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Childhood diseases return as parents refuse vaccines

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings

Originally posted by Starwise
reply to post by Griffo

I work in a hospital and see patients coming in all the time with the same diseases they have been vaccinated against, and this includes HIB, Pneumonia and Influenza......

When you weigh the benefits outweighing the risks; I am against vaccinations.....

It's good to hear from you Starwise, do you ever tell the patients this?

Well, when it comes time for discharge, I have to offer them the vaccinations......However, I DO interview the patient to see how they think about them first before I offer up my opinion if they ask, and I always have the CDC pamphlet that explains all possible adverse reactions
I always tell my patients too that I am not here to push meds on them, it is their choice after they have been educated on all possible side effects and adverse reactions. Of course I ALWAYS explain, I am not a doctor and cannot give advice!!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by boncho

Originally posted by stayuplate
listen, the parent should have complete say over their child in vaccine instances. The government has no say what so ever in forcing children to be vaccinated. Sure parents should want the best for their children, but that doesnt mean vaccination.
And to the writer of this post, If your vaccinated why do you care? You and your children are safe right?!?!?!?!!?

Are the parents solely responsible for the healthcare needed for the child if they develop a condition that could have been prevented by vaccination?

YES! They should be, however there are so many people on medicaid (not always fault of there own) that everyone eventually pays for it out of their taxes. But that is off topic and opening a big ol can of worms!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by boncho

Well I mean, if you think you're going to die then by all means go ahead. If you are dyeing you should immediately go. But if you know you'll be fine, don't waste the resource and don't bother. I think the idea that we need a doctor's strip for every little thing is silly. Besides, the country's debt is primarily in the health fields. We should not waste money there.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:07 PM
Things that will or may occur following a questionable vaccination:

Risk of death
Risk of severe allergic reaction
May or may not be protected by vaccination.

If my child doesn't receive a questionable vaccination:

My child most likely will not contract polio or whatever either way now that she can't go to the pediatrician, daycare or public school where she would be at the highest risk of contracting such diseases anyway. And I won't die of premature death worrying about autism, allergic reactions, and whether or not it's my fault that she has ADD or ADHD from vaccinations.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:10 PM
my wife works in a center for disabled people. in 20 regulars, 4 were born normal and became disabled after the vaccine. i am not gonna vaccine my newborn. to doctors saying this is a small number of bad outcomes i say: get lost, wanna see if this happened to your children.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:19 PM
Hate to state the obvious, but the idea that one non-vaccinated child endangers all those around him (or her) is foolish. If the vaccines actually worked, the fact that one individual had virus XYZ would be irrelevant to those who received the vaccine. So, the quotation that "Parents who decline vaccines may not realize that they're gambling with the lives of not just their kids, but all the children around them, says Patsy Stinchfield, director of pediatric infectious disease at Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota" is ludicrous.

Further, these "studies" or "concerns" fail to take into consideration the massive influx of third world people to the US who probably did not have the vaccine. Additionally, referring to the child as "Landon" only raises questions as to his actual ethnicity. Why select such a WASPy name?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:21 PM
If vaccines are so safe and good for us, why have vaccine manufacturers lobbied Congress aggressively to win immunity from the compensation claims of people who are harmed by the vaccines? Why should there be immunity from lawsuits to compensate people who are harmed by vaccines? Why not, instead, acknowledge that vaccines are not the cure-all they're represented to be, that some people will be harmed by them, that the harm will range from mild for some people to a death sentence for others, with varying degrees of harm between the extremes. Why, instead of immunity, have they and Congress not created a fund and a mechanism to compensate those who are harmed by the vaccines? Why should the cost of being harmed fall on those who suffer the harm and who can least afford to pay for it? Because it's for the greater good of the many that some untold number of people suffer harm and even die?

The arguments of those who promote vaccination are like the arguments of those who for a century promoted mercury amalgam fillings as a perfectly safe and harmless mode of dental care. They refused to acknowledge the very bad and harmful aspect of what the amalgam dentists were permanently placing in their victims' mouths.

Vaccines similarly have a very harmful side. The debate comes down to who should have the final word on whether to take a vaccine after weighing the harm vs the benefits.

