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Once Again, The Will of the Voters Is Denied

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posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
But I'm not stupid. You clearly evaded the fact that you have 8,000 people that can provide you answers to the questions you asked but you refuse to do so. Your evasion is one of the most blatant ones you've committed to date.

You are if you think 8000 people I cannot check with are more valid than the %&$*ING CORONER'S REPORT!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

i love your vigor Lilly. Ive read many posts of these few who constantly throw the rubbish around.

i cant believe these guys are making a huge joke out of it. this was about the lives lost on 9/11, and the lives lost following that day because of what happened. be it the first responders, or the victims in the buildings/planes. the thing that needs to be constantly pushed is the demand to have the unanswered questions answered, have them answered unbiasedly, and have full transparency. have appropriate subpoena power, and not be stomped by political insiders. independent from the govt, yet visible for all to see and hear.

the answers we have now are not enough, and some questions have been ignored, like the thermate!

[edit on 10/13/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
i cant believe these guys are making a huge joke out of it. this was about lost lives, and the lives lost following all the events. be it the first responders, or the victims in the buildings/planes.

I just really thought that warranted repeating. Thanks for remembering what it was about.

-because even I forget sometimes although I have yet to turn it into a game, I do forget why it mattered in the first place. Thanks for the reminder. Now back to being nasty to people that say stupid things.

[edit on 10/13/09 by Lillydale]

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

(Chortle Snort Chuckle Laugh!)

I love it! I saw this and fell out of my chair LOL That’s was a good one.
Oh boy, you know, I bet you were laughing your head off when you were typing this. LOL (Chortle Snort Chuckle Laugh!)
It has been a long time since I have had a good laugh and you my friend have made my day, thank you.

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by Lillydale
reply to post by Joey Canoli

You can't explain a single thing after 8 full years of going around in circles.

You can get off your butts, learn how to file your petitions according to the law - and quit trying to give yourselves special powers - and petition to your heart's content. In the end, since you have been totally incapable of refuting the evidence demonstrating what happened on 9/11, that you are totally incapable of listening to the answers, and you are in complete denial of reality, you will always end up exactly where you are now - with nothing.

The degree to which you 9/11 Truthers engage in self delusion is remarkable. You have no grounding in reality. It's sad.

[edit on 10-10-2009 by jthomas]

[edit on 10-10-2009 by jthomas]

So in other words what gets your rocks off is messing with people you basically think are totally insane.

What does your enitre post say about you JT?

posted on Oct, 13 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by jthomas

Originally posted by jprophet420
reply to post by jthomas

Ive put the challenge out there for anyone to show even 100 eyewitnesses that saw an airliner hit the pentagon. So far no one has been able to provide this information. I would love for you to provide it if you can.

So, you want to exclude ALL of the other evidence? Remember, I've already challenged you long ago to provide the statements of those who were actually at the Pentagon, you know, these people:

Emergency Response, Rescue Operations, Firefighting, Secondary Explosions

Conspiracists are afraid to have their fantasies destroyed, so they scrupulously avoid contacting the hundreds of Pentagon 9/11 first responders and the over 8,000 people who worked on rescue, recovery, evidence collection, building stabilization, and security in the days after 9/11. These are just some of the organizations whose members worked on the scene:

Alexandria VA Fire & Rescue, American Airlines, American Red Cross, Arlington County Emergency Medical Services, Arlington County Fire Department, Arlington County Sheriff's Department, Arlington VA Police Department, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic staff, DeWitt Army Community Hospital staff, District of Columbia Fire & Rescue, DOD Honor Guard, Environmental Protection Agency Hazmat Teams, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue, FBI Evidence Recovery Teams, FBI Hazmat Teams, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, FEMA 68-Person Urban Search and Rescue Teams Maryland Task Force 1, New Mexico Task Force 1, Tennessee Task Force 1, Virginia Task Force 1, Virginia Task Force 2, FEMA Emergency Response Team, Fort Myer Fire Department, Four U.S. Army Chaplains, Metropolitan Airport Authority Fire Unit, Military District of Washington Engineers Search & Rescue Team, Montgomery County Fire & Rescue, U.S. National Guard units, National Naval Medical Center CCRF, National Transportation Safety Board, Pentagon Defense Protective Service, Pentagon Helicopter Crash Response Team, Pentagon Medical Staff, Rader Army Health Clinic Staff, SACE Structural Safety Engineers and Debris Planning and Response Teams, Salvation Army Disaster Services, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, US Army Reserves of Virginia Beach Fairfax County and Montgomery County, Virginia Beach Fire Department, Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Virginia State Police

