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FLASHBACK: Homeless Lady with 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs to Pay for All My Children’

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posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by torsion

When the EU borders were open we had an influx of Eastern European workers. Most of them did work but some were only interested in the benefits system.

As an Eastern European, I do believe you. And you should utilize all the means necessary to kick such Eastern Europeans out of your beautiful country, IMHO. Not only do they steal money from your system and mostly create future welfare recipients, but they make bad name for all the decent Eastern Europeans in the UK, and west in general.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by cj6
Its simple: STOP HAVING KIDS!!!! If your irresponsible enough to have that many kids knowing you cant afford to take care of them then it is YOUR fault and nobody elses. I say let her take care of them on her own and if she cant...tough! People need to stop having kids thats the bottom line!

Did you know that if you're on gov't assistance and want to get your tubes tied in Oregon... that you have to petition the court???

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
When she goes to collect her benefits, they should hand her a box of condoms.

Most men won't use them.

Condoms would be a perfect solution, if they could once again be seen as "cool" (back in the 1700's they were fashionable) or the right thing to do even when you're in a long term relationship.

But if you ask the women here, you'll find almost no man hops into bed and puts on a condom. Some do, yes. The majority don't.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by guohua

I read through some of the post but not all,

Coming from a low income neighborhood myself, these people are set up for failure,I agree what Gingrich, said the other day

The politicians keep the people down, but the people haven't figured it out yet, we have a poor educational system and generation on welfare, shortages of jobs, so they leaned to work the system.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by guohua

...This is so ridiculous...I'm sorry, I just have to laugh know how passionate I am about people like this "making demands" that others take care of them. I also agree with the poster above me, however, being "pre-doomed" so to speak, is no excuse.

Besides, if I don't laugh at this and say what's really on my mind, I can guarantee you I'll be "banned" for life from ATS.

Awesome post my friend!

edit on 12/2/11 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:15 AM
These people are serial welfare takers. There should be a limit to how many children you can collect welfare for, otherwise people will continue to abuse the system and have more children to collect more welfare.

And amazingly, no amount of public school sex-ed for third graders has stopped this.
edit on 2-12-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
I feel for her kids. What does this teach them? It teaches them that you don't have to work for anything. The government will take care of you, and you won't be any better or any worse than anyone else. Basically, they'll never have a chance to stand out.

She has become a liability to the human race.


Yes, I've read where many of you have asked, How about the Children and what is their chances to be productive adults?
Slim to None,,, More than likely these children will also be a burden to the Tax Payers and only because it's all they have been taught by their parent or parents.

Some have said, these cycle has gone on for 3 generations and longer.

The cycle of poverty has been defined as a phenomenon where poor families become trapped in poverty for at least three generations.

Dr. Ruby K. Payne distinguishes between situational poverty, which can generally be traced to a specific incident within the lifetimes of the person or family members in poverty, and generational poverty, which is a cycle that passes from generation to generation, and goes on to argue that generational poverty has its own distinct culture and belief patterns.

The key words here are, distinct culture and belief patterns. This I Believe.

Children are most at the mercy of the cycle of poverty. Because a child is dependent on his or her guardian(s), if a child's guardian is in poverty, then they will be also. It is almost impossible for a child to pull him or herself out of the cycle due to age, lack of experience, lack of a job, etc. Because children are at such a young and impressionable age, the scars they gain from experiencing poverty early in life inevitably carry on into their adult life. "Childhood lays the foundations for adult abilities, interests, and motivation." Therefore, if they learn certain poverty-related behaviors in childhood, the behaviors are more likely to perpetuate.


OK, So Basically what their saying is this and please correct me if I'm wrong. ( I know some one will )
If these 12 children stay in their present surroundings with their Mother who as admitted she has no desire to work or bettering her life on her own,,,,, The Chances Are Very Good Her Children Will Be Just Like Her,,,,,YES?

So,,, What Steps Do We Take To Correct This? I Know Many Have Stated They Care About The Children and Would Gladly Take Them Into Their Homes And Raise Them,,, Even A Poster From Australia ( whom I've had words with but still like ) Has Kindly Offered Her Home To These Children,,,, I Believe.
Is These The Right Thing to Do?
edit on 2-12-2011 by guohua because: Spelling

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
These people are serial welfare takers. There should be a limit to how many children you can collect welfare for, otherwise people will continue to abuse the system and have more children to collect more welfare.

And amazingly, no amount of public school sex-ed for third graders has stopped this.
edit on 2-12-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

Sad but true, not uncommon in our neighborhood for generations of welfare recipients living in the same household, the entitlement generation,

Wait till the money train runs out of steam.

But I still blame the politicians that used the poor to get votes.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:28 AM
How is it that so many people can be so anti-government intervention when it comes to just about everything, but as soon as something impacts you personally, you want government to fix it?

Regulate the economy? Hell no!
Raise my taxes to fund a war? Get bent!
Make sure everyone has access to health insurance? Repeal the socialist crap!


Someone costs me a portion of my tax contribution because they've got mental issues? Sterilize the waste of space! C'mon government, fix it for me! There should be a law!

How can anyone possibly, in any conceivable scenario, think that it jives with the idea for this nation that the government should have the power to regulate reproduction and sterilize it's "undesirable" citizens? Have you all gone mad?

If you live in a society, you benefit from the Einsteins and the Salks....but you pay for people like this. It's the price of living. Take the kids, get her evaluated, institutionalize her if the review comes back as such. Stop all benefits till a treatment program is complete and a state psych signs off. All that is fine. Sterilize? Licenses for reproduction based on IQ?

