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[Important] TSA and Venereal Disease and YOU!

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posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
reply to post by Exuberant1

I don't care either way if I get patted down.

But you aren't a terrrist.

You should care.

*Anyhow, people should request that the TSA workers who are about to fondle/molest/search them to change their gloves.

It makes sense.
edit on 21-11-2010 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

Is there any evidence - any that genitals are exposed and touched by these people - any? I'm not talking cavity or strip searches as that is something else, I mean as part of routine procedure for all travellers. If not then this thread is just out to cause panic.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by ararisq

Yeah, I pointed it out in an earlier post that the "head in the sand" crowd that initially posted very vigorously here have scattered. Logic and fact won out.

NOBODY believes that these patdowns are sanitary. If you pat down 500 people a day, you're gonna get folks' funk all over you. And that funk is gonna spread.

The OP was a little shortsighted in identifying only sexually transmitted diseases being vectored by TSA personnel. One of the worst we WILL see is MRSA, which is very prone to contact contagion and does not require skin to skin transmission. You can easily pick it up off of a tile floor, or off of a nitrile glove.

The notion that you need "some evidence of a disease transmitted by a patdown before you can complain" (which has been provided, by the way) is on its face ridiculous. How many people need to get sick before the alarm should be raised?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by MMPI2
Once again, the naysayers have failed like the intellectual children they are.

It took me 30 seconds to find the link establishing the connection between scabies transmission and TSA workers handling peoples privates, clothing and other belongings.

It is still being denied by lightweights, even though the news article is right there on the TSA's own blog.

I know it is hard to accept defeat, but you guys have been defeated and you owe the OP an apology for your hostility and anti-intellectualism.

The "patdown" process has been in effect for about 10 days, and already there is documentation of parasite transmission, in addition to agents spreading body fluids from other passengers around in an area where they force us to walk without shoes on.

Do you really need someone to connect the dots from you with a crayon to see that people in close proximity spread germs, and that the spread is facilitated by groping/fondling in the private areas, and that the problem will worsen with the passage of time?

Just wait until the next flu pandemic that spreads from asia via air traffic.

Again, you owe the OP an apology. Also, you may want to re-evaluate your hygiene practices if your attitude toward this very important topic is an indication of how well you take care of yourself and your family.

Last time I was in America was several years ago. AS part of departure process I was patted down, honestly can't remember how thourough that was - what do you and some people think has changed recently? I've travelled the world and accept the fact I may get a pat down as a possibility each time, this has been for at least the last 20 years so the comments on here are really puzzling.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 11:44 AM
TSA Fondle/molest/search alert:

TSA Pat Down Went Too Far, Agency Chief Says

"The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around," she said. "It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist. It was embarrassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate."

worse than going to the gynecologist

Absolutely despicable. These people belong in jail. I don't mind my taxes going towards imprisoning sex perverts.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:22 PM
What I find interesting about this thread are the correlations I can infer concerning parallel opinions on matters such as 911, the 'patriot' act, etc. If I cared to try, I'm pretty sure I guess where many regular posters would stand on many topics, merely by reading their opinions on this thread.

Some of the composites ae coming up like this:

Well, you know, it's pretty much a non-issue that a rubber surface which is on a grope assembly line where people are sweating adrenaline and bullets isn't gonna give ya herpes, cuz the virus can stay alive only a short time etc...

It is a bend over backward wordhip service for those fearing the government. It gives the subject a chance to meld fears and compliance from a panorama of false flag events and their offshoots into yet another wording activity.

I could always tell, from the 911 boards, how good ol' dave, or derek, or dorian will respond, and on many subjects. Wacker, sadly, has had most of his remarks canned. I missed out on a lot of data.

I can't get my head around the very concept of the TSA. I knew it was coming, we all did. Scanners will be used to pick off people who haven't learned they are 'dying' of a modern germ, that's why they are here. It is part of the industrial military complex. I simply love that RP is stirring from his crypt and making noises! I will grow old dreaming of what was America...and try to justify how I spent my passions.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:05 PM
Exhuberant is spot on with this one. If a person masturbates, and it gets on their clothing, then you are picking it up. A small wound on a penis that rubs against the zipper while peeing, maybe. Of just someone who has poor hygeine and some kind of cooties.

Then there is this::

The beleaguered head of the Transportation Security Administration said today that at least one airport passenger screening went too far when an officer reached inside a traveler's underwear, and the agency is open to rethinking its current protocols.