I haven't seen you provide a single statement from any of them. But then NOT ONE 9/11 "Truther"has had the courage to do so either in the last 3 years I've have asked them to. Look at how Lillydale has failed to even acknowledge them. Amazing, eh?

Funny, that.

I simply put the challenge out there. I notice that you tried to make it look like you had what I was asking for but didn't post it. You constantly cry like a little girl with a skinned knee when people use the ol "strawman" but engage in the same activity against me. I asked for 100 witnesses that said a plane hit the pentagon and you listed people involved in the cleanup. You could either simply admit that you don't have that information and then make your case, but then intellectual honesty isn't required here.
And for the record I read the entire PDF file of the official statements taken, which is how I know that there weren't 100 witnesses.
Albeit beneath you to research what you post on.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 01:05 PM
It's rather entertaining to see Lillydale shove her foot in her mouth.

Imagine making a direct, positive claim of evidence,...

" know there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

and then when asked to demonstrate it, Lillydale whines "You did not ask me to prove there were no passenger bodies?" "I've never seen any evidence of bodies," which for normal, rational people means that she cannot make the direct, positive claim that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

But make it she does, then pretend it's impossible for her to back up her claim. Amazing, isn't it?

So, we'll just wait for Lillydale to demonstrate that there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon - or do what she already KNOWS shes has to do: withdraw her claim.

Of course, Lillydale absolutely REFUSES to actively get the evidence. We have the hilarious part where, once again Lillydale REFUSES to present us with any of the statements from the 8,000 people who were actually at the Pentagon, those people who could inform her about bodies, wings, and any thing else she wants to know. Lillydale confirms her complete irrationality by claiming that the coroner knows more about all of that than 8,000 people who were responsible for the investigation, who saw, handled, walked through, removed the bodies and wreckage, and who sorted through that wreckage openly on the Pentagon lawn in the days and weeks after 9/11.

Amazingly, the entire events of what happened in the aftermath of 9/11 at the Pentagon are supposed to now come - according to Lillydale - from the coroner's report. I mean, why should Lillydale believe the individual statements of 8,000 people and professionals over the coroner's report concerning everything that happened at the Pentagon?

This is the absurd conclusion Lillydale is asking us to buy into because she simply REFUSES to get the statements from any of those 8.000 people. She is doing EXACTLY what Craig Ranke has always done and is completely oblivious that Ranke and others were called on that years ago.

One does not rely on JUST what evidence may or may not be on the Internet. In the real world we have the verified fact of thousands of people involved in the rescue, recovery, firefighting, debris and wreckage removal, and construction crews shoring up the damaged part of the building to allow those efforts to proceed. There is no argument here.

Yet along come confirmed 9/11 Deniers like Lillydale and Craig Ranke who actually want us to accept beyond all manner of reason and probabilities that those 8,000 people PLUS all the other evidence and eyewitnesses would never come out and contradict that AA77 hit the Pentagon. Instead, Lillydale and Ranke rely on the fact that there is a dearth of statements from those people available on the Internet. And that is what they hide behind.

And Lillydale has to ignore the fact that passenger bodies AND hijacker bodies were identified and their locations were identified here:

For ALL 9/11 Deniers, it is imperative that inconvenient evidence be ignored and denied.

And here is a funny one: I called her on the claim she made but didn't back up, this one:

6. "In the old days, they would have been compelled to id parts by S/N but I guess now they just publish a few photos and wait for someone on ATS to look at them??? "

Then, true to form she responds with another 2 unsupported claims.

"SOP is to identify the plane parts by serial number. It was not done on 9/11. Which part do you need proof of?

Well naturally, we want evidence that SOP is to identify plane parts by serial number for the purpose of finding out what plane crashed into the Pentagon. And evidence that it was not done.

