected to be "sprayed" will be. It would take hours, possibly days, possibly NEVER to reach the ground, given such atmospheric properties as wind and updrafts. No one has yet to harness wind or gravity, and if they had it would be a much bigger story.
Contrails have been exhaustively studied for decades. "Chemtrails" have been around since the start of the internet, and the use of the internet by people who would rather believe in unproven and unprovable intrigue than learn how the real world operates. Their proof is only videos (invalid as proof as stated above) and vague and shoddy "research" and testing by people who get money by selling books, videos and making paid appearances.
Go figure. Just watch, I'll be called a shill, a disinformationalist, and such. I will have both my mental health and my intelligence insulted. I will be called one of "them". All because I believe the provable science over the silly myth. Have at it. I'm actually used to it by now.

About a month ago on NPR ( i think it was the show Fresh Air with Terry G.)..They had a Geo Engineer on from NOAH talking about how they have and currently are spraying little shiny particles to deflect sunlight. I was shocked they were actually having an interview talking very directly about using chemicals. I will try to look it up if i have time..

Also, I don't know what episode it was but I did see a "LEAVE IT TO BEAVER" episode were wally told beaver about contrails and then when he questioned his mother about it she told him they spray stuff to help with the weather...I wish I knew what episode it was?? So this is nothing sure.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:39 AM
people who would rather believe in unproven and unprovable intrigue than learn how the real world operates. Their proof is only videos (invalid as proof as stated above) and vague and shoddy "research" and testing by people who get money by selling books, videos and making paid appearances.
Go figure. Just watch, I'll be called a shill, a disinformationalist, and such. I will have both my mental health and my intelligence insulted. I will be called one of "them". All because I believe the provable science over the silly myth. Have at it. I'm actually used to it by now.

Have you ever done your own research into this.???? Have you ever been in the military. Do you, or have you ever had common sense? Look at all avenues first Dumb @$$

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by gunshooter
It's not the same when you see it done over your house almost all.

A contrail doesn't last nearly the whole damn day So I suggest you stop listening to mainstream pseudo science lies...

[edit on 26-5-2010 by NWOWILLFALL]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:44 AM
Why is every single nay-sayer not addressing my photo question?

Please please please please please.......explain it. What's so hard about that?
You seem to know what you know (whereas, I am only guessing) so, tell me what these common-looking skies of late, mean.

The more you ignore me the more transparent you're starting to become!



posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by Phage

Sure , because you say so, where were all these "contrails" in all the years prior to late 90's ? oh, you found reports of 3-4 times.

Let us see any proof that these are naturally occuring, and explain to me why where i live they are nicely layered one after another in a checkerboard pattern.

I have watched the skies all my life and even recall in amazement when some of the planes trails would last almost 2 minutes,, then suddenly one sunny day in 1998, with ZERO clouds in the forecast and i am outside flying remote control planes and other r'c's me and my buddies are suddenly hit by a shadow...

I recall that very clearly, i said what the hell is that and we spent all day trying to figure it out,, then as the summer proceeded it happened more and more, amazingly not allowing a single day to be sunny ever again.

How does a contrail gain in size and cover the sky ?

How when i sit on my porch watching the sunset can these totally annihilate the sun and make it dark ??

How is it NOONE noticed them before, and now they happen at regularly scheduled intervals ?

I guess there is MORE vapor in the air than ever, and this vapor attracts more vapor and it fills the sky ??

Are you seriously trying to tell us a propeller plane can even cause this ??

I have been to airshows for YEARS, never seen anything at ANY altitude.

This has truly pissed me off, i am going to make efforts to spread this everywhere now, simply because you deny it so much... Thanks

[edit on 26-5-2010 by GrinchNoMore]

Go to YouTube and do a search for Memphis Belle. Video of contrails circa 1940's. There are lots of pictures and films of contrails. They were seen back in the beginning of airflight.
Criss-crossing lines are when planes leaving contrails fly in different directions. Lines are in the same section of sky are because of aviation navigation. There are the equivalet of highways in the sky. Planes follow those routes.
Contrals will form given the correct conditions. Those conditions will vary day to day, hour to hour, and minute to minute. The same sky will have pockets and regions of differing conditions. Different jets will produce different trails due to increased effciency and cleaner fuel. No two engines will run exactly the same, so there could be different contrails on the same plane. Pressure also produce trails, usually from the wing tips.
Contrail do spread out into a cirrus cloud layer. It's probably the most studied part of contrail reseach. One of the more recent papers I've seen was trying to determine if the cooling effect cause be blocking UV rays during the day is more or less than the heat retention caused by heat not escaping the atmosphere at night. It was suggested the two effects likely cancel each other out.
My father commuted by plane most weeks of my childhood. I noticed them then, but there are more now, but they looked the same. There are also more planes. I'm 49. You don't remember what you did not notice.
There are now more planes, and each gallon of triggers 20,000 gallons of water from the atmosphere. There is a lot of water in the atmosphere and always has been.
Given the correct conditions, yes prop planes can create contrails. The majority of WWII planes were props. And the conditions necessary can occur at any altittude. In the artic regions, they can be created on the ground.
Most of the assumptions you make are not factual. Try researching "contrails" avoiding "chemtrails". You will learn a lot. Or go to Contrail Science.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:51 AM
This seemingly innocuous video reveals the SHOCKING truth that they have been "chemtrailing" since WWII!!!


B-17 Bombers creating "chemtrails"? Uh, no. so cmon guys, time to give it up, they are clouds created by exhaust from fuel burning engines, nothing more, although I am sure some will see this as new evidence of an old "conspiracy" that they were also spraying poison on their bombing runs over Germany during WWII.

Have they EVER attempted any kind of upper atmosphere spraying for whatever reason at some point?, probably. Are they doing it on a regular basis now?, 99.99% chance of NO!

[edit on 26-5-2010 by I_am_Spartacus]

and Star, I swear, I was typing the same time as you, I didn't hijack your comments. Too funny eh?

[edit on 26-5-2010 by I_am_Spartacus]

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