An ABC News employee said she was subject to a "demeaning" search at Newark Liberty International Airport Sunday morning.

"The woman who checked me reached her hands inside my underwear and felt her way around," she said. "It was basically worse than going to the gynecologist. It was embarrassing. It was demeaning. It was inappropriate."

Some folks need to quit acting like Officer Barbrady. There IS something to see here. DON'T move along.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:15 PM
Whether you believe this or not, obviously people have a big problem with the TSA. If that is the case, just stop flying, and start driving your car... take a train... a bus...

Don't some of you remember the good ol' Summer Family Vacations! Don't some of you remember the lonely bus trip across the states to visit Aunt SO-and-SO?

Everyone complains up and down and it's not because you're being given a hard time. It's because you've become so programmed by big companies that FLYING is the ONLY way to do things. And guess what? They now see that their programming is EFFECTIVE and will now do what they are best at and VIOLATE you through that proccess.

Stop acting like these fantastic threads will ever trigger a real-world news events because all that is evident here is that a FEW people disagree with the TSA's method of policy.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:32 PM
I think maybe one person in history has gotten a veneral disease off of a toilet seat. A toilet seat gets more contact than a TSA agent. So, very low risk of transmittal. Good idea though.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron

You cannot catch Venereal disease from feeling the outside of someones clothes....

The lack of links in your search kind of works against your argument doesn't it?

And are you willing to take that risk.. go right ahead.. it is your right to do as you please.

Fact: It is possible to get STDS from toilets and towels.. why not from clothings.. who knows how others hygene is when it comes to another person.

But yes.. you go right ahead and accept nothing can be transfered.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
I think maybe one person in history has gotten a veneral disease off of a toilet seat. A toilet seat gets more contact than a TSA agent. So, very low risk of transmittal. Good idea though.

Right.. you think.. you guess.. You take the risk of being that # 2 statistic based on your numbers..


posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Willbert

Originally posted by Death_Kron

You cannot catch Venereal disease from feeling the outside of someones clothes....

The lack of links in your search kind of works against your argument doesn't it?

And are you willing to take that risk.. go right ahead.. it is your right to do as you please.

Fact: It is possible to get STDS from toilets and towels.. why not from clothings.. who knows how others hygene is when it comes to another person.

But yes.. you go right ahead and accept nothing can be transfered.

Fact: No, it is not possible to catch STD/STI's from towels or toilet seats, please go and read a bit about biology and sexual illness, I can't be bothered linking the sites that you have obviously failed (or not bothered) to find yourself.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by ararisq

The amazing ignorance and blindness on this thread has prompted me to respond. There are numerous articles discussing TSA contact with bodily fluid including urine.

I guess the definition of "amazing ignorance" can vary from one persons perspective to anothers. For example, these "numerous articles" you mention seem to only exist in places like ATS, GLP, and Conservative blogs. The one article I could find, about an old man who wet his pants, did not mention that he actually urinated ON anyone else. And, while coming into contact with another persons urine is emotionally troubling... odds are that if you've ever ridden a public bus, or been on a carnival or theme park thrill ride, you've probably already been exposed to more of a threat than what you'd face here.

Your favorite roller coaster, for example, surely has seen its share of vomit and urine from a myriad of passengers. So why aren't we here demanding that Disney Land shut down the Matterhorn for the biohazard it surely must be?

Why aren't we picketing subways and public bus systems? Why are we not seeking to ban school buses? Rest assured all of the above things are disease incubators if ever a disease incubator exists.

Changing stations, toilets, and public sinks? Drinking fountains? Coins? Paper money? The very computer keyboard you are typing upon? Your cell phone?

All these things are known to be filthy, quite capable of transferring germs, and probably more of a risk than your local TSA screener. So why aren't we after these things as well...

Easy answer? Because CNN, Fox, and MSNBC aren't telling us to be.

Originally posted by ararisq

Despite that, the fact is that TSA is wearing gloves for their protection and they are coming in contact with thousands of traveler's skin (not only clothing).

If "Tony the TSA Agent" ( Our imaginary example for this conversation ) is a hard working little TSA bee... A guy who just loves his pat searches... works an 8 hour shift, with two fifteen minute breaks, he is left with just 450 minutes, per day, to pursue his passion. If we are overly generous and say that Tony, being a trained professional, can average one pat search every 3 minutes, all day long... then Tony, our model employee, workaholic, TSA goon is searching 150 passengers per day.

