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What if America falls?

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posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by EternalThought

Sorry mate. I think the US will have to pay their bill first. Then we can talk.

On a serious note, it's more likely for Europe and Russia to unite than for America and Russia to unite.
edit on 9-5-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
The financial and military might of the US - backed up by Europe has set the moral/ethical tone of international dealings - through the threat of force, sanctions, censure etc.

When it is gone - since we are the only ones who have these liberal democratic style values, largely it must be noted as a result of the internalisation of Judeo christian values.

Then at the very least chaos will ensue as nations no longer constrained by the 'evil USA' will follow their true natures.

Iran/Saudi Arabia
Russia/Former Soviet states
La Raza/Southern states
China/US remnants
and many more.........

I just hope I live long enough to see some liberal asswipes having to watch their wives or partners being assraped by Chinese troops.

I doubt Russia will go after former Soviet States, it does not have the military might to contain them all. Just imagine Russia/Kazakhstan .. !

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by spikey

you didn't read it wrong.

sink or swim. no problem.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:12 AM
An empire doesn't truly fall until it's national language is longer the reserve language of the world. We are a very long way from that. If an East Indian that speaks Hindi and Chinese person that speaks Cantonese want to communicate together they speak English to each other, I have seen it many times.
Bible prophesy says the only power that the Anglo-American world power will yield too is the United Nations.
I see a time in the future when America could really get out of policing the world because they are so broke, then the job would default to the UN.

edit on 9-5-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Jepic
reply to post by EternalThought

Sorry mate. I think the US will have to pay their bill first. Then we can talk.

On a serious note, it's more likely for Europe and Russia to unite than for America and Russia to unite.
edit on 9-5-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

LOL. UK debt forecast for 2015 - 10 TRILLION Pounds!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
An empire doesn't truly fall until it's national language is longer the reserve language of the world. We are a very long way from that. If an East Indian that speaks Hindi and Chinese person that speaks Cantonese want to communicate together they speak English to each other, I have seen it many times.
Bible prophesy says the only power that the Anglo-American world power will yield too is the United Nations.
I see a time in the future when America could really get out of policing the world because they are so broke, then the job would default to the UN.

edit on 9-5-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

Yes, and.............. US has the biggest say in UN because it's the biggest monetary contributer to UN... so same thing, under a different slogan.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by ExCommando
reply to post by Nobama

I'm hoping that comments can be backed by information / evidence / theory?

You can indulge this and debunk it... my kids even get it. There is a lot of information / evidence / theory in this simple to understand version. Also far more in-depth complex sources of information / evidence / theory out there.

Take Back America
Ron Paul can help you but you will have to it for yourselves.

...there are many guns like it but this one is mine.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

We'll have a world wide telethon called BankAid to help those poor unfortunate Bankers maintain their Lifestyles. So we should all chip in, even if that means paying 100% tax, It's not cheap maintaining Mansions, Yaughts and a fleet of Super Cars.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:53 AM
People seem to think that America would just fall, and that everyone would just take it.

I think this really overlooks the idea that a nation with the world's most advanced military just may actually USE it to take what it needs to thrive. If history is any indication, it wouldn't be unprecedented.

Of course, these days, with the interwoven economies of the world, it almost seems more in EVERYONE'S best interest to avoid war, and instead find ways for all nations to be strong financially. (not to mention the nuclear threat, which never went away, even though we aren't as cognizant about as we were back when the US and USSR used to constantly threaten each other....)

The Roman analogy is a good one (and the aftermath of Rome's fall should serve as an important forecast of what would happen should America fall...)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 09:59 AM
america wont fall.
Best way to tell you why is this.
There are millions of people just like me in this country.
We see the way our goverment has done us..
We will eventually no matter what branch off to say screw the goverment and make it or own again..
either way freedom will still live and the american way of life...

To stop a civil war is easy...
Get rid of obama he is playing american citizens against themselves.
and playing a poker game with our economy and not a soul will stand up for what the american people want as a whole.
For fear of being a racist or what ever the media slurs will throw at ya.
I honestly atm think under obama's presidency we are more communist than russia is and that is bad.

