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Demonic Video Games

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:28 PM
everybody always wants to bitch about movies and video games

when honestly its nothing worse then what we see on tv and the news every single day

the news is no longer news, its entertainment focusing on sex violence and drugs

whats different between those and the video games?

ones a fake video game that is nothing more then a form of escapism

the other one is a selective point of view from real life that is being forced down our throats everyday which continues the cycle of violence instead of showing good things in the news and not feeding the masses the demented ideas of the few who actually carry out these things in real life

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Geladinhu

The reason for this is desensitization. They do this in the military.

When you are hunting deer some people get whats called "buck fever" its when a feeling human being cannot kill something as beautiful as a deer.

After you do the first one it gets easier with each kill.

This is what these games are doing to you. You are riding yourself of "buck fever" or should I say "man fever"?

If you are having trouble with violent behavior then you need to find a peaceful means to end it. Not delving deeper into the violence whether its virtual or real.

Edit to add: I don't recommend watching TV either. TV at one time had good values and lessons. Not anymore, just because everyone is too stupid to turn the violence off in they're life doesn't mean you have to also.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

It may desensitize a person on some level, but I'm not sure it would make it any easier to kill.
I've been playing Call of Duty lately, and I can tell you I'm completely desensitized to the idea of shooting pixelated nazis.
But if I had a gun in my hand right now, I guarantee I would not be anymore able or willing to shoot a live person - nazi or not.
I'm sure I could play the game a million times and not find it any easier to shoot a real person.
Perhaps my aim would be better though

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Lasheic

That was shocking to say the least. WTF are TPTB trying to turn mankind into?

That little girl had Armour that gave her breasts and she was sold into (sex?) slavery. All the innuendos were there.

People check yourselves as to what you feed your head/soul. Time is running short, can you feel it?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by TruthParadox

It makes mental justification easier. It also makes your empathy skewed.

Like an actor that play a role and dies of a heart attack because his/her body doesnt know the difference. Your mind is part of your body.

Feed it right. Dont feed it junk or it will become junk.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

If you have played games in the past then you yourself would know about Super Mario Bros. 3 and how much satanic references towards the end of the game and also little tidbits throughout.

That I think is more concerning if you just take a look at it.

The outright blatant violence of Postal 2 is nothing more then just a poke at the game industry's violence advocates like Jack Thompson and Joe Lieberman, who say video games cause violence in children. Postal 2 was nothing more than a parody of video games. And little kids are not allowed to play games like this anyhow.

I think the more satanic game would Super Mario Bros. 3, the reason I think it is because the fame it received after its release. Nintendo sold its soul to have this game be successful.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:35 PM
I'm suprised Jack Thompson wasn't all over this game...he was probaly to busy petitoning and making Rockstar Game's lives hell.

This is where the ultimate test of parenting comes in. Its up to the parents to say 'no effing way!' Its up to the parents not to buy the 9 year old Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The parent has to research, and make a decision. Its not the violent games. If used in a correct manner, they can be quite stress reliving. But to be raised on them, expecially if the child has mental issues already, is deadly.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
reply to post by Lasheic

That little girl had Armour that gave her breasts and she was sold into (sex?) slavery. All the innuendos were there.


There were no innuendos there.

1: It's simply slavery in the game. There is never any sexual innuendo pointed towards any of the slavery in Fallout 3, Adult or Child.

2: She's wearing skimpy armor because the player gave it to her(through a process called reverse-pickpocket); that particular character (as are all the children in the game) is fully clothed head to toe, this one in footy-pajamas

3: The only reason she has breasts is due to the way the 3d armor models handle the character scaling that makes different people different heights. The children in the game were never meant to wear anything other than their default clothing, so they didn't make special child-sized models for handling armor, they just scale down the default model. The process is reversed if you put the child's outfit on an adult, the adult gets a flat chest.

Don't comment on something you know nothing about.

If I got a screen grab of the entire children's town loaded out in combat armor and assault rifles would you dare to claim the game was promoting child soldiers?

[edit on 8/20/2009 by eNumbra]

[edit on 8/20/2009 by eNumbra]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Don't comment on something you know nothing about.

Been feeding your mind too much junk?

Sorry but this is about hinting towards sex slavery any feeling human being can sense it. Most gamers on youtube know this look at the comments.

I may be wrong about the breast Armour but if it feels wrong it is wrong.

That is called empathy.

Feed your head good things not junk. This is advice from someone that tries his best everyday to do the right thing. I am guilty of feeding my head with junk too, but I at least I acknowledge it.

When it comes to feeling things dont comment on something you know nothing about.

