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Kundalini Cobra Awakening: Ancient, Mystical, Forbidden Knowledge!

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:26 AM
On the contest of the OP this is an amazing source of Info for meditation techniques, Breathing Techniques, Yoga and Kundalini. If you sign up with your email also you get some of his free books and they are incredible. This website is a great source especially cause he has his videos guiding you through all the techniques you want to explore.


posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by lisa2012

Wow! Is this a post or an ad? I say it's and ad, so I clicked on it just to see
Guess what? If you click on this ad and follow it's high pressure lead, you will become a bona fide and certified meditator!! And you get to choose how much you wanna pay!!! Wow!!! High pressure meditation with a free ebook!!! First came the used car salesman, now comes the power meditation salesman!!! Then click on further through this high pressure sales website and you come across even more easy to buy certificates. Like a meditation teacher!!! First came the hard working student who through years of hard work became a teacher of the subject of his or her choice, now comes the online teacher certificate for a mere $47 to $97!!!

The sad reality is that some people buy into this, and then even more sad, they think and act like they are then true masters or yogis or even saints. Then they mess up the minds of true students...oh, well - I'm sure you know where I'm going here.

I wonder if ATS got paid for this ad? It's click-able, and doesn't ATS get paid for each click on a normal ad? But since it slipped in and wasted our time as a regular post, I imagine that ATS just lost some revenue. And looky-look - it's already got 2 stars!! That sure happened fast!!! It makes you wonder what's really going on behind each and every one of these posts

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe
edit on 18-3-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Orgone333

yeah makes alot of sense. I hate advertisement like that. especially when they only think they know what their talkin about.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 10:22 PM
I heard something last night on the Michael Savage show. Some guy calling in said that magnetite is stored near the pineal gland. He said some people can get headaches when there is seismic activity because the magnetite near the pineal gland reacts to the magnetic changes in the earthquake activity. Fascinating stuff. Supposedly the headaches tend to be located right where the Third Eye is. It was like I just turned on the car radio and heard that little snippet on the way to the grocery.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

It's in every living mammal I think, there was a thread about it.


posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Orgone333
reply to post by lisa2012

Wow! Is this a post or an ad? I say it's and ad, so I clicked on it just to see
Guess what? If you click on this ad and follow it's high pressure lead, you will become a bona fide and certified meditator!! And you get to choose how much you wanna pay!!! Wow!!! High pressure meditation with a free ebook!!! First came the used car salesman, now comes the power meditation salesman!!! Then click on further through this high pressure sales website and you come across even more easy to buy certificates. Like a meditation teacher!!! First came the hard working student who through years of hard work became a teacher of the subject of his or her choice, now comes the online teacher certificate for a mere $47 to $97!!!

The sad reality is that some people buy into this, and then even more sad, they think and act like they are then true masters or yogis or even saints. Then they mess up the minds of true students...oh, well - I'm sure you know where I'm going here.

I wonder if ATS got paid for this ad? It's click-able, and doesn't ATS get paid for each click on a normal ad? But since it slipped in and wasted our time as a regular post, I imagine that ATS just lost some revenue. And looky-look - it's already got 2 stars!! That sure happened fast!!! It makes you wonder what's really going on behind each and every one of these posts

This is not an Advertisement ...I have nothing to do with that person . If you go on his website everything is free except for the fact that if you want to get certified. I have read some of his free ebooks and if you look at his section of meditation videos they are very interesting and explicit. This is a blog people reply to his meditation Videos and Breathing Techniques Video and you can make progress by listening carefully to what he explained or people reply.

If you have patience and you read the sections in the website you will realize that is free.

I do not understand how people jumped into conclusions like this This website helped me and I did not pay a dime.In the begging it asks for you email and you receive his first Ebook and is free and very informative so please explain to me again how did you come to the conclusion that is an Ad . I have never posted an ad for any webiste in any of my Threads ...

"There are now over 450 amazing techniques, videos, MP3s, e-books and articles on the website, so to help out those who are new to yoga, meditation and the website here are 2 good places to start."

This is the free breathing classes page on his website :

Free meditation techniques videos on his website :

I did not know I have to post the exact links I was referring to ??????