Gosh, making claims and pretending not to must be too irresistible for Lillydale.

In fact, there are many reasons why serial numbers are recorded in aircraft accidents. But serial numbers are not used or needed to identify WHICH aircraft crashed if that fact is already known. This isn't rocket science. Serial numbers were NOT needed to know that it was AA77, a Boeing 757 that hit the Pentagon, any more than we have to have videos to know AA77 hit the pentagon. Lillydale's strawman has been shot down repeatedly yet here she is repeating the same nonsense 8 years later. It's simply amazing how silly that is.

So Lillydale can go around and make claims then deny she makes them all she wants. She thoroughly discredits her own contradictory arguments and pretends that if something is not available on the Internet, then it doesn't exist in the real world. It's just another nail in to coffin of Lillydales' 9/11 Denial Movement.

We'll wait for Lillydale to either flap around nonsensically again or finally do her homework. I bet I can guess what she'll do.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
It's rather entertaining to see Lillydale shove her foot in her mouth.

Imagine making a direct, positive claim of evidence,...

" know there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

and then when asked to demonstrate it, Lillydale whines "You did not ask me to prove there were no passenger bodies?" "I've never seen any evidence of bodies," which for normal, rational people means that she cannot make the direct, positive claim that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

But make it she does, then pretend it's impossible for her to back up her claim. Amazing, isn't it?

Wow! I do not have much time now so I have to just take this part for now. What special school are you at? I need to let them know you got to the internet and are spreading stupid all over the outside world. You just made my case for me. How does that foot taste?

You asked for proof there were NO bodies there.

Everyone else, including your friends, knows that it is impossible to prove that something did NOT happen. It is a logical fallacy to prove a negative. Am I wrong? Please explain if I am.

What you really want; what you mean to ask is how it is that I can be so certain that there were no bodies there. You want to know what it is that makes me decide to believe that there were no bodies there. That question would actually make sense.

Let me answer it again for you. Please oh please try to follow along this time. I am really sick of going over this. You should be sick of hearing it because I have had to say it in every thread you have run from me in.

On September 10th, there were no passenger bodies there.
On September 11th, something crashed into the building.
After a bit, a government official announced that it was AA77 that had crashed there and had people on it.
You have made it clear that there is no such thing as an "Official Story."
Why should I believe this announcement?
Who are any of these officials to tell me something?
I know they all got where they are by lying.
I know my government is willing to lie to its people because it has in the past and it even lied this time
-"because we know where they are (the WMDs) they are in the North South, East, and West of Baghdad."- Rumsfeld

Are you able to put any of this together yet?

On the 10th, no bodies.
On the 11th, a crash.

I do not know what crashed there but I have seen the evidence, including the coroner's report and crash scene photos as well as statements made by actual verified first responders and not anonymous website quotes. None of this evidence points to any bodies being there other than the victims inside the Pentagon already.

I cannot make it any more simple than that for you. If you still do not get it, you never will and should be wearing a helmet.

If you have evidence to prove me wrong, bring it. If you have evidence to back the official story you say does not even exist, bring that and then justify it. If you do not have any evidence to prove my claim wrong, then you need to just shut up. I gave you all the evidence there is. It does not get any better than that. I used logic, history, and the available evidence of the incident. What do you have? Why are you hiding it? Are you looking for the truth or a fight? Are you paid disinfo or a bored mental patient? No one can really be this stupid and feed themselves let alone type. I think it is an act.

You bring NOTHING. You show us NOTHING. You have proved NOTHING. The rest of us all brought something to the table aside from denial.

I would love to read the rest of your post and laugh and respond and laugh and get more U2Us about how right and funny I am in responding to you but...

I think before I can even take you seriously at all again you need to redeem yourself. Can you at least admit you made a mistake? Can you admit to any mistake? Look at your list again and my responses to it. We can all see that many of them are not actually claims or even things that can be backed up. I know that. You know that. EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS IT.

Can you own up to it like a man or do you want to just ignore your huge mistake and send me more U2Us about things you wish you could really do with me?

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

Can you own up to it like a man or do you want to just ignore your huge mistake and send me more U2Us about things you wish you could really do with me?

