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What Will Soldiers do if Ordered to Arrest Friends, Families, Neighbors on US Soil?

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posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 02:57 PM
In this thread Americans think their soldiers are more sophisticated than every other soldier the world has ever known.

What would happen?

Firstly, it will not simply be, "Hey, we are going to go occupy New York City. The use of deadly force is authorized." No. It would be a long indoctrination about who the new enemy is. Most likely someone trying to destroy the America that these 'proud soldiers' have been trying to protect.

Secondly, the soldier is not sent home to arrest his own family. That doesn't work unless you are taken at quite a young age, Im talking 12 or 13. At that age you CAN be trained to kill/rape your family. Don't believe me, ask Somalia, Sudan or Congo. The soldier will be put in a part of the country they are not familiar with and then they will be told who the "Enemies of the State" are (Notice the term.. not "Enemy of the People").

This has happened before, it will happen again. The United States is not magical.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:00 PM
great posts.

i for 1 am relying on this hopeful hypothetical situation:
Most (a good 75% or more) U.S. military would, post haste upon hearing that the U.S. has been placed under martial law and arresting it's own citizenry under some pretext, come to our aid as they have sworn to do.

there would be mass awol w/ weapons and full gear and probably some big armored stuff as well as some jets.
General(s) would have to make a decision as well.
Best case, entire brigades that would turn against those that issued the order.
The U.S military will stand against those orders - of that i am confident.

of course the above scenario depends on our military being in the U.S. as opposed to all over the world.

hmmm- which candidate wants to bring them home...oh right - Ron Paul and no martial law and no what ifs.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:36 PM
"reply to post by jude11

So I was at a party a few months ago and met some random guy that's in the ROTC. I made a "joke" (well I wasn't joking but I wanted to see his response) and said something along the lines of, "Well I hope you know that you're going to have to be in WW3 in a few years."

And he just looked at me and was like, "Yea, I know." So I said, "Well what would you do if your superiors told you to arrest or kill American citizens? What if you're going through neighborhoods rounding up anyone you can find?"

And he once again looked like he'd thought about this before, which surprised me. I figured most people joining the military would think what I'd just said to be crazy. But he just said, "Oh, I wouldn't do that." He said if that happened he would probably just quit the military and take his gun to protect his friends and family.

I will say that I seriously doubt the majority of people in the military would respond the same way. But that conversation gave me hope that we might have some sort of hope. If we can get enough military people to join the side of the people that would completely turn the tables, if something like this ever happened.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:37 PM
While I was in the USAF this conversation actually came up. It was at a Christmas party and a few of the "players" had some drinks and were "loosening" up so to say. All the enlisted men seemed to agree that attacking their own country men would never happen. The officers however seemed to not care either way and said orders are orders. (Public education via college no doubt...)

But what scared me the most was the response of the two black airmen and a few of the "Mexican" looking airmen. They came right out and said they would happily kill whoever stood against the military and their paychecks....... Now I am not racist, but I truly believe this was the point of affirmative action in the military, as well as making rank (military men know what I am talking about all too well!)

You see, AMERICANS would probably not kill their own fellow Americans.......but African-americans, and Mexican/Latino Americans would kill white Americans since they are not their own people...........think about it. (Ever wonder why there are so many different race designators in order to racially divide the UNITED States of America?)

Want proof? Walk down Oakland, Miami, the Bronx, Atlanta, or any other racially fueled domestic war zones at ANY time of day and you will get your proof.

Once again, I am not racist, and I have tons more examples. The noose is tightening on America.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by KJV1611
While I was in the USAF this conversation actually came up. It was at a Christmas party and a few of the "players" had some drinks and were "loosening" up so to say. All the enlisted men seemed to agree that attacking their own country men would never happen. The officers however seemed to not care either way and said orders are orders. (Public education via college no doubt...)

But what scared me the most was the response of the two black airmen and a few of the "Mexican" looking airmen. They came right out and said they would happily kill whoever stood against the military and their paychecks....... Now I am not racist, but I truly believe this was the point of affirmative action in the military, as well as making rank (military men know what I am talking about all too well!)

You see, AMERICANS would probably not kill their own fellow Americans.......but African-americans, and Mexican/Latino Americans would kill white Americans since they are not their own people...........think about it. (Ever wonder why there are so many different race designators in order to racially divide the UNITED States of America?)

Want proof? Walk down Oakland, Miami, the Bronx, Atlanta, or any other racially fueled domestic war zones at ANY time of day and you will get your proof.

Once again, I am not racist, and I have tons more examples. The noose is tightening on America.

