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When Did You Choose To Be Straight?

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posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Ghost147

... that is the exact-same-thing, just said fancier... how do you not see this?

I don't view this as choice. It was a reaction to a need.
Did you think - "should I choose to grab my wallet"?
But - I understand what you are saying.
And - I understand that the definition of choice -
and whether this is a conscious behavior or not - could be the real issue here.

You are very correct, you didnt choose to to fail at trying to be doctor, you were incabable.

Please promise me you will never speak to your children in this way.
You will harm them. : )

I didn't fail at being a doctor. I am likely capable (although I would not enjoy it - as it would be going against my nature). I know myself. It was "natural" for me to be an artist. It was not natural for me to be a doctor. Just like it is natural for me to like grapes more than apples. I am not "choosing" to like grapes more than apples. I just do.

Wrong again, nothing chose anything, that person was simply born with a deficiency. Everything can have an effect, but everything doesn't need a reason.

This is about the 6 toes issue.
You are correct - nature "probably" did not make a
"conscious" choice to give this person 6 toes.
But nature DID dictate and create it. And by definition of nature -
then it would be natural for that person to be born with 6 toes.
Which means it was not error.
There was a reason this person was born with 6 toes.
Although it would not be the norm.

The thing you fail to do is give proof that anything that you are claiming as choice is actually choice, so please, humor us all by giving hard physical evidence that what your speculations are is truth.

I am confused by this statement.
It might very well be my naturally incapable brain.
I don't have proof. However speculation is not truth.

speculate |ˈspekyəˌlāt|
verb [ intrans. ]
1 form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence :

I believe that our nature dictates much more than we would like to believe it does.
I believe that we don't know ourselves and this is why we cannot detect the choices that have already been made for us.
I propose that all we are searching to "be"
is already inside of us -
And if we listened better we would be a different species-
and "gay" people are actually some of whom ARE listening.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by spinkyboo]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
Ok... nice stories and all but... can you people now stop trying to convert others to your side or acting like that gay-thing is something natural please? Because its NOT. It will NEVER BE. Its not normal. Deal with it. I'm not saying I hate gays and they should be all shot or anything, I'm just saying its not something "natural" like you all want the world to face it. Stop trying to impose gayness to normal ppl (not even counting the 90% of you that actually enjoy being a ON-YOUR-FACE gay with all that gay pride crap and kissing and smootching and provoking normal ppl just because you like to shock others).

I don't think anyone who makes the argument of "it's not natural!" knows what the word NATURE means.

There are many definitions of it on the web, but this describes it the best:

"the universe, with all its phenomena."

Yes, animals and humans are part of that. Anything that happens on Earth or anywhere else in the Universe is considered nature, hence it is NATURAL.

The only thing that is NOT natural are things that don't exist in this universe.

You are judging nature, which you are free to do so. However, calling nature unnatural is just a substitute for saying "I have no real argument so I will say nonsensical things."

By the way, you are showing strong signs of homophobia with your prejudice and made-up statistics(90% huh?). Being a heterosexual, I think we are all at least a little uncomfortable with homosexual scenery in public and in movies, but most of us are tolerant. You are not. You should know that studies have shown homophobia is a result of latent homosexuality.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by GeeGee]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by DantesLost

When did you choose to learn math, learn to run, learn to swim or any
other of the myriad of things we learn in life? Nothing magic about sex.
Once you learn something it becomes a part of you. Can you forget how
to add two plus two? If TPTB said it was 5 could you conform?

Beaver and Violet were sitting in a tree. Larry and friends were below
pointing, snickering and making mean remarks because Beaver had a
female friend. Might they be saying "oh thats so straight" or "thats dirty,
she has cooties" due to their own sexual immaturity? Is this not the same
behavior demonstrated by adults today who have not fully explored their
own sexuality towards those who have.

If you dont sample both genders in your lifetime then you are missing
half of the lesson life is offering. Thats just math...

