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Cop haters, this thread is for you.

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:37 PM
I cant imagine what could have happened to even come close to justifying this. From the media, it sounds like, it was a revenge hit on one of the cops there, and the killer knew he had to get all 4 to walk away. This can be for arresting a family member, even rightfully. OR some kind of gang initiation. In any case, no evidence they were dirty, because some cops may be doesn't authorize them to be condemned.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Kernel Korn

So the Kernel asks you, how many abuses of power do you think are perpetrated by police in a given year?

Here is my blog. I take some time to keep track of them. Or I did in the recent past. I've slacked off lately.

But there is no way in "hell" I find them all. In fact, I kind have gotten tired of finding them. Finding stories on these pigs is as hard as finding dirt in a garden. I reckon I have 500 + pigs names mentioned since Feb. Each "Pig News" article has several MSM stories.

4 pigs get whacked? Boo hoo. Cry me a river. I wonder what Britney has been up to lately???

[edit on 29/11/09 by PSUSA]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Kernel Korn
The Kernel has seen it all over the board. Something involving cops and it's automatically their fault. Here's a good example:

4 cops get killed and some say it's because they are dirty. That's a pretty bold claim. There's no info about why yet. Oh, but wait!!! even if we get the info it's probably tarnished by the Thin Blue Line.

So the Kernel asks you, how many abuses of power do you think are perpetrated by police in a given year?

The Kernel would like to deal in FACTS, not speculation.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Kernel Korn]

Is this like guessing how many jelly beans are in the jelly bean jar? I'll go with 15 million abuses of power each year.

Each time the police PROFIT from crime by issuing a speeding ticket that counts as one abuse. I'd say that accounts for 95% or more of police abuse of power. Anyone who either is involved in crime for profit needs at least a year in prison from a reasonable standpoint. These thugs in uniform must understand what they are doing is extortion.

Personally I don't *hate police. However, if one of them accidentally fell and broke their neck I'd definitely just pass by and pretend it didn't happen... God only knows what I'd be accused by any nearby friends that officer may have.

Once I went up to ask some local police officers for directions at night. They shined their light in my eyes and barked "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" or some such phrase like that. I then thought about just leaving immediately but asked for the directions... and they started barking at me about what *not to do because well "of course" I must be thinking of going the wrong way on a one-way street or something obscenely ridiculous like that. Honest to God I've never met such a total jerk in my life. I don't really remember my reaction but I felt as if I would be attacked or something if I didn't leave so I imagine I just said "thanks anyway" and walked away as quickly as possible.

Its absolutely true... police officers are a criminal GANG and behave with that mentality. They can do no wrong nor can their fellow thugs.

And an absolute proof of this can be found in a simple question: When police say "one of our own" (as in someone who deserves extra special treatment) are they referring to:
A) A member of the police man's community.
B) A member of the local police force.
The fact that a police officer would not refer to someone in their community as "one of our own" proves that the police officer does not consider himself to be a part of the community but rather a part of the police force above all.

I am extremely bitter towards police above all because they actually think that they are more important than other people. If you assult a defenseless old lady that is bad... but assult a police officer and now you're looking at a really bad punishment because a judge knows that their gang member buddies in the local force deserve extra special treatment because "all humans are unequal and some deserve more protection than others... especially fellow thugs".

Call you're mother a "dirty whore" five times a day. Thats fine and dandy with the local police. Call a female judge a "dirty whore" and you'll be in jail for a really long time. Because lets face the law demands you treat some people with HONOR... "oh your honor I worship you your honor" and nobody else deserves such special protection as the judges and police thugs who are extra important because you know they extort all of that money and how could they drive a Lexus if they didn't do all that extortion, so of course they need extra legal protections that none of the rest of us "deserve".

[edit on 29-11-2009 by truthquest]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:10 PM
My opinion is from someone not in the United States...I live in New Zealand.

I've had my run ins with Police many many times...seriously far too many to remember.
You tend to get that though when you're a brown minority and growing up in low socio-economic areas...add to that then becoming part of an Active Protest Movement and so going toe-to-toe with the Police on numerous occasions.

