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Water Fluoridation will NOT kill you.

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posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:21 PM
Your right I'll drop it have a great night... Your a self contradictor that needs to ban banned from ATS for your lack of intelligence.. Have a blessed night

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:23 PM

reply to post by AmenStop

Couple of important things to note here:

What exactly do you think I am confusing what with what?

The treated hydrogen fluoride is neutralized in to its sodium salt, sodium fluoride.

Neutralized, as in, made safe. Made for water fluoridation. If it was a waste product, it would not be further refined/purified.

lol... your killing me, my sides are splitting. your logic is so flawed. Yes the Hydrogen Fluoride (gas) is neutralized from its gas form into the solid salt structure. It doesnt mean that now the poison is safe, it means you wont breath it because its trapped in salt that they can then pour into the water supply to tame the masses, instead of having to pay a waste disposal company to pick up the toxic mess.

The leading health professors of the time labeled fluoride as a poison which had a damaging effect on human health.

In raw water at high concentrations it sure was and continues to be. At lower doses it is shown to be beneficial to dental hygiene.....Fluoride builds up over time, please do some actual research and not just follow your script.

Because of the damage caused by fluoride in the 1930s, the government was actually trying to remove it from the water because it was seen as a dangerous and harmful chemical.

They do still remove it to lower it down to acceptable levels. That is why there are MAC's.

There are no acceptable levels of Sodium Fluoride in the human body... calcium fluoride is OK. One ion is not the same as the other, nice try though.

Answers are in the quote. lol

Thanks, although you are one of the good ones, its still easy to spot a paid shill
edit on 5-12-2013 by AmenStop because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:25 PM

Your right I'll drop it have a great night... Your a self contradictor that needs to ban banned from ATS for your lack of intelligence.. Have a blessed night

Still nothing to show me that I am what you claim? Alright, have a good night young one.
No harm no foul.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Your right fluoride won't kill you I see the great effect on you ,your coming back with attacks to I guess you get off on that

It's funny you go page by page and that's all that comes up wonder why I made it through school did you junior...

These are all links to websites. What specifically are you refuting and with what argument? I have read all the anti-fluoride fear sites. They all say the same thing.

Show me science or admit there are no studies done that prove the opposite of what this thread is about.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Openeye

That being said I agree with the argument that state water fluoridation should not be done. Despite any benefits it may provide the state should not be tampering with the water supply due to some crusade against tooth decay. Individuals should be able to choose to fluoridated water as an option, it should not be a default.

Amen brother.....
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:28 PM

reply to post by superman2012

SnF very well written.

I have read this entire thread and I am not surprised that the anti-fluoride crowd has not provided any peer reviewed evidence to back up their claims that water fluoridation is harmful.

That being said I agree with the argument that state water fluoridation should not be done. Despite any benefits it may provide the state should not be tampering with the water supply due to some crusade against tooth decay. Individuals should be able to choose to fluoridated water as an option, it should not be a default.

This is an interesting article on an anti-fluoride site that I find funny because they basically admit that fluoride has beneficial effects but they can't bring themselves to except that so they call the drop in tooth decay over the years a "mystery". I am more than wiling to expect the idea that there are multiple reasons for the drop in tooth decay in the western world, but to downplay one of the contributors because it conflicts with your worldview is the pinnacle of ignorance.
edit on 5-12-2013 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

You guys are a blast. I dont know if I even believe its a different person, or just another log in.

I dont see any pro fluoride peer reviewed papers. Because there are not any, ever. there have only been four paper that say fluoride is good, they have none of them been valid, or done properly. No double blind studies. Nothing. Lets see some proof of the positive effects of fluoride? Oh and when you say peer reviewed , you meen like when one quacky doctor lies and supports another quacky doctors claims....

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:31 PM
OP, just FYI;

My bests friend's mother, and many others that lived in her city, have to take thyroid medication every day for the rest of their lives because their local water distract was "accidentally" releasing an abnormal amount of fluoride into their water, and it destroyed their thyroids.

Her and several others won a class action lawsuit against the water district, but it was a small sum of money, and doesn't replace their thyroids.

I highly suggest you retract some of the "facts" you posted, and do more research.
edit on 5-12-2013 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:31 PM

They COULD just pass out fluoride pills at the homeless shelters, would save a lot.

They could, but ingesting it wouldn't help the teeth, unlike water which would coat the whole mouth.

And they cant just make a pill that dissolves in a glass of water?

You work at a waterplant and you are trying to convince us the water you help distributing in one way or another is not harmfull. Thats the same thing as working for Coca Cola saying theres also good things about drinking Coca Cola. Does not make a strong case for you.

Oh and then I forget the point that you provide absolutely 0 evidence to support your own case, but you keep asking other people to give their evidence. Also doesnt work in your favour.

Well all i can do now is to thank you convincing me fluoride is bad. Yes i thank you because you created this thread.

