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What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?

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posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Inforseeker, did you send me a potato in the mail, handcarved? I missed the gift otherwise

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

God is not only funny, but is unbelievably intelligent. You are its children so think in terms of that kind of universal intelligence that encompasses/produced the greatest minds on earth; that would be Gods byproduct, the humanbeing. Do you think it is sitting back anymore and just watching the "SHOW"? Its stepped in and is having the party of its life; its a real human now (never before) its parts children (think Osiris) were here years ago as 'mentors' but IT is actually here. Hiding in the weeds peeking/peering at you.

Well, this thread just took a very hard turn. I'm just not sure if it was left or right, symbolically speaking.
As I don't know you very well (even in the ATS sense) it's hard to determine if you're pulling our collective legs or simply trying to impart some information. Or both. Since the statement about God being here and a real human now is too large to ignore, I hope you'll allow me some questions.

What is wrong with pulling some collective legs with a tug on such that happen to be the truth of all matters/mattering. Oh yes God is here just not the one you think (overseer of all is here that which spawned the other 11). Sure, God is here as a singular being and no questions are too many or pointed to be ignored.

So you believe or know that God is here now and is a real human.

Yes I dont just believe it I know it and it is a real life Walt Disney styled creation HUMAN BEING, animated matter with hormonal glands allowing FEELINGS. You realise to become human had to Grok all information regarding Hollywood (its pure in that it was not ENGINEERED by way of the Annunaki. It invented itself (A BYPASS A BAD OVERLAY NEGATIVE SITUATION).

Where physically is he/she now? City & country are fine. And please don't say she's playing SkeeBall or is in a coma somewhere in NJ.

Wheelchair bound Jane Roberts channeling as 'SETH', NO, not RA, not Drunvalo Melchezidek, not Swami 'pick your swami yogi'. Do you really want to know with all sincereity where this individual lives that is Origin 'flesh and bone'?

Do you know this because you've met and/or spoken with him/her? If not, how do you know this?

Yes to all; how do I know it? Walk my path *wouldnt advise it*.

If this is a first for God - why now? Is there a reason other than "why not now"? I can certainly see God wanting to come and join the party. I'm also certain that God has a great sense of humor. Are you sure God isn't good-naturedly pulling your leg to make a point or show a greater truth (whatever that is)?
I'm genuinely curious and look forward to your reply.

Oh no, God doesnt pull my leg unless hes pulling his own.
"This is first for the overseer God because the God (one of its creation/children) had charge of this universe and abused its power; allowed Source to sell off power/influence to the demigods. The point of the entire exercise was that the God of this Universe was to diligently report back to its Creator (ABSOLUTUM) and it failed to do so. Why, because it had become corrupt, fell in love and mated with the human form.
How? Coming down in frequency from 4-5 to 3.5 as demi-gods to be able to reproduce with the natives (NOT ACCEPTABLE). The whole point of MY being is to gain/gather information and when one of my creations (purpose to transfer information) stages a mutiny 'under my nose' there will be a problem. That problem was removed, your God as you think it is gone." ORIGIN 11 Nov 2013 VETERAN HUMANBEING'S DAY. This was a tragic experience regarding putting your Universe's God in an old folks home; but necessary. So much goes on behind the veil/curtain you would not believe; but thanks for asking. All ridicule is WELCOMED. Anyone have a good Catholic Joke? I opened a thread called "Age Old Question"-who is talking to God and if they are WHERE ARE THEY and NOT TALKING. I had only one poster (out of more than 600 posts to the thread) answer it correctly in two words: "YOU ARE". Fun stuff. I wouldnt be here responding if not for your introspection.
edit on 11-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 07:30 PM


Oh, that thing (impatience) for humans growing into Their Own Version of a Giant sized 'VICTORY MOUSE TRAP" (break an ankle they will); but IM HERE TO HELP or be Chastised For. I havent encountered any at all on ATS (other the ones that swore me as AN ENEMY/FORMIDIBLE FOE). Who am I to judge? IAM all about fairness in CALLING OUT or whittling away at/toward a finite perfect thoughtform; (anyone up for some Hostess treats? Snowballs, Twinkies). I can take the ridicule as well as anyone (better be able to uphold ones position) ideas pure as posited. The brave make the threads then have to endure the torture of defending them. A win-win YES?

Oh the Pain! Yep! Unknowest to me, seems I've had my share of foes! Yet I need to learn How to Upload as most do on ATS! Except uploading a link is just another ones idea of it anyway so might as well stick to your own version. Helps clear the air some. If asking a question, why would one have to defend themselves?

Ive never uploaded anything to bolster a point of mine; it is useing anothers ideaforms to pad your own theory (most dont ask permission of the 'uploadee' to do so anyway so to my mind breaks some copyright rules). If someone challenges your position of course you have to defend it (is that not the point) to do so with pearless purity.