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:46 PM
I never even thought about being gay. I always thought that gay people were weird and i didn't want to be one.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy

I love women. I love every thing about them. I love the way they smell, I love the way they feel, I love the way they make me feel...If God created anything better he kept if for himself.

you mean non-overweight no cellulite healthy women that have showered and cleansed themselves, and put on perfume, don't flattuate in front of you, have all their teeth, no communicable diseases... etc.. right?

you mean that's type of woman that you love right?
it's the kind i like.

but it's a minority i hope you know.

because I don't like the way overweight unhealthy acne ridden halitosis laden std-ridden women smell.

I hope you don't.

just saying.

maybe some (not all) gay people grew up around overweight halitosis laden acne covered cellulite wearin' std carryin toothless women. (a majority in some parts)...
and they were never given the chance to be around the clean, healthy, toothed , perfumed types... and the only thing they found attractive were healthy men?... no imprint made by the minority of healthy nice-smelling women... you know.. the type you (i assume() and I love so much.


posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by MilitieTempliSalmo
Ok... nice stories and all but... can you people now stop trying to convert others to your side or acting like that gay-thing is something natural please? Because its NOT. It will NEVER BE. Its not normal. Deal with it. I'm not saying I hate gays and they should be all shot or anything, I'm just saying its not something "natural" like you all want the world to face it. Stop trying to impose gayness to normal ppl (not even counting the 90% of you that actually enjoy being a ON-YOUR-FACE gay with all that gay pride crap and kissing and smootching and provoking normal ppl just because you like to shock others).

could you get this "unnatural" dog off my leg?
it's from a different universe because it's unnatural and anythign that doesn't go along with our natural rules means they're not part of nature which means they're from a different universe.

so could you please get this unnatural alien non-universal dog off my leg? it's humping my leg. i'm a guy. it's not from this universe.

it aint nay-tu-ral dag nabbit!


posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:53 PM
I do belive this prove it`s not a choice

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:53 PM
There are 3 different types of gays that I have seen (I'm in the gay hub of the world, SF bay area)

1) Truely gay. They do not care about telling everyone they are gay, and they do not introduce themsleves as "Hi, I'm Larry, I'm GAY". They are gay, they are comfortable, they are very nice people.

2) Flamer gay. These are the parade people, radicals, haters, etc. They will post names of individuals and businesses that supported prop 8, hurt anyone in their way, and will even try to make you feel abnormal for NOT being gay.

3) Trendy gay. They are socially challenged individuals that cling to any group that will accept them. If it wasn't the gay community, it could have just as easily been a church, a radical group, a Jim Jones scenario, or anything that made them feel loved and accepted.

Please, feel free to add to the list if you feel I've missed anything. Group one is harmless, group two is where all the problems are, and group three, as long as they don't get suckered into group two, will eventually grow up and go back to a normal lifestyle. I have witnessed this more times than I care to discuss.

All this behavior stems from lack of discipline, in the home, in school, and in our society (except for group 1). The proof of this statement is prop 8. They will not except rules. Right now they are like "terrible twos" where the child is just learning the word "no".

In short, yes, people DO choose. I chose normality and pro-creation from day one. It was a no brainer for me.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by archetype_one

My question is this: If you are bi identified and able to be satisfied by both/either gender do you still hold a preference for one over the other, or is your attraction indeed equal?

Yes, usually there is a preference. I think in most cases of bisexuality in men, the preference is for woman and for women the reverse is true. But with that said, it's my opinion that bisexuals naturally have rather flexible and dynamic sexualities prone to sway in our interests. That's my experience of it anyway.

It's also typical for bisexual men to like effeminate females and effeminate males. In this way usually masculinity is a turn off. Again the reverse is usually true for bisexual women.

The thing to remember is that the three terms; Heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual, are abit ambiguous because they are being applied to a spectrum. There are multitudes of variants between the extremes of exclusively heterosexual and homosexual.

You self identify as gay but have obviously been with a woman, so you are not exclusively homosexual but you will still be closer to homosexual than true bisexual.

