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Street Clashes ... Iranian Police overwhelmed by protesters[NEW VIDEO JUN 21]

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posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 06:03 AM
Police performing riot duties normally don't carry firearms for safety reasons - even here in the US firearms are secured in vehicles or at the station before entering a riot. The Iranian Police are most certainly armed for day to day duties:

You can clearly see evidence of some sort of sidearm (most likely a revolver) and in pic 3 they have H&K MP5s.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 06:14 AM
wow that video gives me goosebump's what an amazing feeling that is!

Make's me recall my own personal revolution at the g20 peopling cheering when the cops got pelted.

That to me show's one thing,.....We are all the SAME

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 07:01 AM
well, they are firing into crowds.

i saw a video depicting it but i think it violates the t&c.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Stick to the subject. Two different battles, two different peooples. You're comparing apples and oranges and I have never liked that particular fruity mix.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:05 AM
I dont know, something seems wrong about this coverage to me. First of all they are some of the most highly trained fighters in the world and yet they face massive crowd control with little more than batons?

This could be simply what they want the world to see and not the actual events that are unfolding.

Do we have anyone that speaks Farsi? My little sister does but getting her to translate for us could be a feat unto itself.

Thanks for the video none the less.

My prayers go out to the people of Iran and for the liberation and change they want so much, this new regime is simply more of the old regime.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:07 AM
Excuse my last post as I had commented only after reading the OP. Looks like many more links within this thread to check out thanks, S@F.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

If Hunka doesn't mind I would like to add this too.

Women and the Iranian Unrest

Are the Ayatollahs learning that hell hath no fury like 34 million women scorned, forced out of the workplace, harassed and humiliated by religious police for three decades? I have noticed some of the bravest protestors in Iran have been women, including a few who have been without headscarves and showing a great deal more of their figures than the regime would approve. Roger Cohen of the NY Times has noticed this, too.

.... Iran's women stand in the vanguard. For days now, I've seen them urging less courageous men on. I've seen them get beaten and return to the fray.

"Why are you sitting there?" one shouted at a couple of men perched on the sidewalk on Saturday.

"Get up! Get up!"

I hope everyone reads all of this article.

Yes, America,
"Get up! Get up!"

[edit on 083030p://bMonday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:29 AM
Today's Reinhardt's insight is quite interesting and informative:

Iran's Web Spying Aided By Western Technology

The Iranian regime has developed, with the assistance of European telecommunications companies, one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the Internet, allowing it to examine the content of individual online communications on a massive scale.

The monitoring capability was provided, at least in part, by a joint venture of Siemens AG, the German conglomerate, and Nokia Corp., the Finnish cellphone company, in the second half of 2008, Ben Roome, a spokesman for the joint venture, confirmed.

"We didn't know they could do this much," said a network engineer in Tehran. "Now we know they have powerful things that allow them to do very complex tracking on the network."

Nokia Siemens Networks provided equipment to Iran last year under the internationally recognized concept of "lawful intercept," said Mr. Roome. That relates to intercepting data for the purposes of combating terrorism, child pornography, drug trafficking and other criminal activities carried out online, a capability that most if not all telecom companies have, he said.


This is about how IBM helped Hitler track down Jews between 1932 and 1940.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by CmdrZero

I guess that I'm just afraid that a lot of good people are going to die for no reason. Or at least not enough of a reason to die for.



Azadeh Moaveni, born in Palo Alto of Iranian parents in 1976 and co author Iran Iran Awakening with Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi had this to say about the extent of the repression. .

The weight of discrimination against women is felt most profoundly through Iran's legal system, but Moaveni said Ahmadinejad added to the hardship by clamping down on women's lifestyles. He mandated the way women dress and even censored Web sites that dealt with women's health, Moaveni said. A woman would be hard-pressed to conduct a Google search for something as simple as breast cancer.

Another Iranian woman not allowed to use her education who has taken to the streets.

ARTEMIS, a 41-year-old Tehra-ni woman, is the proud holder of a law degree, but one who has never been allowed to work. She was clear about why she joined the million-plus men, women and children who took to the streets of Tehran last Monday.

"People want freedom and justice," she said. "They stole the vote. No one in his right mind believes this result."

She said she had been afraid to voice criticism before. "The neighbours listen to you, and people go to prison just for what they say, or what they write. But this is contagious. What you are seeing, all these people, this comes from 30 years of oppression and now we have had enough."

I guess freedom isn't really worth fighting for anymore.

What would you be willing to die for?

What do you think they would think of your statement especially in light of the oppression of women and children.

I don't know what to say.