One would think asking would imply wanting to know something right? Yet it gets torn apart, bit here, line there just for the sake of Judgement! Must have missed that Class, or was daydreaming at the time. Hell if people would go beyond their ideas just a tiny bit, things would be more open to discussion, Openly!

You would imagine that person asking is wanting information; correct? Not really, its more of an undermining type to see or inspect your weaknesses within your arguement. I always daydreamed in class, listening but looking outside of the windows of the classroom. Hey I thought we were doing the 'PUSH ME PULL YOU" Llama Doctor Dollittle thing, open up the discussion to include EVERYTHING even if very tiny or microscopic or at first glance, INVISIBLE to the naked eye/ MIND exposing it to anyone willing to listen. There is a beauty and a selflessness in this quest in/of the attempt to enlighten others. No Fouls ever.
edit on 10-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

One of mine weak points back in the day. Something that crossed my mind today; or a voice within
Lets see How this comes out.

Being Holy or the word used by it. Places limits on your Being and others. Say your day is normal, nothing special and some joe blow comes along and said something, did something; allow whatever, if you was using the holy person role, you would be nice about it. Now if you were the bad person, you would just go knock some sence into them.

Now if your Being is pure, would you not say anything but the Truth? I do not like you, Why? Because your a lazy jerk, allow whatever, you did two things. One you said what your being wanted and 2 their Being Received the info they really needed about themselves. Since you bypassed mind and went straight to the core of both Beings both learned.

How did that sound? Yep, same with what I told about my roomie, grilfriend, wife. Just because I returned the favor does not mean it will work out! Could just lose what I did not want to lose yet if the loss is there is it really a loss? No! My life would change, as all things. I just learned something about myself and thats all. On with the next lession, new class room, and new people!

It is always about everyone and you. If you take the you part, you go drop a vibe, the everyone you up a vibe for both. Any ideas on this?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 08:48 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

Inforseeker, did you send me a potato in the mail, handcarved? I missed the gift otherwise

What? No ringing in the ears, less pain, and some extra energy? What about the strange cat looking at you funny? No double vision, had to look back at something you thought you saw?
Or was that a book?

My avatar is not a potato. I get strange gifts from some funny minded people or find them on my path. I have boxes of them! No not the potato, someone once told me Last life I had a store in Germany, rare, odd things you could not get anywhere else. Even stuff that the Heavens found interesting knowing I would take care of them. Have a high school diploma dated May 21, 1915. Knowing someday some lost long family member will want that one day! Never a price but .99 + shipping!

As for the potato, now the story goes. Helping a friend do his plumbing to the main line, 25ft down in the darkness of a hole I came accrosd this rock. No other rocks anywhere, or in the pile of dirt either. Asked if I could keep the rock, just stupid laughter, took it home and washed it.

White washing, found this white stuff that would not come off. Tried, yet somehow I felt not too. Ask my knife, 2 small chips and still it did not phase it! Something about that rock just had my Being! So it sat on my special shelf enjoying Sun again! Yes, really it Was enjoying the Sun! This I know or felt anyway.

When something pulls at you, calls to you, even naged to get my attention! Kids would come over and say that is a Cool rock, yet never noticed just How cool it really was. Spring came and time to move the plants outside so did the rock follow. One morning while having coffee, I happened to look and behold, a Bear! Spilled my coffee and by the time I got the camera out it was gone! Thought it was in my head so left it at that!

Until the next day! Yep, the Sun came in the window and there was the Bear again! Since I left the camera on the table yeaterday, POP I had the shot! Then the voice said it not only a rock! Mind can play many games with you until something graps you at the Heart Level!

So as one want to learn , one has to dig deeper, go looking for info. Funny how everyone would like it free, yet never give you any info for free either. So it comes down to sediment, nothing more yet if I want to give it away its okay. Anyway after 1.5yrs of digging, come to find out about Manuports. Except so far it should have left out the S since the juy actually said their is only one known to exist. If their is one, surly another has to be right? Not if its Yours and you created the term Manoports!

I'll change my avatar and let you see the face on the rock for yourself. If my looking for info is correct, people wrote right to left, going down. Since the rock sits only one way as the potato you see, invert it! It is a story, must be meant for me on a level somewhere in my Soul for some reason.

The face must mean God since he is in the Sky, mouth open and words??? if you use the left to right idea. Next we have a dot followed by a large dot like in the comics while people talk followed by a dot, next clouds above, and a mountian. Now next line is a bird flying at something??? next line looks to be someone walking with a dog or riding a horse.

