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Childhood diseases return as parents refuse vaccines

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posted on Jun, 16 2011 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by mb2591

Exactly the sort of attitude that is likely to get thousands, if not more, killed of easily preventable diseases. But I suppose Small Pox was obliterated by magical fairies or a sudden stroke of good luck not the small pox vaccine


As for the OP I have to agree that the anti-vax movement is extremely dangerous. The paranoid irrational scape-goating is unfortunately not likely to stop. Vaccines are to diseases as HAARP is to natural disasters, they are the convenient scapegoat of the frightened, gullible and superstitious.

Haha whats up titen it's been a while. I don't have a problem with all vaccines but there are many that have adverse side effects including death as you can see from this thread. Check out the link bill gates seems to confirm my side of this argument
edit on 17-6-2011 by mb2591 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Griffo

funny how all the folks on this and similar threads seem to suffer from a lack of self preservation

think about it
you are letting a total stranger [in most cases] inject a substance into your body.

Big Pharma has a long history of being in bed with eugenicists, greedheads, and corruption in general

for the good of our health? Nah!

Vaccine Promoter Dr. Poul Thorsen Indicted for Theft of Millions in CDC Grants

American prosecutors are attempting to extradite a Danish scientist.

Poul Thorsen has been charged with 13 counts of wire fraud and nine counts of money laundering; a federal grand jury alleges that Thorsen stole over $1 million from autism research funding between February 2004 and June 2008.

Thorsen is said to have used the proceeds to buy a home in Atlanta, two cars and a Harley Davidson. He is said to have stolen the money while serving as the 'principal investigator' for a program that studied the relationship between autism and exposure to vaccines.


Two Dangerous "Experts" You Should Never EVER Believe...

Another prominent name in vaccine medicine, Dr. Paul Offit, well-known shill for the vaccine industry, has also been called out for making false and unsubstantiated statements about CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson and her report looking into the ties between vaccine supporters and the vaccine industry.

On April 18, 2011, the California Orange County Register issued a retraction of an August 4, 2008 article containing disparaging statements made by Dr. Offit about Attkisson.

According to Adventures in Autism:

"Upon further review, it appears that a number of Dr. Offit's statements, as quoted in the OC Register article, were unsubstantiated and/or false. Attkisson had previously reported on the vaccine industry ties of Dr. Offit and others in a CBS

The unsubstantiated statements included a claim that Attkisson "lied", and a claim that CBS News sent a "mean spirited and vituperative" email. Offit also told the OC Register that he provided CBS News "the details of his relationship ... with pharmaceutical company Merck", but documents provided by CBS News indicate Offit did not disclose all of his financial relationships with Merck.

Dr Mercola Commentary

When two of the biggest names in vaccine research and support turn out to be guilty of fraud, major deception, lying and making unsubstantiated statements, it really calls into question the validity of their work on the vaccine front … and that's putting it mildly.

Yet, this news has only been quietly shared by a handful of media outlets.

Countless American parents are putting their trust, and their child's lives, in the hands of the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) every time they vaccinate their children. Yet two of the CDC's "go-to guys" have now been caught red-handed lying and, in the case of Dr. Poul Thorsen, committing outright fraud. This includes:

Dr. Poul Thorsen, who was involved in several key studies the CDC uses to support their claims that MMR and mercury-containing vaccines, among others, are safe.
Dr. Paul Offit, a very well-known and frequent proponent of mandatory vaccination, whose views are promoted by the AAP and who previously served as a member of The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). ACIP is a 15-member panel of immunization experts, selected by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. They provide advice and guidelines to the CDC on vaccine-preventable diseases.

vaccine dangers

if you have kids and decided or are considering to not vaccinate, you might be interested in the following thread:

Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines at the Age of 12, page 1

aborted fetal cells/autism

maybe i'm weird that way, but i caught every disease i have been inoculated for,
mumps, measles,rubella, german measles, chicken pox.

the only time i ever took an "anti"-tetanus shot,
i got a touch of lockjaw.

if you all take your shots and i don't, how can you possibly be in danger?

mercury?, human and animal DNA?, fetal cells?, NO THANKS!!!