[edit on 27/12/2008 by Good Wolf]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:33 PM
I choose to be straight from birth. I've always been attracted to girls and really i've been with girls since I was maybe 4 or 5 nonstop, it doesn't make me a girly man but a respectable gentlemen i'd rather say and im proud to be a straight man. I've worked with a few gay individuals and they're not bad people, they're just confused or really do have a turn on for other men, so weird, lol

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt
There are 3 different types of gays that I have seen (I'm in the gay hub of the world, SF bay area)

There are 3 different types of heterosexuals that I have seen. (I am in the human hub of the world -)

1) Truely gay. They do not care about telling everyone they are gay, and they do not introduce themsleves as "Hi, I'm Larry, I'm GAY". They are gay, they are comfortable, they are very nice people.

1.) Truly hetero. They do not care that people notice they are hetero. They introduce themselves as hi, I am Mr and Mrs smith - I have 3 children and 2 cars. They are very nice people.

2) Flamer gay. These are the parade people, radicals, haters, etc. They will post names of individuals and businesses that supported prop 8, hurt anyone in their way, and will even try to make you feel abnormal for NOT being gay.

2) Eccentric hetero. These are people who go out and party - who dress for Halloween. They can be radical right wingers or left wingers or religions who believe that they have the answer and have the right to speak out for what they believe - because god or their political party told them so.
They will hurt anyone. They don't think that anyone should have the same rights as they do. They will even try to make you feel abnormal for not being a hetero.

3) Trendy gay. They are socially challenged individuals that cling to any group that will accept them. If it wasn't the gay community, it could have just as easily been a church, a radical group, a Jim Jones scenario, or anything that made them feel loved and accepted.

3) Trendy hetero. They are socially challenged individuals that cling to any group that will accept them. If it wasn't the hetero community, it could have just as easily been a church, a radical group, a Jim Jones scenario, or anything that made them feel loved and accepted.

All this behavior stems from lack of discipline, in the home, in school, and in our society (except for group 1). The proof of this statement is prop 8. They will not except rules. Right now they are like "terrible twos" where the child is just learning the word "no".

OH my.

In short, yes, people DO choose. I chose normality and pro-creation from day one. It was a no brainer for me.

It was a no brainer -
because you didn't have to think about it -
because it was not your choice.

[edit on 27-12-2008 by spinkyboo]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 08:29 PM
I see what you did there in the thread titlke, pretty sneaky.

Seriously though....

Imo, Humans are born straight, all of them. Maybe not females, I'm still on the fence. I have this lingering theory that most, not all females have the urge to be bi-sexual, especially given the right circumstances. Just my 33 years of life experience talking.

Gays on the other hand (men) "choose to be gay", it's usually due to upbringing, rebelling against thier straight religious parents (theres a big one), confusion, psychological problems, curiosity, no luck with the opposite sex, no desire for sex, whatever the reason might be.

There's tons of reasons why gays choose to be gay.

I'm sure a person can be programmed at such an earlier age to turn out gay that they believe they were born that way. But it's usually a boy with 4 sisters, and only dolls to plat with, and dress up games, from the age of 3-6. Just cause you can't remember what made you gay, doesn't mean you were born that way.

I have nothing against gays. I have a gay uncle, whom by coincidence was raised in a house with 5 sisters, and a mean Drunk Father.

But he's a great person, so is his mate.

I'm just of the opinion that people choose to be gay, then again, with all the advances in genetics, I could be proven wrong, I may have been proven wrong already, it's not really something I spend time reading up on.

These are just personal life experiences, that I've seen all the kids in school who came out of the closet around 14-16, all had mny home/family issues that were very similiar, that I'm going on.

In Closing

But yea be gay if that makes you happy, more power to you. But for your own safety, and keeping others in mind, try to be discrete. As long as your haveing fun, and it's legal, and it's not bothering me, hey, Go for it people!

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by jisujaaljo
I do belive this prove it`s not a choice

Yes sheep physcology, great to use as a comparison to humans.

I bet 70% of those "gay sheep" were just in heat, saw a hole and, oops.

