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Cop haters, this thread is for you.

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posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:21 AM
I work as a manager at a grocery store,
Being that I have a lot of shoplifting, in my store.
I call 911 about every 2 or 3 days
And I have had my fair share of police officers
And have many police friends

I would say 70% are cool calm collective,
Good regular guys that I could see myself hanging out with.
Example: Guy steals at the store. I subdue him, usually by sitting him down in the office till the police get there. I am always armed, but never had to point my gun at anyone. Most people see it on my waist and usually don't think twice about runnin away. Police shows up,puts him in cuffs (since I legally can't). I show him the video of the guy stealing. The cop writes a sitation and lets him go.

Then you have the lazy, the crazy, and stupid 30%
Example:Guy steals at the store. I subdue him. Cop shows up, and the first thing he does is disarm me....
Doesn't even say hi
Doesn't even look at my face
Im standing in the office just waiting for him, and out of nowhere
he grabs my gun out of the holster ,takes the clip out
puts it in the safe and locks it
I ask him why he took my gun
First three words he says, "for my safety"
The shoplifter starts laughing and says,"wow, him before me!"
I let the officer write the citation,
and afterwards I tell him, "Your the first officer to take my gun from me, How would you feel if I went to the station and grabbed your gun and locked it away." He looks at me with a stare and says, "is that a threat"(grabbing his holster) and walks away
Most of these cops are rookies, that do what they feel is necessary, without thinking about future consequences,
they abuse the little POWER that they have
Luckly;; I got his badge number and name;
I called the police dept.
and two days later had him and his supervisor
giving me an offical apology
I heard he is on the bike squad now

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:08 AM
I posted a thread very recently in support of the police. I didn't truly know how it would be accepted. Sad to say the majority seem to hate the police and think they're all the same, corrupt, abusive and power mad. I think this thread and my own are a snapshot of the general opinion of ATS in regards to law enforcement.

Give The Police Some Credit

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Jovi1

You are attacking a branch and not a root. Yet again. It is what most do. Everything in this world is tainted by corruption. If you think your particular field of employment is not, you are sorely mistaken. The corruption grows, because, simply put, most people are selfish enough to take the rewards in a corrupt system that hurts others and perpetuates the war paradigm. Manipulation in the left hand and domination in the right hand create a singular head of "the Devil," for lack of a better word. A sort of androgynous goat, a combination of both male (dominating) and female (manipulating) egos, which create a 3rd thing. 1+1=3. Synthesis. The manipulator (one who self-identifies as slave) seeks a revolution in order to be the dominator (one who self-identifies as the master). Revolutions continue the same drama, albeit with swapping roles. This beastly ego masquerades as divine in many people, and it still seeks total power, control, and authority. The devil is the author of this current drama, so to speak. But once the impostor behind the curtain is revealed, we are disgusted. We view that perversity as totally contrary to our beings, as the antithesis to our thesis. Then, reconciliation occurs.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Tifozi
reply to post by Jovi1

I would expect them to know the law, and how to keep it. I would expect that they were able to defend me when I'm in need for rescue. I would expect them to do their job. That is what training is for. That argument about education is ridiculous.

Lack of a more than basic education to perform the tasks of the office is ridiculous.

I can tell you that I was terrible in high school, because I hated all the stuff around it. But when I got to the pilot course, I finished with 98%.

If a cop is bad in school (and I'm assuming the worst scenario), but is very well fitted to be a cop, why does that matter? You're judging people on very wrong standards.

It does matter the last thing we need are cops that couldn't succeed in school probably taking their real life career just as seriously. And then taking their lack of adequacy out on the populace.

Wrong. I know 6 people that are police officers, 2 of them were in the GOE (special forces (or SWAT in the US)). None of them were bullies or something like that.

I know that is true in some cases, but you are picking the bad and applying it to every cop. Which is false.

Of course you do not see it, obviously you the toady type personality so you will see nothing wrong with their bullying behavior.

Yet, the US police department trains professionals all over the world.

(and its not because of their beautiful blue eyes)

That alone speaks to just how bad off the rest of the world is if they are looking up to our police than it does about their actual ability.

No, it isn't. A good cop isn't a cop that goes after every single "crime" or illegal activity. A good cop is the one who is able to judge the situation accordingly.

If you pass the radar at 10mph more than the legal limit, and you talk nicely to the cop, and say that you were distracted or something like that (and if you're being honest), there is nothing bad about letting him go.