stuff it.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:38 AM
Through my own research and experience I am against vaccination and immunization. For instance, I cannot understand the whole philosophy behind the process that if you inject direct into the bloodstream what amounts to filth your immune system will be healthier and stronger for it. Wouldn't it be superior to remove disease from your body rather than forcing it deep into your body and compromising your immune system? It also contradicts my understanding of the primary means sickness and disease is transmitted i.e. through the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. In all, my stance against the philosophy is based on my reading of various Biblical verses, including the prohibition against puncturing the skin (Lev. 19:28) or eating blood (Lev. 3:17) or consuming the meat of animals that have died and thus may have been unhealthy to begin with (Deut. 14:21) and in many cases the ingredients of vaccinations are highly dubious to start with (e.g. blood, animal or human tissue, toxic agents like mercury or formaldehyde, etc.). That's my two cents worth~

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

funny how all the folks on this and similar threads seem to suffer from a lack of self preservation. think about it. you are letting a total stranger [in most cases] inject a substance into your body.

That isn't a sense of self-preservation; that's paranoia.

We have a thing called a social contract, you know. It works because we trust one another within reasonable limits. People who don’t accept the contract are, and deserve to be, social outcasts.

'A total stranger injecting a substance into your body!!!!!’ How terrifying. How dangerous.

How clueless.

What if you get run over by a truck and taken to hospital? All those total strangers not just injecting substances into your body but cutting it up and taking things out of it. Wow, imagine letting that happen!

I agree with SaturnFX. Intelligent people will take their vaccines and live. The rest, well, good riddance. At least when they're gone we won’t have to read irritating nonsense like three-quarters of the posts in this thread.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by mb2591

Source not needed it came from my doctor think he'd make that up?

It’s not your doctor who’s taking part in this discussion. Do you expect us to believe you just on your say-so?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by cameraobscura

For instance, I cannot understand the whole philosophy behind the process that if you inject direct into the bloodstream what amounts to filth your immune system will be healthier and stronger for it.

You may not understand it, but other people do, and everyone, whether they can understand it or not, can see it works.

Allow me to add, furthermore, that using the Bible as a medical textbook is a great way to commit suicide, not to mention murder your children.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Astyanax
reply to post by mb2591

Source not needed it came from my doctor think he'd make that up?

It’s not your doctor who’s taking part in this discussion. Do you expect us to believe you just on your say-so?

Make sure you read the whole thread please

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

Quote "Intelligent people will take their vaccines and live"

World health records.. "World health records (England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, the Philippines, British India, etc.) document the devastating epidemics which followed mass vaccination. The worst smallpox disaster occurred in the Philippines, after 10 years (1911-1920) of a compulsory U.S. program which administered 25 million vaccinations to its population of 10 million. The result: 170,000 cases and more than 75,000 deaths from smallpox. History past and present is replete with similar tragedies. "Public education" by vaccine producers and their supporters always omits self-incriminating facts."

" Professor George Dick, speaking at an environmental conference in Brussels in 1973, admitted that in recent decades, 75% of British people who contracted smallpox had been vaccinated. This, combined with the fact that only 40% of children (and a maximum of 10% of adults) had been vaccinated, From:

According to this professors studies (and others) you may have it backwards; The intelligent wont vaccinate and live vs your opinion

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Astyanax


the world is a beautiful and Happy-Happy place where their are no monsters, evil people, or dangers
where everybody can trust each other cause we all have everybody's best interests at heart,
and the politicians never lie, or start wars, and profit from them or take bribes.

the world is fluffy,warm and fuzzy and safe in your:

Psychotic Hallucinations

most kids now a days have little to no idea of what the/a social contract is,
but then again,
breach of contract entitles the disadvantaged party to void and null
or rewrite/renegotiate terms.

and any one with a half-eaten c antelope for a brain knows
that the sanctity of a contract is in direct proportion to the amount
of firepower that can be brought to bear to enforce it.


your post reveals a superficial knowledge of my posting/stands
the result of a general superficial reading of my posts and those of others in general, no doubt

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:18 AM
Homeless? This has to do with the conditions he was living under. Its the improvement in lving conditions that caused remissions of illness, and also good nutrients, like C, D, sunight, iodide, and many others. Improvement in living conditons also raised IQ 10 points every decade last century.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:19 AM
Proof vaccines do not work!