[edit on 083030p://bMonday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 08:36 AM
I have much respect for the women there. All I can say is, it's about time. It's their time.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Had this been the Israelis facing a similiar demonstration by Palestinians protesting for their rights they would have used live ammunition and air strikes!

Difference being, the Palestinian protestors wouldn't be throwing stones, but RPG's and suicide bombers.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 09:22 AM
And they would be throwing suicide bombers and shooting rockets against unarmed civilians that have nothing to do with the government's policies. The Iranians at least stick it to the government.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 10:02 AM
great video!!!
so nice to see someone standing up for what they believe.
i hope america does the same when it comes to blows.
thanks for sharing.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I think that's very relevant Storm Dancer.... Thanks for the addition....

Now I'm interested to find out this morning what happened today their time....

From what I can tell so far there was a "stern warning" and now there are "hundreds gathered" instead of thousands...

Don't know what to trust at this point though and hoping for more video...

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
And they would be throwing suicide bombers and shooting rockets against unarmed civilians that have nothing to do with the government's policies. The Iranians at least stick it to the government.

Laugh out loud got any video of someone throwing a suicide bomber or and throwing shooting rockets! Talk about a 4th of July emergency room situation there. Well you see I lit the rocket and then I threw it.

I have seen images of lots of Palistinian Children shot with M-16's for throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers, that I do have video of!

I think it's highly relevant that the Iranian Security forces are not using mechanized weapons that are evident in any of the videos and the Iranian government itself has publicly stated that the Security Forces have not been given permission to use guns on the protesters.

I think the other thing a lot of people are missing in these videos and pictures is that the Iranian Security forces are all being pictured in 'defensive' positions around areas that they are gaurding. I have yet to see a picture or video of Iranian Security forces advancing on civilian positions like the British Police did at the G-20.

While it's a shame that the political turmoil has reached a level inside of Iran that disrupts daily life for most people, the Iranian government does not appear to be battling these demonstrations with the kind of force or offensive determination that U.S., British, or Israeli authorities would use on political dissidents in their own nations regardless of how peaceful the demonstrations are.

While it's not politically correct to say, all I have really been able to see in these videos is Iranian Security personnel trying to cordon off areas that likely house shops and government buildings to protect them from vandelism.

If it offends you that some people are prepared to point out the hypocracies regarding how some nations handle similiar security matters and what's going on in Tehran well...grow some thicker skin, because at the end of the day the truth, is always going to be the truth, no matter who attempts to jump on the people speaking it and no matter how it's twisted for propoganda purposes.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by antar

I dont know, something seems wrong about this coverage to me. First of all they are some of the most highly trained fighters in the world and yet they face massive crowd control with little more than batons?

I thought the same

not to take anything away from what's happening here - because you can't - even just as it is

but it looks like they're being set up

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:03 PM
I love to see all those young, independent thinking Iranian women taking part in this movement. It's awesome! Gives me hope for the opposite sex because I've lost most of it when it comes to American women. Most American women couldn't even point out Iran on a map let alone rise up and fight against government. Hell in this country American women would NEVER take to the streets, atleast a majority of them. They are too busy reading People magazine and shopping. Pathetic.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

I dunno... the Persians I know all seem to be very balanced people...

Even in some of these videos you can hear riot police saying "I don't want to hit you! Please get out of here"

Women were even successfully protecting downed riot police from the angry mobs...

I agree that more force could have been used, but I also think there are cultural things which mean much more to them as well.

I mean look how long it took them to cross the "red line"...

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by crisko

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The goal is to get the other pres. in power. And everyone fighting there has this goal, In my eyes this is a revolution.

They are not calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Revolutionary Government but demonstrating against the electoral outcome of one politician to it.

They are shouting "Death to the Dictator" , "Death to Khamenei" (the supreme leader).

So ya, sounds like they are revolting to me.

Interesting you would claim 'they' are shouting that, as the video the OP displayed didn't have any distinquishable audio involved.

For all I know those people are upset that the Supreme Leader forced the local McDonald's to pull the McRib Sandwich off of the menu!

History has clearly shown when ever the mainstream media in America orchestrates public oppinion in mass in response to any domestic or international situation it's never in America's actual interest.

I am highly suspicious of the way these events are being reported and to the excessive degree they are being reported and do not feel I am getting anywhere near the whole story.

I think a tremendous number of Americans prompted by the news media are transferring a huge amount of incorrect annalysis into the poorly contexed snippets coming out of Iran.

Nothing to date has changed my mind regarding that.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by makeitso


A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially coming from an Islamic state!

You go girl!

[edit on 22-6-2009 by SLAYER69]

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