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So another Alien wannabe I hear some say.

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posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by MeSoCorny

So it's spring for you guys?

How's the plumage of the flying critters?

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

Yes, I am pretty sure it's spring on Zultatronia. As for the plumage I suppose that would be a question best left for the artistpoet as it resides on said planet. Good luck on getting an answer though, as it will most likely be "its no big deal."

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver

Originally posted by VreemdeVlieendeVoorwep

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by rajaten
reply to post by artistpoet

Do you have special powers?

I do not claim to have any special powers only those that we all potentially have.
I do have personal gifts which are tools for my purpose here ie art and peotry

You say you don't have any special powers, just gifts which are tools for your purpose here, ie art and poetry???

Yet you are unable to spell the word "poetry" correctly. Clearly your gifts are nothing spectacular.

Another trolling thread. Dissapointing.


Do me a favor and look at the forum...It says "gray area" correct?? Well that is what this forum is for, if you don't want to listen to peoples personal stories no matter the subject then stay out of this forum is my suggestion because you won't like any topic in and you will just call everyone a troll.

Another thing the poster could have had a typo while spelling poetry just like I could assume you typed too many S's while spelling disappointing

They posted in the right forum for stories like this so calling them a troll isn't necessary.

I don't go into specific forums mate. I click on the recent posts button, see what's on the list and then comment if i feel the need to. So if it pops up there, everyone will see it, not just the people browsing the Gray Area forum.

As for the typo, English is my third language, and yes i still don't have the English language down. For that I apologize. But poetry wasn't the op's only typo, there is many more including grammar mistakes. Even for me, who is not english speaking by birth, it is easy to see.

But hey man, I don't care if the guy is an alien or not, and you can also believe whatever you want. It was my personal opinion, just like you can have yours.


posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by Wisdom Of The Ankh

You're obviously a bit ignorant, but you've really dropped the ball with the reply you made there. You're trollish and offensive. I won't be dignifying your responses with a response, as you won't receive it in any way.

I love the 'foolish human' comment. Who are you, Darth Maul? Satan? Moonpig?

The foolish human comment was the TRUTH. You are more ignorant and foolish than you can imagine. I am not ignorant of the TRUTH, yet I see it in vast amounts within you and the rest who look to aliens to help. You are asleep and cant even see it. Too lazy to look, too greedy to try.

It is natural that you react to me as you do, that you refuse to answer my posts, it is to be expected from humans. Carry on reacting as you do, you never know you might actually learn something.

AM I Satan? And who might that be? Your highly uneducated question shows it is you who is ignorant human, not I.

Namaste!! (another foolish human word it knows nothing about, try giving it your attention, see it for what it really is)

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Wisdom Of The Ankh

You really are a delusional, are you not? You know NOTHING about me - I could tell you stories that would make your hair stand on end and your stomach loop-de-loop.. You also know NOTHING about spiritual matters, despite your claims on the word namaste - which you cannot possibly understand, going off what you have posted thus far. You have never been to a church meeting in your life, or experienced the presence of God, or found a common bond with any people in your life. This is apparent because of the way you speak in your posts.

FYI - I don't have alien parents. I don't have real parents. I'm adopted. I don't have solid memory of the incarnation experience. I am consciously aware of my true name, because the Spirit affirms it whenever I contemplate the matter. Again, something you cannot possibly understand.

My comment re: Satan, Dart Maul etc was really a little joke, to indicate that your own chain of 'reasoning' fell apart when you refer to yourself (by default) as non-human, with the statement "foolish human". I get the sense that you are manifesting a demon, and as a result I'd urge you to seek help from a suitably qualified exorcist.

Your user name is POORLY CHOSEN, oh unwise one.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by MrAnnunaki

Originally posted by artistpoet
The only thing that is in control of the Earth is Earth itself and nothing can stop what is to come.
Never mind alien hunting - keep your eye on Mother Nature - she must heal herself.
At this powerful point on the cycle we will see the weather and Earth itself go through massive changes as it now must. It will be like nothing we have witnessed before - truly terrible for many
My heart and soul are screaming No but I know it must be.
Ater a rough ride there will be a new golden age and another chance to do things in a better and more caring way

what must be?

I am speaking of massive upheavels of which some would term "Bibllical"

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 05:42 AM
Why is this thread still going?

2nd line.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by artistpoet

To state you had past lives and know it is to state that you can choose a condition. In which case, after 15 billion years, why hasn't anybody discovered how to leave the cycle and chillax in their own heaven?

I mean, is it not logical to just leave the cycle and watch as opposed to be part of it?

It's pure logic. Who would chose the cycle of life and death over and over again if you could leave it all together and come to a new reality.