1. There is no evidence vaccines work.

* "Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination." Dr. Phillip Incao MD Dr. Incao's webpage
* "There have never been any studies of this nature, and apparently none have been attempted." Dr. Harold Buttram MD Dr. Buttram's webpage
* Ask you doctor: Ask your vaccine promoting health care provider, to show you the double blind studies, or any long term study, that shows that the particular vaccine confers immunity to the disease it is supposed to. You have the right to know the effectiveness of each vaccine you use, and to consider its effectiveness in light of the known side effects. You will find that no such study exists for any vaccine. The claims that vaccines work are not based on scientific facts...

Vaccines cause death and permanent disability.

* The Vaccine Adverse Reporting Systems (VAERS) documented 2,142, deaths and 3,177 permanent disabilities between 1991-2001 from vaccinations. (See Table 9) Surveillance for Safety After Immunization
* The actual statistics are between 10 - 66 times higher (approximately 21,420 - 142,800 deaths), as only between 1.5-10% of adverse events are reported.
* The FDA acknowledges only 10% of adverse reports are filed. In a 1993 statement of former FDA commision, David Kessler, he writes of a study where only "about 1% of serious events are reported to the FDA." See JAMA source...

Vaccines do not confer immunity to the diseases they are supposed to.

* "Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection."
Dr Albert Sabin, developer of the Oral Polio vaccine (lecture to Italian doctors in Piacenza, Italy, December 7th 1985) Doctors and Scientists Condemn Vaccination...

Vaccines are made with ingredients that are highly toxic, there are few if any tests to prove the safety of these ingredients.

* Vaccine ingredients include, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), phenol (a caustic, poisonous acidic compound present in coal tar and wood tar), formaldehyde, aluminum, and thimerosal (mercury), neomycin (anti-biotic), streptomycin(anti-bacterial), squalene (fish, or plant oil) , aluminum, gelatin, and MSG (neurotoxin). Some vaccinations are created with African green monkey kidney tissue, chicken and guinea pig embryonic tissue, calf serum, and human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted human fetuses). Vaccine Ingredient List from the CDC, PDF file ...

Go to the site and read the whole thing and see the links to the sources cited and some charts and graphs etc. If after reading this information you still believe in vaccines you are in denial. All the sources are from official data, doctors, and scientists:

edit on 17-6-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
their "sacrifice" will be a good example for the rest on the benefits of modern day medicine.

Well, you need a shot of reality, here goes:

4 months ago my grand-daughters had their combo vaccine which included the Whooping Cough vaccine.

1 1/2 weeks later the twins fell sick and the doctor upon seeing them thought it was just a viral bug, no worries.

1 week later my son, who is 30 years old got "the bug".

He went into the doctor and the doctor said, "Whooping Cough" even though he had been vaccinated for Whooping Cough as a child. My son told the doctor about his twin girls being sick and his doctor said to have the twin's doctor recheck them.

Twins were rechecked and sure enough had "Whooping Cough"

By this point I had the bug and my son's doctor treated me for "Whooping Cough" even though I had been vaccinated as a child.

We were visited by the City of Austin Health Dept who made sure that all of our family and any visiting friends and my grandson's school were all notified and that all who had been around any of us were treated with a Z pack of antibiotics.

We live in a very nice area, very nice homes, the twins aren't in large crowds or anything like that. They are cared for at home by their other grandmother, who btw was also vaccinated.

Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what gave the twins "Whooping Cough"? Could it be that quality control is lacking at the plants who produce the vaccines, occasionally allowing live bacterium into the mix instead of dead bacterium? That was the discussion I had with the City Health and they said that they were not allowed to report possible bad batches, that that was the CDC domain, but they felt that many of the current outbreaks could be attributed to that but the way the system is set up their hands were tied. They did acknowledge that they noticed that many of the households that have been hit with this illness usually had a child who had recently been vaccinated in it.

Also, it turns out that all you adults out there need to go in and ge re-vaccinated 'cause evidently they wear off over time. I double dog dare you pro vaccine people to go in and do the right thing and get your shots, 'kay?