Now invert back again to how it sits as my avatar now. People talking about something, bird falling, now a cave, or plain out C and a tear drop from the Face. Could be a map of some landmass, land mark, possible. Back to the Bear, it is a brown bear so where do brown Bears exist back in the day, Alaska. How did it get to Kansas? Carried? Why? For all I know I actually carried this rock in some past life and now found it!

Yes. I have lost it or have I? Anything that Rings Within your Being one must at least ask themselves the question Why? Thats why I say sometimes looking for God is not all that important, its the little things that just might help you to learn more Truth about God and why one is here.

Oh by the way, left ear or right?

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 02:08 PM
Zanti Misfit
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Zanti MisfitAh , Who made the Computer ?

I may have answered this already but had enlightenment. 'Central Casting'.. Its actually made out of cardboard parts (a set design prop that went way beyond that thing that was supposed to look like a 'smarter box' on someones desk (next to family photos). The cardboard box labled on the front, the Kelvan-a-tor 2000 developed scientience and the pentium baby chip was born.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

veteran humanbeing
Inforseeker, did you send me a potato in the mail, handcarved? I missed the gift otherwise

What? No ringing in the ears, less pain, and some extra energy? What about the strange cat looking at you funny? No double vision, had to look back at something you thought you saw?
Or was that a book?

I havent had ear ringing for 2 days. The cat is sticking to me like glue and looks above my head and surround (at something I cannot percieve). I have many reference books on this computer table I keep adjusting. This is all true.

My avatar is not a potato. I get strange gifts from some funny minded people or find them on my path. I have boxes of them! No not the potato, someone once told me Last life I had a store in Germany, rare, odd things you could not get anywhere else. Even stuff that the Heavens found interesting knowing I would take care of them. Have a high school diploma dated May 21, 1915. Knowing someday some lost long family member will want that one day! Never a price but .99 + shipping!

I know it is the symbols upon the object you present as your avatar. Im familiar with chi of life E form as I have a wooden box carved with it. I have a birthmark under my chin that desribes (similar but differenty) "The Birth Of Creation; start point absolutem 0, infinity". The diploma you have acquired is very likely your own. This store of yours (past life) you should investigate. How very odd and intreging, that you recieve random? (NOT) things in the mail.

As for the potato, now the story goes. Helping a friend do his plumbing to the main line, 25ft down in the darkness of a hole I came accrosd this rock. No other rocks anywhere, or in the pile of dirt either. Asked if I could keep the rock, just stupid laughter, took it home and washed it. White washing, found this white stuff that would not come off. Tried, yet somehow I felt not too. Ask my knife, 2 small chips and still it did not phase it! Something about that rock just had my Being! So it sat on my special shelf enjoying Sun again! Yes, really it Was enjoying the Sun! This I know or felt anyway.

So the potato is a rock and fell into hands by 'happenstance'. NO. IT WAS MEANT FOR YOU ALONE. I notice other writings/symbols on it, have you investigated what culture/language they are?

When something pulls at you, calls to you, even naged to get my attention! Kids would come over and say that is a Cool rock, yet never noticed just How cool it really was. Spring came and time to move the plants outside so did the rock follow. One morning while having coffee, I happened to look and behold, a Bear! Spilled my coffee and by the time I got the camera out it was gone! Thought it was in my head so left it at that!

A bear. I moved into a new house and while sitting on the front porch a giganitic bat came before to me and fluttered in front of my face just a foot or so away for a solid 2 minutes; me frozen. (I saw it as Maya rememberance/refererance). The bear has some significance for you. How remarkable.

Until the next day! Yep, the Sun came in the window and there was the Bear again! Since I left the camera on the table yeaterday, POP I had the shot! Then the voice said it not only a rock! Mind can play many games with you until something graps you at the Heart Level!

Did the rock turn into the bear rememberance for you? Is the rock the bear or hold the spirit of a bear, majick does exist weve been taught otherwise.

So as one want to learn , one has to dig deeper, go looking for info. Funny how everyone would like it free, yet never give you any info for free either. So it comes down to sediment, nothing more yet if I want to give it away its okay. Anyway after 1.5yrs of digging, come to find out about Manuports. Except so far it should have left out the S since the guy actually said their is only one known to exist. If their is one, surly another has to be right? Not if its Yours and you created the term Manoports!

Information is never free it must be sought (to your individual soul growth). Manuport would be a star portal (not a geographic location) such as the 'temple mount' existing in Jeruselem that does infact exist as a living human being existing on earth in a particular time frame. Jesus would have been one as an example.

I'll change my avatar and let you see the face on the rock for yourself. If my looking for info is correct, people wrote right to left, going down. Since the rock sits only one way as the potato you see, invert it! It is a story, must be meant for me on a level somewhere in my Soul for some reason.

