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The Origins of the King James Bible and the New Testament, and the Forgery, and Pagan influences in

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posted on May, 10 2012 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by autowrench

A lot can be said for the Avatar that projects the lifestyle and they both match . California style .

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Yes I have original thoughts and that's what I asked you because you seem to be spouting the trademark anti bible remarks . That makes me wonder if you actually read all the information or just the narratives .
There has always been a guiding force that helps forge our beliefs right or wrong and most of the time alcohol , drugs , riotous living , friends or materialism seems to dominate the unbelief . When in the most dire circumstances people tend to turn to the one thing that they know and some to their last choice . Some day you may find yourself on your knees asking the last One you ever would to help a loved one . You will think of me .

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Okay...let me try and adress this one stage at a time.

And I suppose if I related to you the story of the night my Grandfather came to me, from the Afterlife, (he passed in 1962) and took me in his car for a ride and we talked all into the night....what would you say to that? And suppose I were to tell about a night when an ET Being came and took me to another planet, and told me all about the Afterlife, and my rather large family on another world. What would you say to that? You don't have to answer me, but I wish you would. And please, do not insult my relatives of ET friends. I could tell you things that would literally blow your human mind, friend.

Well, nice that you call me friend. Do I dismiss or berate any experiences you are relaying to me here?

could never call anyone "Jesus", and it is clear that was not his name. The letter "J" is 500 years old, not 2000, and there is no Vowels at all in the Hebrew Language. And, for the record, the Hebrew do not believe in Christ like Christians do. Does that surprise you?

Agreed. Yeshua would be a correct interpretation of the name. Was the name on the ossuary box in Hebrew, Greek, or Latin?
It's weird how the name Jesus has come to be in existence. It is a bizarre transliteration of the Greek 'Jesus' (Hey-suss). Why wasn't the name correctly translated as Yeshua or 'Joshuah' as understood by modern minds?
Hebrews don't believe in 'Messiah' (correct translation of 'Christ') or 'Moshiach' the same way 'Christians do? Well, It would appear that many of the Jews or Hebrews at the time didn't believe in Christ/Messiah/Moshiach the way the Jesus/Yeshua did either.
They had their own concept of what a Messiah/deliverer would be which abrogated any sense of resposibility over their own lives in terms of a leader.
They were/are looking for a Moses type figure. If you choose to go by Old Testament literature, well hey....they had the manifest presence of GOD in the wilderness by day or by night (a pillar of cloud or a pillar of fire,) but that STILL wasn't enough to cut it. It's a HEART ISSUE.
And no, it doesn't surprise me.

May I suggest you that you speak only for your own self here? I define a sheep as a follower. Also a believer in a certain dogma. That sound about right to you? I do not believe in any dogma of any religion, I believe in what I know to be real. And I most certainly am not, and never was a follower, that stuff got me thrown out the military.

You say you were in the military? Sheep are followers?
Then CLEARLY, I am not speaking for myself here. DOGMA is a man made word. It's where we put our own frills and patterns on a design that is outside of us and isn't dependant on us to define it.
'You most certainly are not, and never was a follower, that stuff got me thrown out the military'.
Do you have any idea how much of an oxymoron that statemnt is?
You don't follow, have never been a follower, therefore you chose to join/pledge alleigance to a system that does all your thinking for you?!?
Who is the 'religious' one here that has woken up and come to their senses?
The more you try to distance yourself from a 'thought pattern', 'dogma', 'ideaology', the more you find yourself in one based on the principle of 'opposng camp', 'rebel', 'atheist', 'agnostic', 'nihilist', etc.
People don't just use labels to define what they are. They also use them to define what they are NOT.
Like it or not, the label sticks on you, just as you have put a label on me that I would consider as unfair and ignorant as you probably perceive me to be for having just said that.

For those who have spent any time in high-control religious groups, it is realization that you can still have a rewarding inner walk with Deity beyond the restrictive, lifeless repression you experienced in the group. The fear factor and sexual repressions alone can drive a person mad.

