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If 911 is viewed as a crime instead of a terrorist attack, it becomes clear...

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posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Yes, It makes complete sense. Suspected this from the beginning... However we could have direct proof, undeniable proof that this was set up, and still the american people won't do anything. They'd still defend the OS. That's just the way it is, our eductation system has gone down the s**tter and the result is america is made up of 90% babbling idiots who want anybody but themselves to take care of them. We are at least 1000 years out before we get back on track with evolution.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by hooper

True, that's where the body part could have come from, that initial explosion. Maybe later I'll look up the exact numbers, I'm a little too lazy right now lol, but if I remember correctly there were several hundred bodies that could not be located in any way whatsoever.

Assuming they were disintegrated, along with the other bodies that left trace parts behind like little bone fragments, except to a slightly higher degree, what percentage of the people within the tower would that be? And would that percentage account for the amount of people in the section of the tower of the initial plane crash and initial contact between the top/bottom section of the towers that began the collapse?
edit on 30-12-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

I'm a little confused by your algebra there. Some remains were found on the roofs of neaby buildings. I don't recall the number of individuals those remains were attributed to. The problem with the scene in NY is we may never know for sure how many died. We have remains that indicate a finite number of indivduals today. There may have been remains that were never recovered. And there may be folks that were never listed as missing, because, sadly, they had no family or co-workers or friends.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by CaptChaos

And if were treated like a case of mass murder, which it was, then motivation is only an interesting foot note. The minds of mass murders do not work on a rational basis therefore motivation is irrelevant.

Are you talking about the entire american peole, or just a few spearheads?

This assumption of yours, is terribly incorrect in every aspect ... mass murderers always have an agenda. The greatest mass murderers in history, like Stalin, Hitler, George Bush ... all had an agenda to save the world from evil. And in doing so, they mass murdered millions of people. The mind of the mass murdere, is always the same however ... you can categorize the mass murderer in the way, that he always says "it's your fault". It's the victim that is to blame, for his death ... it's all the Iraqis fault ... they are like an echo of a B movie ... "see what you made me do", says the crook to the victim after he's shot him. You can also categorize the mass murderer with his enormous sense of "vengence" which he calls "justice". George Bush calls for "justice", and then he puts up a poster "Dead or Alive", like it's a western movie ... the man has the mindset of a simpleton, makes cards of people "to kill". To him, the death of people is a game of cards. The sodomisation in Abu Grahib, no more than a good beginning ... of course, he calls it "act of a few bad apples". But in his mind, it's not his own men that are those bad apples ... it's the fault of the enemy, it's the enemy that makes him do it. You can also see the the mindset of the mass murderer from his TV shows ... he looks at a newscast of an innocent blackman shot by 30 gunshots, and does not call for justice ... because it wasn't millions of jews that died. But if a tragic accident, kills thee thousand people ... he screams for justice, and sets out for a war ... to murder millions, soddomose people, degrade their values, and rob them of their dignity and freedom ... and calls it justice.

How often, do you see pictures of people in the news media in the US ... stumbling and crying over the horrendous pictures of misshapen born babies, in Iraq from the use of radioactive matter? How many crying iraqi daughters do you see on TV, crying in front of a senate committee ... telling about the birth of such defective children ... or the mass death of such children, due to such radioactive matter used by the US military?

If you see such a show, you will see George Bush, or some of his representatives come forth and say that this could all have been avoided, if Saddam Hussein had complied to their demands. It's all Saddams Fault ... do you see the pattern of the criminal mind? In his mind, in the mind of George Bush and the likes ... all the evil doing, that his military did ... was Saddams doing ... not his own.

The entire US population is a set of criminal minds ... because as a democracy it's their duty to stand guard. They stood by and did nothing ... they did nothing to Abu Grahib, they did nothing to Mai Lai ... Mai Lai, was Colin Powel ... he was the ultimate finger, to the world ... giving them the finger, for the murders at Mai Lai. Not only did he appear and lie to the US senate concerning Mai Lai, he appeared decades later ... and lied to the whole world, about Iraq ... now if that isn't the US telling the world "f.u." ... than I don't know what is.

The American People, are basically mass murderers ... who have set on a path to enslave and murder everyone else, because the rest of the world are gentiles and not Jews. (the last was a joke of irony).

edit on 30/12/2011 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by VitriolAndAngst
reply to post by Alfie1

From the COMMITTEE members themselves -- read my post just above, here's a LINK

In his own words he's saying this -- it's not this little blogger's conspiracy theory.

Can't see anything in your link to the effect that the Commission was not allowed to interview various witnesses.Do you have any evidence at all or was that just your idea ?