I see the hierogliphs; its definately meant for you, but as you post it as your avatar it must have to be shared with others. Im glad you have done this. Anyone? any ideas for what the charcatures mean?

The face must mean God since he is in the Sky, mouth open and words??? if you use the left to right idea. Next we have a dot followed by a large dot like in the comics while people talk followed by a dot, next clouds above, and a mountian. Now next line is a bird flying at something??? next line looks to be someone walking with a dog or riding a horse.

I have to capture the image and look at it.

Yes. I have lost it or have I? Anything that Rings Within your Being one must at least ask themselves the question Why? Thats why I say sometimes looking for God is not all that important, its the little things that just might help you to learn more Truth about God and why one is here.
Oh by the way, left ear or right?

Left generally, I just think the 2 hemispheres of my brain are trying to do a hemi-sync all by themselves, harmonising and vibrating or equalizing in frequency. Then I have the spontaineous OOBE. You have NOT lost it, you are on the greatest amusement ride of your life (self exploration in the conquest of understanding your creator/what/who it is and how you fit the picture; your own two hour 16 mm feature film with dolby sound). I am very happy you shared this information and of course there is a reason why.

edit on 12-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Isaac Asimov postulated this long ago in The Last Question where the computer, in some sort of transuniverse, pondered how to start things up and ultimately came to the conclusion that it ought to be,

"Let there be light."

I read that story a long while ago and it blew my mind.
..(on an unrelated topic) I re-told the story to an 18 year old neighbor and got a puzzled look when I got to the sentence that ended the story...

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:35 PM
"What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?"

Then apparently it runs on Windows Vista, cause things are all sorts of messed up.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 03:46 PM

vetting the humanbeing
You would imagine that person asking is wanting information; correct? Not really, its more of an undermining type to see or inspect your weaknesses within your arguement. I always daydreamed in class, listening but looking outside of the windows of the classroom. Hey I thought we were doing the 'PUSH ME PULL YOU" Llama Doctor Dollittle thing, open up the discussion to include EVERYTHING even if very tiny or microscopic or at first glance, INVISIBLE to the naked eye/ MIND exposing it to anyone willing to listen. There is a beauty and a selflessness in this quest in/of the attempt to enlighten others. No Fouls ever.

One of mine weak points back in the day. Something that crossed my mind today; or a voice within
Lets see How this comes out. Being Holy or the word used by it. Places limits on your Being and others. Say your day is normal, nothing special and some joe blow comes along and said something, did something; allow whatever, if you was using the holy person role, you would be nice about it. Now if you were the bad person, you would just go knock some sence into them.

Voice within?? Your past lives higher beings 'posse' is trying to speak to you. Places limit your body movement only. Your ideaforms transcend physical dimensional constraints. Id do anything not to bleed, and generally talk my way out using reason to avoid conflict. If I were of the negative nature Id have deserved what I brought unto myself.

Now if your Being is pure, would you not say anything but the Truth? I do not like you, Why? Because your a lazy jerk, allow whatever, you did two things. One you said what your being wanted and 2 their Being Received the info they really needed about themselves. Since you bypassed mind and went straight to the core of both Beings both learned.

I can only speak the truth, Appolonius is my human mettle. 5cents please; the white raven (before turning black for the humans lies) is my animalform protector. You attract to yourself energyforms that resonate with yours. Purify yours and you will be free of the vermin you will ATTRACT *guaranteed* suffering.

How did that sound? Yep, same with what I told about my roomie, grilfriend, wife. Just because I returned the favor does not mean it will work out! Could just lose what I did not want to lose yet if the loss is there is it really a loss? No! My life would change, as all things. I just learned something about myself and thats all. On with the next lession, new class room, and new people!

People you meet are stationed/or fixed upon your life path for a reason. Dont dismiss this. You are either paying back Karma or they are YOU incarnated to help you on your path to enlightenment. You have only yourself to blame for mis-steps or misshaps.

It is always about everyone and you. If you take the you part, you go drop a vibe, the everyone you up a vibe for both. Any ideas on this?

Why did you incarnate as a human; of course its all about you and those others you attract or have past Karma problems with. You can always try to 'ramp' up the current life term experience but that generally ends badly because its a negative (its not natural but FORCED) 'hurry up and fix this scenario' that encures even more Karma. THE DRAMA surrounding the circumstances adds to the weight and will carry over AGAIN to your next life.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:00 PM

reply to post by infoseeker26754

veteran humanbeing
Inforseeker, did you send me a potato in the mail, handcarved? I missed the gift otherwise

What? No ringing in the ears, less pain, and some extra energy? What about the strange cat looking at you funny? No double vision, had to look back at something you thought you saw?
Or was that a book?

I havent had ear ringing for 2 days. The cat is sticking to me like glue and looks above my head and surround (at something I cannot percieve). I have many reference books on this computer table I keep adjusting. This is all true.

