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What do you want to know about the secrets of the world and existence?

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posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:16 PM

1. Ok. Well Spontaneous Combustion, from my observation, seem to mostly have happened with people whom have been a combination of high drinkers and/or high smokers. High proof alcohol is flamable on its own, and there are gasses in ones intestins that are flamable too. It may be that in some or several of these cases the persons have had so much alcohol in their system that when smoking and getting the fire too close to their mouth/breath it mighr have ignited and gone down through their intestins and started a fire there. I have never witnessed something like that, its just a suggestion.

Another thing that can cause such combustion is when peoples inner temperature goes faulty and starts to really overheat. Call it a ultra-fever. This will cause a person eventually to combust, and people are made of fats and material that easily burns too, which is why most often the body is found completely burned out while the surroundings are more or less unaffected, as the burning have stayed in place until it died out.

Thats just some of my thoughts on it, I have never looked into it or observed it myself..

2. Vampires exists, as previously discussed. Both physically and astrally. Astral vampires are the type that feeds on peoples energy most often without the victim knowing. This usually causes various illnesses and diseases and other problems for the victim. Physical vampires, are of a type of humans whom got a disease that make them crave blood. They can not turn into bats and fly away, nor do they have fangs.

Werewolves I have never seen and I have no knowledge about such beings existing or not, except for in the astral planes where they no doubt exist just by the fact that people have made them so populare in myth and culture, arts and films, and so on. Perhaps these beings where originally observed in the astral realms, and so I think was the case with "vampires".

3. I do not know who killed Lincoln or why. I know Kennedy was killed because he was about to discover some truths of hidden agendas within his own governments, and deceit and lies that had been put on people. The Moon mission is one part of this.

4. Maybe I am a cosmic joker playing a trick on you all?

No, seriously, if you mean some kind of prankster god that fools people for the fun of it, sure it exists just as men with the same attributes exists. That is why I warn so much about channeling and channeled material as most of it is rubbish, and the new age scene if sull of this channeled material with all kind of hog-wash in it, nonsense, and plain lies, some for fun by those whom made it, some to deceive, and some just to make money whom didnt even channel for real in the first place. But, yes, there are many prankster spirits out there.


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Here's an old poetry of mine that fits into this thread:

Scarlet Tears

Engulf myself in prayers
Consuming gods own medicine
as I lay in my pit of despair
Comforting myself with my sin

And as time goes by
It seems that all is gone
I see through the lie
Being God's beloved son

Scarlet tears are pouring out
Running down my face
I want to scream but have no mouth
There are no other ways

But suddenly arises serenity
My mind is clear and sorrowfree
Joyful thoughts towards infinity
Smiling at the future that I see

Then exploding fire in my mind
Earthy love is consuming me
So many scars but yet so kind
A world within of tranquility

Captured in this bloody stump
Though still we're free to fly
The quest for truth an endless hunt
Yet I will roam through the sky

Scarlet tears are pouring out
Running down my face
I want to scream but have no mouth
There are no other ways

As I lay there naked on the field
With grass and flowers all around
The sights the magic plant revealed
It spoke the truth without a sound


posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by IX-777

They kill those who know the real facts about whats going on. William coopers 3 hour interview has a TON of information in it, and 90% of it has already happened, or just recently happened.

If any information you have and post relates to governement secrets, Truths, etc. I'm pretty sure they would want to take you out before mor epeople start believeing.

let me ask you this.

What are dreams really?

I have full control over my dreams, each are very vivid. Most of the time my dreams make reality seem fake... so what are dreams really?

do we escape to another plain where there are infinite possilbities?

Are all religions Wrong? whih one is right, or are religions corrupted by reptilians?

Have reptilians always been here?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:21 PM
1.who was jesus wife.
2.who wrote the bible/quran do you bend a spoon with your mind?
this is sort of personal
how do you make money?