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by lisa2012

Once again you sound like you're advertising for this high pressure sales website that has many things for sale, and many things for free. Tell me, how many of these "450 amazing techniques, videos, MP3s, e-books and articles" have you yourself tried or listened to or read? You yourself write that all 450 are amazing, which implies either you yourself were amazed by all 450 of them, or you are using the website's or website owner's terms to advertise for him. And now you have supplied a total of three links to three separate pages of his.

All three look almost identical, with lots of flashy red type and graphics of Stop Signs offering free stuff just for your email address. And to top it off, an identical 'friendly' pop-up jumps in your face on each of these three pages and requests your email address once again. Why do websites do this? So they can remind you over and over to come back and buy something. And there are identical links and ads on all three pages to all those things that 'he' wants to sell. These are your typical high pressure online sales tactics for the cheap stuff. No high dollar graphics, or programs or sales staff. It looks like a one-man show.

And lastly, you yourself say at the end, "I did not know I have to post the exact links I was referring to ??????" That usually helps so a person doesn't have to wade through the whole website. But, for me, in this case it didn't matter. Just one look at that trashy website told me that it had no idea what Kundalini is all about - but instead, it knew what sales was all about.

Are you a sales person? Is that why you're attracted to that site?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by CordDragonzord
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

It's in every living mammal I think, there was a thread about it.


wow talk about synchronicity!. That vid was really interesting. He ties the sun in to the pineal gland. I do tend heavily toward headaches. I often get them when there is a storm approaching.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:09 AM
I plan on buying some Magnetite right now actually, I also plan on placing it over my 3rd Eye to see what will happen. I've already messed up the magnetism in my 3rd Eye before so I'll be a little careful this time.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by CordDragonzord

Three years ago when I was deep within the Kundalini Energy on a daily basis, I found that at times the compass would point to me instead of true north. I did a little reading/research and came to the conclusion that it was probably caused by an energy field that was created between the pineal and pituitary glands. (Perhaps one of the properties of this energy field was magnetic.)

And now you say that a study reports that Magnetite in the body gathers and is deposited near the pineal gland. Would you care to attempt an experiment, CordDragonzord? If you would, stand or sit in a position turned away from the north, perhaps with your back to the west or east. (At this time have the Magnetite in a separate room so it won't influence the experiment.) Then try holding a compass close to your heart first, and then your head, and see if it points to you, or even starts to point towards you but is then pulled back to true north. Then go to wherever you have the Magnetite and check to see how the Magnetite influences the compass. (Does the compass point to it instead of true north?)

Then go ahead and do the original experiment you came up with, the one where you plan on placing the Magnetite over your Third Eye to see what will happen. After that's over, once again remove the Magnetite to another room and then check to see if the compass points towards you instead of true north. I'm very curious as to what happens.

When I finally get back into the Kundalini Energy, I'll try the same experiment too

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Orgone333

I'll try, the Magnetite I bought is pretty small, here is the link if you are interested in grabbing one for yourself.

I grabbed the $2.00 one to start off with, I like to experiment with crystals before I splurge on a particularly expensive one.
I will definitely try what you suggested and will see if my energy field and the Magnetite's energy field coincide or if they will differ during the test. I also grabbed a Moldavite crystal as I have had awesome experiences with both.

I suppose I have taken a break from full Kundalini meditations and am trying to build up a better structure for me as far as Kundalini is concerned. Hopefully, in a month or two I can try to awaken my Kundalini the right way with proper guidance.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by CordDragonzord

Don't be disappointed if at first the compass does not point to you. I found that I had to be deep within the Energy for it to point to me. And I'm also 56, so I may have a lot more Magnetite deposited in my brain than you do. It's my guess that perhaps a strong magnetic field is created between the pineal and pituitary glands, and the Magnetite deposit when a person is deeply in tune and charged with Kundalini Energy.

Anyway, I'll have to get the Magnetite and Moldavite crystal here in Germany, either at a German website or local shop. (They more or less force you to buy German stuff over foreign goods.) We found a neat shop close by that's run by a very nice lady, so we'll try there first. We already bought some excellent rose quartz, but she didn't have a rose quartz tower. She gave me a large raw crystal instead as a gift
Anyway, I soaked them in sea salt water for 24 hours, then they soaked up moonlight from that beautiful, huge moon last night, and today they're soaking up some sun. We also bought some bloodstone, and they're charging in the sun right now too. I'll 'activate' them tonight

What did you use the Moldavite crystal for? And how did you use it?