I vote for the individual's right to choose what they accept into their body.

edit on 6/17/2011 by dubiousone because: Clarification.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Vaccine manufacturers lost a great deal of trust and credibility when it was revealed that they actually used mercury in vaccines. One of the most deadly toxins to living organisms. Mercury is SO TOXIC that we have been warned not to eat too much salmon (seafood in general) because of the trace amounts of mercury contained in it. Mercury is not expelled from the body once ingested. It remains in you. Why use mercury in vaccines, then? GREED. It's just like those Chinese milk producers who spiked their milk with a poison in order to fool inspectors into thinking the milk had a higher count of vitamin D (or something like that) because they had watered down the milk to make more money. When you do things like this, people NO LONGER TRUST YOU. I certainly won't be buying any milk generated in China, ever, or drink their milk should I visit. It's similar to taste aversion; if you eat pizza and get violently ill afterwards, you might develop a taste aversion and never eat pizza ever again.

The vaccine industry is a huge HUGE *H-U-G-E* thing. Just like big pharma, big medicine, big *anything.* When you are talking wealth and money at THAT level, "bean counters" in suits see the masses (that's us, folks) as statistics, probabilities, gains and losses. So what if a few people die; people are gonna die anyway, right? Who cares ---as long as they make hefty profits. When there is that much money at stake, they will use BIG MEDIA to scare you into getting a vaccine that may or may not have severe side effects. Remember the whole swine flu debacle? Instincts told me that it was fear mongering from the beginning. It was a huge media campaign geared towards generating BILLIONS for a few companies/individuals. It worked. However, most people ignore the fact that the "normal" flu kills 50,000 people per year, give or take, ANYWAY. How many did swine flu kill? Nowhere near that. We are being manipulated by FEAR in mainstream media (MSM).

About this article: I wonder how many cases of measles occurred before people stopped vaccinating their children when the dishonesty and corrupt nature of the vaccine industry was revealed to the public? I believe the article stated that more than usual cases of measles were reported recently. The simple fact is that I just don't trust them anymore, and probably never will. I have developed a *taste aversion* to vaccines because vaccine makers in the past were revealed to be putting OBVIOUSLY harmful substances into vaccines. They are/were not stupid. It was no accident mercury was in vaccines. They did it intentionally. What else are they doing now that has not been revealed?

I do know that the OWN the media and are scaring the hell out of everyone with these stories. Doctors who stand up to them are humiliated, discredited and ridiculed by their peers. The only reason the one doctor recanted his findings was because he realized that he was going to be an outcast with no practice if he continued (or worse). Anyone see George Clooney in that movie called "Michael Collins?" I believe that was the title. Well, with that much money at stake, how much is a person's life really worth? What is a $400,000.00 insurance policy pay-off compared to $400,000,000.00? IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ADDITIONAL ZEROS.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Griffo
This has been a long suspected outcome of the anti-vaxxers refusal to vaccinate their children; the return of childhood illnesses such as measles.

A 4 year old boy called Landon was living in a homeless shelter when he first became ill. He started with a fever of ~40*C, then proceeded to develop a rash on his forehead. The rash then spread to his mouth and throat, so swallowing was torture. He began vomiting and developed a cough that nearly choked him. He was rushed to the emergency room and hospitalized for five days.

Landon is one of at least 152 cases of measles diagnosed in the USA so far this year — twice the number seen in a typical year and the biggest outbreak in 15 years, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Half of patients have had to be hospitalized.

For the doctors and nurses caring for patients like Landon, the return of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles — a viral illness that once killed 3,000 to 5,000 Americans a year — is both frightening and all too predictable

Not to mention a waste of time and resources that could have been spent elsewhere on other patients. Instead we have preventable diseases clogging up the healthcare system, potentially putting others lives in danger

In the past three years, doctors also have seen outbreaks of other vaccine-preventable diseases, such as mumps, whooping cough and a life-threatening bacterial infection called Hib. All can be deadly.

Although overall vaccine coverage remains high, 40% of parents say they have deliberately skipped or delayed a shot for their children.

It goes on to say:

In some ways, vaccines are a victim of their own success. Today's parents have never seen the diseases that terrified their grandparents, says Paul Offit, chief of infectious disease at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "We've not only eliminated these diseases; we've eliminated the memory of these diseases," Offit says.

Parents who decline vaccines may not realize that they're gambling with the lives of not just their kids, but all the children around them, says Patsy Stinchfield, director of pediatric infectious disease at Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota,

"This is not just a personal choice, a case of 'I choose not to vaccinate my child, and this only affects my family,'" says Finkelstein-Parker, of Littleston, Pa. "It affects your whole community."