My first beatdown was when I was a whole 9 years old.
Protesting the Springbok Tour at the time. A few of my extended family members were active protestors for Civil Rights/Land Rights etc...and I tagged along with them one day.
End result was when a Rugby game we protested at was called off we faced the brutality of an enraged group of Pro-tour Supporters/Rugby fans hellbent on getting some payback on us.

The Polce Riot-Squads stood back initially, watched, laughed, cheered on the Rugby fans as the stormed into us punching and kicking anyone close to them. However when the protest group started fighting back and it became a bit of a large-scale brawl on the streets, thats when the Riot Squads moved in...and targetted the protestors.

As I said, I was 9 years old, caught up in that foray of fists and kicks. One of my elders, an old lady probably around 70 years old, was knocked to the ground in the melee. I also got knocked over, and crawled over to lay across her. Dunno - I thought maybe I could cover her from any harm.

The Riot Squad battoned and booted everyone. Men, women, children. Didn't matter who you were or how old or frail you were.
I got kicked numerous times by one Riot Squad Officer as I lay over this old lady...all the while she's crying and holding me tight saying "Don't worry moko (our native word for 'grandchild') it'll be over soon".
They dragged me off her and tossed me aside...then proceeded to yank her up off the ground by her hair. I leapt in again to try and get that Officer to release his grip on this old lady - and coped a riot-batton in the side of the head.

9 years old.

As I grew up we kids had this game of 'Hide and Seek' we'd play with the Police.
It wasn't a fun game.
It consisted of us seeing a Cop Car and running and hiding. Often as we walked home from school a Cop Car would pull up, out would step some serious attitudes wearing a blue uniform and we'd be tossed up against a wall and/or literally slapped around and threatened to "Stay out of trouble you little nig*** or we'll **** you up".
We weren't ever doing anything - we were just walking home from school. Same crap happened so often. See a blue uniform and it usually meant a bash.

I've been beaten down more times than I can recall. Pulled over and hassled more times than I can recall. Had my door kicked down, car damaged, personal property *confiscated and lost*, held for questioning, searched, assaulted, insulted, spat on etc etc etc ad nauseum.

...yet I do not hate them.

Maybe its because I'm a little older and wiser now.
Maybe its because I also have some family /extended family members who are Police Officers.
Recently my brother inlaw graduated as a new Police Officer. Some aspects of his training revolved around what was termed 'Pre-emptive Policing', Basically consisting of racial profiling and specifically targetting races that are over-representated in the Crime Stats (such as my culture - Maori, and Pacific Islanders).
The training they received was quite openly racist. Their training officer literally saying "Even if those buggers aren't doing anything wrong they will. So if you give them a good enough scare maybe they'll think twice before added to the stats".
Thing is my brother inlaw is also I wonder how he took that be encouraged to specifically target his own race. He once did ask "But aren't we then just making criminals of all Maori, not just the ones actually committing crimes?".
Tutors response was "Its that type of PC bollocks that will get you done over on the street. Every one of them is in the wrong. Don't see it any other way or you'll put yourself or your partner at risk".

Its been said many a time: Yes there is rot within the ranks...but theres also some goodness there too.

Sure - I totally get that experiences can colour people. Totally. I totally get that seeing and/or experiencing ill-treatment can make you pretty 'anti' against whomever the perpetrator/group is...

...but really how logical is that? To colour the whole? Just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Sure, by all means be wise, be smart, be even on alert...but to write off and hate on the whole lot? Nah...thats just as small-minded as those who did you or other people wrong.


posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Kernel Korn
So the Kernel asks you, how many abuses of power do you think are perpetrated by police in a given year?

The Kernel would like to deal in FACTS, not speculation.

Looks like The Kernel may need to rethink his premise.

First you ask how may abuses people "think" are perpetrated, then you make the claim that you'd like to avoid speculation, and deal in "FACTS". Sorry, but that kind of "logic", along with the thread itself, seems flawed from the start.

