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Just got off the phone with President Obama .... He wants your opinion

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:28 PM
I'm from Canada but I do follow U.S. politics pretty closely.

1) Obama you were in bed with the bankers, never before were so many wallstreet guys in power
2) Obama you were suppose to bring peace, you let the insane military industrial complex do its bidding in foreign lands.
3) Obama you promised change, I was one of those people who was inspired and thought yea heck maybe this guy is an enlightened leader and is actually going to start doing # instead of enforcing the status quo.
4) You lied to the American voters about what you were going to do if you got elected, in other words you made all the same moves that people hate politicians for.

Advice: Stop acting like a god damn puppet and listen to people like Ron Paul that man is a #ing genius. If I lived in the States I would put everything I have behind that guy, he represents hope that there are REAL politicians out there.

End foreign wars.
Transform the military industrial complex into a global environmental clean up crew / disaster response team... GOD KNOWS WE NEED IT.
End the FED. Plain and simple not going to elaborate on this one.
Restore the constitution your American forefathers spilled their blood for.

Want to impress people? Start making actual changes, the phrase "change" is just a buzz word now that means nothing.

Your ship is sinking, time to go down with the ship.
edit on 6-4-2011 by thedayafterroswell because: typo

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Originally posted by slowisfast
reply to post by Nephi1337

Jesse Ventura, Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

I would vote for Jesse Ventura for President and Donald Trump for VP!!!!! 2012 ALL THE WAY. Its the only way to save this nation.

You make me want to shoot myself in the face.

Seriously? *facepalm*

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:30 PM
Well I just finished talking to the Pope. He's not all that well you know but his aides won't say anything yet!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Quit pussyfooting around the core issue and ask him whether he has been selected (by his corporate puppet masters) to serve another term. If he hasn't why bother talking to him.

One party, two heads, no actual power. It is simply American Idol..."elections" are for those that don't succumb to the usual bread & circuses.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Sparky63
I don't really know what happened about the thread. But I was not the only one in on that call. There is another ATS member in the first of this thread that was on that call also. I thought this was a good a place as any to findout what kind of changes people want to see in their government and their opinions and complaints. Most of the members have made a lot of valid points and some real serious things that need to be changed. The people on ATS are very much if not more involved in the subject of politics and have made very intelligent points. Look at what the ATS members did about the gas well fracking in Arkansas. If it hadn't been for the people on ATS pushing the issue gas companies would still be pumping poision water back into the ground. And the earthquakes have slowed down to a great degree compaired to what they were, of course a lot of damage has already been done. So the people on ATS are a strong voice that can make a difference.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

Your question has been answered many times in this thread. End the wars, torture, close gitmo, end the patriot act, the TSA, defund homeland security, stop bailouts, give detainees the right of habeas corpus, etc etc.

The President has not reversed the Bush policies he campaigned against. In some cases he expanded Bush policy, war, DHS, TSA powers. Yes there are people who don't like him cause he is black but there are a lot more who don't like the job he is doing.
The healthcare was a baby step in the right direction. I personally would like to see a single payer system.

Obama also proposed cutting programs that help poor people and a lot of those people happen to be urban blacks. Cutting funding for heat subsidies and urban organizers. The color of his skin has nothing to do with the policies he is supporting.

Joe Lieberman has moved to the right in the past 10 years and I disagree with a lot that he says, would you say I'm anti-semetic?

I didn't like GWB as a president and Clinton had some bad policies as well, does that make me hate whites?

I voted for Obama in 2008 and unless he changes course I will not vote for him in 2012.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:40 PM
I love how everyone on this site likes to throw the socialism card like its the worst thing since WWII, capitalism for the win, I mean isn't that what promotes falsehoods in leaders and bankers because its profit? After all, in this system, it's Social Darwinism. Only the strong survive and that's by #ing the masses.

I am not saying socialism is the answer however, you are going to get corruption in any form of government. The reason we can't band together and actually do something about this corrupted government is because people are fighting over which side is better or worse.

Capitalism favors corporations thats the name of the game.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
A question here. Are Political Parties and Politicians allowed to campaign on ATS under the T&C?

I truly hope not. This place will turn into the Daily Kos and that would suck big time. In my humble opinion of course. Just debating politics is heated enough without actually allowing them to run a backdoor campaign. The OP claims to represent Obama.

Mod's, Owners???? Is this a precedent you want to set. Being a platform for Politicians to campaign from that is?
edit on 4/6/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

How is this campaigning? The OP detailed his/her own experience and disappointments, reported about the call and asked for input.