I urge you to seriously consider vaccinating your child. Unless you want to see more outbreaks of entirely preventable diseases

Childhood diseases return as parents refuse vaccines

The CDC spends a billion dollars a year promoting vaccines and 30 million on safety.

The question is, are you part of that one billion?

Who do you work for good sir?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

There surely must be a reason why the flu and other buggers always come, flawlessly, every year

Viruses have special proteins on their surface known as antigens. It is these antigens that allow them to 'hook' onto a cell and enter it. The influenza virus can readily change these antigens via antigenic drift or antigenic shift. Antigenic shift being the more dangerous one, and resulting in pandemics. These two methods are why it is difficult to create a vaccine for influenza, that lasts; it just keeps on changing them. It's kind of like an arms race

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:50 PM
The bottom line is those parents who choose to support vaccines and condemn those who don't are included in the mass majority of people who live their life without paying attention or ignore the truth. Sad to say that we as a race can't trust each other. Many promote love and say they feel bad about things like starving kids in Africa but actions speak louder than words. People continue to wake up every morning in their nice cozy homes and continue to obtain more possessions to help distract them from real life. Most people just don't care anymore about anyone not in their social circle and it's catching up to all of us pretty quickly.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by nekawa

As expected, if you suspect someone has ulterior views to you, they must be a government shill right?

Currently I work in a supermarket, although that is only until I finish university. Don't tell me though 'big pharma' controls the supermarkets too?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Griffo

Then shut down the part of the protein that causes the shift. A virus for a virus. A prion that only locks onto that sequence, and alters it to not allow change.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

We don't have the capability to do that yet. Hopefully this is something we will be able to achieve in the near future though

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Griffo
reply to post by nekawa

As expected, if you suspect someone has ulterior views to you, they must be a government shill right?

Currently I work in a supermarket, although that is only until I finish university. Don't tell me though 'big pharma' controls the supermarkets too?

Yes and I'm sorry you don't see it...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:04 PM
There have been several children who have contracted drug resistant TB from illegal aliens in their classrooms in Greeley, Colorado. One in Fort Collins. Illegal aliens are also a problem. LEGAL immigrants (like my wife) have immunizations PRIOR to coming to the United States. However, ILLEGAL aliens bring their diseases with them. Secure the border!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:15 PM
I believe in vaccines I was vaccinated and my children will be too. I would rather take the small percent risk of complications, like what my children are allergic to and if that vaccine contains that. I Cannot get any vaccines that have any silver (I forget which major vaccine it is I believe Hep A? has a silver compound in it). I also know I have a fish allergy, citrus allergy and allergy to certain antihistamines (Ironic I know). People who talk to their doctors or have any good doctor would know that.

As for the mercury issue you get more mercury in fish than in a vaccine. So I opt out on the fish and go for the mercury in vaccines, but that's because I'm allergic to fish.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Xiamara
I believe in vaccines I was vaccinated and my children will be too. I would rather take the small percent risk of complications, like what my children are allergic to and if that vaccine contains that. I Cannot get any vaccines that have any silver (I forget which major vaccine it is I believe Hep A? has a silver compound in it). I also know I have a fish allergy, citrus allergy and allergy to certain antihistamines (Ironic I know). People who talk to their doctors or have any good doctor would know that.

As for the mercury issue you get more mercury in fish than in a vaccine. So I opt out on the fish and go for the mercury in vaccines, but that's because I'm allergic to fish.

The fish aren't injected directly into your blood stream!!!!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by dubiousone

No but it gets stored in your fat so you get constant build up of mercury and it will in fact reach your blood stream as you digest, over time or directly its still going into your body and vaccines are injected into the tissue not vein, that's why injections are in fleshy parts of your body like the Butt, thigh, stomach and bicep. No vaccine is intravenous, change doctors if they are doing that...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Griffo

I'm not so sure that we don't. It wouldn't be that hard to do honestly. Just take an unwrapped sequence, or grab the biological thing that does that, and identify a unique variable (that we we don't accidently make the virus harmful to us). Then shove the code in the same virus, and let it loose. The virus kills itself. As long as the code has a termination codex on the line that makes it evolve, the whole thing dies.

Forgive me if I used improper terms for specific things. It's been a while since bio.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

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