My avatar is not a potato. I get strange gifts from some funny minded people or find them on my path. I have boxes of them! No not the potato, someone once told me Last life I had a store in Germany, rare, odd things you could not get anywhere else. Even stuff that the Heavens found interesting knowing I would take care of them. Have a high school diploma dated May 21, 1915. Knowing someday some lost long family member will want that one day! Never a price but .99 + shipping!

I know it is the symbols upon the object you present as your avatar. Im familiar with chi of life E form as I have a wooden box carved with it. I have a birthmark under my chin that desribes (similar but differenty) "The Birth Of Creation; start point absolutem 0, infinity". The diploma you have acquired is very likely your own. This store of yours (past life) you should investigate. How very odd and intreging, that you recieve random? (NOT) things in the mail.

So the potato is a rock and fell into hands by 'happenstance'. NO. IT WAS MEANT FOR YOU ALONE. I notice other writings/symbols on it, have you investigated what culture/language they are?

A bear. I moved into a new house and while sitting on the front porch a giganitic bat came before to me and fluttered in front of my face just a foot or so away for a solid 2 minutes; me frozen. (I saw it as Maya rememberance/refererance). The bear has some significance for you. How remarkable.

Until the next day! Yep, the Sun came in the window and there was the Bear again! Since I left the camera on the table yeaterday, POP I had the shot! Then the voice said it not only a rock! Mind can play many games with you until something graps you at the Heart Level!

Did the rock turn into the bear rememberance for you? Is the rock the bear or hold the spirit of a bear, majick does exist weve been taught otherwise.

So as one want to learn , one has to dig deeper, go looking for info. Funny how everyone would like it free, yet never give you any info for free either. So it comes down to sediment, nothing more yet if I want to give it away its okay. Anyway after 1.5yrs of digging, come to find out about Manuports. Except so far it should have left out the S since the guy actually said their is only one known to exist. If their is one, surly another has to be right? Not if its Yours and you created the term Manoports!

Information is never free it must be sought (to your individual soul growth). Manuport would be a star portal (not a geographic location) such as the 'temple mount' existing in Jeruselem that does infact exist as a living human being existing on earth in a particular time frame. Jesus would have been one as an example.

I'll change my avatar and let you see the face on the rock for yourself. If my looking for info is correct, people wrote right to left, going down. Since the rock sits only one way as the potato you see, invert it! It is a story, must be meant for me on a level somewhere in my Soul for some reason.

I see the hierogliphs; its definately meant for you, but as you post it as your avatar it must have to be shared with others. Im glad you have done this. Anyone? any ideas for what the charcatures mean?

The face must mean God since he is in the Sky, mouth open and words??? if you use the left to right idea. Next we have a dot followed by a large dot like in the comics while people talk followed by a dot, next clouds above, and a mountian. Now next line is a bird flying at something??? next line looks to be someone walking with a dog or riding a horse.

Left generally, I just think the 2 hemispheres of my brain are trying to do a hemi-sync all by themselves, harmonising and vibrating or equalizing in frequency. Then I have the spontaineous OOBE. You have NOT lost it, you are on the greatest amusement ride of your life (self exploration in the conquest of understanding your creator/what/who it is and how you fit the picture; your own two hour 16 mm feature film with dolby sound). I am very happy you shared this information and of course there is a reason why.

edit on 12-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Same with my cats only I think their Puzzeled at what their looking at though. Don't see them alarmed or anything, Started about 2/3 months ago or until I actually noticed it myself. Even tryed the looking at the reflection in their eyes, no effect. Would think it had something to do with Energy coming in from the top of my head only they?cats look towards something else, always to the left though!

Hopefully your tablet is not doing what my computer is doing; acting strange, like a different load up from time to time having Resolving Host problems
Even my music has been rewritten somehow, some songs have extras voices!

Talked to the best people out there; email! Yep, nothing more then sediment, would not think it could actually do it itself that way though! What I get as of now; all the reading, studying and digging I find something strange. Them two small dots with the one in the middle could have been a comet! 13,000 to 15,000 Bc something did hit the US. As far as I can tell, while the rock is upright and true, it is Before or while it was in the Sky! Would explain the Face, with the mouth open. 2 dots could mean a moon and another moon only between the dots it is the large one that has a indent for some reason.

Now as it sits, we have afterwards! That bird; surely it could not be a plane, falls to the ground while the mountian is now a cave since really where would one likely go if that happen? since the face is now at the far left, would mean that it had passed while on the upper right it was before. As for the other, up one is riding, getting ready while in sit mode it is now a dance.