But americans will fight back eventually and freedom will not end .
mark my word's.
Why do you think obama is banning so many guns and crap?
They know it and fear the united states citizens will soon wise up to what he is doing to this country.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

China is becoming like Rome. Free thinking is creeping in, and Christianity is on the rise (like it or not wherever that religion spreads, it's where the center of the world is in terms of advancement). So If America fell, China would take its place and in a generation or two they'd make themselves just as free. Not that much different tbh.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by watcher3339

#3 is hitting the nail on the head!

Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and Nebraska.

Those 4 states produce more corn and wheat than all other countries combined!

That means there are going to be a lot of starving people out there when the US decides it has had enough of the global economy scenarios.

Now, this will probably never happen and if it does, it will be a tit-for-tat type of situation where OPEC will raise oil to redic prices and we will raise the price of commodities. This has actually happend over the weekend. They are talking about the price of oil dropping 50 cents by july because supply has all of the sudden started to outgain is real, it is out there, a person just has to pay close enough attention.

i believe the words I heard were: 'due to the heavy rain in hte upper midwest and prarie states, the price of corn and wheat are due to double in price for this seasons crop'

By sunday they were talking about gas dropping by 50 cents, by took two days to make soem things happen, because the farmers cant get in their fields to plant crops due to the wet weather.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:21 AM
There is no doubt the America will fall, hell as a military member I can clearly see it coming, , a lot of us can; we were already threatened with not being paid the month of April, but what does our Gov do? Screws the people and puts yet another budget into play; A lot of us have already started looking for escape plans once it happens.

When it does, I can guarentee that chaos will errupt across the U.S. and personally I WILL NOT enforce Martial Law, I believe in the PEOPLE, not a group of people that think they know what is best.

More people need to open their eyes to what is happening, WE NEED TO ACT! That is easier said than done though, too many people are more scared of missing an episode of Jersey Shore and not updating their damned Facebook and Twitter account; IT DISGUSTS ME!

A lot will be blind sided for the fall, those who are sadly will not make it out ok, but hey look on the bright side...THEY WERE WARNED!

With that I feel that the power to take over would be China, America will become another Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Russia. Guess what? The same thing will happen to China, greed will corrupt their leaders and they will undergo the same struggle that many Global Powers have done before them. All great empires fall.

edit on 9-5-2011 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:39 AM
At some point this year or next america will default on it's debt and the dollar will collapse, it's in the cards, you just have to know where to find them. This is all happening by design. It's been happening since the fed reserve was given authority to coin money by congress in 1913. Since then every economic condition has been manipulated
to consolidate money(power) in the hands of the few people who really run the world from behind the curtain.(Think wizard of oz.) They re attempt to create a one world government accelerated when the UN was created after WW2.
They realize that they would never have control of the world if a super power like the us were allowed to exist. We had the only real industrial base capable of supporting the worlds needs after ww2, we bombed germany and japan back into the artisan age. From that point on we established dominance through military and economic superiority.
They have since outsourced the maufacturing base to china and mexico and our technical needs are being met by India No middle class no america. Combine that with the tech bubble. the military industrial complex, banksters fleecing america with derivatives and the fed government spending astronomical sums of money. The fed printing trillions of dollars and the cia starting wars all over the middle east until oil hits 200 a barrel. You now have toxic debt, no manufacturing base to regain prosperity, runaway inflation,(think zimbabwe) the largest any civilization has ever accumulated and high oil prices mean high everything else. Oil and what it produces and what it powers affects everything you can think of. We are being assaulted on all fronts, all of it combined is unsustainable. It was only a matter of time before we broke. The massive ponzi schemes known as social security and medicaid are also part of the equation. They brainwashed you with tv and fantasy movies. Made you fat and unhealthy with fast food, processed foods and pharmaceutical poisons. Dumbed you down with the very minimum in educational requirements and enslaved you with the social security act and federal taxes. All the while you thought you were free. You have been under the mind control of religion and the establishment since you were born. Checkmate. (Think the fall of USSR) Don't limit reality based on the limits of your understanding and the pride of your ego.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by ExCommando

I hope it does then the survivors can rebuild I just hope we have enough sense to hunt and kill those idjits who put us in this predicament!!!!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by watcher3339
It will not fall.
There may be unrest. There may be transition. And the rest of the world may get very, very pissed by the time we have put our financial house in order, but the U.S. and its actual economic position will not fall.