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

If I recall correctly, there were also body parts found on the rooftops of buildings several hundred feet away. How the hell does gravity alone do that? It doesn't

Some came from the initial aircraft impact where debris spewed out the outside of the building onto adjacent

Path of aircraft debris

Aircraft parts on nearby buildings

Aircraft seat cushion - 130 Liberty St (aka Deutsche Bank)

Life vest - 130 Liberty St

Fragments discovered in 2006

Construction workers near the World Trade Center discovered 74 more bone fragments on a damaged skyscraper slated to be torn down later this year, officials said Thursday

Most of the bone fragments discovered over the weekend were found mixed with gravel that had been raked to the sides of the roof of the former Deutsche Bank building, which suffered extensive damage when the twin towers collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.

Earlier this year, workers in the building found four additional human body parts, and they found 10 additional bone fragments on the roof last fall. In the most recent discovery, workers retrieved 82 samples, 74 of which proved to be human remains that will undergo DNA testing, Borakove said.

FDNY members saw evidence of body parts in the street

EMT RICHARD ZARRILLO Vesey near Broadway

Captain Nahmod and I were running down Vesey Street stepping over airplane pieces, several bodies and whatnot. There was what looked like the front wheel assembly of an airplane. Unknown the size of the plane that had hit, it just looked like it was one pair of wheels on an assembly, pieces of metal with rivets in them, a few body parts scattered around.

EMS ROGER MOORE body parts on West below Liberty


posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

if this had been the title of a thread back on 9/12/2001 then things might not be the way things would be definitelty! but people sleeep and still need to wake up to what is really going on and this title just might do it a the time most needed! bravo!

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Our government was warned in advance that there would be a terrorist attack, but they not only ignored those warnings, they lied about it and said they had no foreknowledge.

There's always warnings about attacks. The key is specifics. Would you have guessed they would have used planes???

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

Too bad the attacks were not performed for any kind of gain but were performed to terrorize the people of the United States. That is why they are called terrorist.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by TupacShakur

Our government was warned in advance that there would be a terrorist attack, but they not only ignored those warnings, they lied about it and said they had no foreknowledge.

There's always warnings about attacks. The key is specifics. Would you have guessed they would have used planes???

Even if you knew avaiation was somehow or another involved there are still limits. You can't ground the United States of America for some indefinite period of time, it would be a nightmare. You could beef airport security and maybe some more air marshalls but unless someone specifically told you that they were going to hijack commercial passenger planes, kill the operators and crash the planes then you are still operating with one eye in the dark and maybe a candle.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by bjarneorn

Well said. It's not just Americans though, this has been going on since the beginning.

One of the greatest feats of civilization was when a minority of sociopaths and psychopaths managed to convince the sane majority to emulate their behavior; it’s been downhill for humanity ever since.

Civilization as we know it is the construct of psychopaths; this is why today we call mass murder “war”, and mass murderers “war heroes”. We exalt our leaders who are able to kill women and children across the world while keeping a stiff upper lip about it, and even in our entertainment we idolize people who are able to fake emotions and pretend they are someone else; while most of our video games require our children to perform more and more psychotic acts. We’re trained from birth to be psychos.

The hierarchical structure of what we call civilization is represented in the pyramid we all know so well, with only the small percentage at the top, the psychopaths, able to see the whole picture. This pattern is repeated in the military world, as it is in the corporate world, as it is in the religious world; the people who can emulate a sociopath, ie, someone who has no empathy for others, will rise to the top. The science that studies this phenomenon is called Ponerology.

I have little patience left for folks who are unable to accept the preceding paragraphs; to me they are simply little psychopaths running around copying the bigger psychopaths they see on TV. That group of barely functioning sociopathic nutcases is the reason we’re in the place we are now, amazingly 10 years after 911.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by TupacShakur

There's always warnings about attacks. The key is specifics. Would you have guessed they would have used planes???

Uh doh .... terrorists ... hijack planes ... hmmm ... that is the most idiotic question I've read yet.

Are you related to George Bush, apparantly he had the same though ... couldn't guess they'd use planes. But apparently everyone else did ... weren't they doing a simulation of precisely that.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by samkent

I'm really lazy today, so I don't want to take the time to source this, but some of the warnings were of airplane hi-jackings.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by bjarneorn

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by TupacShakur

There's always warnings about attacks. The key is specifics. Would you have guessed they would have used planes???

Uh doh .... terrorists ... hijack planes ... hmmm ... that is the most idiotic question I've read yet.

Are you related to George Bush, apparantly he had the same though ... couldn't guess they'd use planes. But apparently everyone else did ... weren't they doing a simulation of precisely that.

Who is "everyone else" ? and no, there wasn't " a simulation of precisely that" going on.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Actually, I thought the poster, if he came up with anything at all, would refer to David Griffin who has retracted his allegation that Boeing 757's didn't have airfones on 9/11.