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 07:48 PM
Are there any truths behind the ancient Indian texts the Vedas and Mahabharata? Meaning... have humans been around longer than the scientifically given 200,000 something odd years? Have we, as humans, reached levels of advancement close, equal, or beyond today's modern understandings, only to endure some natural or man-made catastrophe that brought our species close to extinction, only to have the few survivors "restart" humanity? Similarly to Einstein's thoughts; "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

posted on Feb, 24 2010 @ 09:08 PM
can u give us more info on the gateway in Peru.........

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by Prime-Vector

I was talking about the Tesla Earthquake Generator.

The weather control is also in operation. So what of the snow and cold when we have global warming?

The best way to perform Magic tricks is slight of hand. Look for the slight of hand in the Haitian quake and in the weather.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by IX-777

The only question I can think of is this:

When do you forsee yourself moving out of your mom's basement???

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:46 PM
It is all a school.

Half of humanity is in grade school and the other half is in university, as far as the soul in humans is concerned. This is the mechanics of infinity.

Yes, plants have souls(1D), animals have souls(2D), humans have a dual nature so I am assuming that this carries back to the animal and plant kingdoms.(thorn bush vs blueberry bush??) The dual nature of humans allows for growth and maturity.(3D) This stage defines the future path of souled beings, to rise up or become broken apart.

(4D) Is the harvest where good souls can move up. Also this level is the end of the line for evil.

Those guys who are controlling us(like we control 2D cows) are in 4D now. They are at the end of the line. They came here to try and escape their fate and they have been trying to come up with a plan that they can change the original blue print with.

They came here because this is a school, with souls in training. They are trying to take over the humans with mature souls so they can continue in 4D.

The shift occurs approximately every 300,000 years.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Zerra

Yes, you are right. It is 10% at any given time.

It is the knot in your spine, on the back of your neck. This is what they did to us to control our minds and unzip our DNA, so they say. They are more advanced than us and have been studying us for more than 200,000 years.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Zerra

Yes, you are right. It is 10% at any given time.

It is the knot in your spine, on the back of your neck. This is what they did to us to control our minds and unzip our DNA, so they say. They are more advanced than us and have been studying us for more than 200,000 years.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by win 52

Win 52? Are you like a kid or something? Why are you being little Maggador Jr.

Create you're own thread, see how many people reply.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Zsaqulz78th]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by win 52
reply to post by Zerra

Yes, you are right. It is 10% at any given time.

It is the knot in your spine, on the back of your neck. This is what they did to us to control our minds and unzip our DNA, so they say. They are more advanced than us and have been studying us for more than 200,000 years.

you use quite a bit more than ten percent of your brain at any given time.
Each part of your brain is doing something-whether processing visual stimuli through the occipital lobe, creating your emotions through the amygdala, or thinking with your cerebellum-All of which you are capable of doing at the same time. You would also be breathing, or coughing-receiving other physical sensations, processing the tv show that is on..etc..
We use all of our brains, though some parts are more active during certain moments-for instance if you were playing the piano you probably are not trying to activate any drive for sexuality however you may be recalling memories as a response to the music and drumming up emotions too-Heck, you also may be starting to feel hungry. So as you can imagine your brain is really busy doing a lot at once and to place a number like 10% is a bit absurd.

The brain is like a muscle where if you don't use parts of it the neurons will no longer react-So we do need to exercise it like a muscle-For example if you constantly lose your car keys, start using techniques to practice 'memory'. There are many word lists available and other techniques to help a person absorb more. It is not a secret to the general population that there are techniques that help your brain recall information faster and better.

Every species brain is capable of something special-For example a bird can bury 10000 seeds and remember where each seed is after the winter is over- (a human can't)..but a bird also can't drive a car or write poetry. There will never be a bird Davinci
Or a bird that can cure a disease. Humans are pretty intelligent beings.

- We even use tons of the brain while we sleep! It's actually BEST to workout and then sleep- you los efat whil eyou sleep lol and or to study for a test and then sleep-you will recall more information.