So no, I don't believe an animals behavior with an IQ of .001, has anything to do with "PROOF" Humans are born gay.

Tune in to next weeks show where we examine the praying mantis, and question if it's morally ok for a pregnant wife to butchers her husband and eat him, so her embyo gets good solid protiens while in the womb.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Nola213

Considering the neurologically and chemically a gay man's brain reacts similar to a strait woman's brain in the presence of attractive men, it pretty much rules out the idea that it is a choice. The brain 'hard-wires' itself in infancy, as a response to a particular cocktail of biological chemicals.

It's believed that everyone starts out with an innate bisexuality until they become sexually dimorphic in the womb.

And what are these "loads" of reasons to choose to be gay anyway because I can't think of any other than "because I am gay" (I'm not btw)? What's more, when is that decision made?

The study of human sexuality that has been done over the last few decades (go look up wikipedia) suggests that our sexualities are set from birth, and that environmental conditions (apart from trauma) have little to no effect on our sexualities.

Yes sheep physcology, great to use as a comparison to humans.

I bet 70% of those "gay sheep" were just in heat, saw a hole and, oops.

So no, I don't believe an animals behavior with an IQ of .001, has anything to do with "PROOF" Humans are born gay.

If it is from birth in sheep then it makes sense that the same mechanisms work in other mammals too. Which makes sense as you'll see similar presences of homosexuality throughout the animal kingdom.

[edit on 27/12/2008 by Good Wolf]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 09:56 PM
I never actively chose to be attracted to men, I just was. I however would not be so conceited to think that I know why or how someone is whatever they are, sexually speaking.

I don't know how or why it works just as I would wager a guess that most people don't either, they only think they do. I think we have opinions that are based on personal or religious teachings that make us believe we actually know whats going on. I have a feeling that somewhere in the universe god is either rolling their eyes at all of us or at very least getting a good laugh. I don't think anyone really knows, but it sure seems like a lot of people are certain they do.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Good Wolf
reply to post by archetype_one

My question is this: If you are bi identified and able to be satisfied by both/either gender do you still hold a preference for one over the other, or is your attraction indeed equal?

Yes, usually there is a preference. I think in most cases of bisexuality in men, the preference is for woman and for women the reverse is true. But with that said, it's my opinion that bisexuals naturally have rather flexible and dynamic sexualities prone to sway in our interests. That's my experience of it anyway.

It's also typical for bisexual men to like effeminate females and effeminate males. In this way usually masculinity is a turn off. Again the reverse is usually true for bisexual women.

The thing to remember is that the three terms; Heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual, are abit ambiguous because they are being applied to a spectrum. There are multitudes of variants between the extremes of exclusively heterosexual and homosexual.

You self identify as gay but have obviously been with a woman, so you are not exclusively homosexual but you will still be closer to homosexual than true bisexual.

[edit on 27/12/2008 by Good Wolf]

Thanks for the insightful response Good Wolf - I know that those who consider themselves bisexual also have a valid perspective.

I have seen a few posts that seem to indicate a sort of "domino affect" happening. The poster concedes to homosexuality but then turns and transfers their old beliefs about homosexuality on down to bisexuals. When this happens the cycle just repeats itself for yet another minority group and I think that's very unfortunate.

Even though I go around describing myself as "gay identified" I think it would behoove us to refer back the old Kinsley Scale or something similar.

I agree with you on the idea of sexuality being a spectrum. We really need to find a better way to classify ourselves as a whole. As this thread can attest we are all individuals with a myriad of life experiences. It doesn't seem right to try to fit everyone into 1 of 3 options - homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual. Even though I was, at one time, capable of being with a woman if you asked me to go there now I would cringe!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you attested in an earlier post that you only just recognized your bisexuality in the last few months. So there there must be a scale of sexual awareness/attraction that we all slide up and down throughout our lives.

Yes, I want my relationship with my partner to be validated, but certainly not at the expense of bisexuals or any other group!