So, in my opinion your post is totally ignorant of the true situation.

edit on 6/17/2011 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by summer5

Most of the population is/was vaccinated so we keep the world safe...or something like that.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:30 AM
Vaccination is not an inherently bad, I think the issue is the Thiomersal contained within vaccines and the opportunity for "false epidemic" profiting.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:30 AM
I got vaccinated with MMR and I'm fine. Flu vaccines on the hand, I wouldn't get it.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Seektruthalways1

I like you're post we must not blindly take these vaccines. They aren't even testing them for several years which should be done before administering them to the public; not all but a lot of the vaccines are administered with little testing.

We may not agree with Religion my friend since i am agnostic. But we can concur on the Vaccines that Pharma Corp seeks to profit from.

Follow the Money anyone else who can't see this is blind.

Eat Healthy Get a bit of sun. Work out once in a while. Stay Active. You will find out that Medicine and Pharma Corps Drugs and Pharmaceuticals isn't the Answer.

A Change in life Style is the Answer.

SeekTruthAlways Stay Strong my friend. I liked your post! welcome to my friends list and a star for yoU! Thx for the vid

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:43 AM
To the OP. I haven't read every single answer to your summise that childhood diseases are returning and so I will only give you my experiences with my own children. They had all their UK vaccinations, and still had their childhood diseases. My belief is that the vaccines were useless. The childhood diseases NEVER left us and were here all the time but usually called 'a virus' or a 'rash' by puzzled doctors.
However, our children have not been dying of these illnesses because in general they are well fed, warm, cared for etc.
However, poverty and hunger and even inadequate warmth and comfort are what are increasing. Children are under immense stress from the poverty that is being pushed and forced upon everyone. Hence, the most vulnerable may succumb to injury and even death from the illnesses that never went away.
I have noticed, in my own town, vaccination posters going up in shops. I find this concerning.
I find it concering that all my children have suffered from severe asthma and even eczema and other allergies, something I fear is my own fault for being so gullible when younger and allowing them to have vaccines against illnesses which they caught anyway and I wonder what damage I have allowed to be done to their immune system and long term health. When my children caught mumps AFTER having MMR vaccines my GP informed me that children who have been vaccinated for these illnesses suffer even more when they get the illness than other children who are unvaccinated, something I doubted at first until I looked furthur into this issue.

I know quite a few people who never allowed their children vaccines. They are and have been the healthiest children I have ever met.

This is concerning because it means that my own stupidity in believing what a 'man in a suit' claims when he is trying to sell me something using FEAR as his tool of motive might have cause irreperable damage.

It is not the illnesses that is damaging our children, it is poverty.

It is funny that governments want to pour untold billions into vaccinations but do NOTHING about poverty, starvation, deprivation and WAR. In Britain they are taking more and more money out of supporting children casually destroying the education system and ensuring that our older children cannot afford furthur education by ensnaring them in multiple debts if they choose to study. They give our money to drugs companies and war companies and then blame US when things go wrong.

Something stinks to high heaven.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Elliot because: spelling

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Elliot

It is funny that governments want to pour untold billions into vaccinations but do NOTHING about poverty, starvation, deprivation and WAR. In Britain they are taking more and more money out of supporting children casually destroying the education system and ensuring that our older children cannot afford furthur education by ensnaring them in multiple debts if they choose to study. They give our money to drugs companies and war companies and then blame US when things go wrong.

Something stinks to high heaven.

I agree - something stinks! Not to mention the fact, they will give out the vaccines for free! It MUST be for our good. Right?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

I agree with SaturnFX. Intelligent people will take their vaccines and live. The rest, well, good riddance. At least when they're gone we won’t have to read irritating nonsense like three-quarters of the posts in this thread.

You mean the intelligent folks who have done no research on vaccines and are just repeating rhetoric they were told by representatives of the big pharma and doctors on thier payroll etc..? Hmmm doesn't sound very intelligent to me. Especially in the face of the facts that prove vaccines do not work, are dangerous, cause illness, and kill people... Proof Vaccines Don't Work

edit on 17-6-2011 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by cameraobscura

If you think that vaccines are injected into the blood stream..

Then I do greatly question the level of your research and any opinions you could draw from it.

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