You must be freaking nuts. This isn't Gattaca.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:33 AM
I say send them to Elton John and his spouse. They probably would love to adopt and they can afford it. The children would then live in lavish surroundings and never go hungry a day.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Jiggyfly

This situation is a bit over the top, don't you think?

But, yes, how about my government pay for my health care with the taxes I pay instead of someone that sucks the system dry, and doesn't do anything but take.

Yes, how about that?

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

It's Great to hear from you Stormdancer777, Your statement I have in quotes is Absolutely Correct!

The politicians keep the people down, but the people haven't figured it out yet, we have a poor educational system and generation on welfare, shortages of jobs, so they leaned to work the system.

Just to add to your statement above for the Young People Here That Don't Know A Little Of The History of Increased Welfare

Ever since the War on Poverty in the 1960′s, our government has poured increasingly massive amounts of money into the welfare system. As spending increased, so did the level of those living in poverty. Hand in hand with this, the rate of marriage for those on government assistance plummeted as the numbers of children born to single mothers climbed higher and higher. In short, simple terms, the more we spent, the worse it got!

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:38 AM
I really feel for those poor kids, but I have two words.



posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
reply to post by guohua

...This is so ridiculous...I'm sorry, I just have to laugh know how passionate I am about people like this "making demands" that others take care of them. I also agree with the poster above me, however, being "pre-doomed" so to speak, is no excuse.

Besides, if I don't laugh at this and say what's really on my mind, I can guarantee you I'll be "banned" for life from ATS.

Awesome post my friend!

edit on 12/2/11 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

My Good Friend ThePublicEnemyNo1, It is Good To know you're out there.
I agree with you, I've been waiting to see my T & C Notice or Banned,,,,,,,, You just never know,, But you keep on tell it like it is.
Health, Love, Wealth and Power!

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by spy66

The welfare system should instead of giving her money for nothing, help her out with options to make her able to support and contribute to her own family.

The welfare system should help her with day care and education/job, instead of giving her money for nothing. The system should provide her with a home and pay the rent through the system directly instead of giving her the money. The system should provide her with food and clothing, but only through the welfare system like a coupon that can only be used for what is printed on the coupon.

The system should only give her family pocket money. If she wants more she must help out by personal contribution, by getting a education or a job.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

In my view that still takes away personal responsibility. Oh sure give her a home and pay rent, oh wait, you know there's Section 8 housing.... there is nothing to be gained by the State assuming all responsibility for their lives and that of their children. This is exactly what Karl Marx brought forth with his Communist Manifesto.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by guohua
reply to post by Stormdancer777

It's Great to hear from you Stormdancer777, Your statement I have in quotes is Absolutely Correct!

The politicians keep the people down, but the people haven't figured it out yet, we have a poor educational system and generation on welfare, shortages of jobs, so they leaned to work the system.

Just to add to your statement above for the Young People Here That Don't Know A Little Of The History of Increased Welfare

Ever since the War on Poverty in the 1960′s, our government has poured increasingly massive amounts of money into the welfare system. As spending increased, so did the level of those living in poverty. Hand in hand with this, the rate of marriage for those on government assistance plummeted as the numbers of children born to single mothers climbed higher and higher. In short, simple terms, the more we spent, the worse it got!

Hence my post last night on the Communist/Marxist attack on the family is the truth and we see the results every day.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by guohua

The government has created such a monster, can you imagine what would happen if welfare stopped tomorrow?

There are no jobs available, vets are coming home, people with out skills or survival instincts.

Obama was schooled in the Chicago patronage system which equates dependency with votes. For a politician like Obama, a vigorous private sector expansion just means fewer votes. Maybe that's why he has done so much to prevent it from happening.

Democrats have a vested interest in expanding the numbers of Americans who have simply given up looking for work. Why should Obama wish to create more jobs when it is welfare recipients who are his greatest fans?

44 million Americans on welfare?

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Destinyone

I took over providing for all my children quite nicely thank you. Again, how many kids did you have? One? LOL

No I'm not willing to play "daddy" to 15 kids but if she were Australia I'd be willing to help her with clothing, food and basic neccessities to keep that family together. Is he were in my neck of the woods, sure, I'd take some of her kids out to play footy be that soccer or rugby! Why not!

Like many others on this thread, you make out you pay more taxes than anyone else. Where I lived for a very long time we paid 60% of our taxes to our Govt and a family of 10-15 was normal and all our boys and girls do military service giving their lives for our people and our nation. How many of you or your kids can say that much? Thats what will happen to probably at least 2 of this woman's sons.....and you should all be ashamed of yourselves when her sons go in to battle for YOU and your precious lifestyle.

Your country is already sucking the life out of our country and others because of YOUR debt and living way beyond your means for afew miserable material possessions. And whose paying for it? The rest of the world. Sorry you have to help pay for 12 American kids when you were hoping to purchase that latest Smart/Plasma TV or iPhone, car or whatever else you really don't need.....on CREDIT using other people's money.

Oh, that's rich. Your country is going socialist making you pay for housing and food and even salary to non-working parents and you are blaming the US for "sucking the life" out of your country? Wow, that kind of logic really makes me wonder.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I agree with you Horus, generations of heads have been filled with the propaganda, the school system,the great propaganda machine.

They buried us.

The rude awakening will be when they are scavenging for food, and worse.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:57 AM
IMHO, the governments in Europe and America have created a problem, that now they don't know how to fix,

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