Humans are liable to go extinct sometime in the next 200 years. There are no time travelers, so we never made it that far. I don't know why you waste your time with a planet filled with genocidal apes.

The cycle I am speaking of is what you understand to be the processional cycle of the Sun on it's course around the Galaxy.
It is science which states the Universe is approx 15 billion years old but that figure is increased each time they
look a little deeper. You are aware of Hubbles deep field project?
The cycle you are speaking of is the Karmic cycle of birth and death.
Of course you can escape this cycle any time you want.
The Higher Intelligence/Creator of the Universe is not some cruel task master that gains enjoyment from the sufferings of it's own creation. It is only certain ones of Humanity that gain pleasure from others suffering.
The cycle of Karma can be broken once one of the players involved chooses to stop reacting and understand that in harming another they are harming themselves also.
Earth is the base if you like - The first step on the rung of ascension. Once a soul has learnt how to use what it is presented with in a way of value ie in accordance with natural law it ascends beyond the cyle of its own volition.
Some say this world is like a school in which we are here to learn but in reality it is more about Survival.
Unconditional love is not some airy fairy pie in the sky idea. It is what makes things work in an harmonious fashion.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:16 AM
Wheres me answers from page 5 OP, you wanted to debate so debate we shall

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by On the level
Wheres me answers from page 5 OP, you wanted to debate so debate we shall

You won't get one...

No answers have been supplied in reality.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by lisa2012
I would like to know what makes you or anyone else realize at the very root of their nature that they are Aliens , what thicks in your head and then you know it for sure ?

We all or the majority that have "questions " sometimes we feel like we do not belong or like we are Aliens , truly I myself consider an intelligent person but from time to time I wonder am I really as everyone else? am I an alien ? or we are all Aliens ?
There are many souls upon the Earth who originate from other parts of the Universe.
Rather than consider what makes us different or what divides us why not focus on what unites us all,
what is it that we all have in common. We are all thought beings and of soul. All part of the whole.
Yes many who feel they are somehow different and question what others just accept as the norm could be Alien or an evolved Human soul. You observe the world and its stupidity and cruelty and wonder why others dont. I wont stick on this point but only to say Many who are indeed Alien are never aware of it and many who claim to be alien obviously are not by the intention behind their words and actions. No wonder those who are not of this Earth and know choose to remain silent as to the fact whilst Charlatans jump in with half baked ideas.
I think I have learnt a valuable lesson in discretion by posting this thread.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Hi, if you know so much about sirius that you could write a book , provide us with some information about the cycles of the stars in the sirius system that you know from "experience" that we cant find online , which we can then get checked out from a proffesional astronomer !

And another thing you say your alien gifts of art and poetry , Im not an alien but im gifted at art and music , because my mum and dad are also very talented with art and music .

So what makes your gifts so alien ?

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by Wisdom Of The Ankh

. You also know NOTHING about spiritual matters, despite your claims on the word namaste - which you cannot possibly understand, going off what you have posted thus far.

It is you who are ignorant of the way you use this word, Namaste, having actually no real understanding of what you say.




FYI - I don't have alien parents. I don't have real parents. I'm adopted.

Your parental lineage is of no concern of mine, however dont lie to me, did you not say the below quote? Either you do or you dont have alien parents which is it!!

I have a firm belief that I'm an alien-human hybrid.

Then you say the quote below, again in ignorance of truth.

I get the sense that you are manifesting a demon, and as a result I'd urge you to seek help from a suitably qualified exorcist.

Santa ? Shall I manifest Santa for you.

edit on 14-9-2010 by Wisdom Of The Ankh because: quote

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by On the level
To play devils advocate I offer this to the thread, I hope it is not too much for the Mod Stazi, if you are an alien or believe that you where an alien in a previous life, why are you talking about it on a conspiracy forum, why not capitalize on your knowledge and build something useful like a replicator or a holodeck to enhance the lives of the fellow beings on your adopted planet. Why not have hypnotherapy and see if your historic memories can be accessed and used for the good of mankind. I would have hoped that an advanced species would be less selfish that this

What is a Replicator or a holodeck and how would that help Humanity

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet
I dont believe in these so called Greys or groups from other stars that have space craft hovering around

Well I was a Gray and did lots of space craft "hovering" or flying about in my most recent past life.
Partook in abductions and many nature ventures.

The Illumunati have their grand design in place and all is well in their souless world of misery for Humanity.

The Illuminati as well as rocks have souls.

What's your grand design?
Mine be neo-tribalism, or atom-tribes.
Intentional communities based on nature.

allowing diversity, and resilience.
distributed communities,
With a DNA or replication-plan,

The only thing that is in control of the Earth is Earth itself and nothing can stop what is to come.
Never mind alien hunting - keep your eye on Mother Nature - she must heal herself.