If he is seriously threatening you, call your local police immediately. Do not waste time debating this with people just do it for your safety.

posted on Oct, 14 2009 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by Lillydale

Can you own up to it like a man or do you want to just ignore your huge mistake and send me more U2Us about things you wish you could really do with me?

If he is seriously threatening you, call your local police immediately. Do not waste time debating this with people just do it for your safety.

I have to apologize for giving the wrong impression. By "things you wish you could do to me" I did not mean to give off that I was being threatened. Since I cannot really disclose what was said in a U2U, I cannot go into detail but that is entirely my fault. What it is that he expressed a wish for is the type of thing not usually considered a threat among say...amorous couples but then again...perhaps it was a threat? Now I am not so sure but I am sure he will clear it up.

[edit on 10/14/09 by Lillydale]

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Lillydale

No harm done, then I am sure jthomas will not have to loose any sleep over it. I will be the first to admit that I may have read the wrong thing in the post so, I will say it, Oh, it going to hurt me to do this. jthomas I am sorry if I thought you did something wrong! Ahhhh! I cant believe I actually apologized.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Lillydale

Originally posted by jthomas
It's rather entertaining to see Lillydale shove her foot in her mouth.

Imagine making a direct, positive claim of evidence,...

" know there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

and then when asked to demonstrate it, Lillydale whines "You did not ask me to prove there were no passenger bodies?" "I've never seen any evidence of bodies," which for normal, rational people means that she cannot make the direct, positive claim that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

But make it she does, then pretend it's impossible for her to back up her claim. Amazing, isn't it?

Wow! I do not have much time now so I have to just take this part for now. What special school are you at? I need to let them know you got to the internet and are spreading stupid all over the outside world. You just made my case for me. How does that foot taste?

You asked for proof there were NO bodies there.

Everyone else, including your friends, knows that it is impossible to prove that something did NOT happen. It is a logical fallacy to prove a negative. Am I wrong? Please explain if I am.

Your floundering is really amazing, Lillydale. It must be really hard for you to understand that NOBODY has asked you to prove a negative. Apparently, you are determined to get out of the fact that you made a POSITIVE CLAIM of evidence. What part of your assertion that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon" still confuses you? If you assert that, then you have declared that you have evidence DEMONSTRATING that NO passenger bodies were found at the Pentagon.

What you really want; what you mean to ask is how it is that I can be so certain that there were no bodies there. You want to know what it is that makes me decide to believe that there were no bodies there. That question would actually make sense.

Sorry, you didn't say you "believe" it, did you? You claimed it as fact and you couldn't back up you claim.

Let me answer it again for you. Please oh please try to follow along this time. I am really sick of going over this. You should be sick of hearing it because I have had to say it in every thread you have run from me in.

That's funny. Just retract your claim since you can't present any evidence to support your claim that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

Pretty simple. isn't it?

On September 10th, there were no passenger bodies there.

Brilliant deduction!

On September 11th, something crashed into the building.

Something? How do you know 'something' crashed into the building? Who told you something crashed into the building? LOL! How could you POSSIBLY know SOMETHING crashed into the building. Do you believe EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD, Lillydale?

Your contradictions are a real hoot!

After a bit, a government official announced that it was AA77 that had crashed there and had people on it.

And many people already knew it. Lots of people. Lot's of non-government people. Lot's of American Airlines employees. Lot's of eyewitnesses already knew an American Airlines twin-engine jet had crashed into the Pentagon. Lot's of people who the government didn't even know, nor could possibly know, knew an American Airlines jet crashed into the Pentagon before any government announcement was ever made. Gosh, amazing, isn't it?

You have made it clear that there is no such thing as an "Official Story."

I just made it crystal clear why it's a bogus and meaningless statement - again. But you bought into the "official story" as replacement for actual evidence hook, line, and sinker.

Why should I believe this announcement? Who are any of these officials to tell me something?