LOL.. I'm not a racist.. but I'm just going to make racist statements.. It is to laugh.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by jude11

As someone who lives with, is descended from and is married to a solider let me give you a quick answer: They'd throw your ass in jail because you don't pay their bills. It's just the way things are, they have to eat too.

People like you disgust me. You are going to be the downfall of our human civilization. You are the ones that have spread the entitlement mentality that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the human race. Thanks alot. Why can't people do things without expecting anything in return. This world would be so much better if we could do that. But everyone always reverts to every man for himself in a crisis which is why our species cannot last much longer. This is the stupidity of the human race, and it is ironic because we are so smart, but none of us can see how much better life would be without people of your mentality

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Sadly they'll do it, look throughout history and you'll notice a trend of government policing there own people... Nothing new. In the end it's you or them and their families lives over yours, believe you me some will disagree and they'll be swiftly dealt with. Although people want to hope for the best and see the best in people, the truth is that people in general are spineless and like to sit back and enjoy a show. Many will eventually sit back and watch and many will die.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by andersensrm

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by jude11

As someone who lives with, is descended from and is married to a solider let me give you a quick answer: They'd throw your ass in jail because you don't pay their bills. It's just the way things are, they have to eat too.

People like you disgust me. You are going to be the downfall of our human civilization. You are the ones that have spread the entitlement mentality that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the human race. Thanks alot. Why can't people do things without expecting anything in return. This world would be so much better if we could do that. But everyone always reverts to every man for himself in a crisis which is why our species cannot last much longer. This is the stupidity of the human race, and it is ironic because we are so smart, but none of us can see how much better life would be without people of your mentality

People like her? You mean people that tell the truth?

Why do you think most people join the military. You think it is to protect and serve? No, it is because they want a career and no one else if hiring. People don't generally go in the military if they have ANYWHERE else to go.. UNLESS it is going to help them get a BETTER job later. (IM Complex)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
During my active duty time I had absolutely no idea there was a war raging in the United States! What you say?

It wasn't till I returned from over seas and retired that I started to suspect something foul under foot. The first clue was in the job market and I had to deal with a "Human Resource" office, not a "personnel" office. We are just human resources now, not human beings? And after 30 or so jobs it finally hit home. We are just considered cattle.

The next clue came from media programing and the obvious manipulation and covert agenda of self destruction. I have never known this country to be so divided on so many issues. And when you thought there were no more subjects to be divided by, here comes "Reality TV", which can not be further away from reality!

Then I remembered something from my childhood, JFK! JFKs assassination was not the beginning of the covert infiltration and take over of our country, it was the final step. Yes, it was his final plea, that was never aired, that made me see the truth.

To our active duty military I beg you, get educated, get informed, GET INVOLVED! We need you more now, more than ever! You must learn who JFK is speaking about before you accept any orders to take action against "REAL" American citizens. God help your choices..........

I largely agree with your sentiment. However, be aware that the popular versions of that speech that you find on youtube and conspiracy sites are heavily edited. In the context of the entire speech, JFK is obviously referring to communism, not Illuminati/Bilderberger/etc.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Furbs

Originally posted by andersensrm

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by jude11

As someone who lives with, is descended from and is married to a solider let me give you a quick answer: They'd throw your ass in jail because you don't pay their bills. It's just the way things are, they have to eat too.

People like you disgust me. You are going to be the downfall of our human civilization. You are the ones that have spread the entitlement mentality that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the human race. Thanks alot. Why can't people do things without expecting anything in return. This world would be so much better if we could do that. But everyone always reverts to every man for himself in a crisis which is why our species cannot last much longer. This is the stupidity of the human race, and it is ironic because we are so smart, but none of us can see how much better life would be without people of your mentality

People like her? You mean people that tell the truth?

Why do you think most people join the military. You think it is to protect and serve? No, it is because they want a career and no one else if hiring. People don't generally go in the military if they have ANYWHERE else to go.. UNLESS it is going to help them get a BETTER job later. (IM Complex)