What's next on The Kernel's list?

Christian haters, this thread is for you?

Jew haters, this thread is for you?

Muslim haters, this thread is for you?

White haters, this thread is for you?

Black haters, this thread is for you?

The list could go on and on. You could substitute any arbitrary group there and the result would be the same: inappropriate.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Thank you for posting this thread. I was meaning to do it myself, but I guess you beat me to the punch.

Being an aspiring Police Officer myself, I cannot help but feel utterly offended by all of the hatred spewed from the people of ATS. Personally, I thought this place was an intellectual site where people shared their views and facts on every side possible, but more and more I am seeing a one-sided, cop-bashing frenzy among our ATS peers.

Frankly, I take it as a big slap to the face and the face of my mother when I see so many people ignorantly spew out garbage accusations just because it is the socially accepted thing to do around here; calling cops murderers and wanting to hang them for crimes against humanity is just plain ignorant and wrong.

I will confidently bet any of you that most of the people that bash on the cops on this site have no real reason to hate them, other than the fact they are mentally weak and need the acceptance of others to feel good about themselves, no matter the cost of what they say.

I am proud to be choosing to join such an honorable profession, and I will dedicate my life in its service, as well as the service to the people, even those who would rather call me a minority beating murderer than to actually get to know me and rightfully judge me thereafter.

I am the most passive people my friends know, and the most caring and dedicated, so I have been told, and I take pride in that. That being said, it makes me wonder where this nation is headed with so many people in my generation that think it is cool to hate on the cops, who are no different than you or I other than the fact that they must where a bulletproof in order to feel the least bit safe when protecting lives.

Would these same people that hate on the police hate on firefighters and EMT's? They have the same power as the police in the right situations.

I am just utterly offended, and I cannot help but knocked ATS down a few notches because of it.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 11:55 PM
To the OP: may I ask why you persist in referring to yourself in third person? it's quite unsettling.

As to your question, I would have to say that examples of police brutality and abuse of power are not common, but they're not rare either. And as for cop maturity, well...when you have a big guy equipped with a badge and a gun, chances are his (or her) ego will match the gear.

Mind you, I've known and befriended some really amazing law enforcement personnel - stars and flags for each one of them. They shine like jewels.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Kernel Korn
So the Kernel asks you, how many abuses of power do you think are perpetrated by police in a given year?

The Kernel would like to deal in FACTS, not speculation.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by Kernel Korn]

The Kernel would like to deal in FACTS yet asks a question that asks for speculation..

The Kernel needs to make up his mind.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:05 AM
I've just read a large selection of different countries' oaths that Police officers must take in order to be sworn in. In many cases, there are two oaths and the graduating student must choose one - depending on whether they are religious or not. And what I have found... that in nearly all cases, a police officer's foremost and primary allegiance lies with either the state, the country, or the crown (for Commonwealth countries) RATHER than the people and ordinary citizens themselves.

So...a pretty severe catch 22 here. Whom does a police officer serve: his country and Queen, or the people? In today's politically volatile landscape, I think it is increasingly clear why many have low or highly disparaging sentiments towards law enforcement personnel. Since police must obey and enforce the law, and since it is policymakers (politicians) duties to create get the drift. many police are seen as little less than hired thugs.

Now. if the oath were to somehow be reworded to say "Serve the people"...that might make some people in high places quite nervous. Wouldn't you agree?

[edit on 10/26/2009 by nethawk]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:06 AM
People always blame the cop when a situation involving violence occurs. I understand it but sometimes some just fail to research the incident. This is very common in police brutality videos.

"That cop beat that man for no reason!"

Maybe that man had a weapon and we didn't see it due to the video being edited down a bit to manipulate the viewer?

I dislike the police. I get their duties, but I wish more of them would actually do their duty of serving and protecting us instead of being crooked cops. I also wish they'd do more to stop gang violence and robbings instead of busting prostitutes. I know random, but it seems like the police are after harmless and silly things instead of dealing with more severe issues.