But if you do the same thing, but you are arrogante with the cop, saying that he sucks and has no authority, is that a surprise that you get a ticket?

People use ridiculous arguments when talking about this things. In some situations the cop MUST LET GO! It's an asshole if he isn't nice... But depending on the discussion, if the cop does that, he is corrupted. Seriously...

I never said there were not cases where good judgment and good sense apply. It is called reading comprehension and you failed to apply it. It is a bribe to pay into a booster fund and in return get a sticker to put in your car to get you out of ticket and this is in fact how they solicit these funds.

Every time they are sitting at a traffic light and decide to turn their lights on just to get out of waiting they have effectively abused their authority.

So? I would do the exact same thing. Provably I would even put them on to mess around some drivers. Does that mean I'm the devil in uniform?

How many of us haven't played around in some situations in our work?

If a cop does that and has an accident, he must face the consequences. If he doesn't (and you're talking like they can't judge situations), whats the harm?

(and no, I'm not saying that the more serious stuff "is okay")

Yes you are saying the more serious stuff is ok by giving a pass for the small stuff is exactly how you end up getting to giving a pass for the large stuff. We are talking about people whose job it is to enforce a standard of law yet you are exempting them from following it themselves.

No. They are not abusing authority. They are commiting a crime. And if they get caught, they also pay a fine (I have seen that happen).

Yes i will admit that on occasion they will get caught by a decent cop but those are few and far between.

No. Its a nice gesture from the community. Its the same thing that the community saying "we like you. We like your job. Here is some gratitude".

You can trace that to the old templars that had where to stay and food just because they were the defences of the citadel.

Doesnt matter where it comes from it is an inducement to giving preferential treatment. They already get the biggest thank you they should be expected to get, a paycheck

That happens in EVERY job. Pointing the finger to the cops just because that happens is unfair.

I have seen nurses shutting up when the doctor screwed up and killed the patient.

That happens, and is appliable to every single profession in the world.

This is a bunch of mealy mouthed nonsense, you are giving a free pass to the people who turn a blind eye to their coworkers breaking the law. The are paid to enforce the law not back down because their buddies kids really needs braces.

If they brake the law, they are criminals, like everybody else. If the other person brakes the law, and that cop is on top of him, that cop is being a b*tch, not corrupted. How many of you wouldn't give your life for your family?

Again with the reading comprehension.They aren't breaking the law they merely happen to date the person who rejected the for whatever reason.

Using your office to grind an axe against the person you were dating or married to, because they moved on and you can not deal with it is inappropriate. Using your office to grind your families axe against their neighbor is inappropriate.

The problem is that the bad ones are all the way up to the governament. Things can't change if people don't act, and EVERYONE is guilty of that.

Its not only the cops who have to complain about the other cops. The people must also complain, and must give credit to the cop who is trying to make a difference.

Almost everyone in here is complaining about the cops in a forum. How many have actually acted when something wrong happened? Legally?

Don't come here and try to feed me some bs about legal system. My country has a sh*tty legal system, not the US, and here we can get things done (and we have a lot more corruption).

We are not discussing politicians, we are discussing the police. People can complain all they want until the ones that stand silent come out to back them up nothing will be done.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by chiron613

When a cop shoots someone its not murder, its collateral damage....
second line

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
Cops are innately good, but most all of them go south after some years.

You would like facts? Okay.

I had my brand new, off the lot, van torn to shreds by a squad of Las Vegas policemen because I was from PA and they suspected I was trafficking drugs to other states. They had no reason to suspect this whatsoever. They stopped me, gave me no reason as to why I was stopped, then destroyed my beverage coolers, vehicle interior, and tires.

As soon as they were done, without even speaking a word to me, they got into their cruisers and took off. I was left stranded in a strange city with a worthless car. They found nothing and they knew they would get in trouble for it, so they took off without giving me a way to charge them for their crime.

I should say that I have absolutely no record whatsoever.

I called the police department over 50 times and not once did I get an answer.

Those people are criminals worse than any other I've had to deal with.

Absolutely also have seen this in northern NV.

Remember when their cars used to say "to serve and protect"? Remember when we thought a police state could only occur in places like russia, china, or cuba?