O ok I get it, If I can't provide for myself, but I have a gun, I should just go kill the people who can, and then I'll be set. Sure this is the way evolution has worked for millions of years, It has only been in the past few hundred thousand years that we have become smart enough to see that this is a very primitive way of thinking. It is possible to have both people to be equally satisfied in what they have. But people first have to make that choice. And it seems that most fall backwards towards the primitive and goes and kills the guy because it me or him. But you just don't understand. Life is not so real as to go about killing people for your own. BTW all the people that I knew who joined the military did pretty bad in highschool. Maybe not because they were stupid, but because they were LAZY. Let's face it highschool kids are lazy, but if you're lazy and don't have good grades you can't get a scholarship to a good college to get a good job. Instead you just figure, hey it's just highschool, I'll just do whatever and screw around and go to all the parties, and then when it's over I don't have to worry about anything because I can just join the military and they'll take care of me. This is where the entitlement mentality begins. While all the other kids like me, work there ass off through high school so they can go to good college. But it doesn't matter, why work hard when the government just takes your money and gives it to all the lazy high school kids who end up with low paying jobs, who didn't think/care about their future at the time. Now we are to the point that there is going to have to be a complete system collapse for things to change. And millions will probably die, because they don't know how to take care of themselves, or for that matter even care. I will accept no money from the government, even when I am homeless without food on the street ( if it comes to that point) and I feel guilt in accepting things from others. Why? I don't feel I deserve anything. No matter what I do. Does this make me crazy? No. It just means that I am closer to reality. Look I don't deserve my life anymore than the squirrel you ran over on the way to work. That's how I look at it, and it's rare to find another person with the same mentality. Which may go on to explain that I am somehow a newer species with the brain cells to process this information. Otherwise I can't figure out why so many people can just take things so easily

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:16 PM
The soldiers won't have to be ordered to do these things as our police departments are being turned into paramilitary groups with no qualms whatsoever about arresting people and brutalizing their communities.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:25 PM
im sorry to not read thread but foriegn troops in america? imo gun ownership in america is a lil high for that one. approx 250 million guns in america spread amongst approx 40 million. thats not counting illegal gun owners. good luck on that ocupation.

imo the move would have to be some kind of emotional hot button used to convince american troops to do the unthinkable. if they believed their actions saved more lives than they harmed they would get some % to do the dirty. they would fire/eliminate any who refuse(eastern front anyone?) and from there they evolve to a tighter grip as long as there is no major protest after awhile its too late any who speak out or refuse are never seen again.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by andersensrm

Originally posted by Furbs

Originally posted by andersensrm

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by jude11

As someone who lives with, is descended from and is married to a solider let me give you a quick answer: They'd throw your ass in jail because you don't pay their bills. It's just the way things are, they have to eat too.

People like you disgust me. You are going to be the downfall of our human civilization. You are the ones that have spread the entitlement mentality that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the human race. Thanks alot. Why can't people do things without expecting anything in return. This world would be so much better if we could do that. But everyone always reverts to every man for himself in a crisis which is why our species cannot last much longer. This is the stupidity of the human race, and it is ironic because we are so smart, but none of us can see how much better life would be without people of your mentality

People like her? You mean people that tell the truth?

Why do you think most people join the military. You think it is to protect and serve? No, it is because they want a career and no one else if hiring. People don't generally go in the military if they have ANYWHERE else to go.. UNLESS it is going to help them get a BETTER job later. (IM Complex)

O ok I get it, If I can't provide for myself, but I have a gun, I should just go kill the people who can, and then I'll be set. Sure this is the way evolution has worked for millions of years, It has only been in the past few hundred thousand years that we have become smart enough to see that this is a very primitive way of thinking. It is possible to have both people to be equally satisfied in what they have. But people first have to make that choice. And it seems that most fall backwards towards the primitive and goes and kills the guy because it me or him. But you just don't understand. Life is not so real as to go about killing people for your own. BTW all the people that I knew who joined the military did pretty bad in highschool. Maybe not because they were stupid, but because they were LAZY. Let's face it highschool kids are lazy, but if you're lazy and don't have good grades you can't get a scholarship to a good college to get a good job. Instead you just figure, hey it's just highschool, I'll just do whatever and screw around and go to all the parties, and then when it's over I don't have to worry about anything because I can just join the military and they'll take care of me. This is where the entitlement mentality begins. While all the other kids like me, work there ass off through high school so they can go to good college. But it doesn't matter, why work hard when the government just takes your money and gives it to all the lazy high school kids who end up with low paying jobs, who didn't think/care about their future at the time. Now we are to the point that there is going to have to be a complete system collapse for things to change. And millions will probably die, because they don't know how to take care of themselves, or for that matter even care. I will accept no money from the government, even when I am homeless without food on the street ( if it comes to that point) and I feel guilt in accepting things from others. Why? I don't feel I deserve anything. No matter what I do. Does this make me crazy? No. It just means that I am closer to reality. Look I don't deserve my life anymore than the squirrel you ran over on the way to work. That's how I look at it, and it's rare to find another person with the same mentality. Which may go on to explain that I am somehow a newer species with the brain cells to process this information. Otherwise I can't figure out why so many people can just take things so easily

What the hell does any of that have to do with anything in this thread?