Got so far that I was told that the brain creates images that it wants to see. Okay, open mind except how can others see them too? Never did I say anything about what I saw, yet even children see clouds, face, bird, cave/C/mountian as the last part it is a dino, dog and person, people singing. Even the face Has an eye! At 60x it is a diff stone placed there! Will change the Avatar again so you can see the Bear!

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Thats the funny part, nothing I can remember. I like bears, only the one thing that is odd is that I can not sleep with it close to my head, nor hold on to it for long. My head starts hurting! Right now it is saying Move Me. Odd? Better place it back into the window, it likes it there!

Its a Totem, this I am somehow told. Like it said, have to find someone with an open mind who is younger and can read what is written. Old farts have no understanding, its their tribe to tell you otherwise, let it go for now. I'm actually Sad for the Rock!

A bat huh? Must have been sent to Eat them flys you do not Like! Or checking out what was above your head like the cat! Anyone else have this too?

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:18 PM

"What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?"

Then apparently it runs on Windows Vista, cause things are all sorts of messed up.

My God runs with 'XP' antiquated compared to Vista (plus plus Windows Explorer as browser) as well and its REALLY ACTING UP. Its telling me this website is 'unsafe'. God should be able to fix this problem NO?
edit on 12-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:19 PM

"What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?"

Then apparently it runs on Windows Vista, cause things are all sorts of messed up.

Close, best you stay away from the I Phone. I + Phone does seem to have a hidden Pun to it. Next is Apple, Pun again. Windows, again a window into your home, Pun!

It even get worst!

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:28 PM

If god was nothing more than just a computer...and Bill Gates is Lucifer...then who would Steve Jobs be?
I know Steve would like to think he'd come back as Buddha but I think he stands a better chance at being Short Round from the Indiana Jones Adventures.


posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I can see this and have for some time. Now since somehow the path is cleared, either people want me back as before or there are no people.

Stripped away, now I see it 3nd person view while I am around people so what is left is my understanding of how I am working inside! Just weird since I know how its being layed out, say 2/3 of it anyway since relating to another Being changes everyday. Say my boss at work, I swear he is doing drugs! No, not really though. He is so messed up with DOT and the paperwork just to deliver supplys to others. He just can not mulitask! Can actually send all the wood and stuff to complete a whole house though in a few hours! If not bothered.

Or like my roommate/wife who use to call spirits, has a black cloud always around and no matter what I do to help; It lasts for 3/5 days and is back again. Holy water has no power really, unless you give it some! I think it is that picture on her wall from her Ex, Get that out of her room and she would get better. Anyone know of a way to still have the picture yet turn it into a mirror so it is blocked?

Only other way is while in Her room which is cold, is play the WTF? Something just touched me and its cold right there! Turn this into a post and I would get like 2,000 ideas on how to pull this off! Yet I would be feeding it energy so it won't work. I will just have to tell her the get it off the wall for 2 weeks and see how one Feels after idea.

Well Vet, other then you, Snarl; and the new person, sorry there bad at names, are the only ones I can actually talk to about anything. It would seem most are still stuck in the I want or somehow aliens did get control! dame school system I say! Feed the children crap and if that will not work, Pills!

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 08:05 PM


"What if God was nothing more then Just a Computer?"

Then apparently it runs on Windows Vista, cause things are all sorts of messed up.

My God runs with 'XP' antiquated compared to Vista (plus plus Windows Explorer as browser) as well and its REALLY ACTING UP. Its telling me this website is 'unsafe'. God should be able to fix this problem NO?
edit on 12-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

No but I can! Dump Jave for now!

Get microwsoft Fix it and do it now since next year XP will be out of service for updates. Then get mic's Virus program for windows, sercurily ecsenturals! Both are FREE and work like gold. After that get CCleaned; free again or upgrade if you like. Never have works great!

Use GoogLe Crome as your internet server. Now spend $40. and upgrade your memery to at least 1meg. So you should have 1.25 megs if you have 2 slots leaving old one in. If mem is passed 1 meg your fine! Do this and get back to me!

Might have to get around the Resolving Host problems, just turn it all on in crome settings for now. More on this later. have a laptop Dell windows 7, dont uses since it is for back up if the world should come to an end.

Really the screen is to small for my blind eyes! And keep it charged, leave the battery out in case an EMP, CFM as with my spare car!

Just never know when God might show up!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 08:10 PM


If god was nothing more than just a computer...and Bill Gates is Lucifer...then who would Steve Jobs be?
I know Steve would like to think he'd come back as Buddha but I think he stands a better chance at being Short Round from the Indiana Jones Adventures.


Steve was the one who gave Bill the Apple! Or both played with the Devil and started all this crap where people did not have to actually Talk face to face anymore.