To use more potential it usually means using some tricks you can learn around ..psych studies or scientific studies.
The best that we can say right now is that we are capable of more and we aren't using its full potential-but we are using it more than that myth implies.

PS- last lil tid bit on the brain- is that it isn't fully matured until early twenties. Many teens can't function to their fullest capacity because of brain development-That is why they need more sleep than schools allow for, why they get grouchy, and how come they are so forgetfull ("Mom, I forgot my gloves/books at school!"). If we damage the brain at any point it is bad, but if we use drugs in our teens-including MJ & alcohol we are severely suppressing our abilities b.c the brains not finished yet and the drugs interefere in the pathways of the neurons-regarding things like attention and memory. So really humans are having a lot of say in how much their brain developes-Children and teens would benifit from a lot of sleep , vitamins/nutrition, and exercise.

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Zerra]

[edit on 25-2-2010 by Zerra]

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 09:52 PM
Hello, I've got a few for you:
1. Is there a true feminist agenda involving the destruction of nuclear families?
2. Will the atrocities in our child protective services system ever be widespread public knowledge?
3. Will there ever be justice for children wrongfully removed from their parents?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:04 PM
I have got one for ya Maggador,what ia your take on the phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion?

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by freeradical1

He literally just answered that in his last post.

posted on Feb, 25 2010 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by social services suck
Hello, I've got a few for you:
1. Is there a true feminist agenda involving the destruction of nuclear families?
2. Will the atrocities in our child protective services system ever be widespread public knowledge?
3. Will there ever be justice for children wrongfully removed from their parents?

I'm no alien-At least not in this life time, but I may be able to offer some insights on these topics as they have been somewhat of an interest for me in my studies. Ix-777 may throw in his two cents later when he's back, but if you'd like to take some tidbits from me, feel free.

1) I don't think feminists as a whole are thinking this way. The true feminist agenda is to equalize the rights of men and women, not to give women an advantage in society or to break them away from it. One example you can observe is through the child homicide laws-Infanticide Acts (which don't actually exist in the States as far as I know). Infanticide Acts in England or Canada for example give leniency towards women who kill their children stating that they may be suffering from postpartum. Women as a whole get a lot of leniency in the law (5 years or less in prison or hospitalization) while statistically men are sent to prison for life or even given the death penalty for committing the same act. Feminists are not happy about this. They are hoping to restore the equality. In other words they hope that if the law can view insanity for mothers as a plea then so should it be for the fathers.

So, do I believe they want to wreck the nuclear family? Do you believe this is the work of feminists? or the work of a changing society and people -different needs and lifestyles?

Are people changing and feminists backing them up, to preserve the female rights to choose? (For example, If a female decides to raise a child alone and not get forced into a marriage- a feminist may back her up-and her right to choose).


are the feminists creating the changes? (For example: A women is raped and as a result is pregnant. She doesn't want to have an abortion but she is single and chooses not to marry the man her parents suggest for her-Did th efeminists influence her mind and make it so that she chose to not be in a nuclear family?)

This is something you can think through on your own and come to a conclusion..As you now have the knowledge that feminists are looking for equality. Sometimes it is good to hear what you think, and to let the answers form on their own.

2) The information is available. It may not be public knowledge because most people do not have the education or the resources to look up the information that is accessible. It is a mixed pool of information. There are bad places just as there are good. The law is a big one in this and I think the more people that understand law and can read about it the better off society will be as a whole-Knowledge is power after all. The law has a lot of flaws and that ties into the child protective services as well. If people understand what is wrong with the laws regarding this area and what is wrong with the programs and such, the more people will demand change.