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Do our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan recognize the "natural rights" of those citizens to exercise freedom in their country, including to keep and bear arms? No, they are trained to go house to house, kick down doors, throw in stun grenades, shoot anyone who looks threatening and search for 'contraband' weapons held by the 'insurgents'.
If America ever gets taken down or put into UN receivership the disarming of America will become the new law of the land and if you have weapons you will be labeled a terrorist (insurgent). It will be the soldiers against the "terrorists" not against the american people per se (in their eyes). Also what happened in the aftermath of Katrina when they beta tested a nullification of the 2nd Amendment? The LE said "there will be no (civilian) weapons." So much for the defense of your natural right to defend yourself during social chaos.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by gravitor

Ah AH thats no problem, old chap.
Tell Me???, what will You do if a Chinaman knocks on Your door?

First off, kind sir, I'm not British, and have not been disarmed, nor am I especially charming, civilized, or nice. That by itself puts a potentially different complexion on things.

Second, when people knock on my door, I generally answer - depending on my mood, and what else I may see out the window that might give cause for NOT answering it. The mere fact that it's a Chinaman knocking on my door is insufficient cause to just turn the TV up louder to drown out the knocking.

Now, if you'd be so kind as to develop the scenario a bit more, I could give a more specific answer. Is the Chinese gent in a business suit, or a combat suit? Is his vehicle a United Way car, or is it whatever answers for a Humvee in China?

You see, the details surrounding the scenario are fairly influential of response thereto.

edit on 2011/12/5 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by jude11

Not to be negative - but I think police actions against OWS protestors gives us a good fore-warning.

Good question.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by gravitor

Ah AH thats no problem, old chap.
Tell Me???, what will You do if a Chinaman knocks on Your door?

First off, kind sir, I'm not British, and have not been disarmed. That by itself puts a potentially different complexion on things.

Second, when people knock on my door, I generally answer - depending on my mood, and what else I may see out the window that might give cause for NOT answering it. The mere fact that it's a Chinaman knocking on my door is insufficient cause to just turn the TV up louder to drown out the knocking.

Now, if you'd be so kind as to develop the scenario a bit more, I could give a more specific answer. Is the Chinese gent in a business suit, or a combat suit? Is his vehicle a United Way car, or is it whatever answers for a Humvee in China?

You see, the details surrounding the scenario are fairly influential of response thereto.

If he's promoting NBC's fall line-up. . . two words.

Center mass.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Furbs

Originally posted by KJV1611
While I was in the USAF this conversation actually came up. It was at a Christmas party and a few of the "players" had some drinks and were "loosening" up so to say. All the enlisted men seemed to agree that attacking their own country men would never happen. The officers however seemed to not care either way and said orders are orders. (Public education via college no doubt...)

But what scared me the most was the response of the two black airmen and a few of the "Mexican" looking airmen. They came right out and said they would happily kill whoever stood against the military and their paychecks....... Now I am not racist, but I truly believe this was the point of affirmative action in the military, as well as making rank (military men know what I am talking about all too well!)

You see, AMERICANS would probably not kill their own fellow Americans.......but African-americans, and Mexican/Latino Americans would kill white Americans since they are not their own people...........think about it. (Ever wonder why there are so many different race designators in order to racially divide the UNITED States of America?)

Want proof? Walk down Oakland, Miami, the Bronx, Atlanta, or any other racially fueled domestic war zones at ANY time of day and you will get your proof.

Once again, I am not racist, and I have tons more examples. The noose is tightening on America.

LOL.. I'm not a racist.. but I'm just going to make racist statements.. It is to laugh.

No it is not funny that someone has to defend himself when he points out that he notices statistically that some crimes are fueled by color and creed. It is sad, but he is speaking the truth. And that is how it would work.. us white soldiers would be sent to the ghettos and vice versa.

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM
I was in Marine Corps boot camp, had just completed rifle training at Camp Hansen and had returned to MCRD on April 4 1968..... We were in formation, the smoking lamp was lit and we were asked if we were to be taken to L A to suppress a riot, would we have a problem with shooting to kill American Citizens if ordered to do so.... This was the evening of the day that Martin Luther King had been shot and killed in Memphis ..... None of us said that they would not follow the order if it was given...

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Algernonsmouse

. Obviously you didn't read it. That would take some effort. If you refuse to look at reality when you're welcome to stay in la la land.

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