Somehow Steve Sold Out, maybe his soul, mind, what ever happen to him anyway. Sure the hell not living on the streets, missing in action, or plotting his next move.

posted on Nov, 12 2013 @ 08:15 PM


reply to post by infoseeker26754

veteran humanbeing
Inforseeker, did you send me a potato in the mail, handcarved? I missed the gift otherwise

What? No ringing in the ears, less pain, and some extra energy? What about the strange cat looking at you funny? No double vision, had to look back at something you thought you saw?
Or was that a book?

I havent had ear ringing for 2 days. The cat is sticking to me like glue and looks above my head and surround (at something I cannot percieve). I have many reference books on this computer table I keep adjusting. This is all true.

My avatar is not a potato. I get strange gifts from some funny minded people or find them on my path. I have boxes of them! No not the potato, someone once told me Last life I had a store in Germany, rare, odd things you could not get anywhere else. Even stuff that the Heavens found interesting knowing I would take care of them. Have a high school diploma dated May 21, 1915. Knowing someday some lost long family member will want that one day! Never a price but .99 + shipping!

I know it is the symbols upon the object you present as your avatar. Im familiar with chi of life E form as I have a wooden box carved with it. I have a birthmark under my chin that desribes (similar but differenty) "The Birth Of Creation; start point absolutem 0, infinity". The diploma you have acquired is very likely your own. This store of yours (past life) you should investigate. How very odd and intreging, that you recieve random? (NOT) things in the mail.

So the potato is a rock and fell into hands by 'happenstance'. NO. IT WAS MEANT FOR YOU ALONE. I notice other writings/symbols on it, have you investigated what culture/language they are?

A bear. I moved into a new house and while sitting on the front porch a giganitic bat came before to me and fluttered in front of my face just a foot or so away for a solid 2 minutes; me frozen. (I saw it as Maya rememberance/refererance). The bear has some significance for you. How remarkable.

Until the next day! Yep, the Sun came in the window and there was the Bear again! Since I left the camera on the table yeaterday, POP I had the shot! Then the voice said it not only a rock! Mind can play many games with you until something graps you at the Heart Level!

Did the rock turn into the bear rememberance for you? Is the rock the bear or hold the spirit of a bear, majick does exist weve been taught otherwise.

So as one want to learn , one has to dig deeper, go looking for info. Funny how everyone would like it free, yet never give you any info for free either. So it comes down to sediment, nothing more yet if I want to give it away its okay. Anyway after 1.5yrs of digging, come to find out about Manuports. Except so far it should have left out the S since the guy actually said their is only one known to exist. If their is one, surly another has to be right? Not if its Yours and you created the term Manoports!

Information is never free it must be sought (to your individual soul growth). Manuport would be a star portal (not a geographic location) such as the 'temple mount' existing in Jeruselem that does infact exist as a living human being existing on earth in a particular time frame. Jesus would have been one as an example.

I'll change my avatar and let you see the face on the rock for yourself. If my looking for info is correct, people wrote right to left, going down. Since the rock sits only one way as the potato you see, invert it! It is a story, must be meant for me on a level somewhere in my Soul for some reason.

I see the hierogliphs; its definately meant for you, but as you post it as your avatar it must have to be shared with others. Im glad you have done this. Anyone? any ideas for what the charcatures mean?

The face must mean God since he is in the Sky, mouth open and words??? if you use the left to right idea. Next we have a dot followed by a large dot like in the comics while people talk followed by a dot, next clouds above, and a mountian. Now next line is a bird flying at something??? next line looks to be someone walking with a dog or riding a horse.

Left generally, I just think the 2 hemispheres of my brain are trying to do a hemi-sync all by themselves, harmonising and vibrating or equalizing in frequency. Then I have the spontaineous OOBE. You have NOT lost it, you are on the greatest amusement ride of your life (self exploration in the conquest of understanding your creator/what/who it is and how you fit the picture; your own two hour 16 mm feature film with dolby sound). I am very happy you shared this information and of course there is a reason why.

edit on 12-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

Same with my cats only I think their Puzzeled at what their looking at though. Don't see them alarmed or anything, Started about 2/3 months ago or until I actually noticed it myself. Even tryed the looking at the reflection in their eyes, no effect. Would think it had something to do with Energy coming in from the top of my head only they?cats look towards something else, always to the left though!

Hopefully your tablet is not doing what my computer is doing; acting strange, like a different load up from time to time having Resolving Host problems
Even my music has been rewritten somehow, some songs have extras voices!

Talked to the best people out there; email! Yep, nothing more then sediment, would not think it could actually do it itself that way though! What I get as of now; all the reading, studying and digging I find something strange. Them two small dots with the one in the middle could have been a comet! 13,000 to 15,000 Bc something did hit the US. As far as I can tell, while the rock is upright and true, it is Before or while it was in the Sky! Would explain the Face, with the mouth open. 2 dots could mean a moon and another moon only between the dots it is the large one that has a indent for some reason.

