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Perhaps we never die?

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by kacou

Amazing how life works, interesting you should comment with that. I recently had a life changing experience where i did a complete 360 on my views on life. It became abruptly clear to me that the meaning of life is love. Thats all that matters in the end, interesting to hear someone with the same outlook.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by ka119

There is only one single truth in life and this is love.
The rest is just a theory, love is a factual certitude.
I am so glade that love return to me in people that also have found this truth behind the religions, philosophy or even the spirituality .
Once in the mountain of the Algerian Sahara an old man tolled me that god is not spiritual, he is love. His words resonate to this day.
Good continuation.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by ka119
I have been having some rather interesting experiences lately. Upon studying and immersing myself with energy, reality, and our conciseness for the past years i have started to finally piece the puzzles of the universe together. I have had my eyes opened numerous times, whenever i stray life has a way of putting me back on this track. I have almost lost my mind twice through the things i have witnessed, the truths that have been uncovered.

One of the more interesting things that have came to awareness lately is the thought that we never die, or at least until our shell (body) gives out.

Let me explain, through life we are constantly being thrown risks and dangers. For instance, as i type this a car could barrel through my house and kill me; a stray bullet could hit me between the eyes, or i could tip out of my chair and break my neck. All of these are extremely improbable, yet all are possible.
These probabilities break down into multiple different realities, one for each outcome (i.e. life, death, paralyzed, etc.)
My current thought is that we are always going to be put into the outcome of life.
Look at the theory of Quantum Immortality for instance, no matter what the odds of a circumstance is, your conciseness will always continue in the outcome of life.

Now this is hard to believe, you see others dying around you every minute of everyday, the theory is that as you continue through these branches of immortality, you are leaving behind another reality in which you died, leaving family and others grieving. As people branch their ways through these immortal realities they cross paths with others, which sometimes puts you in a reality where so and so dies, so that a given person can continue on their immortal path.

We are constantly put out of harms way in everyday life, i technically am in harms way now, sitting here typing this; yet i do not think of it. Since i do not think of it i automatically avoid any instance of a plane hitting my house, or my stove exploding. We think of the greater chances much more frequently, which is why they seem so real to us. Yet it may be that we will ALWAYS avoid death, until our bodies can no longer take it any more. Which is where our 'spirit' moves on to whatever the next location is.

Why this has been dwelling on me so much is because since i have started to think this way i have been having weird visions. I will not disclose my job or what i do, but i am constantly put in harms way, and constantly 'cheating' death. Since i have adapted this way of thinking, i have been seeing the other outcomes to my actions. Sometimes they come in dreams, while i'm meditating, or even right after the given experience.

Interesting thoughts, i just had to get it out of my mind and share. Give me your input.


One big problem, the person who survives in the "parallel reality" isn't you. It may look like you, act like you(depending on how divergent the reality is) but it isn't "you". As the "you" that is capable of reading what I am typing now is a singular point-perspective in space/time unique to this reality alone.

It is like the old teleporter question. If you go through a teleporter is it really "you" coming out the other end of it?(for answer to said question ).

It is like trying to say that twins share the same perspective so that if one twin dies it is like the twin who died is still alive(which is a wrong thought process).

edit on 9-8-2011 by korathin because: link fix

edit on 9-8-2011 by korathin because: link fix take 2

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by korathin

Well see thats the logical answer given by what we currently understand and would currently assume. However, we have no idea that it would not be us, it is possible that these split realities home the exact copies of us, even sharing part of our soul, being identical in every which way. It is all in guess, that this being would be a conscious image of us, but its just a thought, just like your post. Nothing is impossible, because we do not have any idea of what is truly possible.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by ka119

Your right, it's hard to explain in words but I know what you mean.


posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by ka119
reply to post by korathin

Well see thats the logical answer given by what we currently understand and would currently assume. However, we have no idea that it would not be us, it is possible that these split realities home the exact copies of us, even sharing part of our soul, being identical in every which way. It is all in guess, that this being would be a conscious image of us, but its just a thought, just like your post. Nothing is impossible, because we do not have any idea of what is truly possible.

The only way that could be close to immortality is if at the moment of death your perspective jumped to a different reality axis/path(same you just re-living a different shade of life in an alternate reality). Aside from that...... open notebook up. Type "save". Save it into a file. Now duplicate it. Delete the original. Is the copy the original? No. The original was deleted.

Either way if your perspective isn't pulling the strings then it isn't really you. It is a facsimile of you created by the alternate/parallel dimension/time line. Even if you follow a hard deterministic nature outlook it still can never truly be YOU.

When I say YOU, I am not talking about the atoms that compose your form I am talking about your unique perspective and essence. Your perspective is your ability to perceive:sight, sound, taste etc. Essence is a bit trickier to explain. Go into a dark room with earplugs and a cloth to put over your eyes(you want to close out all sensory input). Your essence is the part of you that can perceive the void of nothingness. The part of you that still exists without sensory input.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by korathin
The only way that could be close to immortality is if at the moment of death your perspective jumped to a different reality axis/path(same you just re-living a different shade of life in an alternate reality). Aside from that...... open notebook up. Type "save". Save it into a file. Now duplicate it. Delete the original. Is the copy the original? No. The original was deleted.

Either way if your perspective isn't pulling the strings then it isn't really you. It is a facsimile of you created by the alternate/parallel dimension/time line. Even if you follow a hard deterministic nature outlook it still can never truly be YOU.