You have yet to give us any reason why you should not believe the evidence and hundreds of non-government people. Instead, with foot firmly planted in mouth - again - you seek refuge behind the ridiculous canard of the "official story" and believe, incredibly, that ALL anyone had to go on is an "official announcement." What an incredible admission you have made, Lillydale, as being a full-blown 9/11 Denier with not a clue that NO ONE ever had to depend on an "official announcement" to have already known beforehand that AA77 had crashed into the Pentagon. What an admission that you have no clue that the "government" neither controlled nor ever had the ability to control all of the evidence from the beginning. What an admission that like all 9/11 Deniers, you will blatantly deny every other bit of evidence to push your silly 9/11 denial claims. It's simply incredible that you are blinded so much by your own ignorance and prejudice, as it is with all other 9/11 Denial Movement members.

I know they all got where they are by lying.

Another unsupported claim that you will whine is not a "claim." Gosh.

I know my government is willing to lie to its people because it has in the past and it even lied this time -"because we know where they are (the WMDs) they are in the North South, East, and West of Baghdad."- Rumsfeld

Just like you KNOW no bodies were found at the Pentagon, correct? And if you say it, it must be true, eh? What a hoot! :LOL:

Are you able to put any of this together yet?

On the 10th, no bodies.
On the 11th, a crash.

Since AA77 crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 and nothing happened on 9/10, that's simply amazing! What incredible insight!

I do not know what crashed there but I have seen the evidence, including the coroner's report and crash scene photos as well as statements made by actual verified first responders and not anonymous website quotes. None of this evidence points to any bodies being there other than the victims inside the Pentagon already.

It's pretty clear that you REFUSE to look at the evidence. How many times have I pointed out that you are scared to death to even get the statements from the over 8,000 people - normal Americans, many of whom risked life and limb at the Pentagon, who know more than you or I?

I cannot make it any more simple than that for you. If you still do not get it, you never will and should be wearing a helmet.

I'm a rational person who understand how irrational you are - and continue to want to remain.

If you have evidence to prove me wrong, bring it.

Sorry, dodging isn't going to get you anywhere. You are the one who made the claim that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon." Yet you STILL can't demonstrate how you KNOW that is true.

If you have evidence to back the official story you say does not even exist, bring that and then justify it. If you do not have any evidence to prove my claim wrong, then you need to just shut up.

LOL! You know full well that you can't get out of the fact that the burden of proof remains on your shoulders to refute the evidence that AA77 hit the Pentagon. No manner of ranting, raving, and hand waving is going to get you out of YOUR responsibility. You can't ignore the FACT that YOU have to convince the world that AA77 did not hit the Pentagon - with evidence. No manner of dodging that fact is ever going to get you anywhere.

I gave you all the evidence there is. It does not get any better than that.

So far, you have done nothing. You've just made claims you can't support and tried to shift the burden of proof to me. Remember, we're till waiting for you to demonstrate that "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon." What's taking you so long?

I used logic, history, and the available evidence of the incident.

Logic and history? I've shown how untrue that is. And "available evidence?" You haven't even gotten near it as I clearly have shown. All you want is for us to accept your claims and assertions while avoiding having to deal with the evidence that is available to all of us. You want us to accept your word versus thousands of others who have never contested that AA77 hit the Pentagon. It's amazing that you think you can get away your illusions.

I would love to read the rest of your post and laugh and respond and laugh and get more U2Us about how right and funny I am in responding to you but...

I actually would think you are even funnier that I had thought - if it weren't so sad. You need to learn about logic and critical thinking before you go out into the real world and attempt to sell your fairy tale that there is no evidence that AA77 hit the Pentagon and "there were no passenger bodies found at the Pentagon."

P.S. Don't forget the locations of the passenger bodies from AA77 (blue ovals) found at the Pentagon:

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by jthomas

That is a disinformation website, it is based on the authors “opinions” no wonder you are misinformed about the events of 911, perhaps, you should try picking better research materials to gather your information.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by jthomas

That is a disinformation website, it is based on the authors “opinions” no wonder you are misinformed about the events of 911, perhaps, you should try picking better research materials to gather your information.

Ah, the warmth and comfort of hiding behind your 9/11 Denial to keep out reality and truth, eh, Impressme?