This is up to those that know to educate-I do not mean vent (Not to bash or be unfair) but to really get down to business, do a lot of research , quote and cite a lot of journal articles and research papers that are reputable and tell people the truth. I think this is even something you'd find enlightening to do. Perhaps with a blog or facebook page that can reach a lot of people for free. Provide you own anecdotal experiences, than back it up with the research. You may find this helps you and others-Imagine a place that describes the truth while people can discuss their own experiences too.

3) This question is something only someone with knowledge of the future can predict. Though I am a medium, I see insight not anything set in stone. My educated guess would be no. There is no justice for children who have had their lives ruined or who were wronged in any way. Whther it is being taken from their homes (As was the case with aboriginals and residential schools), or schildren who were wrongfully given back to drug addicted mothers who abused them constantly, or whther it is a divorce where the child is forbidden from seeing thei father b.c there's a petty dispute...whatever the case may be..there is no justice. No amount of money and no amount of fortune can make up for this.

Only thing that can be done to show that we are ready for a change.

Like the feminist movement there can be campaignes for children and for their rights. You may be able to learn a thing or two from a true feminist activist.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 12:18 PM
Thank you for your response. I'm taking your suggestions into consideration. I do have both a Facebook and a Myspace page for victims of social services. I have discovered through my own experiences here in the US of Amerikka, that cps are the most corrupt and evil entities of all. I'm screaming out to anybody who will listen about the injustice inflicted on my family. I was contacted by the Dr. Phil show a couple years ago to have my story aired on national TV, but all communication mysterioulsy stopped. I 'm wondering if you have any idea why? Not that you are involved, but nobody is telling me anything and I'm grasping at straws. This whole mess has infuriated me to the point of almost murder or suicide (but i'm too much of a coward). I really do fear what they may be planning. Sometimes I just wanna die a quick death, than have to suffer.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by social services suck
Thank you for your response. I'm taking your suggestions into consideration. I do have both a Facebook and a Myspace page for victims of social services. I have discovered through my own experiences here in the US of Amerikka, that cps are the most corrupt and evil entities of all. I'm screaming out to anybody who will listen about the injustice inflicted on my family. I was contacted by the Dr. Phil show a couple years ago to have my story aired on national TV, but all communication mysterioulsy stopped. I 'm wondering if you have any idea why? Not that you are involved, but nobody is telling me anything and I'm grasping at straws. This whole mess has infuriated me to the point of almost murder or suicide (but i'm too much of a coward). I really do fear what they may be planning. Sometimes I just wanna die a quick death, than have to suffer.

Unfortunately, without specifics I am unable to give you any opinions on why this happened. Is there anything against you?- Any laws broken or allegations that may have put them off? Did the other party disagree to the show? For the most part Dr. Phil has had on shows that have two sides to it and if he couldn't find that then he may have disproved. It is after all, an entertainment business. Dr. Phil's show is a joke when brought up in serious psychological classes I take. In my opinion, you're lucky not to be on Dr, Phil-It's exploitation at its best. Get your voice heard another way-contact local radio stations , or news stations. I know a lot of news is now online...many look for personal stories.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Originally posted by IX-777
Here's an old poetry of mine that fits into this thread:

Scarlet Tears

Engulf myself in prayers
Consuming gods own medicine
as I lay in my pit of despair
Comforting myself with my sin

And as time goes by
It seems that all is gone
I see through the lie
Being God's beloved son

Scarlet tears are pouring out
Running down my face
I want to scream but have no mouth
There are no other ways

But suddenly arises serenity
My mind is clear and sorrowfree
Joyful thoughts towards infinity
Smiling at the future that I see

Then exploding fire in my mind
Earthy love is consuming me
So many scars but yet so kind
A world within of tranquility

Captured in this bloody stump
Though still we're free to fly
The quest for truth an endless hunt
Yet I will roam through the sky

Scarlet tears are pouring out
Running down my face
I want to scream but have no mouth
There are no other ways

As I lay there naked on the field
With grass and flowers all around
The sights the magic plant revealed
It spoke the truth without a sound


[edit on 26-2-2010 by decoder404]

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