You have either chosen to ignore everything I wrote earlier, or are attempting to quantify me with a box you refuse to put yourself in, with claims I must be fearful and sexually repressed.
That is an intellectually 'below the belt' punch to use, and that is the only statement you've made so far that offends me.
I didn't find Jesus in a church, a seminar, a pub, a whorehouse, a beach, a combat zone, a grammar school, a crime scene, a museum, the discovery channel, a telescope.......
I am genuinely sorry you aren't getting this, and It's a pity you choose to perceive me as living a restrictive, lifelles repression of an existence that is based on a 'group'.
How have you manage to miss all that?!?

Didn't Satre say 'Man is condemned to be free?'
Is everyone in chains of their own doing (including you,) or are some 'above all that?'
By nature I am chained, by choice I am free.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

Do you have any idea how much of an oxymoron that statemnt is?
You don't follow, have never been a follower, therefore you chose to join/pledge alleigance to a system that does all your thinking for you?!?

For your information, friend, in those days we had a thing called the "Draft". not a whole lotta choice there, unless you were a college student with a deferment, or gay.

People don't just use labels to define what they are. They also use them to define what they are NOT.

So, you are not one of those with the Demon, Satan label for everything and anything not in the bible, or Christianity, like, Aliens, for instance? You should hear some of the labels I have gained from your kind in here.
Even you allude to me being on drugs, and I consider that to be a personal insult. If you were in my shoes, you would welcome drugs at time, like at night, when you cannot lay in one place for more than 10 minutes.

To me, Christ was a very wise Man who was born of two parents, lived, and died, and was buried along with his wife, Miriam. Man is not God, not yet. The man wanted everyone to follow him, to his home in the Stars, not make him into a God and do the things that are done in his name. If he ever did come back, guess who he would be angry with? Certainly not me, or anyone like me, but his Followers!

Yes, you are my friend, as I have no enemies, other than the Draco, and some of the Reptilians, the ones running everything, including your religious organization.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 02:29 AM

Even you allude to me being on drugs, and I consider that to be a personal insult. If you were in my shoes, you would welcome drugs at time, like at night, when you cannot lay in one place for more than 10 minutes.
reply to post by autowrench

I never alluded to you being on drugs. I don't know you.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23
reply to post by Danbones

I'm pretty sure in a thousand years or so, people will be living by another religion or system and will be learning, with mixed fascination and boredom, of Christianity and its flawed beliefs...

Just like we do now with Egyptian gods and stuff.

Counting back from the end of the book using the chapter count provided in the original KJV Bible, we find that Psalms 46 is the 666th chapter from the end of the Bible.

Shakespeare encoded his name in Psalm 46. See the RED tekst.


- William Shakespeare is believed to have been born on 23rd April 1564.
- A memorial at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon records that he died on 23rd April 1616.
- Shakespeare's plays were first performed in 1588, when Shakespeare was 23.
- The First Folio of Shakespeare's works was published in 1623.
- Now 23 + 23 = 46.
- The King James Bible was first published in 1611, when Shakespeare was 46.

Other references:

Burbank Lodge 406 (Page 10)

Again Martin Luther his favorite psalm 46 + 666 books to go towards the end of the Bible

Psalm 46 in German:
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (English: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God)
"Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott"
Copying above German text to this site and clicking on Calculate for the Simple Cipher shows: 304

Yes, Oktober 31 (Luther day) is indeed day number 304 in the year (Halloween day)

edit on 11-5-2012 by hawk123 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 02:46 PM

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by hawk123

Encoded. Right. And I must have had a hand in writing it in one of my previous lives, because I just found every letter of my name in that Psalm.

Reaching, man...

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by autowrench

reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

Girls,'re both pretty. Now stop acting like little kids arguing over a box of cookies, and pay attention to the hate being bred here. This is exactly what TPTB want for us. United we stand...divided...we fall.

Can we agree to disagree on certain viewpoints and focus on the truths that are clearly self-evident in today's world? Christianity bears too many resemblances to various demonized faiths to be pure coincidence, and there are too many plot holes to be purely truthful. This was devised by Constantine to try and put a stop to the religious wars, which you two are impersonating right now.

Obviously, it didn't work.