Edit to add: under your user name it says "The hardest road,
the road to enlightenment" do you know what enlightenment is? If you are playing games like that maybe you should look the meaning to enlightenment up.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Originally posted by eNumbra

Don't comment on something you know nothing about.

Been feeding your mind too much junk?

Sorry but this is about hinting towards sex slavery any feeling human being can sense it. Most gamers on youtube know this look at the comments.

I may be wrong about the breast Armour but if it feels wrong it is wrong.

That is called empathy.

Feed your head good things not junk. This is advice from someone that tries his best everyday to do the right thing. I am guilty of feeding my head with junk too, but I at least I acknowledge it.

When it comes to feeling things don't comment on something you know nothing about.

Before you go and assume ANYTHING about me, maybe you should go back and understand that I am doing you the favor of expanding upon the context of that video and removing the bias.

Then, you can pause for a minute and wonder to yourself about what I may or may not have done in that situation in the game and remember that all you have is conjecture.

After that little minute of soul searching you can start anew and wonder if it's you jumping to the sex slavery conclusion; though I'm sure anyone who doesn't is just naive aren't they?

I've got plenty of empathy; empathy for REAL people. That's not to say fictional characters can't tug at my heartstrings, but with some of the quick to judge attitudes on this forum I often find myself sympathizing with the people who create the actual mind-numbing entertainment in the world.

I'm just saying is all; maybe you should play Fallout 3, and get a context for the content, and for your "empathy".

[edit on 8/20/2009 by eNumbra]

[edit on 8/20/2009 by eNumbra]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Should there be a video game where you go on missions to feed the starving children in Africa?

Ill buy the game if i can beat thems with a crowbar,because its a GAME.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Edit to add: under your user name it says "The hardest road,
the road to enlightenment" do you know what enlightenment is? If you are playing games like that maybe you should look the meaning to enlightenment up.

Hear's a question; What do you think those two lines mean?

[edit on 8/20/2009 by eNumbra]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:43 PM
Yawn, it's a game it's not real, any sane person knows how to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Violence in a game is in one form or another.

Edit: I wasn't able to embed the video, so here's a link.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by TSer78]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Do you know what Fallout 3 is even about?

Do you even understand the idea that enlightenment can be attained without relinquishing video games?

I didn't think so; it just doesn't fit your world belief does it?

Its about a post nuclear war world. I dont find any enlightenment in that.

You are what you feed yourself, I am just trying to wake people up.

My world of belief? Brother I am a Pagan and a Shaman. I am a warrior of what is right. I am a Witch and an ordained minister. I have been raised in the worst neighborhoods you can imagine. I have been where no one should go. I have seen what few can handle.

I used to play Quake online and have fed my mind and soul way too much junk. So I know violent gaming.

I have been and seen it all. I am just trying to pass on what I know.

Your worst day is my every day on the job.

I know the human "incondition".

Enlightenment begins with cleaning the mind. Then listening to when the soul says this isnt right. Then trying to change no matter how hard change is.

The reality is that we all have certain paths to follow. I hope your path is the right one for you.


[edit on 20-8-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

Edit to add: under your user name it says "The hardest road,
the road to enlightenment" do you know what enlightenment is? If you are playing games like that maybe you should look the meaning to enlightenment up.

Hear's a question; What do you think those two lines mean?

How about this.

The easiest road is the one everyone follows.

The true warrior seeks enlightenment. For this is the hardest path mankind can follow.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Enlightenment begins with cleaning the mind.

Depend,for me enlightenment begins with cleaning the mind with a frag grenade or a plasma rifle, wanna pvp ?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by OTTOKARMA
Depend,for me enlightenment begins with cleaning the mind with a frag grenade or a plasma rifle, wanna pvp ?

No thank you I am an adult.

Would you like to swap philosophical ideas instead?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:08 AM

Would you like to swap philosophical ideas instead?

Depend of your rhetorical point of view about "necessity of violence" in Real Life and "full fun slaughter " in Video games

In one hand , we allows wars,rapes,cars that kills , guns and such.
In the other hand, we have pixel cops,pixel animals, and pixel blood

One is real
the Second not

the First kill
the second is a katharsis

In a video game, you're venting your frustrations and stress and learn to control it , you want to beat the game, you have to be smarter, even if its one of the senseless killing.

A video game never killed anyones.

Anyways, wanna pvp ?

[edit on 21-8-2009 by OTTOKARMA]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Uh Postal 2 is pretty old and not that popular...

Anyways games aren't nearly as bad as violent movies, though I have no problem with either.

There is no game that will look as real as a movie like Hostel 1/2 or the Saw series. And those movies are completely #ed.

[edit on 21-8-2009 by griftin]

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