Good luck on your mission.

edit on 5-12-2013 by whatsup86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by AmenStop

lol... your killing me, my sides are splitting. your logic is so flawed. Yes the Hydrogen Fluoride (gas) is neutralized from its gas form into the solid salt structure. It doesnt mean that now the poison is safe, it means you wont breath it because its trapped in salt that they can then pour into the water supply to tame the masses, instead of having to pay a waste disposal company to pick up the toxic mess.

Properly dosed in water fluoridation, there is no science at all to support the falsehood that it harms people.
There is no evidence to support your claim that it "tames the masses" that was shown to be a lie.

Fluoride builds up over time, please do some actual research and not just follow your script.

I have done the research and have presented it on this thread. Your answer is there. It would take over 500 years for enough fluoride to accumulate in your body to cause skeletal fluorosis, if you drank the same amount as the average american drinks.
Read, then comment.

There are no acceptable levels of Sodium Fluoride in the human body... calcium fluoride is OK. One ion is not the same as the other, nice try though.

Your claim, you prove it. There are MAC's in water treatment. Look them up for your area. You might be surprised to see what you are drinking.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:34 PM


They COULD just pass out fluoride pills at the homeless shelters, would save a lot.

They could, but ingesting it wouldn't help the teeth, unlike water which would coat the whole mouth.

And they cant just make a pill that desolves in a glass of water?

You work at a waterplant and you are trying to convince us the water you help distributing in one way or another is not harmfull. Thats the same thing as working for Coca Cola saying theres also good things about drinking Coca Cola. Does not make a strong case for you.

Oh and then I forget the point that you provide absolutely 0 evidence to support your own case, but you keep asking other people to give their evidence. Also doesnt work in your favour.

Well all i can do now is to thank you convincing me fluoride is bad. Yes i thank you because you created this thread.

Good luck on your mission.

I provided the evidence and the anti-fluoride have proven BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT to me, that either they can't read, or they are so ensconced in their belief that I am making them uncomfortable by actually refuting, with studies/evidence/science, what they hold dear.

I'm beginning to see that this is like trying to convince a priest that God doesn't exist...

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:36 PM

OP, just FYI;

My bests friend's mother, and many others that lived in her city, have to take thyroid medication every day for the rest of their lives because their local water distract was "accidentally" releasing an abnormal amount of fluoride into their water, and it destroyed their thyroids.

Her and several others won a class action lawsuit against the water district, but it was a small sum of money, and doesn't replace their thyroids.

I highly suggest you retract some of the "facts" you posted, and do more research.
edit on 5-12-2013 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

I will not.

I stand by them.

I have always stated: (underlined so people can't miss it (although I have said it over 20 times))
This was not properly dosed. This was akin to a chemical spill in the water supply.
Not even close to the same thing. Did you know you could get chlorine poisoning too if the levels get too high? Would you call that properly dosed? No. That is why there are MAC's for water treatment.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by AmenStop

Where are your papers? At least I presented my evidence. I have yet to see one listed that hasn't been refuted yet.

Kitchen getting too hot yet?

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:37 PM
It was halfies on the web sites but ok , now this is direct from one of your sources...

I can argue with you but I'd rather not bother or waste my time seeing you ask for proof but provide none you attack people but don't like getting attacked you call me junior but your word formulation is that of a two year old have a great night

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:38 PM


I will not.

I stand by them.

I have always stated: (underlined so people can't miss it (although I have said it over 20 times))
This was not properly dosed. This was akin to a chemical spill in the water supply.
Not even close to the same thing. Did you know you could get chlorine poisoning too if the levels get too high? Would you call that properly dosed? No. That is why there are MAC's for water treatment.

Fluoride was used as a drug to treat hyperthyroidism because it reduces thyroid activity quite effectively. This is due to the ability of fluoride to mimic the action of thyrotropin (TSH). Excess fluoride correlates with the other thyroid-related issues such as iodine deficiency. Fluorine and iodine, both being members of the halogen group of atoms, have an antagonistic relationship. When there is excess of fluoride in the body it can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland. Thus, fluoride has been linked to thyroid problems.

Why is the thyroid important?

The thyroid is the major regulator of metabolism and affects all of the bodily functions.

Case and point... This thread is hogwash.

edit on 5-12-2013 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Well if I worked at Coca Cola I would be easily convinced I'm selling a good product to kids as well. So I understand why you are convinced.

Now tell me again why they cant make pills and hand em out in poor neighbourhoods. Much cheaper unless they are actually dumping toxic waste in the water supplies ofcourse. Not saying it is but then it would make sense.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:43 PM



I will not.

I stand by them.

I have always stated: (underlined so people can't miss it (although I have said it over 20 times))
This was not properly dosed. This was akin to a chemical spill in the water supply.
Not even close to the same thing. Did you know you could get chlorine poisoning too if the levels get too high? Would you call that properly dosed? No. That is why there are MAC's for water treatment.