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by jthomas

jthomas shouldn't be allowed to use the words "truth" and "reality" so long as he completely ignores anyone's requests to support his own claims with any kind of sources or references.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by bsbray11


Thomas you should bring forth a better source for your information, you don't realize you are just spreading disinformation.

why do you constantly call anyone who questions the OS delusional and names of that sort?

why do you keep referencing the same site that holds NO clout what-so-ever?

whats your agenda?

really what are you here to prove?

Come on Thomas, SHOW me why the OS is the truth.

Show me why i should take YOU seriously rather then anyone else?

Also why do you hold the truthers on the same plate with the nut-bars that tried to destroy the truth movement? (holographic planes, no plane hit the pentagon, etc.?)

show me some damn answers OLD wise ONE!?

Doesn't mean ONE person that claims something that they all come from the same batch, you are biased, prejudging everyone who questions the OS, and basically anyone who doesn't see it your way. (why do you do this? do you get off on badgering every persons theory regarding 9/11?) you seem to know all the answers, so bring forth the truth Thomas!

if you cant bring CREDIBLE answers to the table, YOU DON'T BELONG ON THIS FORUM!

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 06:52 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by ugie1028
reply to post by bsbray11


So, bsbray is still posting? He was funny.

Thomas you should bring forth a better source for your information, you don't realize you are just spreading disinformation.

So you are just as scared as Lillydale is to refute any of the links to evidence provided? Of course, you are! That's what 9/11 Denial is all about!

why do you constantly call anyone who questions the OS delusional and names of that sort?

So you have to also DENY that Lillydale is making specific claims that she cannot support and claim she is "just asking questions?" How do you possibly think making claims is "just asking questions?" C'mon, out with it.

why do you keep referencing the same site that holds NO clout what-so-ever?

When you finally come down to earth and REFUTE the links to evidence that site provides then you might get somewhere. To sink into 9/11 Denial and pretend there is no evidence is going to get you exactly where? A new investigation?

whats your agenda?

really what are you here to prove?

I don't have to prove anything. I'm just a rational guy who shows you that 9/11 "Truth" is just plain, ordinary DENIAL, and that you so-called 9/11 "Truthers" are completely unable to make any case whatsoever. You are on a fool's errand, deluding yourselves.

Come on Thomas, SHOW me why the OS is the truth.

Refute the evidence. The ball has always been in your court to do that. Show us how you think you are going to accomplish anything. Do you think you can accomplish any goal whatsoever? How?

Show me why i should take YOU seriously rather then anyone else?

Apparently, you STILL don't understand that it is YOU that has to convince the rest of the world. And you actually think you have? You're only going to convince rational people when you can actually provide evidence to refute what you claim didn't happen. You're not going to get another investigation flapping your wings instead of providing evidence. No one in the real world is paying attention to you. And you want to believe you don't KNOW that? Come down to earth, open your eyes. THINK.

Also why do you hold the truthers on the same plate with the nut-bars that tried to destroy the truth movement? (holographic planes, no plane hit the pentagon, etc.?)

See Lillydale's posts and how I have completely torn her arguments apart. If you don't get it by now, you will remain where you've been for the last 8 years - with nothing.

show me some damn answers OLD wise ONE!?

Show us your evidence for your claims, OLD ignorant one. We're tired of waiting after 8 years of asking you for it.

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by jthomas

So you are just as scared as Lillydale is to refute any of the links to evidence provided? Of course, you are! That's what 9/11 Denial is all about!

Scared? That’s your assumption.

So you have to also DENY that Lillydale is making specific claims that she cannot support and claim she is "just asking questions?" How do you possibly think making claims is "just asking questions?" C'mon, out with it.

Again you bring up lillydale, but avoid the question WHY you call ANYONE who denies the OS delusional? You’re the one who seems delusional, your talking to me, why bring up someone elses claims? Did I refer to lillydale specifically? You did, not me. Your just avoiding my question.

When you finally come down to earth and REFUTE the links to evidence that site provides then you might get somewhere. To sink into 9/11 Denial and pretend there is no evidence is going to get you exactly where? A new investigation?

You seem to take it as one big joke, 3000 people died that day, some of them were my friends mothers and fathers, you make me sick! I witnessed everything first hand from my high school that looks directly at the NYC skyline!