We should all unify our beliefs and coin a new term (or make an old term new again) and give everyone the freedom to slide up and down the scale of sexual expression as they see fit!

[edit on 27-12-2008 by archetype_one]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:43 PM

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Nola213
I see what you did there in the thread titlke, pretty sneaky.

Seriously though....

Imo, Humans are born straight, all of them. Maybe not females, I'm still on the fence. I have this lingering theory that most, not all females have the urge to be bi-sexual, especially given the right circumstances. Just my 33 years of life experience talking.

Gays on the other hand (men) "choose to be gay", it's usually due to upbringing, rebelling against thier straight religious parents (theres a big one), confusion, psychological problems, curiosity, no luck with the opposite sex, no desire for sex, whatever the reason might be.

There's tons of reasons why gays choose to be gay.

I'm sure a person can be programmed at such an earlier age to turn out gay that they believe they were born that way. But it's usually a boy with 4 sisters, and only dolls to plat with, and dress up games, from the age of 3-6. Just cause you can't remember what made you gay, doesn't mean you were born that way.

I have nothing against gays. I have a gay uncle, whom by coincidence was raised in a house with 5 sisters, and a mean Drunk Father.

But he's a great person, so is his mate.

I'm just of the opinion that people choose to be gay, then again, with all the advances in genetics, I could be proven wrong, I may have been proven wrong already, it's not really something I spend time reading up on.

These are just personal life experiences, that I've seen all the kids in school who came out of the closet around 14-16, all had mny home/family issues that were very similiar, that I'm going on.

In Closing

But yea be gay if that makes you happy, more power to you. But for your own safety, and keeping others in mind, try to be discrete. As long as your haveing fun, and it's legal, and it's not bothering me, hey, Go for it people!

While I appreciate your acceptance of homosexuals - Does it not mean anything to you that seemingly EVERY gay/lesbian person who has posted here attests to the contrary! Even most heterosexuals in this thread attest that they didn't "choose" to be straight. Your perspective is typical - People get stuck in their mindset and refuse to budge even when presented with proof - correction, not just proof but first-hand-accounts from eye witnesses!

Furthermore, I have 4 brothers and 1 sister. I never played with Barbies and didn't make a habit of dressing in girls clothes.

I do remember having a crush on our paper-boy, I even remember his name, Tom. I was between 2 and 4 when he was delivering to our house. If our sexuality is affected by nurture alone it sure has a small window of opportunity to take affect - Whoever "turned" me gay then would have had to have done it between birth and 2 years!

[edit on 27-12-2008 by archetype_one]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by archetype_one

Even though I go around describing myself as "gay identified" I think it would behoove us to refer back the old Kinsley Scale or something similar.

Yes I mentioned that scale in an earlier post. When I came out to my friends, it was handy to have it to help to explain to them how I 'worked'.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you attested in an earlier post that you only just recognized your bisexuality in the last few months. So there there must be a scale of sexual awareness/attraction that we all slide up and down throughout our lives.

Well I knew what I was for years but I refused to identify as bi even to myself. However, since doing so it's really changed me in a lot of ways, but one in particular is that previously I would consider myself about a 4.5 and now a 3ish. So if anything I've learnt how subject to change it is. But I don't think that's typical, I think people at the ends of the scale, 0's and 6's are sure to be really stable.

[edit on 27/12/2008 by Good Wolf]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Good Wolf

Sorry, I must have overlooked your previous post about the scale. That's awesome though, I'm glad we share the idea that there is a spectrum!

I do know some very stable "gold stars" too, as we affectionately call them. People who reside in the far extremes of the scale. We have a very close lesbian friend back home who has NEVER had a sexual encounter with a man and she has been with her wife for 15 years! Likewise there are many heterosexuals who have NEVER had a homosexual experience and many who have but are still "straight identified"...

The more I try to defend homosexuality the more I realize that asking to be validated, in some ways, is also just asking to be put in a box and labeled and by doing so I am putting everyone else in their little boxes and labeling them as well - Is this really progress?

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