Now, if we're going to argue over something none of us KNOWS anything about, we might as well walk away. It would be just as helpful to all parties involved. But if we're going to have a civilized discussion where we keep open minds and are fully willing to accept pure logic at its root, then perhaps we can bypass this obsession of hate.

And I really think that would be best for all concerned.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by hawk123

Shakespeare encoded his name in Psalm 46. See the RED tekst.

Thank you, More proof of my thread. Bacon did in fact edit the KJ Bible, and there is no denying it now, is there?

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by autowrench

That isn't proof of anything except grasping for straws. That's like saying Wilbur the talking pig created the Earth because the letters of his name can be found in Genesis.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Things bother me, you know, and call to be researched out. As far as I am concerned, it is time, no, past time, for Christians to question, and examine their "faith" for what it really is. They need to discover that that voice in their heads they think is "Jesus" is their Higher Selves, their Holy Guardian Spirit. A Guide who will never lie to you. I met mine a few years ago, and since that time, I never become angry, am a lot less depressed, happier, and nothing bothers me anymore.

...yeah ^ that.....

I could have written this exact paragraph on each day of my life for the past 35 years.

auto, you and I are (in accordance with my concept of all of this) of the same group returned. "Cosmic Cohort"...and I just made that title up. If one already exists, where do I sign??

...I believe that "we" (our Higher Selves) come back over and over together with the cohort, like a graduating class....who goes from "Freshman to PhD" concurrently. Different ages, genders, etc., but working together as teams.

We re-meet in different roles, or to wrap up earlier projects left undone.. to work things out that still need tweaking. From time to time, we merely run into one another -- a co-passenger on a train, a roommate, a co-worker, a child or parent, a client, an ATS member, a neighbor, a store clerk or mechanic that you come to know... all connected --- like an acting troupe, (or troop?...both, I guess) but not entertaining anyone else. Just, problem solving, growing up, trying it all on. Sometimes we are born into the very family that we just left....

I think there are a lot more of us than are represented here on ATS. But even so, as big as it is, we have a formidable number of like-minded people here like I have not experienced "on the ground." Which, for me, is empowering, and treasured. I have learned so much about "outlook" (positive or negative).....and I don't have nearly the pent-up anxiety, grief, fear, despair, anger and insecurity that I had before.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Sounds pretty much like me. I spent half a year sitting alone, pondering the world, and the answers I have come to provide so much insight into the workings of the world, where it comes from, where it's supposed to be going, and how we get there.

And it has brought me to the conclusion that I am not happy with the world as it is, for obvious reasons, but that I know some built-in safeguard will kick in and do something for us. Since this realization, I remain aware of what is happening, and I keep on the look-out for signs that change is on its way.

Unfortunately, I am not sure I've ever met this "Higher Self". Tell me, how do you know when the higher self is talking to you?

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

Tell me, how do you know when the higher self is talking to you?

When I see that my died-yesterday dad's watch has advanced 6 seconds without a battery since my mom gave it to me, which was the day after he died....

when I squabble with my husband and go to sleep on the couch and feel someone coming down the hall and bump against the couch and then I turn and noone's there.....

when I am in anxiety-panic mode while driving, and I feel a hand on my shoulder that says 'it'll all be okay".....

when I'm about to dash across a village main street with my two kids, but we stop for some unknown reason rather than going out in front of a speeding car....

when I'm in the back of a 70's Mercury Cougar and rolling off an icy switchback in the mountains....

when I'm in the backyard grieving and I feel arms wrap around me....
edit on 11-5-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I read your private message and have come to the conclusion that you are very strange!

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by hawk123

Nonsense. The Bible was NOT written in English, therefore, ShakeSpear did NOT creat it.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by hawk123

Shakespeare encoded his name in Psalm 46. See the RED tekst.

Thank you, More proof of my thread. Bacon did in fact edit the KJ Bible, and there is no denying it now, is there?

Like we don't have the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts available for cross-reference?

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 11:11 AM
You just destroyed their bible. Of course they didn't vet it , probably didn't read it completely along with all of the views on the subject but then they probably read the bible the same way . They find something they can use or refute and that's as far as they go . Most likely they once heard someone else spout the information . You can find research by various Titled people for or against anything . The problem is that for such professors and such people to embrace God is a death sentence to your credibility , about like telling you saw a UFO . So they are careful to be scientific and status quo with their research papers that of course are a money center facilitator for speaking engagements .