This may have been off topic but whatever.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Where are they when you need them?

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Kernel Korn

There are police abuses every day in the news.

Furthermore, since the police do their own investigations and discipline, we also see daily how cops get off scott free or at most, with a slap on the wrist, every day.

Additionally, over the years, we've seen th epolice becoming increasingly, a paramilitary force with no oversight.

Finally, we see more and more stories popping up with increasing frequency about police hassling people filming police in public areas during the course of their duties, yet with the same frequency, we see stories about how we are being filmed at every turn in public and that we should have 'no expectation of privacy' in public.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:18 AM
I think more folks would respect the LEOs if they would allow a citizens review panel when a cop breaks protocol.

But LEO infractions are handled by an "internal review board" and almost always found innocent unless caught on a dash cam or a citizens cell phone camera. LEOs are Protected by the Blue Code.

One type of justice for the LEOs. Another for the Citizen. Double standards always foster resentments.

I see "to protect and serve" on the cop cars. I don't feel protected and served; I feel intimidated and afraid and I am a law abiding citizen.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by whaaa]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Bushido Kanji

it is attitudes such as yours which already put you on the path of being a pig. Right away you're overly sensitive about your position in life and I'd bet in short order, you'd be one of those pigs that wants to 'teach them uppity intellectuals a lesson' to assuage your own ego or hide your sub par penis size. From the get go, you're showing yourself to be a jar headed pre programmed and package wrapped 'officer' who think he's somehow better or above the rest of 'those people'

It appears that never in your brainwashed rant did you ever really question yourself as to if some of these people might have a point.

Do us all a favor and get a job that doesn't allow you to be armed.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:24 AM
Like it or not even criminals have a right to a fair trial. Regardless if they are "bad cops" or the common street thug, murder is a crime and should punished accordingly in the legal system. I believe that those folks who say they "hate cops" are generally ones who have broken the law/are breaking it now or do not wish to get caught breaking the law and therefore have a problem with anyone who upholds the law...i.e. cops.

People just don't wake up one morning and decide "I hate the police" for no reason at all.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by mikelee]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by Kernel Korn

Um... you can't ask what people "think" and then claim to be dealing in something other than speculation, just on general principle.
In answering the question, since no human being has any legitimate power over any other, all "uses" of "police power" must be abuses.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by whaaa

They are tasked to "protect and serve" "the people." But, unless you are made legally a "person" you are not one. Only by incorporating can an existence be made a "person". They are protecting "the people" by keeping in check actual people. The job of a police officer is to gather evidence for trial. In other words to make humans into criminals. That is all. Anything else is a peripheral duty.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by cannibalman
reply to post by Kernel Korn

Cops are HUMANS, not robots. No matter how well they're screened during recruitment they are always open to temptation.
Do a quick look at corruption levels across ALL aspects of society and you will see that it is HUMANS, not cops, that are corrupt.

The difference being a corrupt cop plants a 2 oz. bag of coc aine in your car sending you up for 3 years. A corrupt cop shoots you dead and plants a gun on you or claims he thought he saw you reach for 'something' in your pocket. A corrupt cop can alter your life irrevocably whereas a corrupt garbage man or a corrupt wal-mart employee cannot.

I don't even want to see this 'shades of gray' bullcrap. A bad cop is a real menace that can cause real trouble for somebody, so to try to say, "well, humans are corrupt." misses the point that corrupt individuals with no authority do not affect us, while those with the ability to imprison us for 20 years or kill us and get away with it DO affect us. You cannot equate all corruption and say it's all the same.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Bushido Kanji
Thank you for posting this thread. I was meaning to do it myself, but I guess you beat me to the punch.

Being an aspiring Police Officer myself, I cannot help but feel utterly offended by all of the hatred spewed from the people of ATS. Personally, I thought this place was an intellectual site where people shared their views and facts on every side possible, but more and more I am seeing a one-sided, cop-bashing frenzy among our ATS peers.