When I say YOU, I am not talking about the atoms that compose your form I am talking about your unique perspective and essence. Your perspective is your ability to perceive:sight, sound, taste etc. Essence is a bit trickier to explain. Go into a dark room with earplugs and a cloth to put over your eyes(you want to close out all sensory input). Your essence is the part of you that can perceive the void of nothingness. The part of you that still exists without sensory input.

The basis of the thought though is that you do not perceive yourself making this "perspective jump". If you were to be typing a document, as in your above statement, and it force closed, yet your computer (as mine does) made an automatic copy of the document, you would have no notion that this is not truly the original copy. It still has the same text, the same wording, the same emotion as the original. Your soul, essence, spirit etc. is what makes you YOU, this is what hops "bodies", the body would be identically the same, as would your surroundings and the time period, your essence would still be you, therefore you remain virtually unchanged, never perceiving your past death.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:33 AM


posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:23 PM
If your physical body dies, you are dead. There isn't any way around that.

The most anybody could say if there is some type of invincible yet unobservable portion of a human that survives death is that a part of you continues to exist. You'll still be dead and outside the area we currently consider life.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 09:35 PM
I was thinking about what life and death really means the other day.

Time is merely just an invention to add another dimension to our lives; a dimension that we control.

But over time, society changes. The world that we die in after a 100 years of life is not the same world that we were born into.

Perhaps when we grow so old, we become more disconnected with the modern era as it becomes more disconnected with us. At some point, we no longer wish to carry on when we feel that we are no longer needed within society (if not just to give up our 'living space' for newer generations).

I think the same can be said for ghosts. They are attached to the world that they lived in. This is why old castles are more haunted than say, apartment complexes. To them, they still belong.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 10:23 PM
Thanks for posting this ka119, it's what I've been trying to verbalize/get down on paper for literally years now - yet I've never been able to do so as eloquently as you just did.

At times I'm virtually 100% sure it's the truth, at other times I doubt it. I never doubt due to fear or personal experiences, but rather just deep, deep trance-like thought and meditation. And back and forth I oscillate... When I get some more time I'll share some thoughts with you that make me occasionally doubt it, I think you'll be interested in hearing them since I've had almost the exact same cognitive patterns as you.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Ajax

Very interesting. Give me a shout on here, or emil me at [email protected]
I would love to hear about your experiences

posted on Apr, 4 2017 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: lainserialexperiments

The basis of the thought though is that you do not perceive yourself making this "perspective jump". If you were to be typing a document, as in your above statement, and it force closed, yet your computer (as mine does) made an automatic copy of the document, you would have no notion that this is not truly the original copy. It still has the same text, the same wording, the same emotion as the original. Your soul, essence, spirit etc. is what makes you YOU, this is what hops "bodies", the body would be identically the same, as would your surroundings and the time period, your essence would still be you, therefore you remain virtually unchanged, never perceiving your past death.

Neither person is a copy. They're both equally valid probabilities. They are linked via a meta-self. Thus a meta-consciousness. Etc.
edit on 4-4-2017 by Ruminating because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-4-2017 by Ruminating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2017 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: ka119
reply to post by Balkan

Not necessarily in another body, but yes we continue living as our souls, in the greater essence. Basically, my perception of it is calming light, nothing else in the world like it. That is what my perception of "heaven" is. I am not religious, that is just from personal experience.

edit: and not exactly in another dimension, i believe it to be higher than all that. And for infinite, though i know time does not exist in the 'light'. You just are, and 'life' just is at that point.

But if your in the light whayt about the things you enjoyed about on Earth and not doing them in the light be it going to a pub, watching Football, eating Pizza, skiing and listening to music ?.

posted on Jul, 10 2017 @ 03:40 AM
So what you're suggesting is that life is like a computer game. You play until you reach a fail state, reload and do things differently until you pass the encounter. The re-spawned you becomes the cannon version and this continues until you reach the determined end of the program (natural death). Then you either restart the game or play something else.

That's not an ideal metaphor because it implies that knowledge is passed between the different versions of you to aid you in getting through an encounter. What you're suggesting is that an outside force influences the situation to prevent you for reaching that fail state. But doesn't that go against the notion of free will?

Personally I don't believe we have free will - rather we are an adaptive program running on past experience and knowledge. But what you're suggesting sound sinister: that we have free will but are manipulated in such a way that our choices have no consequence.

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: ka119
reply to post by Balkan

Not necessarily in another body, but yes we continue living as our souls, in the greater essence. Basically, my perception of it is calming light, nothing else in the world like it. That is what my perception of "heaven" is. I am not religious, that is just from personal experience.

edit: and not exactly in another dimension, i believe it to be higher than all that. And for infinite, though i know time does not exist in the 'light'. You just are, and 'life' just is at that point.

I doubled post
edit on 11-7-2017 by 808Funk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2017 @ 08:31 AM

originally posted by: ka119
reply to post by Freelancer

Well speaking straight from a near death experience that happened to me in which i was literally pronounced dead, i can tell you that my perception of death is just about as close as it gets. I was in what i call the greater energy, or 'God' to religious people, and let me tell you what, that is an experience i will never forget. You are released from your mind, therefore you have no thought. just awareness. You do not analyze things, you just experience them. You are one with everything, and everything is one with you. It was the greatest feeling i have ever had, so calm and so at peace. I could of stayed there for eternity, the greater energy spoke to me and told me to go back, i have not fulfilled my purpose, though i wanted to stay in the light. I returned, and beat the impossible odds, so here i am today.


i don't like the sound of that having no thought and just floating in a light....I would want to do things.

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