Good luck with wakening up the Kundalini!!! You know that it can be very intensive, and IMO it's best to be in a fairly secluded forest to awaken It in Its pure awesome natural state. I found it best to let It guide me, and to drop my silly ego of course. And of course beware of any 'human' guidance. Most of that comes with a lot of religious baggage that may in essence hold you back from full awakening. And be careful of people and how you interact with them - they may misunderstand and fear you, and then hurt you. Listen to your inner voice in all cases. It will warn you of impending danger, plus It will be your true guide. And always go towards what is honest, good, positive and true!!!

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 09:48 AM
Hey there, thanks for all the great info buddy. I have been doing a bit of binaural meditation recently and am really enjoying it. If you want to start balancing and opening your Chakras whats the best way to do it? Just listen to these videos in order or what? Focus on the root chakra for a week then move onto the next? Im a bit confused as to where to start, thanks for all the great info again though!

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Orgone333

Oh wow, I bet the crystal has an amazing amount of power now since it absorbed the energy of the Super Moon!

The woods next to me are owned by NASA, I've wondered through them before to do a meditation but there are a lot of negative entities roaming that forest, I believe. You can hear random dogs fighting each other at night and the energy is just awful. However, I found a nice area near me that I might be able to go to and meditate and try and raise the Kundalini in peace.

Placing the Rose Quartz to you're Heart Chakra is going to be completely insane the first time, if you feel depressed and place it on you're Heart Chakra you'll feel a great sympathy being emitted from the crystal, it is by far my favorite crystal to work with.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Wizardofthewest

The key is not to focus on a single Chakra for too long because that will end up messing up the alignment of ALL of the other Chakras. Typically, you'll focus on the Root Chakra first but maybe for 10-30 minutes tops for the first time.
After you complete each exercise for each Chakra you will move up accordingly and you don't have to rush either. If you like working with one Chakra a day or a week, that's fine, it's what works for you.

As for the Solfeggio Frequencies or Bi-nural Beats, you can listen to them when you go to sleep or when you meditate. They actually align you're Chakra system and promote different beneficial attributes to the body, such as DNA repair.

Here, listen to this while you focus on you're Root Chakra:

You can actually feel your Chakra vibrate with this frequency, you should also listen to this a few times with head phones and focus on how it makes your body feel.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions you can also PM me and I would be happy to help

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by CordDragonzord

Cord, that root chakra meditation really works. I tried it then moved on to the pineal gland activation. I've bookmarked these.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by CordDragonzord

Thanks alot for the info man, thats great stuff! Going to try the video you linked in a moment after doing the orginal root charka video posted in this thread. Im thinking that i will try and do each chakra video in one large session, the idea being i keep all balance
I also hear that along with all this an "Ego death" is one of the first steps you must do on the road to enlightenment, is this true? If so i think i might invest in some sessions in a float tank when i have the money, thanks again though i really appreciate it

Edit: Just did both the video orginally linked and your one, ( im not sure if im doing this right at all btw, im very new to meditation and sometimes have trouble clearning my mind ) sat up in bed, back straight and i tried to focus my enery into my root and envisage being connected to the earth. I did not feel vibrations in the chakra but for around 10 seconds did feel a very strange feeling which i cant describe but it felt very nice, very relaxed. Im sure as i get better at basic meditation and work on my root chakra i will develop it. Going to focus on it for 20 odd mins a day, and work up towards the next level when i feel i have a solid base. I hope im going about this in the right way, thanks for any input and thanks for listening

edit on 20-3-2011 by Wizardofthewest because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Yeah, MountainMystic is awesome, he has 45 videos that are all amazing to listen to. If you message him he'll send you the full mp3 downloads.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Wizardofthewest

No problem, man.

Here is a book that I'm reading about essentially, "Ego Death". It gives you little things to say to yourself to remind you that you are on a spiritual path and that you are all that you need.

It helped me immediately.

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