Originally posted by coolottie
President Obama asked that we go out among the people of America, and get their concerns, questions and complaints, at the price of gas I can't afford a trip out of state. Dish it out ATS, I will have it all transcribed, and sent. I promise you that it will be sent directly to President Obama. You here at ATS cover the truth and do try to get at the truth, Even before I joined I always came here to find the news, because ATS members question everything. For or Against Obama doesn't matter.

There's not too much in this thread Obama can spin or use in a sound bite. If the OP does have it transcribed and sent, Obama might have to pick up smoking again.

edit on 6/4/2011 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by The dragon is taking over

Well, there needs to be a balance of both. I can't even tell you how many people I know live off cash assistance checks, and food stamps. They are perfectly capable of working, but why would they (besides not wanting to feel like a leach)? They get on the social assistance teat, and they sit around on facebook all day. It makes me sick that I work hard, and pay taxes, and they sit on their asses and get that tax money. We work to support a bunch of lazy beggars. But of course, there are some people who do need it due to illness, or whatever. But there needs to be more scrutiny of people receiving assitance. At the same time, unchecked capitalism leaves the door open for the people with the most money to call all the shots, so that they get even more money while hard working people in the middle get screwed from both ends.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by leemachino
"The healthcare was a baby step in the right direction. I personally would like to see a single payer system."

I agree with this a million percent. Obama, don't listen to those who yell we need to take the health insurance/care status -- back -- to where it was. Extremely ill innocent citizens were having the rug pulled out from under them by these soulless greedy psychopath insurance companies. May they be buried with their profits.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555
I respect your concerns, but the whole idea of ATS is to voice our opinions and theories, and complanints. In my post of this thread, myself I voiced my pros and cons, right now I probably have more cons, since we went into Lybia and spent $1 billion in one week we don't have to spend. My only two grandchildern are in the military and if we can't win against a few old guys in caves we don't need to go to war at all. To say we can't discuss our feelings about the present Administration, is an infringement of our rights to free speech. It is those rights that most of the people on ATS are concerned about loosing our Rights and Constitution. I am sorry it bothers you and if you do not want to participate in this thread I respect your freedom not to.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by 27jd

The Government forces people to use welfare and other social programs, that's the way they like it, they like knowing that people are dependent upon them. In a Capitalist society there should be massive competition, equaling lots of job opportunities.

Unfortunately this isn't what we see in America, our Government continually helps corporations pass regulations and laws that crush, most, if not all of their competition. More jobs, less welfare, etc. Ignore their stupid rules and regulations, go out a create some jobs!
edit on 6-4-2011 by Rockdisjoint because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:16 PM
Please people, don't fall for this "hope/change" scam again. To see what obama really cares about look no further than the current budget "negotiations". The left didn't even pass a budget while having control of Congress and the White house. This was put off so that the dems could try to maintain their power, Thankfully only a slim minority still believe the left gives a damn about their well being. Now adding insult to injury these same dems are trying to blame the other side for something that is 100% their fault. However, like I stated above American citizens see through their lies, and will punish them next election.

The 2012 election for POTUS will be a replay of Reagan vs. carter. Like carter the only position obama will be elected to is the worst President in the history of our nation. Thankfully after the mid-terms last November we have grown-ups in congress that are halting the spending party while cleaning up the mess that was obama.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Mr. President,

Here is the Solution below to solving our Fiscal situation in this country. The Monetary Reform Act goes into alot more detail and specifics on the link below.

The explanation below is a short 4 paragraph explanation.


By the way this is NOT a Gold backed currency.

Monetary Reform Act - A Summary (in four paragraphs) This proposed law would require banks to increase their reserves on deposits from the current 10%, to 100%, over a one-year period. This would abolish fractional reserve banking (i.e., money creation by private banks) which depends upon fractional (i.e., partial) reserve lending. To provide the funds for this reserve increase, the US Treasury Department would be authorized to issue new United States Notes (and/or US Note accounts) sufficient in quantity to pay off the entire national debt (and replace all Federal Reserve Notes).

The funds required to pay off the national debt are always closely equivalent to the amount of money the banks have created by engaging in fractional lending because the Fed creates 10% of the money the government needs to finance deficit spending (and uses that newly created money to buy US bonds on the open market), then the banks create the other 90% as loans (as is explained on our FAQ page). Thus the national debt closely tracks the combined total of US Treasury debt held by the Fed (10%) and the amount of money created by private banks (90%).

Because this two-part action (increasing bank reserves to 100% and paying off the entire national debt) adds no net increase to the money supply (the two actions cancel each other in net effect on the money supply), it would cause neither inflation nor deflation, but would result in monetary stability and the end of the boom-bust pattern of US economic activity caused by our current, inherently unstable system. Thus our entire national debt would be extinguished – thereby dramatically reducing or entirely eliminating the US budget deficit and the need for taxes to pay the $400+ billion interest per year on the national debt - and our economic system would be stabilized, while ending the terrible injustice of private banks being allowed to create over 90% of our money as loans on which they charge us interest.