Have you communed with Gaia? she's quite nice, I like her.
Though her shapes and sounds are many,
her pleasantness is firm.

Though there are some instances and locations,
such as various mines and other planetary mutilations,
which she is particularly antagonistic in regards to,
for our safety and all her childrens diversity.

Coal mining removes mountains, potentially making Australian style deserts
Mountains are required for regular rainfall

Annual plowing creates deserts like in Mesopotamia or Iraq and Sahara
allowing plants to grow perennially (many years) is required for retaining water.

So grow some fruits shrubs, herbs and trees, also boycott coal, and make your own renewable energy electricity (wind, water, solar, geothermal).

Ater a rough ride there will be a new golden age and another chance to do things in a better and more caring way

ya, 11:11 means the end.
1111 in binary is 15,
a new cycle begins,

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
reply to post by artistpoet

Hi, if you know so much about sirius that you could write a book , provide us with some information about the cycles

There is such a book by Robert Temple called the Sirius Mystery as well as scientific studies though I have never read them.
Sirius A is the main sequence star which is orbited by Sirius B. Sirius B is a white dwarf star. The orbit that Sirius B takes is eleptical and elongated - meaning every 50 years or so it passes close to Sirius A as it does this it strips away material from Sirius A onto its surface thus transforming that material. As Sirius B gets towards it furthest point away from A it ejects material some of which is directed toward the Sun/Earth.
Like I say if you read Robert Temples book it covers this but also more important matters relating to what you might term as spiritual.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Hi Woody.

I am the first to agree that 'artistpoet' made a bit of a b@ll$ up of the OP.

What annoyed me was the way everyone jumped on him/her before the poor thing had even had the opportunity to make the point they had intended

That happened because artistpoet’s OP was naïve in its execution.

It appeared to assume that his OP would receive a positive response, when in fact it didn’t. And therein lies my problem.

... this is a new member who maybe should have read a few post before diving into a thread of their own admittedly

A new member of ATS he may be, but remember this; he tells us he is an “alien” soul, who has at his disposal great, and important, knowledge.

Remember the old adage: with knowledge comes responsibility.

It is a duty to present it well.

Knowledge of value has to be carried by someone who will care for it and bring it to the fore in a manner that makes the recipient listen, because that knowledge is a truth.

What does it tell us when the messenger is easily distracted by critics, rather than him bearing that criticism with dignity so as not to endanger the significance and ultimate consequence of his message being delivered?

He appears not to have any discussion skills, only an ability to answer questions that serve to further his mysterious persona.

He would rather tell us about his reincarnations.

It now appears that he is another doom monger.

The reason I have defended this new member in particular is because of a post by them on another thread about a subject that I am very keen on ... it was a very well informed post ... full of constructive content.

Yes, and there’s nothing wrong with defending him because of that.

However, I’m pretty sure that if I’d read The Hermetica and The Sirius Mystery, absorbed it, and then written an emotive post that contained an amalgam of those – and other – concepts, then I could have blown you out of your boots.

Would that make me an alien? No, it wouldn’t.

What it might have make artistpoet is a believer, one who feels so connected to a concept that he has to become part of it.

Might I have misjudged this members sincerity ?

Me too. I’m always pleased to be proven wrong and to learn.

I would like him to at least reply to one of my posts, so he might begin the process, that’s if there is a process to begin, of course.

I have been wrong in the past ... and I'm pretty damn sure that I shall be wrong again in the future

Maybe…but can I point out that I’m sure you do it gracefully, and with poise, so no one cares!

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 07:12 AM
The Illumunati have their grand design in place and all is well in their souless world of misery for Humanity.

When I made the above comment I was refering to a state of being ie souless as in without soul I was not meaning members of the Illumunati did not have souls - of course they do - mostly they are Human any way and some are a fine example of Humanity at it's worse as is their intention.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Wisdom Of The Ankh

Supposing namaste had a different spelling, would it still be evil?

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

When I made the above comment I was refering to a state of being ie souless as in without soul I was not meaning members of the Illumunati did not have souls

How are you defining “without soul”?

If you are inferring that the fabled “Illuminati” are morally corrupt, then how are you justifying this observation and what precisely is telling you that your perspective is correct?

From their point of view, the work they are doing is not only for the good of Man – i.e. negating lawlessness, poverty, overcrowding, pollution, greed, bigotry and intolerance - it is therefore necessary, for the Earth to continue without the overwhelming flaws that we have allowed our cultures to be tainted with, but a moral duty also.

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