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China & Russia call for immediate cease-fire in Libya!

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by jude11
IF there was an actual plan in the works to invade America and IF it came from a China/Russia/Iran etc alliance, (hardly a non-threat) what chance would the American real estate have?

you would probably have the biggest
US Naval Search in the history of
the US looking for enemy subs off
the coasts. A hidden submerged
enemy sub would be the most dangerous
as it's payload would have the shortest
flight time before impact.

Long range bombers can be tracked
ICBM's can be tracked
Enemy Floatillas can be intercepted

subs would cause the most havoc. IMO

Exactly! And there have been occasions when Chinese AND Russian subs have been found off the coasts of the US. So my point is that it is very possible.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Itop1

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

Originally posted by Itop1
SAS have been in libya for at least 3 weeks, its been widely reported here in the UK, and boots on the ground was never excluded from the UN resolution, which some people dont realise, only an occupying force similar to iraq is excluded, but a non occupying ground force is still viable and still a very very big possiblity.

No it is not

Never was

And never will be

Only the conspiracy theorist are saying that & Gaddafi, have you not been listening to every single PM/president of the coalition? nobody would support it (worldwide) and nobody at home would support it, nobody wants it apart from as i said the conspiracy nuts

Nobody supported the no fly zone at the start either.... dont believe everything they say

Are you going to continue with making things up as you go along to suit your theory's or will be be providing us all with some form of evidence >?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by jude11
IF there was an actual plan in the works to invade America and IF it came from a China/Russia/Iran etc alliance, (hardly a non-threat) what chance would the American real estate have?

you would probably have the biggest
US Naval Search in the history of
the US looking for enemy subs off
the coasts. A hidden submerged
enemy sub would be the most dangerous
as it's payload would have the shortest
flight time before impact.

Long range bombers can be tracked
ICBM's can be tracked
Enemy Floatillas can be intercepted

subs would cause the most havoc. IMO

Exactly! And there have been occasions when Chinese AND Russian subs have been found off the coasts of the US. So my point is that it is very possible.

Yeah but in all fairness we do the same but with more advanced subs

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by jude11

Never never thought that NWO was defined by Geography, race or religion. Now off to go shower the soil off my feet and hands...

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by CanadianDream420

Originally posted by jude11
WOW!...Wonder what's gonna happen here? What if the US sez NO! Or will they do what they are told because of their debt?

Another play for WW3? many questions:

BEIJING - China called Tuesday for an immediate cease-fire in Libya where the U.S. and European nations have launched punishing airstrikes to enforce a United Nations endorsed no-fly zone.

If Japan isn't called in their debt from U.S, which is larger than Chinese, during a Tsunami when they desperately need it... CHINA isn't calling in their debt over a few dead Libyans.

That one Chinese ship in the Medeteranian, which is significant in statue, however not in might.

Clarity, as of November 2010:


US debt holdings: $877.2 billion


US debt holdings: $895.6 billion

and the biggest holder is...

Federal Reserve and Intragovernmental Holdings

US debt holdings: $5.351 trillion

Wow. who would have thought that!?
edit on 22-3-2011 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:34 PM

its just a murderball fest

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna
I've been somewhat surprised at how many pro-Gaddafi people there are on ATS.
While I'm totally wise to all the manipulations of western governments, that doesn't minimize the fact that the Libyan people need to be free from Gaddafi, and if nothing was done, they would be slaughtered to preserve the dictatorial regime.

They aren't pro-Ghadaffi, they are anti-US. It doesn't matter what the US does, the haters are gonna hate. If the US did nothing they would whine about how we just watch while people died. The US does something and are killers wasting taxpayers money. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by jude11

Deja vu. Does everybody have such a short memory? Do most of the "oh my god, this isn't good" people live under rocks, like the guys in the Geico commercial? WHOA, HEY RICK CHECK THIS OUT!

China and Russia, without fail, will ALWAYS demand an immediate cease fire anytime the west is engaged in military operations. We could be in a war against the devil and his minions, they'll object strongly. Don't you guys remember the past 20 years, at all? Kosovo, Iraq (1 & 2), Afghanistan, etc. They have been extremely consistent, and have never lifted a finger other than strongly worded statements. It's all for domestic consumption, and they're probably on board behind the scenes. You people seem to think they are some kind of "good guys" or something, what a joke. ALL of the world leaders of the major powers are in cahoots now, they work together to keep the livestock hating each other, so they can all screw us while we're busy hating each other.
edit on 22-3-2011 by 27jd because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by Curio

As I have stated on page 3, the very same thing. All members of the UN council knew what a NFZ curtailed.

please show a link anywhere on the net
that shows a no-fly zone as targeting
a presidential compound which had no
weapons. That was an assassination attempt
on Gadhaffi.

Where does it show this in a no-fly zone ???

It was a Command Center for Gadhaffis military, in other words a prime target as that was were all the orders came from to attack Civilians and Allied aircraft. You lose, quit crying like someone from the two faced Arab League.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Danbones

its just a murderball fest

"Marines 'opened fire on villagers' in mission to rescue crash crew".

Yeah. I can understand wanting to rescue your buds but it does raise questions. "No feet on the ground" being the biggest.

So, it's broken, China and Russia are PO'd so what's next?

Not to mention the issue of firing on villagers.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna

I've been somewhat surprised at how many pro-Gaddafi people there are on ATS.
While I'm totally wise to all the manipulations of western governments, that doesn't minimize the fact that the Libyan people need to be free from Gaddafi, and if nothing was done, they would be slaughtered to preserve the dictatorial regime.