Wealth would cease to be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands as a result of private bank money creation. Thereafter, apart from a regular 3% annual increase (roughly matching population growth), only Congress would have the power to authorize changes in the US money supply - for public use -not private banks increasing only private bankers' wealth.
edit on 6-4-2011 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2011 by Brassmonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by samhouston1886
reply to post by coolottie

I was on the call too. he said get involved and I plan to, not for nothing but the GOP is just disgusting, only thing worse than they are would be their followers.

Even though I did not vote for President Obama, I had great hope for that man, instead he has proven everything I hate about liberals.

ALL LIBERALS are liars, cheats, and absolutely worthless human beings, They are such worthless pieces of filth that they need to be Hitlerized from our planet. Everything, and I do mean everything that is wrong with this world is liberal/Progressive, or whatever new term communist are using today to disguise their sickness, fault.

Now, in truth, if you really wanted to have a discussion where people honestly communicate what each of us believes is wrong with this country, you wouldn’t have started this thread by calling all conservatives disgusting. Which is exactly what you did with your above quoted statement. Which demands this entire thread is completely fake. With that being how this thread was started, to even attempt to respond/discuss anything with you ...means I do not have any pride in my core beliefs. So I figured I would return the favor, and bounce that disgusting ball back into your court. Hitlerized... I wonder if I just coined a new word.

In short, if you want to have an honest discussion with what Americans think is wrong, place your stupid hatred on a rack, and grow the hell up, and then come back with an honest question... even if you don‘t agree with me, I, and all of us who are Americans… ARE AMERICANS... and we are all in this together. Because right now you seem like a worthless shill attempting to do nothing while pretending you're trying something. I personally find it disgusting, which is why I found the most disgusting "word" I could think of to match your level textual hatred.

If you would like to start another thread with an honest attempt to start open communications with Americans of all walks of life/political beliefs, regarding what each of us believes is wrong with our country, and how we Americans can fix those wrongs… then fine... however, out side of this post to your horrifically offensive statement, I have no intention of coming back. So flame away as I and my fellow disgusting followers plan a Hitler style final solution, because the phrase… Obama Care… just doesn't have the final solution connotation we disgusting conservative find appealing, even though that is exactly what Americans recognize you liberal/progressive communist are trying to do to our elderly and chronically ill .

You see you're not the only one who can condemn all while pretending you're listening. What a fake joke this entire thread is.

--Charles Marcello
edit on 7-4-2011 by littlebunny because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by coolottie
Yeah, right! And if pigs had wings they could fly. Obama made some promises when he was running for office that he still hasn't followed up on. Like getting us out of Afghanistan and Iraq, closing down Gitmo and bringing new jobs to the economy just to name a few. And let's not forget him saying just recently that he would do something about the gasoline prices (but I guess that got lost in the excitement of Libya). He's just another politician, bought and paid for by big business or tptb if you prefer.

edit on 6-4-2011 by yrwehere1 because: typos

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by MrFake

why must it be the lesser of 2 evils? we shouldnt vote for either major party and vote for anyone elsesay ron paul

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by loveguy
This guy thinks an existing political party is the answer?

The answer is to start doing things backwards from a certain point; where there was a fork in the road and the driver took the wrong turn. That driver was LBJ IMHO.

Exactly look at what "The Great Society" has brought us. Financial ruin and the dumbing down of the American School System, which at the time was the model of the free world. Yea Great Society alright.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:06 PM
I won't vote for Obama in 2012. I'm so sick of the perpetually lying politicians making false promises for "change" and Americans falling for it. It seems like the only thing you need, to have a chance at being president now'a days, is being a good liar. I say, no - not anymore, and other Americans are starting to open their eyes too, and I hope the rest of America will soon do the same.
I still have hope. if Obama gets a second term, I'll have little to no hope. I think our best chance for America to get back on track is Ron Paul.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by littlebunny
I don't see your point about the comment someone posts as a reply. What part of this thread is it that you think is fake? I am a 64 year old grandmother, I am not some kid trying to fool anyone or would make a hoax about this serious. I have served this country most of my life, my children and grandchildern are serving this country right now. My little granddaughter is a paratrooper, my grandson a Marine. My daughter was in the Army, and my father a POW. My daughter and son-inlaw work on an Army Base now. I can't even tell you what I have done personally. I take this thread as serious as H#$% and if you don't like it then why even bother to post on here. Of course this is how threads are derailed and get pushed down into the black hole and evidentily that is your intention. I don't mind someone disagreeing or even a debate, that is why I came on ATS to have some intelligent convesations with intelligent people. But we need to treat each other with respect.

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