Now, due to the economy and the government needing more income, or whatever reason , the police have turned into nothing more than predators. Their favorite prey here seems to be a woman in a nice car driving alone - easy to intimidate, likely to be able to pay. All the while gangs of illegals run rampant, but dealing with them might be way more difficult and dangerous, and the financial return is so much less.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Is that how you act? Do you go hog wild when there are no pigs around?

Then what makes you think others do?

Do you ever watch that news thing on tv? What happens during a walmart opening when super cool new toy comes out? Parents trample each other to get it. What happens after a team wins a sporting event? To celebrate, the fans go into the street, and start fires and flip over cars. How about any unrest in a city, including natural disasters, what do people do? They immediately think stealing from someone is ok, and throw stones through shop windows and rip off someone's livelihood.

That's just a few examples. People in groups, especially during a chaotic situation, are incapable of behaving like decent, normal, caring human beings. The ME takes over, and all hell breaks loose. I don't act that way, and you might not either. But take 300 people, and in that situation, 70 are suddenly violent, thieving idiots.

So no... we could not survive without law enforcement. That's not even counting things like drug dealers. If you want a good idea what it's like without a solid law enforcement, go check out Mexico right now, where you can be killed for looking at someone the wrong way.

I'm sure you are Mr. Upstanding Citizen, who takes care of his neighbors and strangers alike, could defend himself and his family with his expert martial arts and armaments... but alas, not everyone is as capable as you.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by fleabit

But take 300 people, and in that situation, 70 are suddenly violent, thieving idiots.

It's not quite that simple.

If cops would only stick to GENUINE law enforcement like the situations you describe, then there would be absolutely no problems.

But they don't do that.

I'm sure you are Mr. Upstanding Citizen, who takes care of his neighbors and strangers alike, could defend himself and his family with his expert martial arts and armaments... but alas, not everyone is as capable as you.

Actually, I was involved in a deadly incident. And I would have had no problem killing the murderer, if he hadn't already committed suicide. I would have lost no sleep over it. It's scary being mad enough to kill someone.

Everyone is capable of defending themselves. But if anyone is so stupid as to depend on cops to defend them, they will die. All cops do is clean up the mess after the fact. Well, actually, they hire people to do that.

And if you do defend yourself, the pigs will arrest you if you dont have a CCW "permit" or if you use an "illegal" weapon. They want a monopoly on force. It keeps them in power.

I find it almost funny that the only criminals you dont mention are those with badges.


posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Dogdish

This " Towing the company line" that you speak of...could that be also called the Law?


posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by truthquest

Each time the police PROFIT from crime by issuing a speeding ticket that counts as one abuse. I'd say that accounts for 95% or more of police abuse of power. Anyone who either is involved in crime for profit needs at least a year in prison from a reasonable standpoint. These thugs in uniform must understand what they are doing is extortion.

Lets see....Speed LIMIT....and you were exceeding the speed LIMIT...Therefore you were breaking the law and got caught. Its called crime and punishment. What would you have the punishment for speeding be?

You need to be more informed about your local government. For the most part speeding fines go into a general fund not to the police department.

ETA- I have seen alot of people on here griping about speeding tickets. There is a simple solution..DONT SPEED. If you dont speed, then you are not breaking the law. Not speeding=No fine. Speed limits are laws. Cops enforce laws.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by six]


posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Jovi1

You know alot of cops ARE fired because of their "buddies" turning them in. You just dont hear about it. For the most part they do a very good job of policing themselves.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Bushido Kanji
Thank you for posting this thread. I was meaning to do it myself, but I guess you beat me to the punch.

Being an aspiring Police Officer myself, I cannot help but feel utterly offended by all of the hatred spewed from the people of ATS. Personally, I thought this place was an intellectual site where people shared their views and facts on every side possible, but more and more I am seeing a one-sided, cop-bashing frenzy among our ATS peers.

Good Afternoon

The naivety of your post reflects the youth in your years. It's true that there is an astounding amount of police bashing going on here. However, it is also true that all of these people didn't wake up in unison one day deciding to hate cops.

Much of the reputation that is being directed towards the police, from so many nations here represented on ATS, has been earned by those same police people being bashed. I find it incredibly unlikely that all of these people, in all of the world would somehow come to the same perception of the police service without the police service having contributed to that perception.

Blaming ATS for providing the facilities for all of us to express our dismay is not really in any way a fair statement. It is the actions of those you hold so dear that need to be addressed. The actions that the police present to the world on a daily basis, that need to be held to a higher standard.