Now as it sits, we have afterwards! That bird; surely it could not be a plane, falls to the ground while the mountian is now a cave since really where would one likely go if that happen? since the face is now at the far left, would mean that it had passed while on the upper right it was before. As for the other, up one is riding, getting ready while in sit mode it is now a dance.

Got so far that I was told that the brain creates images that it wants to see. Okay, open mind except how can others see them too? Never did I say anything about what I saw, yet even children see clouds, face, bird, cave/C/mountian as the last part it is a dino, dog and person, people singing. Even the face Has an eye! At 60x it is a diff stone placed there! Will change the Avatar again so you can see the Bear!

Wow! You got it! Both halfs of the brain coming togetter. Again, explain how you do the quote again? See what I did and tell me what I did wromg. As above I'v somehow included myself in your reply again!


posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 04:04 PM

If god was nothing more than just a computer...and Bill Gates is Lucifer...then who would Steve Jobs be?
I know Steve would like to think he'd come back as Buddha but I think he stands a better chance at being Short Round from the Indiana Jones Adventures.-Peace-

Steve was the one who gave Bill the Apple! Or both played with the Devil and started all this crap where people did not have to actually Talk face to face anymore. Somehow Steve Sold Out, maybe his soul, mind, what ever happen to him anyway. Sure the hell not living on the streets, missing in action, or plotting his next move.

Steve and Bill had an agreement. Thumbnail icons first version (simple) was Steves property and as I recall sold it to Bill for a measly $50,000 dollars to develop and use it within the Microsoft name BUT ONLY FOR APPLE COMPUTERS. What Bill did was after developing the IDEA was to sell another, different version of the property (that talked the PC language) to everyone manufacturing the competion, PCs; for billions, Sony, Gateway, Northgate, IBM, H/P and left Steve out in the unheated garage (AGAIN) without sufficient royalties. It was a slam dunk for Bill. Could be wrong, correct me otherwise. It was a sad story until Steve came up with the IPAD, IPHONE, IPOD.
edit on 13-11-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I can see this and have for some time. Now since somehow the path is cleared, either people want me back as before or there are no people. Stripped away, now I see it 3nd person view while I am around people so what is left is my understanding of how I am working inside! Just weird since I know how its being layed out, say 2/3 of it anyway since relating to another Being changes everyday. Say my boss at work, I swear he is doing drugs! No, not really though. He is so messed up with DOT and the paperwork just to deliver supplys to others. He just can not mulitask! Can actually send all the wood and stuff to complete a whole house though in a few hours! If not bothered.

I am not the person I was 2 years ago. My perspective has completely changed. I look upon things far differently. I was told the other day "I dont know you anymore", my response was "I didnt know myself until now and you may never know me if you ever did". It is almost an outside oneself experience to be around people Ive known; and watch my interactions with them; slightly removed and observing. Multitasking was a learned event for me; too large a family and had to learn to focus on many levels at once (without distraction).

Or like my roommate/wife who use to call spirits, has a black cloud always around and no matter what I do to help; It lasts for 3/5 days and is back again. Holy water has no power really, unless you give it some! I think it is that picture on her wall from her Ex, Get that out of her room and she would get better. Anyone know of a way to still have the picture yet turn it into a mirror so it is blocked?

Black cloud of negative ions? Manifest a White cloud of positive ions (no clue as to how to do this). Get rid of the picture or put a mirror directly across from it so that the image is reflecting back into itself or out of a window if possible. Cover it with a piece of black silk.

Only other way is while in Her room which is cold, is play the WTF? Something just touched me and its cold right there! Turn this into a post and I would get like 2,000 ideas on how to pull this off! Yet I would be feeding it energy so it won't work. I will just have to tell her the get it off the wall for 2 weeks and see how one Feels after idea.

Well you are certainly infoseeking in this post. She has someone dead in your house that is stuck to her and wont move along. Get a dried sage bundle (a smudge) and burn it blessing your the rooms of your home, tell the spirit its not welcome and to leave you in peace. Not good if there are cold spots about, its eating the energy out of the air. Tesla coil, set one up and feed it 400,000 volts explode/implode it.

Well Vet, other then you, Snarl; and the new person, sorry there bad at names, are the only ones I can actually talk to about anything. It would seem most are still stuck in the I want or somehow aliens did get control! dame school system I say! Feed the children crap and if that will not work, Pills!

No, this is a long thread there are others contributing; you should be proud to have prolonged the subject matter. Its the OP (you) that drives/manages the contributors to the thread and this one is a success; its a talent as in you have to relate at some level to everyone and keep them interested even if wildly off topic; embrace it.

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