Frankly, I take it as a big slap to the face and the face of my mother when I see so many people ignorantly spew out garbage accusations just because it is the socially accepted thing to do around here; calling cops murderers and wanting to hang them for crimes against humanity is just plain ignorant and wrong.

I will confidently bet any of you that most of the people that bash on the cops on this site have no real reason to hate them, other than the fact they are mentally weak and need the acceptance of others to feel good about themselves, no matter the cost of what they say.

I am proud to be choosing to join such an honorable profession, and I will dedicate my life in its service, as well as the service to the people, even those who would rather call me a minority beating murderer than to actually get to know me and rightfully judge me thereafter.

I am the most passive people my friends know, and the most caring and dedicated, so I have been told, and I take pride in that. That being said, it makes me wonder where this nation is headed with so many people in my generation that think it is cool to hate on the cops, who are no different than you or I other than the fact that they must where a bulletproof in order to feel the least bit safe when protecting lives.

Would these same people that hate on the police hate on firefighters and EMT's? They have the same power as the police in the right situations.

I am just utterly offended, and I cannot help but knocked ATS down a few notches because of it.

Firefighters and EMTs cannot frame you, nor do they work hand in hand with crooked DAs and judges who can lock you up for 25 years because you had the nerve to be Mexican in his courtroom. Firefighters and EMTs have zero arrest authority and are harmless.

We don't hate on cops, we hate on BAD cops. Be a fool all you want and say how benevolent cops are, but they are generally punks who sought respect behind a badge because they got kicked around in high school. Others come from a family tradition and do it because it's expected and they don't want to let dear old dad down- to hell if they are cut out for it or even have any real interest in it...they will keep the tradition going. Not exactly the types of people I'd want being cops, personally.

I bash on bad cops and punk cops and stupid cops. My one teacher was 5 feet 5 and came from a prison guard background and then became a state trooper. We all knew WHY he chose the career, but we couldn't guess how he ever got hired to begin with. He was an average guy who could not speak correctly whatsoever and we tried not to laugh too too much because he seemed an OK chap. But, he was short, ordinary, not particularly smart, and carried a big gun. He wore snakeskin cowboy boots too. Very unusual. He chose all those overtly physical jobs to prove something to himself and others and because with a uniform and a weapon people would finally listen to him.

Most cops are required ONLY to attend and pass the Academy which is 780-some hours over 5 or 6 months, after which they get to shoot people and take away their freedom. It is harder to get a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design. I mean seriously, they need to drastically change the education these guys are mandated to receive befor they are qualified to pin a badge to their chest. An Associate's degree MINIMUM should be the requirements- they can do it like 6 mos academy then 1.5 yrs to finish AS in criminal justice where they would be

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 01:56 AM
I hate cops because they work for the man; man let me tell you I hate the man!

I hate the man because he is greedy and corrupt and always tries to profit off of the misery he creates.

I am not the man and I am not the cop but I have as a man stopped 6 armed robberies in progress over my lifetime.

You don’t have to be a cop to fight crime that hurts the people.

The cops don’t like you to stop crime all on your own though because then people might get the idea we don’t need cops to police us that we could and can police ourselves.

The man wouldn’t like that because then the man couldn’t hire people to enforce all the man’s silly rules that just let the man profit off of things that aren’t really crimes and don’t hurt anyone but the man can profit off of them if he has people he pays to make you believe they are wrong anyway.

The cops are bad because they work for the man. They don’t work for us they work against us.

You might think that the cops save us a thousand times a day but when ever they do something that does really help people its because the man has an investment in that too. They are just there looking out for the man. Live in a neighborhood the man doesn’t care about and has no investment in and see what happens when you need the police to protect you! They aren’t going to be happy or excited about it and they aren’t even going to share the great big box of donuts they had to take to go because you called!

The police are all guilty of working for the man. The police all know the man is bad but make ATS like arguments to defend the man and try to make other people than the man appear worse to try to make the man look better.

Down with the man, down with the police, power to the people!

Free Huey!

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