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by hawk123

Shakespeare encoded his name in Psalm 46. See the RED tekst.

Thank you, More proof of my thread. Bacon did in fact edit the KJ Bible, and there is no denying it now, is there?

Like we don't have the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts available for cross-reference?

I only would expect Hebrew and the good news is that PSALM 66 is not on book 666 from the end in Hebrew bible..
It is clear that the code is introduced by Pagan masons as explained by BURBANK lodge.

here are several reasons Bacon chose Psalm 46 as the converging point for his coded messages. First,the structure of the Psalm, prior to its re-translation, offered an ideal slate upon which Bacon could pen aningenious “super message”. Second, its numerical value of 46 stands between the numbers 45 and 47. Thesethree numbers, aligned in series, serve as a backdrop for a spectacular display of code using the Pythagorean,Kaye and Simple Ciphers.Thus, we start with the preceding Psalm 45. That number corresponds to the name Shakespeare in thePythagorean Cipher. Moreover, Psalm 45 has 17 verses. The number 17 in the Pythagorean Table matches thename Bacon. This is another signpost. Once again, the wording of the verse provides critical information asit indicates the importance of a name is about to be revealed: I will make thy name to be remembered in allgenerations: therefore shall the people praise thee forever and ever.The revelatory stage has been eloquently set as we now step into Psalm 46. In the Kaye Cipher, the nameChristian Rosenkreutz corresponds to the number 406, i.e. 46. It is no accident that the word Light, the 46thword of the KJV, matches that name which in turn leads to Psalm 46.Furthermore, Bacon deliberately ends Psalm 46 with the word Selah because it corresponds to thenumber 33 in the Simple Cipher. Here, he is using another of his favorite encryption devices by ending thePsalm with his own signature, i.e. 33 = Bacon.So, we now count down to the 46th word of Psalm 46, landing on the word shake. Reversing theprocess, we count up from the end of the Psalm (starting with the word Selah) to the 47th word which isspear. We remember that the number 47 is the Master Mason’s number (derived from the 47th problem inEuclid’s Elements). Moreover, the number 47, in the Simple Cipher, just happens to match the name Hiram.Now for the kicker, we count the number of words between shake and spear. The result is the number 111which corresponds to the name Bacon in the Kaye Cipher. In a master stroke, Bacon has unified the names Shakespeare (45), Christian Rosenkreutz (46), and Hiram (47) with his own name, thereby revealing thethree names, along with the three numbers to be pseudonymous aspects of himself. Once again, no othertranslation of the Bible will render the same results.Finally, the metaphorical meaning becomes clear. As masons, we all know the significance of theword Light as it relates to the Candidate in all three Blue Lodge Degrees. In being lead to Psalm 46, theinitiate (Candidate) seeking Light (knowledge), represented by the number 46, begins his journey of insightand discovery as he enters the “Bacon Light”, represented by the number 111, through which he istransformed from initiate to Master in the number 47. Thus, Christian Rosenkreutz (46) and Hiram (47)serve as pillars flanking Bacon (111) in the unifying metaphor: Shake – 111– Spear.The rich linguistic style of the KJV is uniquely different from all other versions of the Bible. The numerousparallels with the Shakespearean works are unmistakable—including the encrypted content that is not presentin any other biblical translation.S & F,Pythagorean Table – for more tables visit & Kaye Cypher TablesMay 2009 isYouth Orders MonthBy Decree of The Grand Master Of California“Building for a Better Tomorrow”We have entered into the Second quarter of the Masonic Year and I have not received duesfrom some of the Brethren.
Shakespeare (45), Christian Rosenkreutz (46), and Hiram (47) with his own name, thereby revealing thethree names, along with the three numbers. These codes are on the following links.

edit on 12-5-2012 by hawk123 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by hawk123

Well no duh! There are no chapter and verse designations in the Hebrew OR Greek. They didn't exist in the originals, they were added many centuries later to aid in finding verses.

Lol, this is getting silly, get out of here.

edit on 12-5-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

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