It's quite possible. The fact remains that time after time, all these 9/11 conspiracy stories have been shown to be coming from the exact same handful of people, and it's no surprise that thay all know each other. Dylan "missile pods on the planes" Avery promoted his "Loose Change" flick on the Alex Jones show, while Alex Jones of "Secret cults of Satan worshippers" fame knows Morgan "no planes hit the towers" Reynolds, who in turn signed onto Dr Judy "lasers from outer space" Wood in her lawsuit against NIST...who in turn used to belong to Richard "secret controlled demolitions" Gage's AE911truth group before she left and started preaching her own conspiracy theory. What a surprise that David Ray Griffin accompanies Gage in his lecture tours.

It's like it's conspiracy monger version of Amway. The only difference is that they profit off of suckering other people into peddling "the gov't is out to murder us all" conspiracies instead of cold cream.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by TupacShakur

Our government was warned in advance that there would be a terrorist attack, but they not only ignored those warnings, they lied about it and said they had no foreknowledge.

There's always warnings about attacks. The key is specifics. Would you have guessed they would have used planes???

According to USA Today, yes they even had a drill that very day if you can believe that coincedense.

NORAD had drills of jets as weapons

NORAD, in a written statement, confirmed that such hijacking exercises occurred. It said the scenarios outlined were regional drills, not regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises. "Numerous types of civilian and military aircraft were used as mock hijacked aircraft," the statement said. "These exercises tested track detection and identification; scramble and interception; hijack procedures; internal and external agency coordination and operational security and communications security procedures."

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by CaptChaos

Too bad the attacks were not performed for any kind of gain but were performed to terrorize the people of the United States. That is why they are called terrorist.

What are you talking about? The only difference between al Qaeda and the Pentagon is their budgets.

   [ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
Math Tutoring @Ma

So if you refused to pay taxes for supporting the deaths of folks on the other side of the world, and the government came to arrest you, if you resisted arrest and were killed, would you be the terrorist, or would the government employees be?

edit on 30-12-2011 by comprehension because: changed "when" to "if"

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by litterbaux

According to USA Today, yes they even had a drill that very day if you can believe that coincedense

Well, NORAD and the rest of the military have drills every day. No coincidence there. There is no evidence they had any drills on 9/11 involving hijacked aircraft being used as suicide missiles.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by bjarneorn
Uh doh .... terrorists ... hijack planes ... hmmm ... that is the most idiotic question I've read yet.

Are you related to George Bush, apparantly he had the same though ... couldn't guess they'd use planes. But apparently everyone else did ... weren't they doing a simulation of precisely that.

Something like that, yeah.

October 16-23, 2000: NORAD Exercise Includes Scenarios of Attempted Suicide Plane Crashes into UN Headquarters in New York

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) practices scenarios based around suicidal pilots planning to deliberately crash stolen aircraft into the United Nations headquarters—a skyscraper in New York. The two scenarios are practiced on October 16 and October 23 as part of NORAD’s annual command post exercise called Vigilant Guardian. All of NORAD, including its Northeast Air Defense Sector based in Rome, New York, participates in this exercise. [US Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services, 8/17/2004; Arkin, 2005, pp. 545; GlobalSecurity (.org), 4/27/2005]


September 9, 2001: NEADS Exercise Includes Scenario with Terrorist Hijackers Targeting New York

Personnel at NORAD’s Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) practice their responses to a simulated plane hijacking in which terrorists plan to blow up a hijacked airliner over New York City. The scenario is part of the annual NORAD training exercise Vigilant Guardian. [9/11 Commission, 2004; Spencer, 2008, pp. 3]


Army Command Center at the Pentagon Planned to Hold Exercise in Week After 9/11 Based on a Plane Hitting the WTC

Army officers at the Pentagon were planning a training exercise that would take place less than a week after 9/11 and that would, extraordinarily, be based around the scenario of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center. Preparations for the exercise were being made about a week before September 11.

The existence of the planned exercise was revealed by Major General Peter Chiarelli, who on September 11, 2001, was the Army's director of operations, readiness, and mobilization. In that position, which he had moved into about a month before 9/11, Chiarelli was in charge of current operations in the Army Operations Center (AOC) at the Pentagon.


In the wake of the French intelligence report (see August 22, 2001) on Zacarias Moussaoui, FBI agents in Minneapolis, Minnesota, are “in a frenzy” and “absolutely convinced he [is] planning to do something with a plane.” Agent Greg Jones tells FBI headquarters that Moussaoui might “fly something into the World Trade Center.” [Newsweek, 5/20/2002; US Department of Justice, 11/2004, pp. 153


And that's just the tip.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 02:09 PM
I wanna add to all the plot here ... I remember during the clinton era, that when he left office. He was bostering himself, that he had left billions of dollars, that would make life good for all americans in their old age ...

Has anyone asked the question, where all that money has gone ...

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by litterbaux

According to USA Today, yes they even had a drill that very day if you can believe that coincedense

Well, NORAD and the rest of the military have drills every day. No coincidence there. There is n
o evidence they had any drills on 9/11 involving hijacked aircraft being used as suicide missiles.

According to the most likely suspects, yep, that's the story.

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