1. China, much to their dismay, can't afford for it to fall. Not only do they have a huge stockpile of our dollars but they rely too heavily on our purchasing power to propel their own economy. Yes, they can wean themselves. They actually want to cool down their GDP. And other markets are rising that will eventually be able to combine to replace the purchasing power of the U.S. but that will take time and the U.S. will use that time to stage the next paradigm shift.

2. We feed the world. It's so heartless and cruel to break it into those terms but, there it is. Cut our dollar. Jack up oil. Do whatever you must. And then watch our food export prices simply rise to the new occasion.

3. Despite the enacted policies of the last several decades the individualism of U.S. culture is far better suited to isolationism than it is to the globalist "its a small world after all". We can feed ourselves. We can build shelter. Most Americans, yes even the elitist leftists who would rather not admit it, don't REALLY care what the rest of the world thinks. We could default tomorrow and many would consider it finally being paid for everything that has been placed on our shoulders over the past decades in terms of policing the world.

4. The Yen can't replace the dollar. You already noted that in terms of GDP the Yen is in worse shape than the dollar. And it will continue to deteriorate as the costs rise on the recent disasters. Also, they hold a ton of our debt. A devalued dollar hurts their economic standing as well.

On a more speculatory note, havent' you noticed how close to parity all of the wester currencies are moving? Sure you are up .10 right now. Canada and the U.S. have been just about even for awhile. The pound and the Euro are still up there, but the Euro will be facing debt crisis corrections for some time to come. Amero? Banquero? Your guess is as good as mine and I am not saying that the currency of note will be the "green back" but the U.S. fiat is backed by military might and self sufficiency. Turmoil is likely. Collapse would shock me to the core and we would just exist in a closed system where it didn't matter what anyone else thought. Would give us more jobs that way too...

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that Americans don't care about people around the world, as a people we are very caring and sharing, especially in good times. It's just that we tend to be a home first kind of place. If things get really hairy we will just close the door, pull the shutters, and wait for the storm to pass. And it will.

edit on 8-5-2011 by watcher3339 because: (no reason given)

Oh wow... it almost seems like the world never existed before the United States - a 200 year old country with the latest 80 years on the spotlight.

Remember all those empires before and how long they lasted... and they fell - and really, the world just moved on. Power always finds a place to rest its head.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Nobama
Just think of USA as the new-age Rome, now go from there.

didn't the Dark Ages follow the fall of Rome

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:50 AM
If America (Gondor) falls,the world will be swept away in a tide of total darkness ...

But there is hope, albeit a fools hope...yet hope none the less.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
The Roman analogy is a good one (and the aftermath of Rome's fall should serve as an important forecast of what would happen should America fall...)

Excellent post Gazrok.

Everybody should pay real good attention to this last line.

USA, like Rome, will fall...what is left of Rome? Well, the entirety of it's pre-empire country (within a couples of miles). So, if the US does 'fall', there will be a re-adjustment period, than a new period. USA will still be USA. Americans will still be Americans.

If the US dollar is not the reserve, it could be argued that it could be better used to US advantage...much like China plays their currency now.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:00 AM
I keep hearing the American "empire" will fall, we aint an Empire folks, "yet".

Look how greedy the elite in this country are, power is a drug, no one that has it wants to kick the habit.

yep we are in Baad shape and could get worse soon, but then, the TPTB will unleash hell on earth.

imagine the might of the USA's military unleashed, truly think about that for a moment.

there is no way the governing bod(ies)of the USA (whom ever they really are) are gonna go quietly.

if the USA falls so will the rest of the world is true, we would raze the Earth before we would let anyone else "best" us

That's the spoiled, narcissistic, self centered, ego-maniacal American way, this is a reality most overlook.

"if I can't be the team leader not only will I take my ball back, I'll destroy the playing field"

(unless the sheeple wake up, but that would take 2 thing first, accepting personal responsibly, and overcoming abject apathy...... hey TMZ is on that they are taking about lilo, gotta go....)

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