When we as the people, hire, trust and support the police SERVICE, we should expect that those empowered with that authority will hold that authority in the highest possible regard. Not abuse it and those they are entrusted to protect.

Now in truth, you didn't cause this attitude towards the police, I didn't cause this, ATS didn't cause this either. Good or Bad, the perception of the police service is caused BY THE POLICE SERVICE, perpetuated by their actions. Maybe you will be the one cop who stands against police abuse, but I fear that as you gain experience you will fall into the same trappings we see reported daily.


posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:04 PM
This is not about individual cops, but more about the culture of modern law enforcement. We live in a world where everyone is treated as a suspect.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Amelie
We live in a world where everyone is treated as a suspect.

Which includes the police it would seem.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by cannibalman
reply to post by Kernel Korn

Cops are HUMANS, not robots. No matter how well they're screened during recruitment they are always open to temptation.
Do a quick look at corruption levels across ALL aspects of society and you will see that it is HUMANS, not cops, that are corrupt.

This is the truest statement on this thread so far - I have been in the target of path of angry cops who beat the crap outta me during a demo and life saving cops when I was in a traffic accident and once when my son was acting like drunk dingbat hanging off a water-tower at two in the morning trying to commit suicide - it was a cop who hung on to his arms for forty minutes until fire fighters came with a truck and ladder to get him down - they are humans like the rest of us with good and bad days and good and bad characters but the good far outweigh the bad - we only hear about the bad because the media doesn't give to sh*ts about the good - the media only appeals to our basest nature because it all about e bottom line and $ and like it or not sh*t sells more tickets -

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by realshanti

Originally posted by cannibalman
reply to post by Kernel Korn

Cops are HUMANS, not robots. No matter how well they're screened during recruitment they are always open to temptation.
Do a quick look at corruption levels across ALL aspects of society and you will see that it is HUMANS, not cops, that are corrupt.

This is the truest statement on this thread so far - I have been in the target of path of angry cops who beat the crap outta me during a demo and life saving cops when I was in a traffic accident and once when my son was acting like drunk dingbat hanging off a water-tower at two in the morning trying to commit suicide - it was a cop who hung on to his arms for forty minutes until fire fighters came with a truck and ladder to get him down - they are humans like the rest of us with good and bad days and good and bad characters but the good far outweigh the bad - we only hear about the bad because the media doesn't give to sh*ts about the good - the media only appeals to our basest nature because it all about e bottom line and $ and like it or not sh*t sells more tickets -

Very well said!! Star to ya.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Amelie
This is not about individual cops, but more about the culture of modern law enforcement. We live in a world where everyone is treated as a suspect.

So true. I keep hearing people say the same thing, "it's a miniscule amount of bad cops giving the rest a bad name".

It is just the result of giving a group of professionals so much power. If you work at a Mcdonalds you and your coworkers will develop an "us and them" mentality. You will naturally empathize with your coworkers against the customer. The customer is a nuisance, etc. Now imagine you are being tasked to run what amounts to paramilitary operations in urban areas and given the power of arms and arrest. Think you're gonna develop a bit of an insiders attitude?

The solution is to get rid of the professional police force. Use a force of locals to police their own neighborhoods or somesuch thing, with some city and state oversight. I'm sure some really smart people can comeup with a system that is way better than what we have now.

Oh yeah, driving and parking fines and tickets, etc. should NOT be used as a revenue source. I've never heard of anything so parasitic in my whole life.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by hammanderr]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by hammanderr

Even in the current climate of fear promoted by the PTB - cops are still human with a wide variety of duties and situations to deal with - situations in which they make choices - most often life saving choices and sometimes wrong headed choices in the moment - mega-cities will have more of everything and every type but this country is far larger than her cities and outside these urban bubbles of violence is a cornucopia of small towns and cities that have very little crime and very little violence and LOTS of good cops so please people don't believe the crappy hype that you see on the media - it just isn't the truth, not by a long damn shot....And I guarantee that if the sh*t hits the proverbial fan in this country, cops will be some of the first to step over the line to the side of "we the people"...

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by drock905

Just for #s and giggles. I was the kid that could not throw a football and got beat up by those that could and the other jocks. I'm now a cop, pig, asshole, or whatever anyone on here cares to call and I am a good one. Not that it has any bearing on anything anymore.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by seeashrink

From what I have seen in your postings, you do seem to be one of the goods ones, but working with them every day I am sure you come across plenty that give you guys a bad name.

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