So the constant references to "hundreds" and "thousands" of contact points which have permeated this thread are all fantastical and ignore basic realities like time and math. But, hey, saying "thousands" does sound good, even if it is unrealistic.

The woman who cuts my hair probably doesn't average 150 customers per day but I can assure you that she's in much more intimate contact with her clients than Tony is.

In fact my kids, coming home from school, are probably dirtier and more of a biohazard than Tony.

If nothing else my Doctor and his staff most assuredly are worse for the wear.

Originally posted by ararisq

How can you in good conscience suggest that all of the thousands of TSA agents never come in contact with the skin of other passengers?

I've never made any such suggestion. My point is that we encounter dozens of people on a daily basis who come into contact with things. The checkout girl who bags your groceries handles packages of uncooked meat 8 hours per day, AND money on a constant basis... If you want to worry about germs, she'd be a good place to start. She's a walking incubator of illness...Tony is tame by comparison.

Originally posted by ararisq

Any contact with skin, with hair, with prosthetics, and other medical devices including urostomy bags can lead to contact with disease including STD.

If one lived ones life by this standard nothing short of a hospital clean room would bring satisfaction. I could literally spend the rest of today listing the things that qualify for "just as risky", including taxis, utensils in restaurants, the buggy you push through Wal Mart, your friends new born baby, the seat you sat in when you went to see Avatar....

Strip away the hyperbole and this whole issue is stripped down to what it actually is... Just another case of good ole' American knee jerk hyperbole... a trend as of late in this country where we threaten armed revolution each time a gay couple marries, a mosque gets built, or any politician goes for the easy votes and posts a Youtube video assuring us that our freedom is dead and gone.

This is all a psyop.


posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
I think maybe one person in history has gotten a veneral disease off of a toilet seat. A toilet seat gets more contact than a TSA agent. So, very low risk of transmittal. Good idea though.

That is total misdirection anyway... Personally I take a second to wipe the seat in a public toilet because most times they are pretty nasty anyway so I take in a towel and soap from the sink... there are other nasty bugs out there

But here we are talking direct contact with bodily fluids ie that urine bag that burst. And without glove change and touching of skin as has now been confirmed even by the head of the TSA... that changes the ball game drastically

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 02:56 PM
While i ran a call center, I had this employee with Hidradenitis Supperativa (maybe misspelled). It is common, and I bet most of you have some of this disease, too. It is basically a chronic infection in the sweat glands, usually infected by Staph, of which MRSA is also a member of.

What happens is you get anywhere from 1 to a few dozens "boils", usually in the armpit, crotch, or waistline. They tend to drain almost constantly, usually just an orange "serosanguinal" fluid. But often you get the gray/maroon pus that smells like rotting death.

This one employee missed work quite often, and would ruin chairs from the drainage. To a point we had to get a special arrangement for him.

So, the next time you have someone with dirty gloves rubbing all over you, remember where those hands have been. And what kinds of diseases your fellow Americans walk around with, suffering from every day.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by MMPI2

Then it will be no trouble for you at all to source a single source proving that a pat search has led to venereal infection. I'll even allow that you can include law enforcement in that search, since obviously using the TSA yields ZERO Google hits.

I think, when it's all said and one the scoreboard will look something like this.... Heff: 1, hyperbole: 0


Look I would use this one just to give TSA a hard time. Spreading STDs is very likely, now trying to prove that a TSA agent in particular spread a std would be very difficult to prove. Regardless of the circumstance it is still possible to transmit a disease, so I say give a em hard time and make sure they change their gloves.
What is your problem with this?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 04:08 PM
The facts are clear and the science is settled. The TSA patdowns will result in increases in pathogens spread from person to person.

These people are in intimate contact with passengers from all over the world, possessive of various levels of hygiene, exposed to and carrying virii and bacteria sometimes very alien to the west, concentrated into extremely small spaces. Ventilation is usually poor, as is the general level of sanitation of the search areas. As I have mentioned several times, the extent of these searches is UNPRECEDENTED. Sure. We might have all gotten a quick "frisk" going into a football game in high school, but the LEO never put his hands into our pants, or asked for people to take off prosthetic devices, or asked us to take off colostomy bags.

Also to be factored in is the "by hand" searches of luggage and carry-on packages. The TSA agents go through those things by hand, piece by piece. Then they go to the next person...and the next....and the next.

TSA agents will NOT change gloves after each search. If you ask them, they will make your trip a living hell.

Contact transmission of HPV, scabies, MRSA and ecoli is a fact.