I don't have to prove anything. I'm just a rational guy who shows you that 9/11 "Truth" is just plain, ordinary DENIAL, and that you so-called 9/11 "Truthers" are completely unable to make any case whatsoever. You are on a fool's errand, deluding yourselves.

That’s where your wrong, your info on that site has been refuted and shut down constantly on these forums!

Refute the evidence. The ball has always been in your court to do that. Show us how you think you are going to accomplish anything. Do you think you can accomplish any goal whatsoever? How?

Look at the answer above!

Apparently, you STILL don't understand that it is YOU that has to convince the rest of the world. And you actually think you have? You're only going to convince rational people when you can actually provide evidence to refute what you claim didn't happen. You're not going to get another investigation flapping your wings instead of providing evidence. No one in the real world is paying attention to you. And you want to believe you don't KNOW that? Come down to earth, open your eyes. THINK.

Your obviously paying attention to me and these forums… what makes you think people actually take you seriously? you seem so high of yourself. your starting to sound like a narcissist!

See Lillydale's posts and how I have completely torn her arguments apart. If you don't get it by now, you will remain where you've been for the last 8 years - with nothing.

What ive seen is you shoot the same evidence placed on a site that’s the opinion of the author… NOT FACT! Again, you bring up lillydale, dancing around my questions again are we?

Show us your evidence for your claims, OLD ignorant one. We're tired of waiting after 8 years of asking you for it.

I am not the one who holds all the answers, it has to be re-investigated. You keep on shoving this same BS in all the threads here in the 9/11 forum, but yet YOUR sources have YET to be proven. Remember it’s the opinion of the author, and not scientific fact!

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by jthomas

I don't have to prove anything.

Neither do we!

So you are just as scared as Lillydale is to refute any of the links to evidence provided? Of course, you are! That's what 9/11 Denial is all about!

Both have provided you proof over, and over, and over, and over, ….. and all you have done is ignored the proof. You refuse to even talk about the creditable evidences because it PUNCHES a huge hole in your OS fairytale furthermore, it is you who is in denial, not the Truth community. We are seeking truthful answers into what happened on 911, which means we have been examining ALL avenues of information no matter how ridiculous it looks. Dose that look like we the people in the Truth movement are in a “denial movement”, I think not! Most of us seeking the truth, do not support space beams, hologram, hygiene bombs, or space aliens, doing 911, so please stop comparing all Truthers in that category.

9/11 "Truthers" are completely unable to make any case whatsoever. You are on a fool's errand, deluding yourselves.

That is completely false! LOL,You are only deluding yourself at this point

So you have to also DENY that Lillydale is making specific claims that she cannot support and claim she is "just asking questions?" How do you possibly think making claims is "just asking questions?" C'mon, out with it.

What claims has she made that she cannot support? You on the other hand have made claims all the times that you cannot support, do you agree? Lillydale, has ask you dozens of questions and you refuse to answer any of them. You ignore every question that she has ask you related to the truth of 911, don’t you agree? If not show me where you have answered a 911 truth question to Lillydale truthfully with credible sources and internet links.

Come on Thomas, SHOW me why the OS is the truth.

Refute the evidence. The ball has always been in your court to do that. Show us how you think you are going to accomplish anything. Do you think you can accomplish any goal whatsoever? How?

How about answering the question instead of making excuses. I have asked you the same question myself and you have NEVER answered it. Come on, I really would like to know why you defend the OS like a Religion.

Apparently, you STILL don't understand that it is YOU that has to convince the rest of the world. And you actually think you have? You're only going to convince rational people when you can actually provide evidence to refute what you claim didn't happen. You're not going to get another investigation flapping your wings instead of providing evidence. No one in the real world is paying attention to you. And you want to believe you don't KNOW that? Come down to earth, open your eyes. THINK.

Apparently She got your attention! LOL

See Lillydale's posts and how I have completely torn her arguments apart. If you don't get it by now, you will remain where you've been for the last 8 years - with nothing.

I have not seen you tear anything apart that she has posted. If you feel you have, then please demonstrate where you have?

Show us your evidence for your claims, OLD ignorant one. We're tired of waiting after 8 years of asking you for it.

Asking for what???

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