A lot of people talk about "the CIA, and FBI, etc, etc" are watching and have paid employees in websites like this one", but those same people don't say anything about the Chinese, Russian, Venezuelan, and other governments who have even more "paid propagandists" and "government employees" posting in websites as this one to try to blame it all on the west and TRY to keep countries like China, and Russia squeaky clean...

I have come to realize a long time ago that many if not most leftists, even the ones not being paid off by leftist countries, tend to side with leftist dictators nomatter what, and they always tend to try to blame the U.S. or some other western country for everything meanwhile painting as saints every leftist dictator around the world...

edit on 22-3-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Exactly. Go into any thread that is critical of China here on ATS, and watch the poorly masked propaganda show. Many of them pretend to be westerners, HORRIBLY I may add, that are in favor of Chinese policy. It's really quite funny.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by jude11

"Marines 'opened fire on villagers' in mission to rescue crash crew".

Yeah. I can understand wanting to rescue your buds but it does raise questions. "No feet on the ground" being the biggest.

Did you watch the video at that site? NOWHERE did the Lybian rebel they were talking to said anything about "Marines went in with guns blazing"... They said the Lybian rebels rescued the Marine pilot, but didn't say anything about what the newspaper is claiming in writing...

I have to question that claim made... Too many reporters nowadays like to make false claims about Americans, and more so if it is the military...

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by pandapowerjamie
Would anyone like to theorise for me what COULD happen next? I'm really interested in our future...


Nothing is going to happen involving russia or china.....same old song and dance from them.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:03 PM
This could all just blow over after the airstikes calm down, but who knows the US could ramp uf the war if Gadhafi does not back down. If this senerio happens that the US could try to use airstrikes and Guided missiles to kill him. I dont think we will put boots on the ground unless it is extremely dire, and that would be a U.N. coalition..for the most part. That being said if all that is mentioned happens i dont think Russia or China would do anyting but rant and rave about it. There military envolvement would most definitley cause a world war. Which neither country has the assets and funding for. China may have a large army but it is not very modern and they have no means to transport large amounts of supplies around the world as the US military does. There navy is rather small and out of date. There airforce is lacking also. We would have to bring the fight to them, which we wouldnt because it would make no sence to invade a country with 3 billion people in it. Russia is more of a threat i would think as there abilities to move there forces around is better than china. China in turn would have to rely on Russia for many of its needs. They could very well spend themselfs to defeat. Even if they got some of there troops to US soil it would be a disaster for any invadeing forces. Americans have the right to posess weapons so they would have to be mindful that they could have a gorilla type adversery as well. Its not in any of the superpowers best intrest to war with each other the world economy is balanced on it. If china cant sell there good to america then thats 2 billion in potential job loss. The US in turn could actually boom beyond anyting the world has seen. that in turn could open countless jobs in a country that needs that rise in its economy. China knows this and thats why they only bark and not bite. I also think that china knows it is not ready yet to face the american military yet if it had to. Would you rather befriend the giant next door or anger it and always look behing your back because it might drop a boulder on your house....that goes for both sides.

I wouldn't worry about this at all...oh we always have the trump card of alien intervention when WW3 could break out=)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Excellent thread. Just a quick thanks to all the work that goes into these threads so that simpletons like me can keep educated. 10 billion stars for everybody.

Just a question from a newby... Has world events always been this crazy? Or am I just joining at a good time?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Yep, and I am not blaming everyone who is leftist, but these days many people who lean to the left in politics seem to believe more leftist dictators than the oposition, to the point that many of them tend to not want to believe people who have experienced such leftist dictatorships.

To tell you the truth I do not want another war, and I doubt most Americans want another war either and i hope that in some way this can be solved without any escalation. We do not need another war and much less a world war.

However, China, Russia and other similar countries have contracts with Gadaffi which is making them rich which is why they didn't want the airstrikes, or for Gadaffi to be deposed, and this could start a mayor conflict if the Russians, or the Chinese decide that they want to keep Gadaffi in power.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Samuelis
Excellent thread. Just a quick thanks to all the work that goes into these threads so that simpletons like me can keep educated. 10 billion stars for everybody.

Just a question from a newby... Has world events always been this crazy? Or am I just joining at a good time?

It's escalating...and it's always a good time!


posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by hbpdfsu

Originally posted by pandapowerjamie
Would anyone like to theorise for me what COULD happen next? I'm really interested in our future...


Nothing is going to happen involving russia or china.....same old song and dance from them.

I believe the big question is what happens when the US does put boots on the ground? They will. Of that I have no doubt.

What are China and Russia going to say to a big slap in the face then?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by jude11

"Marines 'opened fire on villagers' in mission to rescue crash crew".

Yeah. I can understand wanting to rescue your buds but it does raise questions. "No feet on the ground" being the biggest.

Did you watch the video at that site? NOWHERE did the Lybian rebel they were talking to said anything about "Marines went in with guns blazing"... They said the Lybian rebels rescued the Marine pilot, but didn't say anything about what the newspaper is claiming in writing...

I have to question that claim made... Too many reporters nowadays like to make false claims about Americans, and more so if it is the military...

Agreed. I have read that and other reports saying the opposite. I guess it all depends on who does the reporting and what their personal and/or professional agenda may be.

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