What is not yet known is the extent to which the facilitation of these illnesses will occur because of the groping of TSA agents and their practices in general.

What also is not know is the point at which TSA will begin thinking really hard about body cavity searches. It's coming, people. Don't think that it isn't. We have seen an incrementalism in how these things have been implemented to this point. What I predict is that there will be a more rapid tempo in how searches in the public arena will be conducted. It is just the major metropolitan airports today. What will it be a month from now? Train and subway stations, shopping malls, grocery stores?

You also have to remember, folks, that we are neglecting one whole side of the equation. What's gonna happen when the enemy decides that they may be able to use this new disease vector to their advantage? Is it too much of a stretch to think that al quada might consider putting a person with a horrible illness on an airplane, sending them on a jaunt to the U.S., having them hop from airport to airport with clothes saturated with infectious bodyfluids?

What about the TSA agents themselves? Imagine what it would be like to know that the person you are "patting down" might have an active case of MRSA and is walking barefoot across a floor and rubbing up against benches, chairs, tables where you work and lean and sit for eight or ten hours a day? Or knowing the suitcase you are rifling through may have clothes in it that contain thousands of active, breeding bodylice.

The possibilities are frightening when you stop and THINK of the possibilities, and put the denial aside.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 04:52 PM
The part of the OP about TSA agents and gloves and STDs... fine. But, it's a bit below the belt to try to make a racial issue saying that black women have herpes. White women do to. As do Asians and Hispanics. C'mon OP, you shouldn't have sunk to that level, IMHO.

ANYONE can have an STD, even the prettiest, most proper lady of ANY race who you'd never suspect or expect to have herpes. You made a big mistake by slanting the discussion towards ONLY black women, IMHO. It was a cheap shot and possibly revealing about the true aim of this post? Is this a clandestine back-door dig at the First Lady?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by MMPI2

Then it will be no trouble for you at all to source a single source proving that a pat search has led to venereal infection. I'll even allow that you can include law enforcement in that search, since obviously using the TSA yields ZERO Google hits.

I think, when it's all said and one the scoreboard will look something like this.... Heff: 1, hyperbole: 0


Apples and oranges. Cops "frisk" maybe 10-20 people a day, average? In between gloves are changed and hands are cleaned.

TSA agents do it to a hundred a day? No "universal precautions" are in use, either. No hand washing, nothing. I don't need statistics to tell me how infectious MRSA can be when gotten off of someones clothing. My wife is a nurse, I was one in the past. The procedures used by the TSA would get your average nursing home shut down, and your average hospital would lose JCAHO accreditation. "Universal precautions" are called that for a reason.

I do notice the blue gloves. Normally, that means it is hypoallergenic (blue or purple gloves, in my experience). Are we sure? Or is there additional allergen exposure happening?

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by GhostLancer
The part of the OP about TSA agents and gloves and STDs... fine. But, it's a bit below the belt to try to make a racial issue saying that black women have herpes. White women do to. As do Asians and Hispanics. C'mon OP, you shouldn't have sunk to that level, IMHO.

ANYONE can have an STD, even the prettiest, most proper lady of ANY race who you'd never suspect or expect to have herpes. You made a big mistake by slanting the discussion towards ONLY black women, IMHO. It was a cheap shot and possibly revealing about the true aim of this post? Is this a clandestine back-door dig at the First Lady?

This is fairly off topic....but what makes it "below the belt"? Why can he not say something truthful? Yes, it may seem harsh. But we cannot speak honestly about race if someone is to be called racist for using factual information.

Honestly, my first though when i read that was, "Why would a black woman be more likely to have herpes?" Is is lifestyle? Or the stereotype that black mean cheat more? Or socioeconomic?

My next thought was, "We could never really find any good reasons because even discussing it would have you labelled as a racist within seconds.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by SSDDay

I think you have misunderstood my intent. I was asking for literally anycase, ever of a pat search recipient being infected with an STD as a result of that search. Ever. In any context and from any of the many situations where pat searches may occur.

Thus far not a single case or example has been sourced. Others have tried to state that they have "won" their case by having shown that this has happened when, in reality, nobody has proven a thing.

Surely, with this level of risk, a simple search of court records would yield a lawsuit where a plaintiff sued by being infected with venereal disease as a result of a pat search. Oddly nobody can find or source one.

Surely a person infected with venereal disease via pat search would be all over the news screaming that their health was compromised. Yet not a single case can be sourced.


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