Fluoride was used as a drug to treat hyperthyroidism because it reduces thyroid activity quite effectively. This is due to the ability of fluoride to mimic the action of thyrotropin (TSH). Excess fluoride correlates with the other thyroid-related issues such as iodine deficiency. Fluorine and iodine, both being members of the halogen group of atoms, have an antagonistic relationship. When there is excess of fluoride in the body it can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland. Thus, fluoride has been linked to thyroid problems.

Why is the thyroid important?

The thyroid is the major regulator of metabolism and affects all of the bodily functions.

Case and point... This thread is hogwash.

edit on 5-12-2013 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

Case and point? No. Not by a long shot.

Do you notice the two words you copied a couple of times? "Excess fluoride"? What is excess? How much more? Also, you may want to read the Conclusion...don't want to?
Here you go:

Dental treatment modifications may be necessary for dental patients who are under medical management and follow-up for a thyroid condition even if there are no comorbid conditions. Stress reduction, awareness of drug side effects or interactions, and vigilance for appearance of signs or symptoms of hormone toxicity are among the responsibilities of the oral health care provider.

Your argument is hogwash.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:43 PM

reply to post by AmenStop

Properly dosed in water fluoridation, there is no science at all to support the falsehood that it harms people.
There is no evidence to support your claim that it "tames the masses" that was shown to be a lie.

LOL, man you are like the comedy channel. Its the funniest thing I have seen all day. You use for proof of positive effect the statement "there is no science at all to support the falsehood that it harms people" so your proof of safety is that statement. Wow are you really thinking that makes any sense.

Fluoride builds up over time, please do some actual research and not just follow your script.

I have done the research and have presented it on this thread. Your answer is there. It would take over 500 years for enough fluoride to accumulate in your body to cause skeletal fluorosis, if you drank the same amount as the average american drinks.
Read, then comment.

You have done NO research, there is NO proof either by scientific review or paper that fluoride is safe. All 4 papers that showed it safe have been debunked in the 70's.

You my friend are just twisting in the wind... LOL... makes me smile

There are no acceptable levels of Sodium Fluoride in the human body... calcium fluoride is OK. One ion is not the same as the other, nice try though.

Your claim, you prove it. There are MAC's in water treatment. Look them up for your area. You might be surprised to see what you are drinking.

Well so, you make claims and dont offer any proof. SOP before I start giving you my proof. Lets see yours first...


posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:45 PM

reply to post by superman2012

Well if I worked at Coca Cola I would be easily convinced I'm selling a good product to kids as well. So I understand why you are convinced.

Now tell me again why they cant make pills and hand em out in poor neighbourhoods. Much cheaper unless they are actually dumping toxic waste in the water supplies ofcourse. Not saying it is but then it would make sense.

Well for one, I don't work with water fluoridation so there goes that argument.
I have no idea why they don't hand out pills! As another poster from another country said, they gave them pills. I would think that a mouth rinse would make more sense.
How would dumping toxic waste into the water supply make sense!??!?

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by AmenStop

You want my proof?

Do something you haven't done then.

Read through the first 3 posts and through all the links. It's all there. If you have questions afterwards, feel free to ask me a direct question. I have no problems answering when people ask me a question.

posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 06:47 PM




I will not.

I stand by them.

I have always stated: (underlined so people can't miss it (although I have said it over 20 times))
This was not properly dosed. This was akin to a chemical spill in the water supply.
Not even close to the same thing. Did you know you could get chlorine poisoning too if the levels get too high? Would you call that properly dosed? No. That is why there are MAC's for water treatment.

Fluoride was used as a drug to treat hyperthyroidism because it reduces thyroid activity quite effectively. This is due to the ability of fluoride to mimic the action of thyrotropin (TSH). Excess fluoride correlates with the other thyroid-related issues such as iodine deficiency. Fluorine and iodine, both being members of the halogen group of atoms, have an antagonistic relationship. When there is excess of fluoride in the body it can interfere with the function of the thyroid gland. Thus, fluoride has been linked to thyroid problems.

Why is the thyroid important?

The thyroid is the major regulator of metabolism and affects all of the bodily functions.

Case and point... This thread is hogwash.

edit on 5-12-2013 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

Case and point? No. Not by a long shot.

Do you notice the two words you copied a couple of times? "Excess fluoride"? What is excess? How much more? Also, you may want to read the Conclusion...don't want to?
Here you go:

Dental treatment modifications may be necessary for dental patients who are under medical management and follow-up for a thyroid condition even if there are no comorbid conditions. Stress reduction, awareness of drug side effects or interactions, and vigilance for appearance of signs or symptoms of hormone toxicity are among the responsibilities of the oral health care provider.

Your argument is hogwash.

LOL. All fluoride except naturally occuring calcium fluoride is excess.

Wait one more time, there is no safe level of sodium fluoride.

I need to see some proof of safety. And you have shown none. Do you not have any?

Oh wait, next you will make some statement without backing it up and then ask me to prove you wrong.

ut thats the rub, I dont have to prove you wrong. You are wrong, you need to prove you are right and you can not. Because sodium fluoride has never been proven to be safe for human consumption, ever.

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